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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation des micro-plasmas, conception des circuits micro-ondes, Coupleur Directionnel Hybride pour Mesures et des applications en Télécommunication / Modélisation de micro-plasma et conception circuits micro-ondes associés; Coupleur directif hybride pour des applications en télmécommunications

Almustafa, Mohamad 25 July 2013 (has links)
L'intégration des nouveaux éléments basés sur la physique des plasmas dans le domaine des circuits et des systèmes micro-ondes est l'objectif de ce travail. En profitant des caractéristiques électromagnétiques des plasmas et en jouant sur leur architecture, on développe des micro-commutateurs micro-ondes et d'autres circuits radio et hyperfréquences en technologies microrubans ou en guide d'onde… La simulation de la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques dans un plasma et les études de l'interaction entre un plasma et les ondes électromagnétiques nécessite la connaissance des paramètres fondamentaux du plasma comme la permittivité. C'est pour cela qu'on étudie aussi les mesures plasmas par différents techniques comme la transmission/réflexion des ondes électromagnétiques, la perturbation des cavités résonnantes, ... Un schéma électrique équivalent modélisant un micro-commutateur hyperfréquence en plasma, est obtenu grâce aux mesures des courants de décharge électrique, à la rétro-simulation et aux techniques de modélisation numérique. Un coupleur directif hybride compact est utilisé pour les mesures plasmas en assurant la protection du matériel et de l'équipement de mesure des signaux d'un plasma. / Integration of new plasma-based elements for RF and microwave circuits and systems is the goal of this work. Taking advantage of electromagnetic characteristics of plasmas and playing on their architecture, we develop microwave micro-switches and other RF and microwave circuits by different technologies such as microstrip, waveguide circuits. The simulation of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in plasma and studying the interaction between plasma and electromagnetic waves require a pre-knowledge of its basic intrinsic parameters such as permittivity for that we also study measures and plasma different techniques like transmission/reflection of an electromagnetic waves, cavity perturbation technique... An equivalent electrical circuit modeling the plasma will be used for modeling microwave micro-switches. It is obtained by measurements of electric discharge currents, the reverse CAD simulation and numerical modeling techniques. A compact hybrid directional coupler is used to measure plasma and to protect test equipment from dangerous signals of the electrical discharge.

Design of Photonic Phased Array Switches Using Nano Electromechanical Systems on Silicon-on-insulator Integration Platform

Hussein, Ali Abdulsattar January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents an introduction to the design and simulation of a novel class of integrated photonic phased array switch elements. The main objective is to use nano-electromechanical (NEMS) based phase shifters of cascaded under-etched slot nanowires that are compact in size and require a small amount of power to operate them. The structure of the switch elements is organized such that it brings the phase shifting elements to the exterior sides of the photonic circuits. The transition slot couplers, used to interconnect the phase shifters, are designed to enable biasing one of the silicon beams of each phase shifter from an electrode located at the side of the phase shifter. The other silicon beam of each phase shifter is biased through the rest of the silicon structure of the switch element, which is taken as a ground. Phased array switch elements ranging from 2×2 up to 8×8 multiple-inputs/multiple-outputs (MIMO) are conveniently designed within reasonable footprints native to the current fabrication technologies. Chapter one presents the general layout of the various designs of the switch elements and demonstrates their novel features. This demonstration will show how waveguide disturbances in the interconnecting network from conventional switch elements can be avoided by adopting an innovative design. Some possible applications for the designed switch elements of different sizes and topologies are indicated throughout the chapter. Chapter two presents the design of the multimode interference (MMI) couplers used in the switch elements as splitters, combiners and waveguide crossovers. Simulation data and design methodologies for the multimode couplers of interest are detailed in this chapter. Chapter three presents the design and analysis of the NEMS-operated phase shifters. Both simulations and numerical analysis are utilized in the design of a 0º-180º capable NEMS-operated phase shifter. Additionally, the response of some of the designed photonic phased array switch elements is demonstrated in this chapter. An executive summary and conclusions sections are also included in the thesis.

Untersuchung und Herstellung faseroptischer Delay-Line-Filter zur Dispersionskompensation in optischen Übertragungssystemen

Duthel, Thomas 02 September 2005 (has links)
Die chromatische Dispersion ist in optischen Übertragungssystemen mit Datenraten von 10 Gbit/s und darüber einer der Faktoren, der die Länge der Übertragungsstrecke limitiert. Der Hauptteil der chromatischen Dispersion wird in solchen Übertragungssystemen in der Regel durch Dispersionskompensationsfasern ausgeglichen. Aufgrund von z.B. Umwelteinflüssen kann allerdings auch eine sich zeitlich ändernde Dispersion auftreten. Zur Eliminierung dieser Restdispersion wurden unterschiedliche Ansätze wie abstimmbare Faser-Bragg-Gitter, Virtually-Imaged-Phased-Arrays und Delay-Line-Filter publiziert. Delay-Line-Filter, deren periodisches Übertragungsverhalten durch die Filterkoeffizienten bestimmt wird, wurden bereits als Ring-Resonatoren und kaskadierte Mach-Zehnder-Interferometer in integriert-optischer Technologie hergestellt. Integriert-optische Komponenten verursachen aufgrund der Ankopplung an die Fasern des Übertragungssystems hohe Einfügeverluste. Darüber hinaus treten hohe Wellenleiterverluste, polarisationsabhängige Verluste und Polarisationsmodendispersion auf. Daher wird in dieser Arbeit die Realisierung faseroptischer Delay-Line-Filter, die auf faseroptischen Schmelzkopplern und faseroptischen Gewichtungselementen basieren, untersucht. Aufgrund der geometrischen Längen der faseroptischen Schmelzkoppler und der Größe der Gewichtungselemente können solche Filter allerdings nur mit einer geringen Filterordnung und mit einer geringen Anzahl von Gewichtungselementen hergestellt werden. Um mit Filtern niedriger Ordnung eine möglichst effektive Kompensation der Restdispersion zu erzielen, ist zunächst eine sorgfältige Untersuchung der Filtereigenschaften und des Filterentwurfs erforderlich. Durch systematische Untersuchung des Verhaltens der Filterdispersion in Abhängigkeit der Filterkoeffizienten wurden in dieser Arbeit hierzu erstmalig einfache Entwurfsregeln aufgestellt, die für Filter beliebiger Filterordnung zu annähernd konstantem Dispersionsverlauf führen. Auf dieser Grundlage konnte ein faseroptisches Delay-Line-Filter realisiert werden, das auf zwei in Reihe geschalteten faseroptischen 3x3 Schmelzkopplern basiert. Die Dispersion dieses Filters ist in einem Bereich von 50 GHz um die Mitte einer Filterperiode herum annähernd konstant und kann in einem Bereich von +/-50 ps/nm durch ein einzelnes thermisches Gewichtungselement abgestimmt werden. Aufgrund der faseroptischen Realisierung kann die Komponente problemlos in optische Übertragungsstrecken integriert werden und verursacht dabei Einfügeverluste von lediglich 3 dB. In Übertragungsexperimenten bei Datenraten von 42,5 Gbit/s konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Filter in der Lage ist die Dispersionstoleranz des Systems annähernd zu verdoppeln. Dies gilt sowohl für die Kompensation eines einzelnen Kanals als auch für die simultane Kompensation mehrerer benachbarter Übertragungskanäle mit je 42,5 Gbit/s. / Chromatic dispersion is a limiting factor in fast optical networks with channel bit rates of 10 Gbit/s or higher. The main part of the dispersion is usually compensated by spans of dispersion compensating fiber that have a fixed dispersion value. But the residual dispersion caused by environmental changes or rerouting has to be compensated adaptively. To overcome the effects of residual dispersion several approaches like tunable fiber Bragg gratings, virtually imaged phased arrays and delay line filters can be found in literature. The use of delay line filters like cascaded ring-resonators, multi-cavity etalons and cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers, whose periodic transfer behavior is determined by their coefficients, have already been developed in planar-optics. These components cause insertion loss due to the coupling to the fibers. Furthermore they suffer from high waveguide loss, non-negligible polarization dependent loss and polarization mode dispersion. In this thesis the realization of tunable delay line filters based on fiberoptic couplers and fiberoptic weighting elements is investigated. Due to the size of these components the filters can be realized with a limited order and a limited number of weighting elements, only. To fulfill these requirements a careful investigation of the filter design is necessary. By systematically investigating the dispersion of the filter depending on the filter coefficients simple design rules for non-recursive delay line filters with approximately constant dispersion are figured out. That enables the realization of a fiberoptic delay line filter, based on two 3x3 couplers concatenated in series. The dispersion of this filter is constant in a bandwidth of about 50 GHz around the center of a period and can be tuned in a range of +/-50 ps/nm by changing one single weighting element. Due to its nature this device causes low loss and can be easily integrated in an optical transmission system. In experiments it was demonstrated that by adding this filter to a 42.5 Gb/s transmission system the +/- 55 ps/nm dispersion tolerance of the optical receiver can almost be doubled - either in a single channel as well as in a multi channel configuration with five adjacent 42.5 Gb/s channels.

Senzor na bázi optovláknového interferometru / Sensor based on a fiber optic interferometer

Rozsypal, Filip January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with comparsion of 2x2 and 3x3 couplers. There is also description of issue of the Michelson interferometer and its use as a sensor. This sensor is very good at detecting vibrations. Part of the work is description of simulation of Michelson interferometer with 3x3 coupler as vibration sensor and localization of vibration on optical fiber by Michelson and Mach-Zehnder interferometer.

Modelování dielektrických směrových odbočnic / Dielectric directional coupler modeling

Šikl, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Dielectric High-frequency transmission lines are natural alternative to the lines made of metal in term of low loss. These lines are mainly used in microwave techniques of measuring. The main object is to describe basic parameters of metal and dielectric transmission lines and their comparison. Next point is a basic overview of the excitation the lines from metal and it's application on dielectric transmission lines. Then make the simulation of microstrip directional couplers and coupler made by dielectric waveguides. The last point of work is construction these directional couplers and measuring their most important parameters.

Développement de nouveaux composants passifs multicouches et l'implémentation d'une matrice de Butler large-bande et compacte en technologie GIS / On the development of novel multi-layer passive components and the implementation of compact wideband two-layer 4x4 Butler matrix in SIW technology

Ali Mohamed Ali Sayed Ahmed, Ahmed 04 May 2010 (has links)
Les systèmes de communications sans fils actuels imposent des contraintes très sévères en termes de la capacité du canal, la qualité de transmission tout en gardant les niveaux d'interférences et multi-trajets assez faibles. De telles contraintes ont rendu les antennes multifaisceaux un élément essentiel dans ces systèmes. Parmi les techniques permettant de réaliser une antenne multifaisceaux (sans avoir recours aux systèmes à balayages électroniques), un réseau d'antennes élémentaires est associé à un réseau d'alimentation (une matrice) à formation de faisceau (Beam Forming Network-BFN). Parmi les différents types de ces matrices, la matrice de Butler a reçu une attention particulière. Ceci est dû au fait qu'elle est théoriquement sans pertes et qu'elle emploie un nombre minimum de composants (coupleurs et déphaseurs) afin de générer l'ensemble de faisceaux orthogonaux demandé (avec l'hypothèse que le nombre de faisceau est une puissance de 2). Néanmoins, la matrice de Butler a un problème de conception majeur. Ce problème réside dans la structure de la matrice qui renferme des croisements ce qui a été adressé par différents travaux de recherches dans la littérature. Les Guide Intégré au Substrat (GIS) offrent des caractéristiques intéressants pour la conception des composants microondes et millimétriques faciles à intégrer sur un même support avec d'autres composants planaires. Les composants à base de GIS combinent les avantages des guides d'ondes rectangulaires, comme leur grand facteur de qualité Q, leur faibles pertes tout en étant compatible avec les technologies à faibles coûts comme le PCB et le LTCC. Vus ses caractéristiques attrayants, la technologie GIS devient un bon candidat pour la réalisation des matrices multifaisceaux faciles à intégrer avec d'autres systèmes en technologies planaires ou à base de guide GIS. Dans cette thèse, de nouveaux composants passifs sont développés en exploitant la technologie GIS en multicouches en vue de la réalisation d'une matrice de Butler 4x4 compacte et large bande. Les composants recherchés sont donc des coupleurs et des déphaseurs ayant des performances large bande en termes des amplitudes des coefficients de transmissions et les phases associés tout en gardant de faibles niveaux de pertes et de bonnes isolations. Différents techniques pour l'implémentation de déphaseurs large bande en technologie GIS sont présentés. Une nouvelle structure à base d'une propagation composite : main gauche main droite (Composite Right/Left- Handed, CRLH) dans un guide d'onde est proposée. La structure consiste d'un guide d'onde monocouche ayant des fenêtres inductives et des fentes transversales à réactances capacitives pour synthétiser l'inductance parallèle et la capacité série main gauche, respectivement. La structure est adaptée pour les réalisations de déphaseurs compacts en technologie GIS. Bien que les pertes d'insertions restent dans le même ordre de grandeur de celles des structures CRLH à base d'éléments non-localisés, ces niveaux de pertes restent relativement grands par rapport aux applications nécessitant plusieurs déphaseurs. Les déphaseurs à bases de GIS ayant des longueurs égales et des largeurs variables sont ensuite abordés. Ce type de déphaseur est effectivement très adapté à la technologie GIS qui permet des réalisations de parcours avec différentes formes (parcours droits, courbés, coudés, ..) tout en assurant des différences de phase large bande. Afin de satisfaire de faibles pertes d'insertions pour une large dynamique de phase, la longueur de ces déphaseurs est en compromis avec les variations progressives des différentes largeurs associées aux valeurs de déphasages requises. Une transition large bande, double couche et à faible perte est ainsi proposée. La transition est analysée à partir de son circuit électrique équivalent afin d'étudier les performances en termes de l'amplitude et la phase du coefficient de transmission par rapport aux différents paramètres structurels de la transition. Cette transition est ensuite exploitée pour développer un déphaseur à trois couches, large bande, en GIS. La structure consiste effectivement d'un guide d'onde replié à plusieurs reprises sur luimême selon la longueur dans une topologie trois couches à faibles pertes. De nouveaux coupleurs double couche en GIS sont également proposés. Pour les applications BFNs, une structure originale d'un coupleur large bande est développée. La structure consiste de deux guides d'onde parallèles qui partagent leur grand mur ayant une paire de fentes inclinées et décalées par rapport au centre de la structure. Une étude paramétrique détaillée est faite pour étudier l'impact des différents paramètres des fentes sur l'amplitude et la phase du coefficient de transmission. Le coupleur proposé a l'avantage d'assurer une large dynamique de couplage ayant des performances larges bandes en termes des amplitudes et les phases des coefficients de transmission avec de faibles pertes et de bonnes isolations entre le port d'entré et celui isolé. D'autre part, contrairement à d'autres travaux antérieurs et récents qui souffraient d'une corrélation directe entre la phase en transmission et le niveau de couplage, la structure proposée permet de contrôler le niveau de couplage en maintenant presque les mêmes valeurs de phase en transmission pour différents niveaux de couplage. Ceci le rend un bon candidat pour les BFNs déployant différents coupleurs telle la matrice de Nolen. Une deuxième structure originale d’un coupleur bibande est également proposée. La structure consiste de deux coupleurs concentriques en guide nervuré intégré au substrat avec un motif innovant de démultiplexage à base de GIS. Ce coupleur a été développé conjointement avec M. Tarek Djerafi de l’Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal dans un cadre de collaboration avec le Prof. Ke Wu. Finalement, pour l'implémentation de la matrice de Butler, la topologie double couche est explorée à deux niveaux. Le premier consiste à optimiser les caractéristiques électriques de la matrice, tandis que le second concerne l'optimisation de la surface occupée afin de rendre la matrice la plus compacte possible sans dégrader ses performances électriques. D'une part, la structure double couche présente une solution intrinsèque au problème de croisement permettant ainsi une plus grande flexibilité pour la compensation de phase sur une large bande de fréquence. Ceci est réalisé par une conception adéquate de la surface géométrique sur chaque couche de substrat et optimiser les différentes sections de GIS avec les différents parcours adoptés. La deuxième étape consiste effectivement à optimiser la surface sur chaque couche en profitant de la technologie GIS. Ceci consiste à réaliser des murs latéraux communs entre différents chemin électrique de la matrice en vue d'une compacité optimale. Les deux prototypes de matrices de Butler 4x4 sont optimisés, fabriqués et mesurés. Les résultats de mesures sont en bon accord avec ceux de la simulation. Des niveaux d'isolations mieux que - 15 dB avec des niveaux de réflexions inférieurs à -12 dB sont validés expérimentalement sur plus de 24% de bande autour de 12.5 GHz. Les coefficients de transmission montrent de faibles dispersions d'environ 1 dB avec une moyenne de -6.8 dB, et 10° par rapport aux valeurs théoriques, respectivement, sur toute la bande de fréquence. / Multibeam antennas have become a key element in nowadays wireless communication systems where increased channel capacity, improved transmission quality with minimum interference and multipath phenomena are severe design constraints. These antennas are classified in two main categories namely adaptive smart antennas and switched-beam antennas. Switched-beam antennas consist of an elementary antenna array connected to a Multiple Beam Forming Network (M-BFN). Among the different M-BFNs, the Butler matrix has received particular attention as it is theoretically lossless and employs the minimum number of components to generate a given set of orthogonal beams (provided that the number of beams is a power of 2). However, the Butler matrix has a main design problem which is the presence of path crossings that has been previously addressed in different research works. Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) features interesting characteristics for the design of microwave and millimetre-wave integrated circuits. SIW based components combine the advantages of the rectangular waveguide, such as the high Q factor (low insertion loss) and high power capability while being compatible with low-cost PCB and LTCC technologies. Owing to its attractive features, the use of SIW technology appears as a good candidate for the implementation of BFNs. The resulting structure is therefore suitable for both waveguide-like and planar structures. In this thesis, different novel passive components (couplers and phase shifters) have been developed exploring the multi-layer SIW technology towards the implementation of a two-layer compact 4×4 Butler matrix offering wideband performances for both transmission magnitudes and phases with good isolation and input reflection characteristics. Different techniques for the implementation of wideband fixed phase shifters in SIW technology are presented. First, a novel waveguide-based CRLH structure is proposed. The structure is based on a single-layer waveguide with shunt inductive windows (irises) and series transverse capacitive slots, suitable for SIW implementations for compact phase shifters. The structure suffers relatively large insertion loss which remains however within the typical range of non-lumped elements based CRLH implementations. Second, the well-known equal length, unequal width SIW phase shifters is discussed. These phase shifters are very adapted for SIW implementations as they fully exploit the flexibility of the SIW technology in different path shapes while offering wideband phase characteristics. To satisfy good return loss characteristics with this type of phase shifters, the length has to be compromised with respect to the progressive width variations associated with the required phase shift values. A twolayer, wideband low-loss SIW transition is then proposed. The transition is analyzed using its equivalent circuit model bringing a deeper understanding of its transmission characteristics for both amplitude and phase providing therefore the basic guidelines for electromagnetic optimization. Based on its equivalent circuit model, the transition can be optimized within the well equal-length SIW phase shifters in order to compensate its additional phase shift within the frequency band of interest. This twolayer wideband phase shifter scheme has been adopted in the final developed matrix architecture.This transition is then exploited to develop a three-layer, multiply-folded waveguide structure as a good candidate for compensated-length, variable width, low-loss, compact wideband phase shifters in SIW technology. Novel two-layer SIW couplers are also addressed. For BFNs applications, an original structure for a two-layer 90° broadband coupler is developed. The proposed coupler consists of two parallel waveguides coupled together by means of two parallel inclined-offset resonant slots in their common broad wall. A complete parametric study of the coupler is carried out including the effect of the slot length, inclination angle and offset on both the coupling level and the transmission phase. The first advantage of the proposed coupler is providing a wide coupling dynamic range by varying the slot parameters allowing the design of wideband SIW Butler matrix in two-layer topology. In addition, previously published SIW couplers suffer from direct correlation between the transmission phase and the coupling level, while the coupler, hereby proposed, allows controlling the transmission phase without significantly affecting the coupling level, making it a good candidate for BFNs employing different couplers, such as, the Nolen matrix. A novel dual-band hybrid ring coupler is also developed in multi-layer Ridged SIW (RSIW) technology. This coupler has been jointly developed with Tarek Djerafi in a collaboration scenario with Prof. Ke Wu from the Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal. The coupler has an original structure based on two concentric rings in RSIW topology with the outer ring periodically loaded with radial, stub-loaded transverse slots. A design procedure is presented based on the Transverse Resonance Method (TRM) of the ridged waveguide together with the simple design rules of the hybrid ring coupler. A C/K dual band coupler with bandwidths of 8.5% and 14.6% centered at 7.2 GHz and 20.5 GHz, respectively, is presented. The coupler provides independent dual band operation with low-dispersive wideband operation. Finally, for the Butler matrix design, the two-layer SIW implementation is explored through a two-fold enhancement approach for both the matrix electrical and physical characteristics. On the one hand, the two-layer topology allows an inherent solution for the crossing problem allowing therefore more flexibility for phase compensation over a wide frequency band. This is achieved by proper geometrical optimization of the surface on each layer and exploiting the SIW technology in the realization of variable width waveguides sections with the corresponding SIW bends. On the other hand, the two-layer SIW technology is exploited for an optimized space saving design by implementing common SIW lateral walls for the matrix adjacent components seeking maximum size reduction. The two corresponding 4×4 Butler matrix prototypes are optimized, fabricated and measured. Measured results are in good agreement with the simulated ones. Isolation characteristics better than -15 dB with input reflection levels lower than -12 dB are experimentally validated over 24% frequency bandwidth centered at 12.5 GHz. Measured transmission magnitudes and phases exhibit good dispersive characteristics of 1dB, around an average value of -6.8 dB, and 10° with respect to the theoretical phase values, respectively, over the entire frequency band.

Acopladores direcionais de fibras Ãpticas com perfis de dispersÃo / Directional optic staple dispersion profile fiber(DPF)

Almir Wirth Lima Junior 05 March 2007 (has links)
nÃo hà / Nosso trabalho apresenta uma anÃlise numÃrica da propagaÃÃo e comutaÃÃo de solitons fundamentais em acopladores de dois nÃcleos de fibras nÃo lineares construÃdos com fibras de perfis de dispersÃo (DPF). NÃs mostramos, que o formato apropriado do perfil DPF à muito eficaz na recuperaÃÃo, quase total, do comportamento da comutaÃÃo do sinal original associado à situaÃÃo sem perdas. O estudo da comutaÃÃo de solitons em acopladores nÃo lineares de fibras DPF proporciona possibilidades de se alcanÃar alta eficiencia no processamento de sinais ultra-rÃpidos em sistemas totalmente Ãticos, especialmente para comutadores e transistors Ãticos. Iniciamos, estudando as equaÃÃes de Maxwell, os Solitons Ãpticos, as EquaÃÃes dos Modos Acoplados, e a EquaÃÃo NÃo Linear de SchrÃdinger - NLSE (mÃtodos analÃtico, e numÃrico). A seguir, detalhamos a PropagaÃÃo e Chaveamento de Sinais Ãpticos âCWâ e âQuasi-CWâ em Acopladores Ãpticos, bem como analisamos de forma teÃrica os acopladores duplos nÃo lineares de Fibras Ãpticas com Perfis de DispersÃo Decrescente (DPF). Os Ãltimos capÃtulos tratam do objetivo real de nossa DissertaÃÃo, ou seja, a AnÃlise Detalhada de Acopladores Ãpticos de Fibras com Perfis de DispersÃo (DPF), Com, e Sem Perdas Ãpticas, incluindo dois tipos de configuraÃÃo(PA1 e PB1). Encerramos a DissertaÃÃo com as ConclusÃes sobre os estudos acima referidos / We present a numerical investigation of the propagation and the switching of fundamental solitons in a two-core nonlinear fiber coupler constructed with Dispersion Profile Fiber (DPF). We have shown that appropriate shaping of the DPF profile is quite effective to recover, almost completely, the original switching behavior associated to the lossless situation. The study of soliton switching in DPF nonlinear fiber couplers provides possibilities for achieving, high efficiency in ultrafast all-optical signal processing, especially for optical switches and optical transistors. We initiate, studying the Maxwell Equations, the Coupled-Mode Equations, and the the Nonlinear SchrÃdinger Equation - NLSE, (analytic, and numerical approaches). After this, we detail the Propagation and Switching of "CW" and "Quasi-CW" Optical Signals in Optical Couplers, as well like we analyze, through theoretical form, the nonlinear double couplers of Dispersion Profiles Fibers (DPF). The last chapters explain the real objective of our Dissertation, or be, Detailed Analysis of the Optical Couplers of Profiles Dispersion Fiber (DPF), With, and Without Optical Losses, including two kinds of configuration (PA1 and PB1). We enclose the Dissertation with the Conclusions about the above referred studies

Potentiel de la technologie MID pour les composants passifs et des antennes / Mid technology potential for RF passive components and antennas

Unnikrishnan, Divya 26 February 2015 (has links)
La technologie MID (Molded Interconnect Device), fait de leur performance électrique, la flexibilitédans les circuits RF, le potentiel de réduire le nombre de composants, les étapes du processus et laminiaturisation du produit final, a conduit à de nouvelles contraintes à la RF (Radio Frequency) et ledomaine des micro-ondes. Composants moulés sont interconnectées avec des substratsthermoplastiques et les pistes conductrices sont injectés sur la surface. L'objectif de cette thèse estd'étudier la compatibilité de MID pour les applications RF. Les avantages de la technologie MID dansle domaine RF est exploitée pour les lignes de transmission, filtres passifs, coupleurs directionnels etantennes réalisation. La caractérisation RF de différents matériaux de substrat MID et l'étude de laperformance des composants RF ci-dessus sur la base de différentes technologies de fabrication MIDsont inclus dans la thèse. Enfin, le concept d'une étude d'amélioration de la permittivité de certainsthermoplastiques sont également étudiés. / MID (Molded Interconnect Devices) technology, owing to their electrical performance,flexibility in RF circuits, its potential to reduce the number of components, process steps andminiaturization of the final product, has led to some new constraints to the RF (RadioFrequency) and microwave domain. Molded components are interconnected withthermoplastic substrates and conductive traces are injected on the surface. The objective ofthis thesis is to study the compatibility of MIDs for RF applications. The advantages of MIDtechnology in the RF domain is exploited for transmission lines, passive filters, directionalcouplers and planar and 3D antennas realization. The RF characterization of various MIDsubstrate materials and the study of the performance of the above RF components based onvarious MID fabrication technologies are included in the thesis. Finally, an permittivityimprovement study of some thermoplastics are also studied.

Potentiel de la technologie MID pour les composants passifs et des antennes / Mid technology potential for RF passive components and antennas

Unnikrishnan, Divya 26 February 2015 (has links)
La technologie MID (Molded Interconnect Device), fait de leur performance électrique, la flexibilitédans les circuits RF, le potentiel de réduire le nombre de composants, les étapes du processus et laminiaturisation du produit final, a conduit à de nouvelles contraintes à la RF (Radio Frequency) et ledomaine des micro-ondes. Composants moulés sont interconnectées avec des substratsthermoplastiques et les pistes conductrices sont injectés sur la surface. L'objectif de cette thèse estd'étudier la compatibilité de MID pour les applications RF. Les avantages de la technologie MID dansle domaine RF est exploitée pour les lignes de transmission, filtres passifs, coupleurs directionnels etantennes réalisation. La caractérisation RF de différents matériaux de substrat MID et l'étude de laperformance des composants RF ci-dessus sur la base de différentes technologies de fabrication MIDsont inclus dans la thèse. Enfin, le concept d'une étude d'amélioration de la permittivité de certainsthermoplastiques sont également étudiés. / MID (Molded Interconnect Devices) technology, owing to their electrical performance,flexibility in RF circuits, its potential to reduce the number of components, process steps andminiaturization of the final product, has led to some new constraints to the RF (RadioFrequency) and microwave domain. Molded components are interconnected withthermoplastic substrates and conductive traces are injected on the surface. The objective ofthis thesis is to study the compatibility of MIDs for RF applications. The advantages of MIDtechnology in the RF domain is exploited for transmission lines, passive filters, directionalcouplers and planar and 3D antennas realization. The RF characterization of various MIDsubstrate materials and the study of the performance of the above RF components based onvarious MID fabrication technologies are included in the thesis. Finally, an permittivityimprovement study of some thermoplastics are also studied.

Analysis of Multi-Conductor Coupled Microstrip Lines with an Aperture in the Ground Plane for Compact Broadband Microwave Components

Packiaraj, D January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In recent years, the wireless industry has witnessed tremendous development for the defense and commercial segments. The explosive growth in the modern radio frequency and microwave systems leads to an increased interest in the research of miniaturized microwave circuits with superior performance. Broadband components, in particular band pass filters (BPFs) and couplers are some of the widely used components in the modern communication systems, software defined radios, cognitive radios, imaging systems and positioning radars. In order to meet these requirements, the use of innovative geometries, a thorough understanding of their behavior by appropriate analytical techniques and the use of appropriate fabrication approaches are essential. This thesis is an effort in this direction. In this thesis work, an aperture in the ground plane is used to achieve the tight coupling in the edge and broadside-coupled coupled lines which may be otherwise difficult due to the fabrication limitations. Since microstrip lines with an aperture in the ground plane are found to be very useful in various MIC and MMIC components, closed form analytical expressions developed here will be useful for their initial synthesis. The performances of components using these are enhanced using open/short circuited resonators, spurlines and stubs. A quasi-static approach has been investigated to obtain simple closed form expressions for a microstrip line with a rectangular aperture in the ground plane. The effect of a rectangular aperture in the ground plane has been incorporated in the commonly used expressions of a regular microstrip line by introducing the concept of an equivalent effective height. The expressions for the effective height microstrip geometries with defected ground are obtained and this has been further extended to various possibilities of two-conductor and three-conductor coupled lines. Analysis of the filters and the couplers are mainly based on the even and odd mode propagation characteristics of coupled lines. This approach is extended in this thesis for three conductor coupled lines. Novel broadband BPFs and couplers and dual band pass filters employing various coupled line configurations and defected ground have been developed in this research work. Most of these components have been implemented on a regular microwave laminate or LTCC medium (planar or multi-layer) and tested for the required RF performances. The experimental results were compared against the analytically computed results based on the circuit models and the full wave simulations using electromagnetic (EM) simulations for the validation. The results are in good agreement. With practical requirements of the organization in mind, additional design elements such as open circuit stubs have been incorporated in some of these designs to achieve the desired performance. It is expected that the wideband filter (3.0GHz to 3.8GHz) and the broadband coupler (4GHz to 6GHz) developed in this thesis work would be deployed in systems developed at the Central Research Laboratory, Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore, India. In summary, the present doctoral work strives to (i) establish a simplified analysis method for the microstrip lines and coupled microstrip lines with a rectangular aperture in the ground plane, (ii) extend the even and odd mode analysis of the coupled lines for several new coupled line configurations, (iii) design novel broadband microwave filters, dual band filter and couplers using both these, (iv) fabricate these devices using the planar technologies including LTCC, and (v) validate the analysis and design with important practical applications.

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