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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental Investigations of Internal Air-water Flows

Shaban, Hassan January 2015 (has links)
The objective of the present thesis research is to apply state-of-the-art experimental and data analysis techniques to the study of gas-liquid pipe flows, with a focus on conditions occurring in header-feeder systems of nuclear reactors under different accident scenarios. Novel experimental techniques have been proposed for the identification of the flow regime and measurement of the flow rates of both phases in gas-liquid flows. These techniques were automated, non-intrusive and economical, which ensured that their use would be feasible in industrial as well as laboratory settings. Measurements of differential pressure and the gas and liquid flow rates were collected in vertical upwards air-water flow at near-atmospheric pressure. It was demonstrated that the probability density function of the normalized differential pressure was indicative of the flow regime and using non-linear dimensionality reduction (the Elastic Maps Algorithm), it was possible to automate the process of identifying the flow regime from the differential pressure signal. The relationship between the probability density function and the power spectral density of normalized differential pressure with the gas and liquid flow rates in air-water pipe flow was also established and a machine learning algorithm (using Independent Component Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks) was proposed for the estimation of the phase flow rates from these properties. The proposed methods were adapted for use with single and dual conductivity wire-mesh sensors in vertical upwards and downwards air--water flows. A thorough evaluation of the performance and measurement uncertainty of wire-mesh sensors in gas-liquid flows was also performed. Lastly, measurements of the flow distribution in feeder tubes supplied with air-water mixtures by a simplified header model were collected and correlated to the observed flow patterns in the header.

Demonstrace metod snižování pravděpodobnosti chybného příjmu / Demonstration of optimal receivers for the AWGN channel

Musil, Petr January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the demonstration of bit error rate reduction techniques. In the theory section, different techniques of bit error rate reduction are presented, followed by the introduction of the communication channel and the communication system parameters. Each technique is simulated in Matlab Simulink environment using the additive white Gaussian noise channel model. The simulations are captured in waveform oscillograms of all the signal processing stages. The practical section of this thesis offers a functional laboratory solution demonstrating different ways of transmission: a direct-path signal, a path with a cross-correlation receiver and a path using matched filtering. The individual circuits are described in detail, including waveform oscillograms of the signal processing blocks for illustration. Furthermore, the practical section presents printed circuit boards designs, comprehensive documentation for production, measurement results and a sample laboratory protocol.

Výzkum nových parametrů online písma u dětí s grafomotorickými obtížemi / Research of new online handwriting features in children with graphomotor difficulties

Gavenčiak, Michal January 2021 (has links)
In the Czech Republic, there is currently no objective method to diagnose graphomotor difficulties in children. Ongoing research uses modern digitizers to capture the hand-writing process and quantify its parameters. The first goal of this thesis is to develop software tools to faciliate work with the collected data, such as database validation and writing exercise rating, done by specialists. Another goal of this thesis is to design new on-line handwriting parameters which are then to be analysed on a cohort of school children from 2nd to 4th class of primary school (n=239). The implementation of two desktop programs on the .NET platform is described, among three new quantifying parameters based on the principles of isochrony, two-dimensional cross-correlation, and geometrical centroid. All three parameters show significant correlation (r = [0,2; 0,3])with the HPSQ-C rating in 2nd- and 4th-graders and correlation (𝜌= [0,2; 0,5]) with specialist’s subjective scores in all children from the cohort. The analysis suggests children with graphomotor difficulties struggle with regulating handwriting speed and working memory.

Hodnocení míry mentální zátěže za použití mozkové konektivity / Classification of mental workload using brain connectivity measure

Doležalová, Radka January 2015 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá využitím EEG dat pro výpočet mozkové konektivity a vytvořením klasifikátoru mentální zátěže. Nejdříve je popsán teoretický základ EEG, následně jsou rozebrány některé metody pro určení mozkové konektivity. Pro výpočet klasifikačních příznaků byla použita data nasnímaná během experimentu, který manipuloval s mentální zátěží ve dvou stupních. V práci je popsán průběh experimentu, zpracování a redukce nasnímaných dat, stejně jako extrakce příznaků z nasnímaných EEG dat pomocí několika metod měření konektivity (korelační funkce, kovariance, koherence a míra fázové soudržnosti) a následná automatická klasifikace třemi způsoby (na základě vzdálenosti od vzoru tvořeného průměrem, metoda nejbližšího souseda a diskriminační alanýza). Dosažené výsledky jsou detailně popsány a diskutovány. Nejlepšího výsledku (úspěšnost 60,64%) bylo dosaženo při použití kovarianční matice určené z dat získaných ze 4 elektrod z různých mozkových oblastí (beta pásmo EEG) při klasifikaci založené na lineární diskriminační funkci.

Určení a vizualizace souřadného systému rohovky během implantace čočky / Identification and visualization of the coordinate system of the cornea during lens implantation

Hudec, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation describes the method of inserting polar-axis system into the video recording of cataract operation at the Geminy Eye Surgery, Zlin. At the theoretical part, it discusses requirements for inserting the polar-axis system including elimination of eye rotary movements captured by slit lamp. Then the emphasis is also on the speed of data processing. The practical part of the dissertation, focuses on the creating the method for detection of centers at the slit lamp picture, as well as video sequence and a method that eliminates potential eye rotation. For designing the program solution, following methods were used: Otsu method, Hough transformation method, method of two vertical projections, and crosscorrelation method. In total, the program solution was tested and analyzed in Matlab program on anonymous data set of 22 eyes.

Rozložení zdrojů šumu zaznamenaných stanicemi sítě WEBNET a rychlostní model šíření S-vln ve svrchní kůře seismoaktivní oblasti západních Čech získaný na základě seismické interferometrie. / Distribution of noise sources recorded by the WEBNET network and the uppermost S-wave velocity model in the West Bohemia seismoactive region based on seismic interferometry.

Mityska, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis consists of two parts. The first part contains the azimuth -- slowness analysis for period 3s<=T<=6s, which was conducted by the FK analysis for 10 stations of the WEBNET network. In the second part there is the surface wave group velocity measurement for every station pair of 10 WEBNET stations. The interstation group velocity was obtained by the cross--correlation of microseismic noise records. Local group velocities are connected with the instantaneous period data. The Love wave group velocities are visualised by the 2D tomography calculation. The thesis also contains the additional Love waves dispersion analysis for just one station pair. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Analýza map nebeské sféry / Analysis of the celestial maps

Považan, Juraj January 2020 (has links)
Analysis of the spheric map Abstract The master thesis deals with cartometric analysis of maps of the celestial sphere using image correlation. The main goal of this work was to design an algorithm for the identification of stars on old maps of the starry sky using a normalized cross-correlation and the application of a median and Gaussian filter. The analysis itself takes place on small scale maps or. the whole visible sky divided into two hemispheres, shown in a stereographic projection and also takes into account the influence of the cartographic map display on the position of objects, which it tries to eliminate by Helmert transformation, and also the influence of precession, which affects the position of astronomical objects over time. The accuracy of the drawing of the positions of the objects is evaluated by means of isolines drawn on the basis of positional coordinates. The algorithm was implemented in the Matlab programming environment and old maps from the Mapová sbírka PřF and the 5th edition of Bright Star Cataloque were used as test data, which contains the positions of stars with precisely determined coordinates. The achieved results are presented in the form of images of captured objects and created isolines over old maps as well as tables of the three nearest neighbors of the most important...

Zwei-Photonen-Kreuzkorrelations-Spektroskopie : Nachweis der Interaktionen einzelner Moleküle in der lebenden Zelle

Schwille, Petra 31 August 2007 (has links)
The progress of miniaturisation towards the nanoscopic scale in science and technology has also influenced the biosciences. This is particularly important, since proteins, as the smallest functional units of life, exhibit a spectacular wealth of functionalities, enabling them to fulfil complex tasks in cells and organisms. For this reason, they are often termed molecular or cellular “machines”. To be able to investigate and better understand these fascinating molecules in their native environment, new analytical methods must be developed, with appropriately high sensitivity and spatial and temporal resolution. We describe one very promising technique based on fluorescence spectroscopy, which allows a quantitative analysis of protein- protein interactions in the live cell. / Die zunehmende Miniaturisierung bis hin zum nanoskopischen Maßstab in vielen technischen Disziplinen hat auch die Lebenswissenschaften ergriffen. Dies ist insofern von großer Bedeutung, als die Proteine als kleinste funktionale Einheiten des Lebens trotz ihrer winzigen Abmessungen eine faszinierende Komplexität aufweisen, die es ihnen erlauben, hoch differenzierte und spezialisierte Aufgaben in der Zelle und im Organismus zu übernehmen. Aus diesem Grund werden sie in der modernen Biologie auch als molekulare oder zelluläre „Maschinen“ bezeichnet. Um diese kleinen Wunderwerke zu studieren und ihre Funktionsweise in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung zu analysieren, bedarf es innovativer Technologien, die es erlauben, mit maximaler räumlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung auch einzelne Moleküle in der lebenden Zelle sichtbar zu machen und zu verfolgen. Im Folgenden wird eine von uns entwickelte fluoreszenzspektroskopische Methode vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe die komplizierten Interaktionen zwischen Proteinen in der lebenden Zelle aufgeklärt werden können.

Particle image velocimetry measurements of blood flow in aneurysms using 3D printed flow phantoms

Tshimanga, Ilunga Jeanmark 11 1900 (has links)
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain one of the leading causes of deaths worldwide. The formation and presence of aneurysm is a very important question in the study of this CVDs. An aneurysm is a balloon-like bulge on a blood vessel which forms over time. An aneurysm is usually considered to be a result of weakening of the blood vessel walls, this definition has stood over many years without being conclusively proven. Eventually, the aneurysm could clot or burst due to degradation of the aneurysm wall and accumulation of blood. The latter would lead to internal bleeding and result in a stroke. Local hemodynamics have been found to be very important in the study of the evolution of an aneurysm. In this study, a steady flow experimental investigation was conducted using planar Particle Image Velocimetery (PIV) on a rigid flow phantom of an idealised geometry consisting of a curve parent artery and a spherical aneurysm located on the outer convex side of the curvature. The flow phantom was fabricated directly using a commercially available desktop Stereolithography (STL) 3D printer instead of the more conventional investment casting method using a core. Although 3D printing technologies have been around for many years, the fabrication of flow phantoms by direct printing is still largely under-explored. This thesis details the results of investigation into the optimal printing and post-printing procedures required to produce a flow phantom of suitable clarity and transparency. Other important areas of concern such as the geometric accuracy, surface topography and refractive index of the final model are also investigated. A planar PIV is conducted to study the impact of flow rates on the local flow field in and around the aneurysm and their impact on the wall shear stress. It was found that direct 3D printing is appropriate for the fabrication of flow phantoms suitable for PIV or other flow visualisation techniques. It reduces the complexities and time needed compared to the conventional investment casting methods. It was observed that the optical properties of the printed material such as the high refractive index (RI) and the transmittivity of light could cause a problem in large models. From the PIV measurements it was found that flow rates affect the flow field in both the parent artery and the aneurysm. First, high velocities were observed on the outer curvature of the parent artery. Secondly the centre of rotation in the aneurysm is not at the geometric centre but is displaced slightly in the direction of the flow. Finally, the flow rate affects the angle in which flow enters the aneurysm from the parent vessel. This change in the flow angle affects the flow within the aneurysm. A higher flow rate in the parent artery increases the incident angle which brings the centre of rotation closer to the geometric centre of the aneurysm, this changes the location and magnitude of high velocities and hence the local wall shear stress (WSS) on the wall of the aneurysm. This may have implications in the evolution of aneurysms. / Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Automatické zpracování mikroseismických dat a jejich vztah k hydraulické injektáži / Automatic processing of microseismic data and their relation to the hydraulic injection

Vlček, Josef January 2021 (has links)
Microseismic monitoring is an integral part of scientific experiments or industrial operations associated with the hydraulic fracturing of bedrock, which is an effort to increase the permeability of rocks in the area and improve the exploitation, whether of heat, oil or natural gas. Monitoring of such newly formed or growing original fractures, usually followed by seismic events, is very important for observation and describing the hydraulic fracturing itself and its progress over time. Since the number of such events recorded is usually very high, classical methods of earthquake processing, where the arrival times of seismic waves are determined manually, seem to be very inappropriate. For this reason, automatic methods are used to process such datasets, which do not require manual determination of the arrival times of the seismic waves. In our case, the data were recorded by a dense network of surface receivers arranged in the shape of a ten-arm star. It was a total of more than nine hundred groups of vertical geophones, of which more than a quarter were also supplemented by a three-component seismic sensor. We then created an automatic procedure for the described network, the result of which is the determination of the location and the source mechanism for each seismic event. The recorded...

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