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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tuna i Badelunda : Ett järnåldersgravfält i Västmanland

Julin, Linnéa January 2016 (has links)
This paper is about an Iron Age cemetery at Tuna in Badelunda parish, Västmanland. Tuna is a complex burial ground that contains a total of 66 graves that consists of 68 individuals. The grave field was used during a period of roughly 700 years from around the year 300 AD until the year 1050 AD. Three types of grave constructions are identified in Tuna, 53 cremation graves, eight boat graves and five chamber graves. This paper will investigate the placements of the grave constructions on the cemetery to study if they are divided by sex, age and grave type. The paper will also analyse and discuss the sex/gender assessments of individuals from Tuna, both the osteological assessments of sex and/or gender assessments are based on? The usual presumptions from earlier research about Tuna are that it was a cemetery mainly for females, but the report about Tuna in Badelunda indicates a diffrent conclusion.

Tunas brandgravar : stensättningar och individer i förändring / The cremation graves of Tuna : stone settings and individuals in change

Johansson, Evelina January 2011 (has links)
The Iron Age cemetery at Tuna in Badelunda parish, Västmanland, is a complex and unique burial ground used for only 69 graves during a period of roughly 700 years, between 300 - 1050 AC. The individuals buried at Tuna show an impressive variety of gravegods as well as stonesettings formed above the grave. Who where these people that were cremated at Tuna, among the mysterious women in the boats and the rich women in grave X? As we study the graves of the cremated individuals we reach a new understanding of the cemetery; from its social structure down to every individual. Through the analysis of the stonesettings, gravegods and bones we see a how these subjects, when analysed, show a picture of the individuals and social structure of the cemetery. It was a cemetery for the higher society and unique individuals rather then the average people.

Stor i jorden, liten i orden : Glaspärlor från fornlämningsområdet vid Buttle Änge, Gotland / Large in the earth, small in the words : Glass beads from the archaeological site Buttle Änge, Gotland

Buer, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Buttle Änge and Nygårds has been excavated by Uppsala University, Campus Gotland and also by Högskolan on Gotland since year 2009 and by Gothenburg University year 2009 and 2013. During the 20 excavations that has taken place there has been 112 glass beads found. They were found by the picture stones, in graves, in and around the stone foundation houses. The beads from the picture stones can be interpreted as grave deposits and the ones found in a cremation grave could have been part of a bead necklace combined with a pendant which belonged to a girl aged 0-14. The beads by the stone foundation houses had a larger concentration of beads in its three houses compared to Vallhagar which had the same number of beads found over 20 house foundations. In close connection to the stone foundation houses were glass mosaic fragments found that could have been used to make beads or could have been residuals from the beadmaking process from another place with productions of glass beads. / Buttle Änge och Nygårds har sedan 2009 undersökts genom utgrävningar från Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland men även med en utgrävning år 2009 av Högskolan på Gotland och av Göteborgsuniversitet år 2009 och 2013. Under de 10 utgrävningar som skett på platsen har det påträffats 112 pärlor av glas. Dessa påträffades vid bildstenar, i gravar, i och runtomkring stengrundshus. Pärlorna vid bildstenarna kan tolkas som gravdepositioner och de i en brandgrav kan ha varit en del av ett pärlgarnityr tillsammans med ett hängsmycke som kan ha tillhört en flicka i åldern 0–14. Pärlorna vid stengrundshusen hade en större koncentration av pärlor i sina tre hus jämfört med Vallhagar som hade lika många påträffade från över 20 hus. I anslutning till stengrundshusen påträffades även fragment av glasmosaik som kan ha använts för att skapa pärlor eller varit tillverkningsspill från en annan hantverksplats för glaspärlor.

Högt flygande gravfynd : Nytt perspektiv på falkenering och rovfåglar i gravar under yngre järnåldern / High flying grave goods : A new perspective on falconry and birds of prey in Late Iron Age graves

Eldebrink, Moa January 2024 (has links)
Falkenering har varit en del av den svenska kulturen sedan 500-talet v.t. då de första spåren av rovfågel framträder i gravar från främst Mälardalsområdet och har sedan 2021 klassificeratssom ett av UNESCO:s immateriella kulturarv. Jakt med rovfågel under yngre järnåldern i Skandinavien är ett relativt outforskat ämne som främst har fokuserat på att bekräfta att rovfågel fanns närvarande, spåra praktikens ursprung eller bekräfta en individs status. En definition av falkenering och kriterier för en falkeneringsgrav har tagits fram innan en kvalitativ komparativ analys har utförts på 39 gravar innehållande rovfågelben. Även en djupare analys av gravarna i Rickeby, Sunnerby och Vårberg har genomförts. Analyserna visade att inte alla gravar innehållande rovfågel är högstatusgravar och att rovfåglarnas närvaro troligtvis är mer komplext än enbart falkenering. Jakt med rovfågel kan delas in i nöjesfalkenering och yrkesfalkenering och möjligtvis syns spår av detta bland de undersökta gravarna. Studien visar att tidigare antaganden om att rovfåglar indikerar falkenering, att de enbart hittas i högstatusgravar och att falkenering enbart är en sport för eliten inte är tillräckliga. / Falconry has been a part of Swedish culture since the 6th century AD when the first traces of birds of prey appear in graves from the Mälardalen area and has been classified as a cultural heritage by UNESCO since 2021. The practice of hunting with birds of prey during the Late Iron Age in Scandinavia is an underrepresented subject in archaeological studies. The focus has previously been on confirming the presence of raptors in graves, tracing the origin of the practice and confirming the status of an individual. A definition of falconry and criteria for identifying a falconry grave have been developed followed by a qualitative comparative analysis of 39 graves containing raptor bones. A more thorough analysis of the graves in Rickeby, Sunnerby and Vårberg has also been carried out. The results showed that not all graves containing birds of prey are high-status graves and that the presence of raptors is more complex than to be explained by falconry alone. Hunting with raptors can be divided into falconry for entertainment and professional falconry. Traces of the division might be possible to observe among the graves examined. The study shows that previous assumptions that the presence of raptors indicate falconry, that they are only found in high-status graves and that falconry is a sport for the elite are not sufficient.

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