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Trace element content variation within sulfides of the Fäboliden gold depositLydia, Somers January 2019 (has links)
The Fäboliden gold deposit is an ore body in northern Sweden’s Bothnian Basin and has been the subject of studies and test mining since the early 2000s when the Gold Line, an area of anomalously high-Au glacial till in Northern Sweden, became a center of economic interest. The deposit is a hypozonal orogenic gold deposit that displays many characteristic features of ore bodies of this type, including the presence of compound sulfide grains composed of a core of löllingite surrounded by a rim of arsenopyrite, and an abundance of pyrrhotite throughout the deposit and surrounding alteration zone. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was used to first map the distribution of trace elements in several of the arsenpyrite-löllingite grains, then to perform spot analyses of pyrrhotite grains in samples from across the distal and proximal alteration zones of the deposit. The maps of the trace elements in the compound löllingite-arsenopyrite grains show that: As and Au are found in greater abundance in the löllingite than in the arsenopyrite; Cu, Fe, S, and Ti are found in greater abundance in the arsenopyrite than in the löllingite; and Ag, Au, Bi, La, Mn, Pb, Sr, Ti and Tl are found in zones of secondary enrichment along fractures within the grains. Uranium and V may also be enriched along fractures, although this isn’t clear on all of the maps. Gold is an element of particular interest, because its distribution throughout the sulfide phases can be used to constrain the mechanism and relative timing of mineralization within the deposit. The presence of invisible gold within the löllingite, but not within the arsenopyrite, shows that gold is not incorporated into arsenopyrite at high temperatures and will instead be concentrated in the löllingite core of the composite grain and at the margin between the two sulfide phases as the löllingite is altered to arsenopyrite. Previous research on the Fäboliden gold deposit, including geothermometric analysis of vein-hosted graphite within fluid inclusions and garnet-biotite geothermometry as well as structural evidence provided by regional deformation, indicate that mineralization occurred post-peak metamorphism. The textures seen are therefore not conclusive of mineralization occurring syn- or pre-peak metamorphism, as has previously been proposed based on research of orogenic gold deposits in Western Australia. The spot analysis of pyrrhotite samples from across the deposit shows a distinct decrease in Ni and Co content in the proximal alteration zone, suggesting uptake of these elements by other minerals such as the löllingite and arsenopyrite. Multiple analyses performed on single grains show local variation, but are insufficient to establish the presence or determine the character of growth zonation within pyrrhotite.
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Napredne spregnute tehnike u analizi ksenobiotika / Andvanced coupled techniques in the analysis ofxenobioticsŽivančev Jelena 08 July 2014 (has links)
<p>Prisustvo organskih zagađujućih supstanci (farmaceutski aktivnih komponenata i prirodnih toksina‐mikotoksina) u uzorcima životne sredine i namirnicama je u porastu kao posledica novih industrijskih procesa i ostalih antropogenih aktivnosti, kao i klimatskih promena. Takođe veliku pažnju javnosti privlače i neorganske zagađujuće supstance kao što su teški elementi. S obzirom da zagađujuće supstance imaju negativan uticaj na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi, u svetu se preduzimaju mere u cilju smanjenja stepena izloženosti toksičnim jedinjenjma i posledicama izlaganja. Trenutno, jedan od najvećih izazova, jeste procena rizika povezana sa velikim brojem zagađujućih supstanci u tragovima ili u tzv. ultratragovima, uključujući “novo” otkrivena zagađujuća jedinjenja, a jedan od osnovnih trendova je razvoj i primena brzih i efikasnih metoda za njihovu analizu u ispitivanim uzorcima na bazi naprednih hromatografskih i spektrometrijskih tehnika.<br />Tehnike bazirane na tečnoj hromatografiji sa različitim masenim analizatorima za<br />kvantifikaciju organskih zagađujućih supstanci kao i metode zasnovane na atomskoj<br />apsorpcijonoj spektrometriji za određivanje ultratragova neorganskih zagađujućih supstanci postale su referentne na međunarodnom nivou. Ovakve napredne spregnute tehnike postale su važne za identifikaciju, kvantifikaciju i praćenje različitih zagađujućih supstanci u uzorcima životne sredine i namirnicama i proceni njihovog štetenog uticaja na zdravlje čoveka. S obzirom da su u literaturi retka istraživanja koja se bave razvojem i primenom metoda zasnovanih na naprednim hromatografskim i spektrometrijskim tehnikama i određivanju organskih i neorganskih zagađujućih supstanci u matriksima životne sredine i namirnicama sa prostora zapadnog Balkana, a uzimajući u obzir njihovu važnost, specifični ciljevi disertacije su:<br />• unutrašnja („inhouse“)<br />provera kvaliteta i pouzdanosti postojeće „multi‐rezidualne“<br />metode zasnovane na UHPLC‐QqLIT‐MS/MS za analizu 81‐e farmaceutski aktivne<br />komponente (PhAC) u otpadnoj, površinskoj, podzemnoj i pijaćoj vodi i po prvi put<br />dobijanje sveobuhvatnih rezultata njihovog prisustva u različitim tipovima vode sa<br />područja Srbije;<br />• unutrašnja („inhouse“) provera kvaliteta i pouzdanosti postojeće „multi‐toksin“<br />metode za analizu 8 Fusarium mikotoksina u uzorcima ozime pšenice različitih sorti<br />zasnovane na HPLC‐QqQ‐MS/MS radi određivanja regionalnih razlika između žitnih<br />regiona kao i otpornosti ispitivanih sorti pšenice na kontaminaciju Fusarium<br />toksinima;<br />• modifikacija postojeće „multi‐toksin“ metode zasnovane na UHPLC‐QqQ‐MS/MS za<br />analizu 11 osnovnih mikotoksina u uzorcima brašna i njena unutrašnja („inhouse“)<br />provera kvaliteta i pouzdanosti, kao i provera kroz interlaboratorijsko poređenje,<br />radi dobijanja podataka za procenu štetnog uticaja ispitivanih mikotoksina na<br />zdravlje populacije;<br />• razvoj „multi‐toksin“ (višekomponentne) i „multi‐matriks“ (za više matriksa) metode<br />bazirane na UHPLC‐QqQ‐MS/MS za analizu 10 mikotoksina u različitim vrstama<br />koštuničavog voća čija provera kvaliteta je zasnovana na intralaboratorijskoj proveri<br />tačnosti i preciznosti dobijenih rezultata; • primena postojeće analitičke procedure zasnovane na naprednoj tehnici pripreme<br />(mikrotalasnoj digestiji) različitih uzoraka biljnog i životinjskog porekla i provera<br />kvaliteta metode identifikacije i kvantifikacije zasnovane na atomskom apsorpcionom spektrometru sa grafitnom kivetom (GFAAS) radi dobijanja sveobuhavatnih rezultata o prisustvu teških elemenata (arsena, olova i kadmijuma) radi procene izloženosti stanovništva Srbije toksičnim neorganskim elementima.<br />Postignuti rezultati predstavljaju jedinstvene rezultate za područje Srbije dobijene<br />primenom naprednih spregnutih tehnika koje imaju značajnu ulogu u praćenju prisustva većeg broja organskih i neorganskih zagađujućih supstanci u izabranim uzorcima životne sredine i namirnica, (regulisanih postojećim zakonodavstvom) radi procene stepena zagađenosti ili u slučaju jedinjenja koja nisu regulisana zakonodavstvom radi sticanja novih saznanja o njihovom prisustvu i proceni mogućeg negativnog uticaja na životnu sredinu i zdravlje populacije.</p> / <p>The presence of organic pollutants in environmental samples and food (pharmaceutically active components and natural toxins‐mycotoxins) is increased as a result of new industrial processes and other anthropogenic activities, as well as climate change. Similarly heavy elements as inorganic pollutants have attracted worldwide attention. Since, these pollutants have negative impact on environment and human health, extremely efforts are undertaken in the world to reduce the level of exposure to these pollutants and consequences of the exposure. Currently, one of the highest challenges is to assess the risk associated with a large number of pollutants in trace or ultra trace levels, including "new" (emerging) discovered pollutants, and one of the main trends is development and implementation of fast and efficient methods for their analysis on the basis of advanced chromatographic and spectrometric techniques. Therefore, coupled techniques have become important for the identification, quantification and monitoring of various pollutants in environmental samples and food and assessment of their hazard impact on human health. Since, there are scarce data about the development and application of advanced methods based on chromatographic and spectrometric techniques for determination of organic and inorganic pollutants in environmental matrices and food from the Western Balkan, and taking into account their importance, specific objectives of<br />the dissertation were: • internal ("in‐house") quality control of the existing "multi‐residual" method based on UHPLC‐QqLIT‐MS/MS for analysis of 81 pharmaceutically active components (PhAC) in wastewater, surface, underground and drinking water due to obtained for the first time comprehensive results of their presence in different types of water from Serbia; • internal ("in‐house") quality control of the existing "multi‐toxin" method for the analysis of 8 Fusarium mycotoxins in samples of different winter wheat cultivars based on HPLC‐QqQ‐MS/MS to determine the differences among wheat-growing regions as well as the resistance of the analysed wheat cultivars towards Fusarium toxins; • modification of existing "multi‐toxin" method based on UHPLC‐QqQ‐MS/MS for analysis of 11 principal mycotoxins in samples of flour and its internal ("in‐house") quality control as well as verification through the interlaboratory comparison, in order to obtain data for assessing the hazard effect of these mycotoxins on the health of the population; • the development of "multi‐toxin" and "multi‐matrix" method based on UHPLC‐QqQMS/ MS for the analysis of 10 mycotoxins in various types of nuts based on intralaboratory verification of the accuracy and precision of the obtained results; • application of analytical procedure based on advanced preparation technique (microwave digestion) and atomic absorption spectrometer with a graphite furnace (GFAAS) and its verification in order to obtain comprehensive results on the presence of heavy elements (arsenic, lead and cadmium) in different samples of plant and animal origin to assess the exposure of the Serbian population to toxic inorganic elements. The obtained results are unique for the Serbia. They are obtained by applying advanced coupled techniques that have a significant role in monitoring the presence of a numerous organic and inorganic pollutants in analyzed samples of the environment and food. The presented results contribute to the assessment of pollution degree and in the case of new (emerging) not regulated polutant they might give new information about the possible negative impact on the environment and health of the population.</p>
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Steady-state nonlinear interactions of surface acoustic waves.Vlannes, Nickolas Peppino January 1977 (has links)
Thesis. 1977. Elec.E.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Includes bibliographical references. / Elec.E.
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An optical switch.Vlannes, Nickolas Peppino January 1975 (has links)
Thesis. 1975. B.S.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. / Includes bibliographical references. / B.S.
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Surface acoustic wave gratings of finite widthMerab, André Antoine January 1979 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1979. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Includes bibliographical references. / by André Antoine Merab. / M.S.
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Contribution à l’étude du comportement des bandes de convoyeurs soumises à des sollicitations opérationnelles / Contribution on the study of conveyor belts behavior subjected to operational loadsKessentini, Rawdha 06 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude du comportementdes bandes de convoyeurs soumisesà des contraintes mécanique, thermique et hydrique.La bande est constituée par un renforttextile multi-plis incorporé dans deux couchesde revêtement en caoutchouc. Le matériau dela bande en composite structural a été caractériséexpérimentalement à l'aide des essais mécaniqueset hydriques sur des éprouvettes normaliséesen composites avec et sans couche decaoutchouc. Des essais d’impact sont élaborésà fin d’identifier les différents modesd’endommagement à l’aide des observationsmicroscopiques.Une étude expérimentale est élaborée sur laméthode de réparation de la bande par collagede patchs internes en utilisant deux procédés decollage : la polymérisation à froid et la vulcanisationà chaud. Deux modèles analytiques unidimensionnelet bidirectionnel sont développéset confrontés aux modèles par éléments finispour étudier le comportement hygrothermomécaniquede la bande à l’aide des donnéesde caractérisation expérimentale. Les résultatsont montré que les performances de laméthode de réparation dépendent de différentsparamètres hygro-thermomécaniques et géométriques.Un outil d’aide à l’amélioration et à laconception en tenant compte de ces paramètresest enfin proposé. / This thesis deals with the study of themechanical behavior of a conveyor belt underhydrothermal effects. The structure that hasbeen studied consists of a 4 textile layers boundtogether by a thin rubber adhesive layer andcovered with the rubber cover. The beltcomposite structural was characterized usingstandard specimens with and without rubberlayers under tensile and ageing tests. Impacttests are developed to identify the differentdamage modes using microscopic observations..Experimental study of reparation method waselaborated using two processes: hotvulcanization and cold polymerization. Twoone-dimensional and bidirectional analyticmodels are developed and compared with finiteelement models to study the hygrothermomechanicalbehavior of the belt usingexperimental characterization parameters. Theresults showed that the performance ofreparation method of the belt depends ondifferent parameters. A tool for improvementand designing of the reparation is proposedtaking into account these parameters
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Electrohydrodynamic mixing.Hoburg, James Frederick January 1975 (has links)
Thesis. 1975. Ph.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. / Vita. / Includes bibliographical references. / Ph.D.
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An integrated optics pulse shaping deviceShepard, Scott Roger January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1981. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING / Includes bibliographical references. / by Scott Roger Shepard. / M.S.
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A coupling-of-modes analysis of SAW grating structuresWright, Peter Vickers January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1981. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Includes bibliographical references. / by Peter Vickers Wright. / Ph.D.
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Third-order theory of pump-driven plasma instabilities : laser-pellet interactions.Watson, Duncan Charles January 1975 (has links)
Thesis. 1975. Ph.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. / Vita. / Includes bibliographies. / Ph.D.
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