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First investigation of electromagnetic coupling of the d*(2380) hexaquarkKay, Stephen John Donald January 2018 (has links)
This thesis presents the first measurement of the d*(2380) (hexaquark) electromagnetic coupling, extracted from the deuteron photodisintegration (~γd → d* → ~np) reaction. The experiment was carried out at the Mainzer Microtron (MAMI) facility in the Institut für Kernphysik in Mainz, Germany. A racetrack microtron at the MAMI facility provided a 1557 MeV longitudinally polarised electron beam. This electron beam was directed onto a thin radiator to produce a bremsstrahlung photon beam. Diamond and amorphous (metallic) radiators were used to produce linearly and circularly polarised photons respectively. The produced bremsstrahlung photon beam was energy 'tagged' with a resolution of ~4 MeV over the photon-energy range of 150-1400 MeV using the Glasgow Photon Tagger. The tagged photons were incident on a 10 cm long liquid deuterium target. This target was surrounded by a new nucleon recoil polarimeter apparatus and placed within the Crystal Ball calorimeter at MAMI. An array of PbWO4 and BaF2 detectors (TAPS) was used to provide calorimetry at forward angles. The newly constructed large acceptance recoil polarimeter measures the polarisation of the nucleons in the final state. The combination of this new apparatus with the polarised photon beam facility gives access to a number of single and double polarisation observables. The photon beam asymmetry, Σ, and the double polarisation observable, Cx', were examined in measurements of the reaction d(→γ,→n→p) over a large range of energies with a close to full angular coverage. The observable Cx' is determined for the neutron produced in deuteron photodisintegration for the first time. The new data constrains mechanisms of deuteron photodisintegration and assesses the existence and contribution of the d*(2380) resonance.
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Neutron skin measurement of tin isotopesGlowa, Dominika Aleksandra January 2016 (has links)
Heavy atomic nuclei are thought to have proton and neutron radial distributions which have different extents. This difference is usually quantified in terms of a neutron skin (rnp), defined as the difference between the root mean square radii of the neutron and proton radial distributions (rnp = rn - rp). The nature, or even existence, of the neutron skin is currently not well established for many nuclei. Different nuclear theories give different predictions for the neutron skin thickness ranging for a typical heavy nucleus from 0.05 to 0.35 fm. Accurate measurement of the properties of the neutron skin would be a powerful constraint to differentiate between models of nuclear structure, improving our knowledge of the basic Equation Of State (EOS) for neutron rich matter. Particularly, the rate at which the neutron skin thickness changes across an isotopic chain of nuclei gives a tight constraint on the EOS and is also amenable to experimental determination with small systematic error. Improving our knowledge of the EOS for neutron rich matter is a crucial step towards gaining a deeper understanding of nuclear structure and nuclear matter in general. These results will also impact our knowledge of compact astrophysical objects such as neutron stars. This thesis describes the first measurement of neutron skin thicknesses along an isotopic chain using an electromagnetic probe. The neutron skin is measured through the study of the coherent photoproduction of neutral π mesons emitted from nuclei. This experiment was carried out in the A2 hall of the MAMI facility in Mainz, Germany in October 2012. The incident photon beam comprised of energy tagged photons in the range of Eγ=150-800 MeV with an intensity of 10⁸ photons per second. Experimental data was obtained for three different tin targets, 116Sn, 120Sn and 124Sn. The products from the resulting photoreactions were measured in the Crystal Ball detector and in the TAPS calorimeter systems, with track and particle identification information for charged particles provided by a multi wire proportional chamber (MWPC) and a particle identification detector (PID). The experiment provides the first information on the evolution of the neutron skin thickness along an isotopic chain using an electromagnetic probe. The results are compared with a range of theoretical models and previous data from strongly interacting probes. The new data will provide an important new experimental constraint on the basic properties of the EOS in atomic nuclei.
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Analýza rizik projektuHrnčíř, Kamil January 2007 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce bylo: - spočítat tzv. Earnings-at-Risk projektu realizovaného firmou Chemoprojekt v různých jeho fázích pomocí programu Crystal Ball, - stanovit, jaká rizika ovlivňují nejvíce úspěšnost projektu, - z hlediska kurzového rizika posoudit možnosti jeho zajištění. Ve dvou různých fázích projektu (v době podpisu kontraktu a 11 měsíců po něm) vyšlo statistickou analýzou historických dat přibližně stejné EaR, cca 720 tis. eur. V souvislosti s vývojem projektu došlo i ke změně v pořadí významnosti rizikových faktorů. Pro zajištění proti kurzovým rizikům by měla firma využít následujících produktů: 1. Calyon banka ? Protected Accumulated Boosted Forward, 2. ING - Zero-cost opční struktura forward extra, 3. ING - klasický forward.
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Využití simulačních modelů při analýze rizika / The use of simulation models for the analysis of riskHernová, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
Optimization is used in daily practice with fixed input quantities and assuming constancy of all internal and external factors that may affect the results. But the reality that surrounds us is not so straightforward and clear. It is a complex and variable system. We learn new information about it every moment and it changes and evolves constantly. If the variability is included in the optimization model, it will change from the deterministic to stochastic model. Simulation offers a way how to work with the variability of inputs and the risk that the future development will be different from the assumptions. It uses probability distributions of entering risk factors. The most frequent method is Monte Carlo simulation, which is based on the generation of large amount of scenarios of possible future developments. Crystal Ball was used as simulation software program.
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Analýza rizik projektuHrnčíř, Kamil Ing. January 2007 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce bylo: - spočítat tzv. Earnings-at-Risk projektu realizovaného firmou Chemoprojekt v různých jeho fázích pomocí programu Crystal Ball, - stanovit, jaká rizika ovlivňují nejvíce úspěšnost projektu, - z hlediska kurzového rizika posoudit možnosti jeho zajištění. Ve dvou různých fázích projektu (v době podpisu kontraktu a 11 měsíců po něm) vyšlo statistickou analýzou historických dat přibližně stejné EaR, cca 720 tis. eur. V souvislosti s vývojem projektu došlo i ke změně v pořadí významnosti rizikových faktorů. Pro zajištění proti kurzovým rizikům by měla firma využít následujících produktů: 1. Calyon banka ? Protected Accumulated Boosted Forward, 2. ING - Zero-cost opční struktura forward extra, 3. ING - klasický forward.
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Risk management of groundwater drawdown in settlement sensitive areas.Tisell, Victoria January 2013 (has links)
A new method for estimation of risks at settlement calculations is presented. By quantifying uncertainties of settlement calculations, it is possible to make risk analysis and to compare the costs of risk reducing efforts with the benefit these efforts would lead to. The settlement estimations are done by combining uncertainties about soil data, groundwater drawdown and settlement calculations. This master degree thesis describes how the groundwater drawdown is estimated using a numerical model. The model reflects the groundwater decrease around a drainage well with respect to estimated groundwater recharge, dependent on the geology and precipitation. There are four parameters in the model which are connected to soil properties and precipitation; hydraulic conductivity for clay, hydraulic conductivity for till, hydraulic conductivity for sand and mean annual net precipitation. Drawdown is estimated in a deterministic and a probabilistic model, where the probabilistic model uses stochastic parameter values in a Monte Carlo simulation. The risks concerning settlements are found when the groundwater model is integrated with a soil model and a settlement model. When integrated, the new model estimates risks related to all three separate models. Results of groundwater drawdown and ground settlement estimations are spatially presented in a sensitivity and risk analysis. By finding and comparing the most influencing parameters of the settlement, project decision makers will have an easier task deciding on what further measures should be focused on.
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Multichannel Partial-Wave Analysis of <i>K̅N</i> ScatteringZhang, Hongyu 30 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Hodnocení ekonomické efektivnosti a analýza rizika investičních projektů v reálném podniku / Economical evaluation of investments and risk analysis in real enterpriseGötz, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the work is to introduce various ways of economical evaluation of investments and present their practical application for industry branch of electrical devices. The work is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical one. The introductory part presents framework of economical evaluation and describes basics of economical evaluation and terms such as NPV, discount rate, investment decision) The work focuses on the most favorite approach -- discounted cash flow method - of economical evaluation of investments in detail. However, practical experiences show that conventional approach does not take probability distributions of input variables into account. When the higher risk is implied to discount rate, promising project could be rejected. That is why DCF concept is complemented by Monte Carlo risk modeling application.
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Hodnoceni investičního záměru vybrané firmy / The Evaluation of the Investment Project in the Selected CompanyPeterková, Marcela January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis was to evaluate the complex investment project of modernization of production halls selected companies. The literature search methods are described, which were subsequently applied to the actual calculations on the basis of which were compiled cash flows of investment, determined discount rate calculations performed indicators selected from among the methods of static and dynamic. Was subsequently identified and assessed the risks associated with an investment by using Monte Carlo simulation. The conclusion of this work the company receives a recommendation whether or not to implement the project.
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Investiční projekt společnosti XY s. r. o. / The Investment Project of the Company XY s. r. o.Koubek, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the comprehensive evaluation of the investment project for housing construction in Brno. In the paper I will first focus on the economic evaluation of the project and will define the conditions of the project for its acceptability and feasibility. Next, I will focus on the possibilities of the project sale and the associated risk analysis. The last section focuses on a separate proposal of promotional ways and a way of financing for the end customer.
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