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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genomlysning och anpassning av ett webbaserat administrativt system med fokus på cross-browser funktionalitet

Rönning, Fredrik, Lundh, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att anpassa ett existerande webbaserat administrativt system, så det fungerar med flera olika webbläsare. Fokus ligger på testningen av det befintliga systemet och de testmetoder som används för att få en så bra bild som möjligt på de ändringar som behöver göras. Efter att ha läst uppsatsen så ska läsaren kunna göra en uppskattning på hur lång tid de skulle kunna ta att göra ett liknande arbete. Uppdragsgivaren har kravet att webbapplikationen ska fungera med Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox och Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE). Uppsatsen tar upp de mjukvaruverktyg som är relevanta för examensarbetet och vilka tekniker som har använts för att att lösa de problem som har uppstått. Då webbapplikationen endast var skriven för MSIE från start, så har författarna utgått från funktionaliteten i MSIE när de implementerat tester. Resultatet från testerna kommer att ligga till grund för de anpassningar som görs i applikationen. Testerna kommer även att användas för att validera webbapplikationens funktionalitet efter att ändringar har gjorts. Då detta arbete även skall ge en indikation på tidsåtgång, såväl som arbetsbörda, har det varit viktigt att redovisa hur tiden har allokerats för de olika momenten. / The purpose of this report is to adapt an existing web-based administrative system, in order to make it function in a cross-browser environment. Our focus is on testing the current system, and describing the testing methods used to identify the differences in functionality between the web browsers. After reading this report, the reader should be able to estimate the amount of time needed to adapt similar projects. The requirement when adapting the system, is that it should function correctly in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE).The report covers relevant software tools and discusses techniques used to solve problems that arise during the evaluation and implementation. Since the application is written to function correctly with MSIE, this web browser is used as a reference when evaluating the application in the other web browsers. The evaluation is the basis when adapting the application, but it is also used to validate the changes made. Since this work should be viewed as an indication of both time requirement and workload, documenting the work is of key importance.

Cross-platform testing and maintenance of web and mobile applications

Roy Choudhary, Shauvik 08 June 2015 (has links)
Modern software applications need to run on a variety of web and mobile platforms with diverse software and hardware-level features. Thus, developers of such software need to duplicate the testing and maintenance effort on a wide range of platforms. Often developers are not able to cope with this increasing demand and release software that is broken on certain platforms, thereby affecting a class of customers using such platforms. Hence, there is a need for automating such duplicate activities to assist the developer in coping with the ever increasing demand. The goal of my work is to improve the testing and maintenance of cross-platform web and mobile applications by developing automated techniques for comparing and matching the behavior of such applications across different platforms. To achieve this goal, I have identified three problems that are relevant in the context of cross-platform testing and maintenance: 1) automated identification of inconsistencies in the same application's behavior across multiple platforms, 2) detecting features that are present in the application on one platform, but missing on another platform version of the same application, and, 3) automated migration of test suites and possibly other software artifacts across platforms. I present three different scenarios for the development of {cross-platform} web and mobile applications, and formulate each of the three problems in the scenario where it is most relevant. To address and mitigate these problems in their corresponding scenarios, I present the principled design, development and evaluation of the two techniques, and a third preliminary technique to highlight the research challenges of test migration. The first technique, X-pert identifies inconsistencies in a web application running on multiple web browsers. The second technique, FMAP matches features between the desktop and mobile versions of a web application and reports any features found missing on either of the platform versions. The final technique, MigraTest attempts to automatically migrate test cases from a mobile application on one platform to its counterpart on another platform. To evaluate these techniques, I implemented them as prototype tools and ran these tools on real-world subject applications. The empirical evaluation of X-pert shows that it is accurate and effective in detecting real-world inconsistencies in web applications. In the case of FMAP, the results of my evaluation show that it was able to correctly identify missing features between desktop and mobile versions of the web applications considered, as confirmed by my analysis of user reports and software fixes for these applications. The third technique, MigraTest was able to efficiently migrate test cases between two mobile platform versions of the subject applications.

Development of a framework for creating cross-platform TV HTML5 applications

Eilert, Rickard January 2015 (has links)
When developing HTML5 applications for TV platforms, the TV platforms provide, in addition to standardHTML5 functionality, also extra APIs for TV-specific features. These extra APIs differ between TVplatforms, and that is a problem when developing an application targeting several platforms. This thesis hasexamined if it is possible to design a framework which provides the developer with one API that works formany platforms by wrapping their platform-specific code. The answer is yes. With success, platform-specificfeatures including: TV remote control input, video, volume, Internet connection status, TV channel streamsand EPG data have been harmonised under an API in a JavaScript library. Furthermore, a build systempackages the code in the way the platforms expect. The framework eases the development of TV platformHTML5 applications. At the moment, the framework supports the Pace, PC and Samsung Smart TVplatforms, but it can be extended with more TV platform back-ends. / Lorsque l’on développe des applications HTML5 pour des plateformes TV, les plateformes TV fournissent,en plus de la fonctionnalité standard d'HTML5, des APIs supplémentaires pour les particularités d'une TV.Ces APIs supplémentaires diffèrent entre les plateformes TV, et ceci cause un problème lors dudéveloppement d’une application pour plusieurs plateformes. Cette thèse a fait l’examen de la possibilité deconcevoir un cadre d'applications qui fournit au concepteur une API qui peut servir à plusieurs plateformes,cachant le code spécifique de celles-ci. La réponse est oui. On a réussi à harmoniser : l’entrée de latélécommande, le lecteur vidéos, le volume, la connexion Internet, le flux TV et leurs données GPE, dans uneAPI qui réside dans une bibliothèque JavaScript. En outre, un système de compilation met le code d’unemanière dont la plateforme peut comprendre. Le cadre d'applications facilite le développement d'applicationsHTML5 des plateformes TV. Pour le moment, le cadre d'applications peut supporter la Pace, le PC et laplateforme de Samsung Smart TV, mais il peut également fonctionner avec d'autres plateformes TV. / Wenn man HTML5-Anwendungen für TV-Plattformen entwickelt, stellen die Plattformen neben denStandardfunktionalitäten von HTML5 auch extra APIs für TV spezifische Features zur verfügung. Diesezuzätzlichen APIs unterscheiden zwischen TV-Plattformen und das ist ein Problem bei der Entwicklung vonAnwendungen, die auf mehreren Plattformen laufen sollen. Diese These untersucht, ob es möglich ist, einFramework zu entwerfen, dass dem Entwickler eine API bereitstellt, welche für mehrere Plattformenfunktioniert, indem deren Plattform spezifischer Code verpackt wird. Die Antwort ist ja. Das Frameworkharmonisiert: Fernbedienungeingabe, Video, Volumen, Internet-Anschlussstatus, Fensehkanalstreams undelektronische Programmführer, zu einer gemeinsamen JavaScript-Bibliothek-API. Weiterhin verpackt einbuild system den Code so, wie es die Plattform erwartet. Das Framework erleichtert die Entwicklung vonHTML5-Applikationen für TV-Plattformen. Im Moment deckt das Framework: Pace-, PC- und SamsungSmart TV-Plattformen, aber es kann mit weiteren TV-Plattformen erweitert werden. / Quando si sviluppano delle applicazioni HTML5 per le piattaforme TV, quest'ustime offrono, oltre allafunzionalità comune di HTML5, anche APIs addizionali per funzionalità specifiche della TV. Queste APIsaddizionali differiscono tra le varie piattaforme TV e questo è un problema quando si sviluppaun'applicazione che funzioni per ciascuna piattaforma. Il presente lavoro esamina la possibilità di progettareun framework che fornisca allo sviluppatore una sola API, la quale sia funzionante per molte piattaforme esia idonea a nascondere il codice specifico di ciascuna di esse. La risposta è sì. Il framework fonde:l'immissione del telecomando, il video, il volume, lo stato della connessione Internet, i flussi dei canali TV edei dati della guida elettronica dei programmi, all'interno di una API secondo il modello di una libreriaJavaScript. Inoltre, il sistema di compilazione crea un pacchetto del codice nel modo in cui le piattaforme siaspettano. Il framework facilita lo sviluppo di applicazioni HTML5 per le piattaforme TV. Al momento, ilframework sostiene le seguenti piatteforme: Pace, PC e Samsung Smart TV, ma può essere esteso anche adaltre. / När man utvecklar HTML5-applikationer för TV-plattformar, finns utöver HTML5s standardfunktionalitet,även extra APIer för att komma åt TV-specifika funktioner. Dessa extra APIer skiljer sig åt mellan TV-plattformar, och det är ett problem när man utvecklar en applikation för många plattformar. Dettaexamensarbete har undersökt om det är möjligt att designa ett ramverk som förser utvecklaren med ett APIsom fungerar för många plattformar genom att wrappa deras plattformsspecifika kod. Svaret är ja. Ramverketharmoniserar: fjärrkontrollsindata, video, volym, internetförbindelse, TV-kanalströmmar och deras TV-tablåer, till ett gemensamt JavaScript-bibliotek-API. Vidare paketerar ett byggsystem koden på de sätt somplattformarna förväntar sig. Ramverket underlättar utveckling av HTML5-applikationer för TV-plattformar.För tillfället stöder ramverket plattformarna: Pace, PC och Samsung Smart TV, men det kan breddas med flerTV-plattformar.

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