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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Courtroom Discourse as Verbal Performance: Describing the Unique Sociolinguistic Situation of the American Trial Courtroom

Wood, Seth William 09 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Individual events within courtroom discourse, such as lawyer-witness interactions have been studied extensively, particularly within a framework of powerful vs. powerless language (Adelsward, 1987; Archer, 2006; Bogoch, 2000; Eades, 2010; Fuller, 1993; Gnisci & Bakeman, 2007; Hobbs, 2007; Keating, 2009; Penman, 1990; Philips, 1984; Roberts, 1990). However, this thesis will show that courtroom discourse is sufficiently unique to warrant a distinct framework. It will also explore the explanatory power of a Courtroom Discourse Verbal Performance framework influenced by Verbal Art as Performance (Bauman, 1977). In particular this work will create a framework (Courtroom Discourse Verbal Performance) that explains the sociolinguistic situation of the entire courtroom trial instead of simply one small part (i.e. questioning a witness, entering a plea, etc.). This framework allows for the inclusion of the whole courtroom discourse event into a single unifying idea of courtroom discourse as performance. The peculiar sociolinguistic interactions of various people within courtroom discourse are explained as restrictions on the interactions of roles within the performance. Courtroom discourse data gathered from the Provo Fourth District Court is presented and analyzed as supporting evidence.

Wicked Woman and Ready-money Gentlemen : Defining social roles in the British nineteenth-century courtroom

Svensson, Sandra January 2013 (has links)
The present study is a corpus-based study which examines social roles constructed in the British nineteenth-century courtroom. To discover the prevalent social roles in British nineteenth-century society the present study focuses on premodifying adjectives characterizing men and women. The method of classification is through semantic domains. The study shows that the social roles of men and women are more similar than the findings of previous research have demonstrated.

Verbala förolämpningar i 1630-talets Uppsala : En historisk talaktsanalys / Verbal Insults in Uppsala during the 1630s : A Historical Speech Act Analysis

Falk, Erik January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates verbal insults recorded in judicial protocols in the Swedish university townUppsaladuring the 1630s. The aim of the study is to analyze insults as linguistic formulations and social acts in Early Modern Swedish society. The methodology of the study is guided by speech act theory and ethnography of communication in order to examine the lexical realizations of insults and verbal action in different speech communities. From a total of 652 protocols in two series of records from the city court and the university council inUppsalain the 1630s, sections of text were excerpted that registered insults. The material under investigation comprises 179 cases that contained 276 insults. The descriptive meta-linguistic expressions for insults are rich as well as varied, and the performed insults are reported with or without invectives and as direct or indirect speech. Clear patterns emerged in the investigation by performing various semantic-, pragmatic-, and discourse-level analyses of the judicial records. Insults among city people were commonly interpreted as truth-conditional representative speech acts and thereby were viewed as false accusations of various kinds. In the academic world, however, the truth value of the insult was of minor importance. The speech act was regarded mainly as an expressive utterance of anger and frustration. Through a comparison of the city and university judicial records, it is shown that the patterns of insults reveal a general semantic process in which primarily concrete, objective meanings come to fulfill increasingly interpersonal and pragmatic speech functions.

The historical and contemporary sociolinguistic status of selected minority languages in civil courts of Zimbabwe

Kufakunesu, Patson 07 1900 (has links)
This study examines the historical and contemporary sociolinguistic status of three minority languages, namely Shangani, Kalanga and Tonga in Chiredzi, Plumtree and Binga respectively within the civil courts of Zimbabwe. This research problematizes the issue of language choice and usage in civil courtroom discourse by native speakers of the languages under study. The background to this research endeavor is the historical dominance of English, Shona and Ndebele in public institutions as media of communication even in areas where minority languages are dominant, a situation that has resulted in minority languages having a restricted functional space in public life. Respondents in this research included native speakers of the languages under study who have attended civil courtroom sessions either as accused persons or complainants, members of rural communities including community leaders, court interpreters stationed at Binga, Chiredzi and Plumtree magistrates‟ courts and members of the Judicial Services Commission (JSC). Data was also collected from minority language advocacy groups including Tonga Language and Cultural Committee (TOLACCO), Shangani Promotion Trust (SPAT) and Kalanga Language and Culture Development (KLCDA) using semi-structured interviews. In addition, participant observation of civil courtroom proceedings involving native speakers of Kalanga, Tonga and Shangani was done. Documentary analysis of colonial and postcolonial language policies in Zimbabwe was also done. Data was analyzed using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Ecology of Language theories. The findings for this research revealed that historically, language policy making in Zimbabwe has impacted negatively on the functional roles of Shangani, Tonga and Kalanga in civil courtroom communication because of the lack of implementation clauses in national constitutions. Furthermore, language attitudes that were analyzed in conjunction with a number of factors including age, demographics, naming of provinces, awareness of constitutional provisions on language and language-in-education policies were found to be key determinant factors influencing the sociolinguistic status of Kalanga, Tonga and Shangani in civil courtroom discourse. Court interpreting and initiatives by language advocacy groups also impacted on the sociolinguistic status of the languages under study in civil courtroom interaction. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Phil. (Language, Linguistics and Literature)

Анализа дискурса разговора у суду: судија – (оп)тужени / Analiza diskursa razgovora u sudu: sudija – (op)tuženi / Discourse analysis of conversation in court /courtroom discourse: judge – defendant

Tir Borlja Marija 03 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Дискурс анализа је интердисциплинарно подручје истраживања које<br />посматра језик као делатност. Она се бави питањима разговора и текста и то тако<br />што је фокус пажње подједнако и на саговорницима, и на контексту, и на<br />вербалној поруци.<br />Њу у домаћу академску заједницу уводи Свенка Савић, најпре у оквиру<br />наставе на основним студијама Одсека за српски језик и лингвистику<br />Филозофског факултета у Новом Саду. За овај предмет на Универзитету у Новом<br />Саду објављује уџбеник под називом Дискурс анализа (1993) и формира, заједно<br />са бројним сарадницама, пројекат &bdquo;Новосадски корпус разговорног српског<br />језика&rdquo;. Осим на Одсеку за српски језик и лингвистику, данас се анализа<br />дискурса као наставни предмет изучава и на Одсеку за журналистику и<br />делимично на Одсеку за англистику.<br />Крајем 20. и почетком 21. века у анализи говорних и писаних облика<br />дискурса јавља се нов приступ проучавања под називом критичка анализа<br />дискурса (КАД). У оквиру критичке анализе дискурса, истраживачи се највише<br />баве приказом демонстрације моћи, контроле и друштвених неједнакости у<br />различитим институцијама, а једну такву институцију представља и суд.<br />Примену у истраживању дискурсних особина разговора у суду значајније<br />видимо у радовима са енглеског говорног подручја, док су друга језичка<br />подручја мање истражена. Предмет проучавања ових радова су различите<br />граматичке и дискурсне какрактеристике разговора у суду, као што су: употреба<br />номинализација, пасива и техничких термина током размена у судском поступку<br />(Gibbons, 1999), доминантан положај судије/пороте у простору суднице као и<br />демонстрацију моћи првенством права говорења током судског поступка<br />(Přidalov&aacute;, 1999), анализа типова питања током судског поступка и њихова улога<br />у усмеравању исказа учесника (Cotterill, 2003).<br />У литератури на српском језику радови који се баве правном и судском<br />проблематиком у фокусу пажње углавном имају текст &ndash; писани облик судског<br />дискурса, који се манифестује кроз законе и разне прописе у којима се закон примењује (Јанићијевић, 2010) или се баве одликама жанра текста судских</p><p>пресуда (Макевић, 2014), а мали је број радова који се баве особинама разговора<br />у суду током судског поступка (Јанковић, 2002).<br />Предмет овог рада јесу особине дискурса разговора у суду (ДРС). Термин<br />дискурс разговора у суду подразумева онај тип разговора у којем се један<br />(раз)говорни догађај остварује просторно у јавној сфери (у судници), у којој<br />учествује више особа са одређеним социјалним и дискурсним улогама. У центру<br />пажње су дискурсне стратегије током размена судије са другим учесницима у<br />судском поступку током судске расправе, са посебним освртом на интеракцију<br />између судије и (оп)туженог.<br />Циљ овог истраживања је да се анализира, опише и објасни дискурс судске<br />праксе у институцији суда у Србији и покажу односи друштвене моћи<br />саговорника укључених у судску расправу.<br />Хипотеза је да ће анализа разговора судије са (оп)туженим бити добар<br />показатељ начина на који се у суду спроводе у праксу законодавне одредбе<br />(о дискриминацији, равноправности и сл.) и како се интерпретира друштвена<br />моћ.<br />Теоријско-методолошки оквир коришћен у овом раду је у сагласности са<br />анализом употребе језика, са језичком делатности, пре свега са учењем<br />холандског лингвисте Тојнa ван Дајка (Van Dijk, 2009) о моћи, и у сагласности с<br />теоријом учтивости Пенелопи Браун и Стивена Левинсона (Brown and Levinson,<br />1987). Обе теорије прати дескриптивни приказ одабраних узорака емпиријског<br />материјала.<br />У раду користим метод прикупљања и анализе материјала устаљен у<br />анализи дискурса (Савић, 1993). Емпиријски материјал представља узорак од 9<br />судских расправа из два временска периода: 4 судске расправе снимљене 1991.<br />године и 5 судских расправа снимљених након 24 године (2015). Укупно је<br />снимљено 180,13 минута разговора, односно 140 страна текста трансркибованог<br />у писану форму припремљену за анализу. Јединице анализе су речи, размене и<br />параграфи (Савић, 1993: 57&ndash;61).<br />Резултати истраживања показују да је у разговору у суду доминантна улога<br />суткиње, која има институционално дату моћ да води судску расправу и доноси<br />решења и пресуде. Из доминантне позиције произлази и њена комуникативна и<br />друштвена моћ коју остварује применом различитих разговорних стратегија као<br />што су: стратегија постављања питања, усмеравања разговора, одређивања<br />понашања других у разговору, започињања и завршавања разговора, употреба<br />професионалне терминологије, стратегија ословљавања, извођења закључка,<br />причања прича, прекидања и преклапања разговора са саговорницима.<br />За разлику од суткиње, (оп)тужени је правни лаик са малим дискурсним<br />учинком. Његова подређена улога огледа се у стратегијама: одговарања на<br />питања, покушају усмеравања разговора, покушају постављања питања,<br />принципу сарадње, ословљавању, понављању и самопонављању, прекидању и<br />преклапању, причању приче и оклевању.<br />На основу резултата анализе судских расправа може се закључити да је<br />дискурс разговора у суду хибридни жанр. У њему се на граматичком, лексичком,<br />семантичком и прагматичком нивоу сједињавају формални писани правни<br />дискурс и неформални разговорни језик свакодневне комуникације.<br />Предлог за непосредну праксу. Потребно је успоставити успешнији модел<br />комуникације у суду током интеракција између правних стручњака (судија, јавних тужилаца, адвоката) и правних лаика: избегавањем непознате</p><p>терминoлогије, употребом једноставних реченица (избегавањем пасивне и<br />безличне конструкције и номинализације), коришћењем учтивих фраза и родно<br />осетљивог језика, како би се језик у службеној употреби у институцији суда</p><p>саобразио говору саговорника који нису део судске хијерархије.&nbsp;</p> / <p>Diskurs analiza je interdisciplinarno područje istraživanja koje<br />posmatra jezik kao delatnost. Ona se bavi pitanjima razgovora i teksta i to tako<br />što je fokus pažnje podjednako i na sagovornicima, i na kontekstu, i na<br />verbalnoj poruci.<br />NJu u domaću akademsku zajednicu uvodi Svenka Savić, najpre u okviru<br />nastave na osnovnim studijama Odseka za srpski jezik i lingvistiku<br />Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu. Za ovaj predmet na Univerzitetu u Novom<br />Sadu objavljuje udžbenik pod nazivom Diskurs analiza (1993) i formira, zajedno<br />sa brojnim saradnicama, projekat &bdquo;Novosadski korpus razgovornog srpskog<br />jezika&rdquo;. Osim na Odseku za srpski jezik i lingvistiku, danas se analiza<br />diskursa kao nastavni predmet izučava i na Odseku za žurnalistiku i<br />delimično na Odseku za anglistiku.<br />Krajem 20. i početkom 21. veka u analizi govornih i pisanih oblika<br />diskursa javlja se nov pristup proučavanja pod nazivom kritička analiza<br />diskursa (KAD). U okviru kritičke analize diskursa, istraživači se najviše<br />bave prikazom demonstracije moći, kontrole i društvenih nejednakosti u<br />različitim institucijama, a jednu takvu instituciju predstavlja i sud.<br />Primenu u istraživanju diskursnih osobina razgovora u sudu značajnije<br />vidimo u radovima sa engleskog govornog područja, dok su druga jezička<br />područja manje istražena. Predmet proučavanja ovih radova su različite<br />gramatičke i diskursne kakrakteristike razgovora u sudu, kao što su: upotreba<br />nominalizacija, pasiva i tehničkih termina tokom razmena u sudskom postupku<br />(Gibbons, 1999), dominantan položaj sudije/porote u prostoru sudnice kao i<br />demonstraciju moći prvenstvom prava govorenja tokom sudskog postupka<br />(Přidalov&aacute;, 1999), analiza tipova pitanja tokom sudskog postupka i njihova uloga<br />u usmeravanju iskaza učesnika (Cotterill, 2003).<br />U literaturi na srpskom jeziku radovi koji se bave pravnom i sudskom<br />problematikom u fokusu pažnje uglavnom imaju tekst &ndash; pisani oblik sudskog<br />diskursa, koji se manifestuje kroz zakone i razne propise u kojima se zakon primenjuje (Janićijević, 2010) ili se bave odlikama žanra teksta sudskih</p><p>presuda (Makević, 2014), a mali je broj radova koji se bave osobinama razgovora<br />u sudu tokom sudskog postupka (Janković, 2002).<br />Predmet ovog rada jesu osobine diskursa razgovora u sudu (DRS). Termin<br />diskurs razgovora u sudu podrazumeva onaj tip razgovora u kojem se jedan<br />(raz)govorni događaj ostvaruje prostorno u javnoj sferi (u sudnici), u kojoj<br />učestvuje više osoba sa određenim socijalnim i diskursnim ulogama. U centru<br />pažnje su diskursne strategije tokom razmena sudije sa drugim učesnicima u<br />sudskom postupku tokom sudske rasprave, sa posebnim osvrtom na interakciju<br />između sudije i (op)tuženog.<br />Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se analizira, opiše i objasni diskurs sudske<br />prakse u instituciji suda u Srbiji i pokažu odnosi društvene moći<br />sagovornika uključenih u sudsku raspravu.<br />Hipoteza je da će analiza razgovora sudije sa (op)tuženim biti dobar<br />pokazatelj načina na koji se u sudu sprovode u praksu zakonodavne odredbe<br />(o diskriminaciji, ravnopravnosti i sl.) i kako se interpretira društvena<br />moć.<br />Teorijsko-metodološki okvir korišćen u ovom radu je u saglasnosti sa<br />analizom upotrebe jezika, sa jezičkom delatnosti, pre svega sa učenjem<br />holandskog lingviste Tojna van Dajka (Van Dijk, 2009) o moći, i u saglasnosti s<br />teorijom učtivosti Penelopi Braun i Stivena Levinsona (Brown and Levinson,<br />1987). Obe teorije prati deskriptivni prikaz odabranih uzoraka empirijskog<br />materijala.<br />U radu koristim metod prikupljanja i analize materijala ustaljen u<br />analizi diskursa (Savić, 1993). Empirijski materijal predstavlja uzorak od 9<br />sudskih rasprava iz dva vremenska perioda: 4 sudske rasprave snimljene 1991.<br />godine i 5 sudskih rasprava snimljenih nakon 24 godine (2015). Ukupno je<br />snimljeno 180,13 minuta razgovora, odnosno 140 strana teksta transrkibovanog<br />u pisanu formu pripremljenu za analizu. Jedinice analize su reči, razmene i<br />paragrafi (Savić, 1993: 57&ndash;61).<br />Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je u razgovoru u sudu dominantna uloga<br />sutkinje, koja ima institucionalno datu moć da vodi sudsku raspravu i donosi<br />rešenja i presude. Iz dominantne pozicije proizlazi i njena komunikativna i<br />društvena moć koju ostvaruje primenom različitih razgovornih strategija kao<br />što su: strategija postavljanja pitanja, usmeravanja razgovora, određivanja<br />ponašanja drugih u razgovoru, započinjanja i završavanja razgovora, upotreba<br />profesionalne terminologije, strategija oslovljavanja, izvođenja zaključka,<br />pričanja priča, prekidanja i preklapanja razgovora sa sagovornicima.<br />Za razliku od sutkinje, (op)tuženi je pravni laik sa malim diskursnim<br />učinkom. NJegova podređena uloga ogleda se u strategijama: odgovaranja na<br />pitanja, pokušaju usmeravanja razgovora, pokušaju postavljanja pitanja,<br />principu saradnje, oslovljavanju, ponavljanju i samoponavljanju, prekidanju i<br />preklapanju, pričanju priče i oklevanju.<br />Na osnovu rezultata analize sudskih rasprava može se zaključiti da je<br />diskurs razgovora u sudu hibridni žanr. U njemu se na gramatičkom, leksičkom,<br />semantičkom i pragmatičkom nivou sjedinjavaju formalni pisani pravni<br />diskurs i neformalni razgovorni jezik svakodnevne komunikacije.<br />Predlog za neposrednu praksu. Potrebno je uspostaviti uspešniji model<br />komunikacije u sudu tokom interakcija između pravnih stručnjaka (sudija, javnih tužilaca, advokata) i pravnih laika: izbegavanjem nepoznate</p><p>terminologije, upotrebom jednostavnih rečenica (izbegavanjem pasivne i<br />bezlične konstrukcije i nominalizacije), korišćenjem učtivih fraza i rodno<br />osetljivog jezika, kako bi se jezik u službenoj upotrebi u instituciji suda</p><p>saobrazio govoru sagovornika koji nisu deo sudske hijerarhije.&nbsp;</p> / <p>Discourse analysis is an interdisciplinary research area which observes language as an activity. It deals with issues of conversation and text focusing its attention evenly on interlocutors, context and verbal message.<br />It was introduced to our academic community by Svenka Savić, firstly as teaching within undergraduate studies at Department of Serbian language and linguistics, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad.&nbsp; She published a course book Discourse Analysis (1993) for this subject at the University of Novi Sad and established, with numerous associates, a project &bdquo;The Corpus of Novi Sad conversational Serbian language&rdquo;. Today, apart from Department of Serbian language and linguistics, discourse analysis as a subject is taught at Department of journalism and partly at Department of English language and literature.<br />At the end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century, a new approach of analysing spoken and written forms of discourse appeared, under the name critical discourse analysis (CDA). Within CDA, the researchers mainly deal with the representation of demonstration of power, control and social inequalities in various institutions, one of which is the court.<br />Its application in the study of discourse aspects in courtroom, CDA has particularly found in the works from Anglosphere, while other language spheres have not been researched enough. The subject matter of these works are different grammatical and discourse features of talk in the courtroom such as the use of nominalization, passive construction and technical terms during judical proceedings (Gibbons, 1999), dominant position of a judge/jury in the courtroom as well as&nbsp; demonstration of power by priority turn-taking during judical proceedings (Přidalov&aacute;, 1999), analysis of types of questions during judical proceedings and their role in guiding the participants&rsquo; statements (Cotterill, 2003).<br />In the literature in Serbian language, the works dealing with legal and judical matters mainly focus on the text- written form of courtroom discourse, which manifests itself through laws and their various regulations (Janićijević, 2010) or deal with the aspects of the genre of the verdict text (Makević, 2014), and very few works deal with the aspects of talk in the courtroom during judical proceedings (Janković, 2002).</p><p>The features of courtroom discourse (CD) are the subject of this work. The term courtroom discourse means the type of talk where one spoken event is realized in spatially public sphere (in a courtroom), where several persons with different social and discourse roles participate. Discourse strategies during interaction of a judge with other participants in judical proceeding during hearing are in the spotlight, with particular reference to the interaction between the judge and the defendant/accused.<br />The aim of this research is to analyse, describe and explain the discourse of case-law in the institution of court in Serbia and to show relations of social power of participants involved in judical proceedings.<br />It is supposed that tha analysis of conversation between the judge and the defendant/accused will be an excellent indicator of the manner in which the court implements legislative provisions (оn discrimination, equality and etc.) and how social power is defined.<br />The theoretical and methodological framework in this study is in compliance with analysis of use of language, with linguistic activity, above all with the approach of Dutch linguist Teun van Dijk (2009) on power, and in accordance with the Politeness theory by Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson (1987). Both thories are accompanied by descriptive review of selected examples of empirical material.<br />I have used the method of collecting and analysing material rooted in analysis of discourse (Savić, 1993). The empirical material represents nine courtroom hearings from two periods of time: 4 in 1991 and 5 courtroom hearings recorded 24 years later (2015). There are 180.13 minutes of recorded conversation, that is 140 pages of text transcribed into written form prepared for analysis. The units of analysis are words, exchanges and paragraphs (Savić, 1993: 57&ndash;61).<br />The results of the research show that in a courtroom discourse the role of the judge is undoubtedly dominant, having the institutionally given power to lead the hearing and reaches decisions and verdicts. Her communicative as well as social power arises from the domination which she realizes this applying various conversation strategies such as: strategy of posing questions, directing the talk, adjusting behaviour of other interlocutors, starting and ending the talk, use of professional terminology, addresssing strategy, drawing the conclusions, storytelling, interupting and overlapping the interlocutors.<br />Unlike the judge, the defendant/accused is a law layman with small discoursive contribution. Their subordinated role is reflected in the following strategies: question answering, attempting to direct the talk, attempting to pose a question, principle of cooperation, addressing, repeating and self-repeating, interupting and overlapping, storytelling and hesitating.<br />Based on the results of the analysis of the courtroom hearings, we can draw the conclusion that the courtroom discourse is rather hybrid in its genre. It represents, on grammatic, lexic, semantic and pragmatic level, merging of&nbsp; formal written legal discourse and informal spoken language of everday conversation.<br />Suggestion for direct practice. It is essential to establish more successful model of communication in a courtroom during the interaction among law experts (judges, Abstract:</p><p>AB</p><p>Discourse analysis is an interdisciplinary research area which observes language as an activity. It deals with issues of conversation and text focusing its attention evenly on interlocutors, context and verbal message.<br />It was introduced to our academic community by Svenka Savić, firstly as teaching within undergraduate studies at Department of Serbian language and linguistics, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad.&nbsp; She published a course book Discourse Analysis (1993) for this subject at the University of Novi Sad and established, with numerous associates, a project &bdquo;The Corpus of Novi Sad conversational Serbian language&rdquo;. Today, apart from Department of Serbian language and linguistics, discourse analysis as a subject is taught at Department of journalism and partly at Department of English language and literature.<br />At the end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century, a new approach of analysing spoken and written forms of discourse appeared, under the name critical discourse analysis (CDA). Within CDA, the researchers mainly deal with the representation of demonstration of power, control and social inequalities in various institutions, one of which is the court.<br />Its application in the study of discourse aspects in courtroom, CDA has particularly found in the works from Anglosphere, while other language spheres have not been researched enough. The subject matter of these works are different grammatical and discourse features of talk in the courtroom such as the use of nominalization, passive construction and technical terms during judical proceedings (Gibbons, 1999), dominant position of a judge/jury in the courtroom as well as&nbsp; demonstration of power by priority turn-taking during judical proceedings (Přidalov&aacute;, 1999), analysis of types of questions during judical proceedings and their role in guiding the participants&rsquo; statements (Cotterill, 2003).<br />In the literature in Serbian language, the works dealing with legal and judical matters mainly focus on the text- written form of courtroom discourse, which manifests itself through laws and their various regulations (Janićijević, 2010) or deal with the aspects of the genre of the verdict text (Makević, 2014), and very few works deal with the aspects of talk in the courtroom during judical proceedings (Janković, 2002).<br />The features of courtroom discourse (CD) are the subject of this work. The term courtroom discourse means the type of talk where one spoken event is realized in spatially public sphere (in a courtroom), where several persons with different social and discourse roles participate. Discourse strategies during interaction of a judge with other participants in judical proceeding during hearing are in the spotlight, with particular reference to the interaction between the judge and the defendant/accused.<br />The aim of this research is to analyse, describe and explain the discourse of case-law in the institution of court in Serbia and to show relations of social power of participants involved in judical proceedings.<br />It is supposed that tha analysis of conversation between the judge and the defendant/accused will be an excellent indicator of the manner in which the court implements legislative provisions (оn discrimination, equality and etc.) and how social power is defined.<br />The theoretical and methodological framework in this study is in compliance with analysis of use of language, with linguistic activity, above all with the approach of Dutch linguist Teun van Dijk (2009) on power, and in accordance with the Politeness theory by Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson (1987). Both thories are accompanied by descriptive review of selected examples of empirical material.<br />I have used the method of collecting and analysing material rooted in analysis of discourse (Savić, 1993). The empirical material represents nine courtroom hearings from two periods of time: 4 in 1991 and 5 courtroom hearings recorded 24 years later (2015). There are 180.13 minutes of recorded conversation, that is 140 pages of text transcribed into written form prepared for analysis. The units of analysis are words, exchanges and paragraphs (Savić, 1993: 57&ndash;61).<br />The results of the research show that in a courtroom discourse the role of the judge is undoubtedly dominant, having the institutionally given power to lead the hearing and reaches decisions and verdicts. Her communicative as well as social power arises from the domination which she realizes this applying various conversation strategies such as: strategy of posing questions, directing the talk, adjusting behaviour of other interlocutors, starting and ending the talk, use of professional terminology, addresssing strategy, drawing the conclusions, storytelling, interupting and overlapping the interlocutors.<br />Unlike the judge, the defendant/accused is a law layman with small discoursive contribution. Their subordinated role is reflected in the following strategies: question answering, attempting to direct the talk, attempting to pose a question, principle of cooperation, addressing, repeating and self-repeating, interupting and overlapping, storytelling and hesitating.<br />Based on the results of the analysis of the courtroom hearings, we can draw the conclusion that the courtroom discourse is rather hybrid in its genre. It represents, on grammatic, lexic, semantic and pragmatic level, merging of&nbsp; formal written legal discourse and informal spoken language of everday conversation.<br />Suggestion for direct practice. It is essential to establish more successful model of communication in a courtroom during the interaction among law experts (judges, prosecutors, lawyers) and law laymen: avoiding unfamiliar terms, using simple sentences (avoiding passive and impersonal constructions and nominalizations), using polite and gender-sensitive language, so as to assimilate the use of official institutional language with the speech of interlocutors who are not part of the court hierarchy.</p>

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