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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pilgrims together: soul freedom in covenant community through contemplative practices in Moderate Baptist contexts

Gallimore, Alex Chesser 25 January 2023 (has links)
Responding to the fundamentalist takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship was founded by Moderate Baptists seeking to reclaim the historic Baptist principle of soul freedom. While this effort was successful, such soul freedom made it difficult for Moderates to hold diverse viewpoints together in unity within the context of a covenant community. Borrowing from the Christian contemplative tradition, which offers a set of shared spiritual practices capable of constructing diverse covenant communities, it is the purpose of this project to offer a process for applying contemplative spiritual practices to the life of Moderate Baptist congregations to reframe Baptist soul freedom as that which allows for personal liberty within the context of a diverse covenant community. / 2025-01-25T00:00:00Z

Formação e vocação no catolicismo carismático: análise sociológica sobre a socialização em Movimentos de Reavivamento Religioso / Formation and calling in charismatic catholicism: sociological analysis on socialization in Religious Revival Movements

Freire, Caio Gustavo Ferraz 29 January 2019 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, o campo religioso brasileiro tem passado por grandes transformações, com rápido declínio numérico católico, expansão pentecostal e dos sem religião, avanço do pluralismo religioso e da concorrência inter-religiosa. O acelerado crescimento do pentecostalismo a partir dos anos 80 resultou na reação católica para tentar recuperar terreno e influência e barrar o avanço dos concorrentes. Influenciadas por crenças e práticas de origem pentecostal, a Renovação Carismática Católica e as Novas Comunidades Carismáticas de Vida e de Aliança assumiram, no contexto pós Concílio Vaticano II, o protagonismo dessa reação. Elas procuram tornar o catolicismo mais atraente e mais presente no cotidiano dos brasileiros, por meio do uso evangelístico dos meios de comunicação de massa, da música, da literatura e de outras artes, de novas linguagens, da racionalização organizacional, do ativismo político, de intenso trabalho de evangelização, de promoção de cursos de formação de fiéis e de evangelistas, de releitura e resgate da tradição católica, da criação de comunidades e grupos de oração e do trabalho em rede, do apelo à conversão individual, dos cultos emocionais, das ações terapêuticas e das promessas de cura e de libertação do sofrimento e dos problemas. Procuram incentivar vocações, desenvolver carismas conforme o carisma da comunidade e, em especial, formar católicos militantes defensores da fé, da Igreja e da tradição católicas, de valores morais e visão de mundo católicos. Considerando os esforços evangelísticos e organizacionais envidados pelo catolicismo carismático, seu contexto de atuação e referências teóricas das sociologias da religião, da modernidade e da socialização, efetuei pesquisa e análise do material religioso usado por Renovação Carismática Católica e Comunidade Eucaristós para a formação de seus membros e realizei entrevistas, sobretudo, com agentes da equipe de formação. Esses grupos consideram as experiências epifânicas e místicas, que tanto impactam neófitos, insuficientes para formar militantes leigos. Por isso, afinados com as autoridades eclesiais, enfatizam o processo de formação doutrinário e moral individual e coletivo nas comunidades para assegurar a eficácia da socialização religiosa e as competências espirituais e seculares de sua militância. Verifiquei que tal socialização se caracteriza por um processo de reordenação biográfica da trajetória pessoal visando garantir continuidade e correspondência entre o projeto da missão comunitária e a missão pessoal. / In the last decades, the Brazilian religious field has undergone great transformations, with rapid Catholic numerical decline, Pentecostal and non-religious expansion, advancement of religious pluralism, intense religious competition. The accelerated growth of Pentecostalism since the 1980s has resulted in the Catholic reaction to try to regain ground and influence as well as to stop the advance of their competitors. Influenced by beliefs and practices of Pentecostal origin, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and the New Charismatic Communities of Life and Covenant, in the post Vatican Council context, took the lead of this reaction. They seek to make Catholicism more attractive and more present in the daily lives of Brazilians, through the evangelistic use of mass media, music, literature and other arts, new parlance, organizational rationalization, political activism, intense work of evangelization, the promotion of formation courses for the faithful and evangelists, reinterpretation and reviving the Catholic tradition, creating communities and groups of prayer,appeal to individual conversion, emotional cults, therapeutic actions and promises of healing and freedom from suffering and problems. They seek to encourage the search for personal vocations, to develop charisms according to the Charism of the community, particularly to form Catholic militants who should defend their faith, the Catholic Church and tradition, Catholic values and worldview. Considering the evangelistic and organizational efforts made by charismatic Catholicism, its context of action and theoretical references of the sociologies of religion, modernity and socialization, I have carried out research and analysis of the religious material used by Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Eucaristós Community for the formation of its members and conducted interviews, especially with members of the formation team. These groups consider the epiphanic and mystical experiences that so much impact \"neophytes\", insufficient to form lay militants. Therefore, in tune with ecclesial authorities, they emphasize the process of individual and collective doctrinal and moral formation in communities to ensure the effectiveness of religious socialization and the spiritual and secular competencies of their militancy. I verified that this socialization is characterized by a process of biographical reordering of the personal trajectory in order to guarantee continuity and correspondence between the project of the community mission and their personal mission.

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