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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmental Crime Intelligence : The need for a locally and regionally oriented intelligence system on the field of environmental crime

Carlsson, David January 2015 (has links)
This study concerns researching the need for an environmental crime intelligence system at regional and local level geared specifically for environmental crimes within the Swedish Police as well as the need for such a combined operation towards e.g. supervisory authorities. The study views the current situation of environmental crime and environmental damage in part being caused due to an environmental legal implementation deficit. The study explains and defines the need as well as initiates a theoretical systematic design for an Environmental Crime Intelligence which could help reduce the deficit and so help reduce environmental damage. An Environmental Intelligence which in operation from the national level down through the organization would be linking police, prosecutors and county administrations. Authorities – who are assumed to enable, simplify, and standardize discoveries, obligations, investigations and prosecution – would be better interlinked and processed for an improved view and control in the field of environmental crime. This study shows the need to rethink and reevaluate the current state of environmental crime prevention process in terms of priorities and chronological regard. It has shown to verify the theory of legal implementation deficiency. Besides this, the study has also shown a way to reduce that deficiency. With this in mind it has been made visible how the need for an Environmental Intelligence system on a local and regional level would with all probability do very well by current anthropogenic systems. The study finds the presence of an Environmental Intelligence a consistently desired, preferred, alternative from the perspectives of the authorities mentioned above. Many of the findings points straight towards a similarity – principally in prioritization and procedures – through the intent and purpose of research for reducing environmental crime on an international level. This is viewed as a suitable segment of the methodological foundation.

Le renseignement et la gendarmerie nationale : enjeux et perspectives / Intelligence and the national gendarmerie : issues and perspectives

Hamoir, Clement 13 November 2019 (has links)
Alors que la gendarmerie nationale exerce ses missions sur l’ensemble du spectre de la sécurité nationale, celle du renseignement est longtemps demeurée en retrait. La reconnaissance de cette compétence, enfin acquise en 2009 après d’âpres débats, lui a permis de revendiquer un nouveau positionnement dans l’organisation administrative des services. Dans un contexte marqué par la nécessaire prise en compte de la menace terroriste, elle est parvenue à créer son propre service de renseignement en 2013, la SDAO. Bien qu’intégrée depuis toujours à son organisation dans le cadre d’une approche généraliste de la sécurité, la fonction de renseignement de la gendarmerie est désormais incarnée dans sa structure. Sa reconnaissance par la loi de 2015 relative au renseignement permet de consacrer la gendarmerie nationale comme un acteur à part entière du renseignement. Dès lors, l’institution a progressivement adapté son organisation pour répondre aux enjeux posés par ce nouveau droit du renseignement et prendre en compte ses nouvelles prérogatives. Cependant, ces évolutions bouleversent les équilibres. En interne, le centre de gravité du renseignement de sécurité intérieure s’est détaché de la fonction de police judiciaire pour être repositionné au niveau de la SDAO. A l’extérieur, la création de cette nouvelle entité, en parallèle des problématiques posées par l’intégration de la gendarmerie au ministère de l’Intérieur, met en lumière le caractère à la fois central mais sensible de la coordination avec les autres services. Par les enjeux qu’il soulève, le renseignement questionne ainsi le modèle français de police autour de deux logiques opposées, celle du maintien de l’autonomie de chaque institution ou le renforcement de la complémentarité entre elles. Les choix qui seront pris feront en évoluer une au détriment de l’autre. / While the national gendarmerie carries out its missions on the whole spectrum of the national security, that of the intelligence for a long time remained in withdrawal. The recognition of this competence, finally acquired in 2009 after bitter debates, allowed him to claim a new position in the administrative organization of services. In a context marked by the need to take into account the terrorist threat, it managed to create its own intelligence service in 2013, the SDAO. Although it has always been part of its organization as part of a global approach to security, the intelligence function of the gendarmerie is now embodied in its structure. Its recognition by the law of 2015 on the intelligence makes it possible to devote the national gendarmerie as a full actor of intelligence. Since then, the institution has gradually adapted its organization to respond to the challenges posed by this new intelligence law and to take into account its new prerogatives. However, these developments upset the equilibrium. Internally, the center of gravity of internal security intelligence broke away from the judicial police function to be repositioned at the level of the SDAO. Outside, the creation of this new entity, in parallel with the problems posed by the integration of the gendarmerie at the Ministry of the Interior, highlights the central but sensitive nature of coordination with other services. By the issues it raises, intelligence questions the French police model around two logics that currently oppose, that of maintaining the autonomy of each institution or reinforcing the complementarity between them.

Effects of Tasks on Information-Seeking Behavior in a Police Work Environment in the Context of Criminal Intelligence

Tatil, Serkan 05 1900 (has links)
Although dominant effects of tasks on individuals' information-seeking behavior is accepted by many scholars, a limited number of studies has been conducted to reveal the nature of the relationship between tasks and information-seeking behavior. In their studies, some earlier researchers categorized tasks according to their complexity while others did the same according to the specifications of tasks. Two of the groundbreaking researchers in this area are Katriina Byström and Kalervo Järvelin who contributed to the understanding of the relationship between task complexity and information-seeking behavior. However, their findings also need empirical support for theory growth. In response to this need, this study attempts to test Byström and Järvelin's findings through a research using different research methods and applied in a police work environment. Other than providing empirical support for theory growth, this research is also expected to contribute to the understudied area of police information-seeking behavior. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from the participants who came from traffic, homicide, and anti-terrorism divisions of Ankara, Eskisehir, and Kirikkale Police Departments in Turkey. The participants identified terrorism cases as the most complex cases to solve, followed by homicide and traffic accident cases. Differences in the information-seeking behavior of three groups of police officers were examined through qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Oneway ANOVA technique and post hoc comparisons were used to analyze the quantitative data. In addition to shedding light on information-seeking behavior of police officers investigating related cases in Turkey, the results provided support for Byström and Järvelin's findings. For instance, the officers investigating more complex tasks used significantly more information sources than the others, while the use of external information sources was significantly higher in more complex cases.

Les réseaux criminels entre logiques économiques et logiques ethno-culturelles / Criminal networks between economic and cultural logics

Sartini, Tony 28 November 2018 (has links)
La tradition criminologique conçoit volontiers le crime comme un fait individuel. A rebours de cette conception, cette thèse se propose de comprendre le crime comme un fait social et politique. Les modèles matérialistes et culturalistes classiques ont pu rendre compte des variables économiques et culturelles explicatives du crime. Pour autant, ils ont insuffisamment pris en compte ce fait fondamental que l’activité criminelle est, dans sa masse, une activité de groupe. En particulier, ils peinent à expliquer la surreprésentation des minorités -notamment ethniques- dans le crime. Un modèle sociométrique dit d’ « encastrement criminel » permet de montrer en quoi la sociabilité des minorités donne des avantages comparatifs auxdites minorités dans la criminalité organisée.Parce qu’elle est d’abord un phénomène de réseaux, la criminalité s’explique donc en comprenant les logiques économiques qui motivent les membres des réseaux criminels, mais également les logiques ethno-culturelles qui les structurent. De telles logiques sont toujours prédominantes dans le monde contemporain, marqué par la globalisation, le caractère plus virtuel des échanges, le communautarisme et le terrorisme. Ces logiques économiques et culturelles ont insuffisamment été prises en compte par les politiques publiques de sécurité en France, en particulier les politiques de la ville et de renseignement criminel. Cela tient en bonne partie au modèle français, qui peine à appréhender les logiques du crime de façon pragmatique, et à prendre en compte l’ethnicité. / Criminal networks between economic and cultural logics The criminological tradition readily conceives crime as an individual fact. Unlike this conception, this thesis proposes to understand the crime as a social and political fact. The traditional materialistic and culturalist models were able to account for the explanatory economic and cultural variables of the crime. However, they have insufficiently taken into account this fundamental fact that criminal activity is, in its mass, a group activity. In particular, they are struggling to explain the over-representation of minorities-especially ethnic-in crime. A sociometric model called "Criminal embeddedness" shows how the sociability of minorities gives comparative advantages to such minorities in organized crime.Because it is primarily a phenomenon of networks, crime is thus explained by understanding the economic logics that motivate members of criminal networks, but also the ethno-cultural logics that structure them. Such logics are always prevalent in the contemporary world, characterized by globalization, the more virtual nature of trade, communitarianism and terrorism. These economic and cultural logics were not sufficiently taken into account by public security policies in France, in particular in urban governance and in criminal intelligence policies. This is largely due to the French model, which is struggling to grasp the logic of crime in a pragmatic way, and to take into account ethnicity.

User Acceptance of North Central Texas Fusion Center System by Law Enforcement Officers

Odabasi, Mehmet 12 1900 (has links)
The September 11 terrorist attacks pointed out the lack of information sharing between law enforcement agencies as a potential threat to sound law enforcement in the United States. Therefore, many law enforcement agencies as well as the federal government have been initiating information sharing systems among law enforcement agencies to eradicate the information sharing problem. One of the systems established by Homeland Security is the North Central Texas Fusion Center (NCTFC). This study evaluates the NCTFC by utilizing user acceptance methodology. The unified theory of acceptance and the use of technology is used as a theoretical framework for this study. Within the study, user acceptance literature is examined and various models and theories are discussed. Furthermore, a brief information regarding the intelligence work done by law enforcement agencies are explained. In addition to the NCTFC, several major law enforcement information systems are introduced. The data for this study comes from the users of the NCTFC across the north central Texas region. Surveys and interviews are used to triangulate data. It is found in this study that performance expectancy and effort expectancy are important indicators of system use. Furthermore, outreach and needs assessment are important factors in establishing systems. The results of the study offer valuable input for NCTFC administrators, law enforcement officials, and future researchers.

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