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Design Technique for Analog Temperature Compensation of Crystal OscillatorsHaney, Mark Allan 28 November 2001 (has links)
For decades, the quartz crystal has been used for precise frequency control. In the increasingly popular field of wireless communications, available frequency spectrum is becoming very limited, and therefore regulatory agencies have imposed tight frequency stability requirements. There are generally two techniques for controlling the stability of a crystal oscillator with temperature variations of the environment. They are temperature control and temperature compensation.
Temperature control involves placing the sensitive components of an oscillator in a temperature stable chamber. Usually referred to as an oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO), this technique can achieve very good stability over wide temperature ranges. Nevertheless, its use in miniature battery powered electronic devices is significantly limited by drawbacks such as cost, power consumption, and size.
Temperature compensation, on the other hand, entails using temperature dependent circuit elements to compensate for shifts in frequency due to changes in ambient temperature. A crystal oscillator that uses this frequency stabilization technique is referred to as a temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO). With little added cost, size, and power consumption, a TCXO is well suited for use in portable devices.
This paper presents the theory of temperature compensation, and a procedure for designing a TCXO and predicting its performance over temperature. The equivalent electrical circuit model and frequency stability characteristics for the AT-cut quartz crystal are developed. An oscillator circuit topology is introduced such that the crystal is operated in parallel resonance with an external capacitance, and equations are derived that express the frequency stability of the crystal oscillator as a function of the crystal's capacitive load. This relationship leads to the development of the theory of temperature compensation by a crystal's external load capacitance. An example of the TCXO design process is demonstrated with the aid of a MATLAB script. / Master of Science
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High Performance Reference Crystal Oscillator for 5G mmW CommunicationsTorabian Esfahani, Tahmineh, Stefanidis, Stefanos January 2014 (has links)
Future wireless communications (often referred to as 5G) are expected to operate at much higher frequencies compared to today’s wireless systems. During this thesis, we have investigated the option to use high frequency crystal oscillators, which along with a PLL, will generate the RF LO signal in the mmW range. Different topologies that consume low power and deliver low phase noise for better channel capacity have been studied and presented. In this report we provide a detailed analysis of crystal oscillator theory and designand we discuss techniques that we have used to simulate our models. During this project we have encountered various challenges such as parasitic oscillation, start-up behaviour and effects from package modeling. All these issues are discussed in detail while solutions, examples and results are demonstrated. Finally, along with the crystal oscillator we have also proceeded in the design of a buffer for a better input/output isolation. A squarer has been implemented for greater power savings.
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Design of Frequency Output Pressure TransducerMa, Jinge 08 1900 (has links)
Piezoelectricity crystal is used in different area in industry, such as downhole oil, gas industry, and ballistics. The piezoelectricity crystals are able to create electric fields due to mechanical deformation called the direct piezoelectric effect, or create mechanical deformation due to the effect of electric field called the indirect piezoelectric effect. In this thesis, piezoelectricity effect is the core part. There are 4 parts in the frequency output pressure transducer: two crystal oscillators, phase-locked loop (PLL), mixer, frequency counter. Crystal oscillator is used to activate the piezoelectricity crystal which is made from quartz. The resonance frequency of the piezoelectricity crystal will be increased with the higher pressure applied. The signal of the resonance frequency will be transmitted to the PLL. The function of the PLL is detect the frequency change in the input signal and makes the output of the PLL has the same frequency and same phase with the input signal. The output of the PLL will be transmitted to a Mixer. The mixer has two inputs and one output. One input signal is from the pressure crystal oscillator and another one is from the reference crystal oscillator. The frequency difference of the two signal will transmitted to the frequency counter from the output of the mixer. Thus, the frequency output pressure transducer with a frequency counter is a portable device which is able to measure the pressure without oscilloscope or computer.
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Automatic Frequency Control of Microwave Radiation SourcesPayne, Bobby D. 08 1900 (has links)
Resonant cavity controlled klystron frequency stabilization circuits and quartz-crystal oscillator frequency stabilization circuits were investigated for reflex klystrons operating at frequencies in the X-band range. The crystal oscillator circuit employed achieved better than 2 parts in 10 in frequency stability. A test of the functional properties of the frequency standard was made using the Stark effect in molecules.
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Synchronizované zdroje časových signálů / Synchronized sources of clock signalsFlorián, Antonín January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with design of synchronized sources of time signal. The first part of the thesis deals with the theory the crystal resonators, crystal oscillators and PLL. The second part of the thesis deals with the crystal oscillator with 10MHz frequency. In the oscillator is use of SC cut crystal. The third part of the work deals with method of synchronization. To synchronization is use of PLL.
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An amplitude modulated laser rangefinder : electronic circuit design and implementationNaser, Fazel, Morin, Stefan January 2022 (has links)
This report describes the design and implementation of a prototype for an amplitude modulated laser rangefinder, which is made on a PCB consisting of a laser module emitting light, a photodiode receiving the light reflected from the target, and other components. The design is made for the different power levels, generation of the modulation output and the reception of the signal. The sinusoidal wave is generated with an oscillator circuit and filtered out to produce a pure sine signal. The system requires different voltage levels and current values, which is done with DC-DC converters. Finally, a receiver circuit is implemented to detect the modulation, which needs a device that transfers light energy into voltage. Many tests have been made to optimize the analog circuit for a stable output. The prototype was created as a PCB design with a laser module and a photodiode mounted on it. In the end, satisfactory results were obtained up to the receiving part, however, the prototype was tested with an external circuit for light detection. There is considerable room for improvement, e.g., signal sampling, working receiver and use of standard voltage levels, but this thesis intends to provide a basis for future work.
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Etude et développement d’un oscillateur à quartz intégré / Study and development of an integrated quartz crystal oscillatorTinguy, Pierre 20 December 2011 (has links)
Le besoin croissant de réduction du volume, de la masse et de la consommation des dispositifs électroniques sans pertes deperformances concerne aussi les oscillateurs à quartz utilisés dans les applications métrologiques (bases de temps, capteurs),la téléphonie, la navigation... Dans le cadre de cette problématique, nous avons développé un ASIC (Application SpecificIntegrated Circuit) en technologie 0,35 μm SiGe BiCMOS (Austriamicrosystems®) fonctionnant sous 3,3 V (±10%) pourréaliser un oscillateur à quartz miniature opérationnel sur une gamme en fréquence allant de 10 MHz à 100 MHz. Ce circuitdont la surface ne dépasse pas les 4 mm2 est composé de diverses cellules RF, depuis le système d’entretien de type Colpitts,la mise en forme et jusqu’à l’adaptation du signal à sa charge d’utilisation (50 W ou HCMOS). Ces cellules sont toutespolarisées par une référence de tension interne de type bandgap CMOS. La consommation totale du circuit en charge resteinférieure à 100 mW pour un bruit blanc de phase visé de −150 dBc/Hz à 40 MHz. Pour minimiser la sensibilité thermiquedu résonateur et ainsi pouvoir s’orienter également vers des applications OCXO (Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator),nous avons partiellement intégré une régulation de température dans notre ASIC. Cette régulation fortement dépendante del’architecture thermo-mécanique a été dimensionnée puis validée au travers de modélisations par analogie sous Spectre®.Notre électronique intégrée nécessite peu de composants externes et nous l’avons reportée par flip chip sur une interfacespécifique pour / The increasing demand for high-performance devices featuring compact, lighter-weight designs with low-power consumptionalso impacts quartz crystal oscillators used in metrological applications (time bases, sensors), telephony or navigation. Inthis context, we have developed an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) in 0.35 μm SiGe BiCMOS technology(Austriamicrosystems®) supplied by 3.3 V (±10%) to realize a miniaturized quartz crystal oscillator operating in the 10 MHzto 100 MHz frequency range. The fabricated die hosts several RF cells in a 4 mm2 area, including a sustaining amplifier(Colpitts topology), a signal shaping circuit and an output buffer dedicated to a specific load (50 W or HCMOS). These cellsare biased by a fully integrated CMOS bandgap voltage reference. The die power consumption remains lower than 100 mWfor a targeted phase noise floor as low as −150 dBc/Hz at a 40 MHz carrier frequency. A thermal control loop has in additionbeen partially integrated to the ASIC, in order to reduce the quartz resonator thermal sensitivity as well as to extend thepotential application field of the developed die to oven applications (OCXO). The thermal control, that is strongly dependanton the mechanical design, has been designed and tested by using electrical analogy modeling on Spectre® simulator. Finallyour integrated circuit has been connected to a specific substrate using flip chip technology to realize a miniaturized quartzcrystal oscillator packaged on a TO-8 enclosure (Ø15.2 mm).
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Instrumental techniques for improving the measurements based on Quartz Crystal Microbalances (Técnicas instrumentales para mejorar las mediciones con microbalanzas de cuarzo)Torres Villa, Robinsón Alberto 01 October 2012 (has links)
L'Electrogravimetria AC empra una microbalança de quars electroquímica (EQCM) en règim dinàmic. En l'EQCM un dels elèctrodes d'or depositats sobre el cristall és recobert amb una fina pelolícula d'un polímer electroactiv i és emprat com a elèctrode de treball (WE) dins d'una celola electroquímica. Les variacions de la freqüència de ressonància de la microbalança de quars (QCM) permeten obtindre la resposta massa associada amb la transferència de càrrega que es dóna en la interfície polímer-electròlit. L'Electrogravimetria AC va ser proposta a fi de caracteritzar i separadament identificar el moviment dels ions i el solvent en la interfície polímer-electròlit. En esta tècnica s'analitza en el domine de la freqüència la resposta de massa davant de xicotetes pertorbacions de voltatge gràcies a l'ocupació de la microbalança de quars en règim dinàmic. Per a este propòsit s'aplica una xicoteta pertorbació sinusoidal superposada a una tensió contínua, entre l'elèctrode de referència i l'elèctrode de treball de la celola. Posteriorment, es pot dibuixar la funció de transferència electrogravimètrica (EGTF), definida esta com la raó (?m/?E) entre l'amplitud dels canvis de massa induïts (?m) i l'amplitud de la pertorbació sinusoïdal aplicada (?E). Esta funció de transferència se dibuixa en un pla complex per a cada una de les freqüències de la senyal de pertorbació. Les distintes espècies iònicas involucrades són identificades en el pla complex per mitjà de bucles característics sempre que els bucles no se superposen.
Per mitjà d'esta tesi doctoral es proposa un nou sistema de conversió de freqüència-tensió basat en un doble ajust de freqüència implementat amb un PLL mesclant elements analògics i digitals (AD PLL). Els resultats trobats tant en la caracterització electrònica del dispositiu com en la fase experimental proven la fiabilitat del sistema per als mesuraments realitzats en la tècnica d'Electrogravimetria AC. / Torres Villa, RA. (2007). Instrumental techniques for improving the measurements based on Quartz Crystal Microbalances (Técnicas instrumentales para mejorar las mediciones con microbalanzas de cuarzo) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17323
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