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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Uptake by Upland and Pima Cotton

Unruh, B. L., Silvertooth, J. C., Steger, A. J., Norton, E. R. 03 1900 (has links)
Several investigations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) uptake by Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) have been conduced, however no investigations of this type have included American Pima cotton (G. barbadense L.). We conducted a study to describe the total N, P, and K uptake and the partitioning of each nutrient into various plant parts for both Upland and Pima cotton. During the growing seasons of 1990, 1991, and 1992 at two south-central Arizona locations, both Upland (var. DPL 90) and Pima (var. S-6) cotton were grown. Beginning 14 to 20 d after emergence, whole cotton plants were removed and cotton plants were separated into stems, leaves (including petioles), burs (carpel walls), lint, and seeds. The bur fraction, also included squares, flowers, immature bolls, and burs from mature bolls. The appropriate analyses for total N, P, and K were determined on each fraction (except lint). Regression analyses was used to model nutrient uptake as a function of both days after planting (DAP) and heat units after planting (HUAP). Regression analyses indicated that HUAP was equally good, and in most cases superior to using DAP to model total nutrient uptake and partitioning within both Upland and Pima cotton. In every case there was close agreement between the predicted and actual total nutrient uptake. For Upland cotton the actual total N, P, and K uptake was 199, 29, and 250 kg ha⁻¹ and the predicted total N, P, and K uptake was 199, 29, and 255 kg ha⁻¹, respectively. For Pima cotton the actual total N, P, and K uptake was 196, 29, and 215 kg ha⁻¹ and the predicted was 210, 29, and 229 kg ha⁻¹, respectively. The pattern of nutrient partitioning in Upland cotton were similar to the findings of others and Pima showed the same general patterns of partitioning as Upland cotton. Seeds were a major sink of nutrients. Nutrient uptake in seeds resulted in decreasing uptake in leaves and stems. Presumably, due to mobilization of nutrients from those parts to the seeds during seed development. The nutrient requirements to produce 100 kg lint ha' for Upland cotton was 15, 2.2, and 19 kg ha⁻¹ for N, P, and K, respectively and was 20, 3.0, and 22 kg ha⁻¹, respectively for Pima cotton.

Nitrogen Management Experiments for Upland and Pima Cotton, 1993

Silvertooth, J. C., Norton, E. R., Unruh, B. L., Clark, L. J., Carpenter, E. W. 03 1900 (has links)
Two field experiments were conducted in Arizona in 1993 at two locations (Maricopa and Safford). Both experiments have been conducted for five consecutive seasons, with consistent plot locations. The purposes of the experiments were to validate and refine nitrogen (N) fertilization recommendations for both Upland and Pima cotton. The experiments each utilized N management tools such as pre - season soil tests for NO₃⁻-N, in-season plant tissue testing (petioles) for N fertility status, and crop monitoring to ascertain crop fruiting patterns and crop N needs. Results at both locations revealed a strong relationship between the crop fruit retention levels and N needs for the crop. This pattern was further reflected in final yield analysis as a response to the N fertilization regimes used. The effects of N fertility levels have been consistently evident in crop maturity and its relationship to lint yields.

Potassium Fertilization of Upland and Pima Cotton

Unruh, B. L., Silvertooth, J. C., Galadima, A., Clark, L. J., Norton, E. R. 03 1900 (has links)
In a continuing effort to assess the agronomic necessity of potassium (K) fertilization in Arizona cotton (Gossypium spp.) production, one new and two on-going (Maricopa and Safford Ag. Centers), K fertility studies were conducted in 1993. They included locations ranging from western (Yuma) to eastern (Safford) Arizona, with both Upland (G. hirsutum L.) and American Pima (G. barbadense L.) cotton, using soil and foliar applications of K. The results indicated that there was no response to the added K at any of the locations by either Upland or Pima cotton.

Plant Growth Regulator Studies at the Safford Agricultural Center, 1994

Clark, L. J., Carpenter, E. W. 03 1900 (has links)
Methanol, Cytokin and PGR IV plant growth regulators were tested on long and short staple cotton on the Safford Agricultural Center in 1994. It was a follow up study on Methanol and Cytokin and a first time look at PGR IV.

Multiple Plant Growth Regulator Use on Short Staple Cotton

Hood, L. R. 03 1900 (has links)
A field trial was conducted during the 1992 & 1993 growing seasons to evaluate the activity of Cytokin and Pic applied alone or in combination to short staple cotton. The Cytokin treatment significantly increased tint yield over the other treatments in 1992. There were no statistically significant seed cotton differences between the non - treated check and any treatment in 1993. Fruit retention remained high throughout 1992 and very high throughout the 1993 season. Under high fruiting conditions, use of a plant growth regulator would not normally be recommended.

Evaluation of Late Season Pix™ Applications

Norton, E. R., Silvertooth, J. C. 03 1900 (has links)
The effects of late -season Palm on the growth characteristics and yield of Upland cotton was examined in this study. Three treatments were imposed late-season (3447 HUAP), 1, a check plot, receiving no Pix™, 2 receiving 0.75 pt/acre, and 3; receiving 1 pt/acre. The imposed treatments did not have a statistically significant effect on plant growth characteristics or earliness nor were there any significant overall yield differences detected among treatments.

Evaluation of a Feedback Approach to Nitrogen and Pix Application

Silvertooth, J. C., Norton, E. R., Unruh, B. L. 03 1900 (has links)
A single field experiment was conducted in 1994 at Maricopa, AZ to compare a scheduled approach (based on stage of growth) versus a feedback approach (based on vegetative status) to both nitrogen (N) and mepiquat chloride (PIX™) applications on Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). PIX feedback treatments were based upon fruit retention (FR) levels and height: node ratios (HNRs) according to established baselines. Scheduled PIX applications were made for a total of 1.0 pt./acre over two applications, with feedback PIX treatments receiving a single 0.5 pt./acre application near peak bloom (approx. 2200 heat units after planting (HUAP), 86/55 °F threshold) Scheduled applications of fertilizer N totaled 225 lbs. N/acre from four applications and feedback N treatments received a total of 135 lbs. N/acre from three 45 lb. N/acre applications. Treatments consisted of all combinations of scheduled or feedback applications of both N and PIX. The highest lint yields were from a treatment receiving feedback N and PIX and a treatment receiving scheduled N and PIX, which were not significantly differencent (P ≤ 0.05) from one another. From a practical standpoint, however, these treatments were very different in terms of the magnitude in differences of fertilizer N and PIX required to produce comparable yields.

Nitrogen Management BMPs Parker Valley Demonstration

Watson, J., Winans, S., Sheedy, M. 03 1900 (has links)
A nitrogen management demonstration was conducted in the Parker Valley in 1994. Grower nitrogen application practices were compared with nitrogen application recommendations based upon pre plant soil samples plus petiole nitrates and plant mapping data. The only significant difference in amounts applied occurred in May, with grower applied rates exceeding recommended rates. Grower rationale for the application was logical, however, it being dependent upon the uncertainty of irrigation timing in June.

Fruiting Distribution Patterns among Three Cotton Varieties under Irrigated Conditions

Ozuna, S. E., Silvertooth, J. C. 04 1900 (has links)
A field experiment was conducted at the UA Maricopa Agricultural Center (MAC) to determine the fruiting distribution patterns of two commonly grown Upland cultivars, DP 33b and DP 5415, and one American Pima cultivar, Pima S-7. Results indicate that cotton plants (G. hirsutum L. and G. barbadense L.) produce total yield at fruiting branches one through 18, with the majority of yield occurring at fruiting branches one through 12. Among fruiting branches one through 12, the majority of yield is occurring at fruiting positions one and two. These results indicate that the bulk of the yield is produced early in the season and declines as the season progresses

Development of a Yield Projection Technique for Arizona Cotton

Norton, E. R., Silvertooth, J. C. 04 1900 (has links)
A series of boll measurements were taken at numerous locations across the state in 1997 in an attempt to continue to develop a yield prediction model that began in 1993. Results from 1995 showed the strongest relationship between final open boll counts and yield. Based on these results, data was collected in 1997 from several locations around the state. Boll counts were made just prior to harvest and then correlated to yield. Results showed that a good estimate for lint yield could be obtained using the factor of approximately 13 bolls/row-ft./bale of lint for Upland cotton on 38 to 40 inch row spacings.

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