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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Small impact craters in crater counting:evolution studies of the eastern Hellas outflow channels, Mars

Kukkonen, S. (Soile) 10 April 2018 (has links)
Abstract Crater counting is a method which allows us to estimate the surface ages of the planetary bodies, from which the sampling and sample delivery to laboratories on Earth are difficult or impossible. Because the number of craters on a surface unit increases over the time the surface has been exposed to space, old, geologically stable units have more craters than young and active units. When the crater production rate as a function of time is known, the absolute age of the surface unit can be determined based on its crater density. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the role of small impact craters in crater counts to find out how modern very high-resolution space images can be utilized in age determination of planetary surfaces. The thesis focuses on how reliable crater count based datings are, if only small craters and counting areas are used in age determination. The research is carried out by utilizing crater counts on the outflow channels of Dao, Niger, Harmakhis and Reull Valles, which all are located in the eastern rim region of the Hellas impact basin, on the southern hemisphere of Mars. Crater counts are performed mainly based on the images of ConTeXt Imager (CTX) and High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) aboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The results show that small craters are a very valuable tool to get information about the surface age. Instead of the size-range of counted craters, or the size of counting areas, results are dependent on the variability and scale of the surface modification history. The more variable or larger scale the modification history is, the larger surface area and wider crater diameter range are typically needed to achieve comprehensive age estimations. The crater counts on the eastern Hellas outflow channels support the earlier theories according to which the valles formed during a relatively short time interval, ~ 3.4–3.7 Ga ago. The existence of terrace structures and smaller tributary channels indicate that the outflow channels were filled by several pulses of liquids. The major fluvial activity ended no later than ~ 0.8–1.9 Ga ago, and it was probably controlled by the activity of nearby highland volcanoes. Soon after the declined fluvial activity, the outflow channels were covered by ice-rich deposits. The major reason for this was probably the changed climatic conditions, although in places e.g. impact cratering seems to have contributed to the emplacement of the deposits. The region as a whole was also resurfaced several times because of changes in local climate conditions. The most significant of the resurfacing processes seem to be the episodes of thin ice-rich mantling deposits, the most recent of which dominated the regional modification less than 10 Ma ago. In addition, the region has experienced eolian activity during the last 1 Ma. / Original papers The original publications are not included in the electronic version of the dissertation. Kostama, V.-P., Kukkonen, S., & Raitala, J. (2017). Resurfacing event observed in Morpheos basin (Eridania Planitia) and the implications to the formation and timing of Waikato and Reull Valles, Mars. Planetary and Space Science, 140, 35–48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2017.04.001 Kukkonen, S., & Kostama, V.-P. (2018). Modification history of the Harmakhis Vallis outflow channel, Mars, based on CTX-scale photogeologic mapping and crater count dating. Icarus, 299, 46–67. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.07.014 Kukkonen, S., & Kostama, V.-P. (2018). Usability of small impact craters on small surface areas in crater count dating: Analysing examples from the Harmakhis Vallis outflow channel, Mars. Icarus, 305, 33–49. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2018.01.004 Kukkonen, S., & Kostama, V.-P. (2018). Mapping and dating based evolution studies of the Niger Vallis outflow channel, Mars. Planetary and Space Science, 153, 54–71. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2017.12.012 Korteniemi, J., & Kukkonen, S. (2018). Volcanic Structures Within Niger and Dao Valles, Mars, and Implications for Outflow Channel Evolution and Hellas Basin Rim Development. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(7), 2934–2944. https://doi.org/10.1002/2018gl077067 http://jultika.oulu.fi/Record/nbnfi-fe201902226008

The Origins of Four Paterae of Malea Planum, Mars

Larson, Susan K. 14 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Malea Planum is a volcanic plain on the southern rim of Hellas Planitia, the largest impact basin on Mars. Four large circular structures on Malea Planum have traditionally been identified as paterae, or low relief, central vent volcanoes (Plescia and Saunders, 1979). A geologic map was constructed and new crater counts made to explore the ages and origins of the paterae. Amphitrites and Peneus Paterae have radial patterns of wrinkle ridges on their flanks and distinct summit calderas (95 km and 130 km across) with arcuate bounding scarps. In contrast, Malea and Pityusa Paterae are broad depressions with diameters greater than 400 km. In some ways Pityusa and Malea Paterae resemble old, filled impact craters (Plescia, 2003) but they also have characteristics of volcanic subsidence features (Roche et al., 2000). A very strong positive gravity anomaly is centered over Amphitrites and smaller positive anomalies are associated with Peneus and Malea Paterae. A slight annular positive anomaly is associated with Pityusa. The geology of the Malea Planum Region has been influenced by impact cratering, volcanic, tectonic, fluvial, and most recently, eolian processes. The Noachian was dominated by impact cratering, the formation of Hellas Basin, and the eruption of flood lavas. Malea Planum formed during the mid- to late-Noachian, likely the result of sills liquefying the volatile-rich crust. Malea and Pityusa Paterae formed during the late Noachian. The Hesperian was marked by the formation of Peneus and Amphitrites and complex valley networks. During the mid-Hesperian, southern Malea Planum may have been covered by a very thick polar mantle deposit that melted and sublimated during the late Hesperian. Smaller episodes of polar mantle deposition continued through the Amazonian to the present. The Amazonian is also characterized by eolian activity creating dune fields, etched surfaces, and dust devil tracks. Based on the topographic and geophysical evidence, Amphitrites and Peneus are typical highland paterae. We conclude that a mid-crustal sill complex similar to that thought to exist beneath the eastern Snake River Plain in Idaho may be the best explanation for the formation of Malea and Pityusa Paterae. A lack of associated flow features on the surface suggests that the loads are the result of an accumulation of dense intrusions. A surficial load (e.g., lava flows) is insufficient to cause the amount of subsidence observed. A mid-crustal mafic or ultra-mafic sill or a dense network of sills and dikes may have contributed to the subsidence.

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