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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nem anjos nem demônios: o crime como uma esfera da vida de jovens e adultos da periferia de Salvador

Rosana Silva Chagas 19 January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho de dissertação tem por objetivo refleti sobre a inserção e a permanência de jovens da periferia da cidade de Salvador em atividades criminosas. Para a maioria dos entrevistados, a inserção no crime aconteceu ainda nos primeiros anos da adolescência. Hoje eles são jovens-adultos que consideram a atividade criminal um trabalho que possibilita a construção da autonomia de um sujeito-homem. A maioria dos informantes está envolvida especificamente no crime contra o patrimônio, o furto, e a especificidade da ação permite excluí-lo do âmbito do crime violento. A ação criminal elege como locus de atuação lojas de departamento de diferentes shoppings centers da cidade e também festas populares como o carnaval, micaretas, São João e shows de grande porte ao redor do Brasil. Nesta atividade eles se auto intitulam de descuidistas. As teorias acionadas na compreensão do problema em questão foram: teoria do curso de vida, acumulação de desvantagem, controle social e rotulação, além do conceito de construção de um sujeitohomem através do crime. A pesquisa foi realizada em um bairro considerado um dos mais violentos da cidade de Salvador: Fazenda Coutos. / The purpose of this dissertation is to reflect on the causes that lead many young people living in the periphery of Salvador into a life of crime and to remain in it. In most cases, the interviewees admitted that their unlawful activities began during their adolescence. Today, they are young adults who regard their criminal activities as being work; that is, an activity that makes them Man-subjects and guarantees their autonomy as individuals. Most of the informants said that they were involved in crimes against property - that is, theft. Therefore, theirs is not violent or blood crime. Their criminal behavior takes place in the citys several shopping centers and also during the annual festivities, such as carnival, micaretas and St Johns Fête, but also during big shows or sporting events that take place all over the country. Their opportunistic theft activities they designate as descuido (theft), which freely translated amounts to something like preying on those who let down their guard. I relied on the following theories to guide me to an understanding of the subject matter: life life-course, cumulative disadvantage, social control and labelling, and, finally, the concept that through crime marginalized individuals may seek to construct a Man-subject identity. Fieldwork was conducted in one of the most violent neighborhoods of the city of Salvador.

Nem anjos nem demônios: o crime como uma esfera da vida de jovens e adultos da periferia de Salvador

Rosana Silva Chagas 19 January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho de dissertação tem por objetivo refleti sobre a inserção e a permanência de jovens da periferia da cidade de Salvador em atividades criminosas. Para a maioria dos entrevistados, a inserção no crime aconteceu ainda nos primeiros anos da adolescência. Hoje eles são jovens-adultos que consideram a atividade criminal um trabalho que possibilita a construção da autonomia de um sujeito-homem. A maioria dos informantes está envolvida especificamente no crime contra o patrimônio, o furto, e a especificidade da ação permite excluí-lo do âmbito do crime violento. A ação criminal elege como locus de atuação lojas de departamento de diferentes shoppings centers da cidade e também festas populares como o carnaval, micaretas, São João e shows de grande porte ao redor do Brasil. Nesta atividade eles se auto intitulam de descuidistas. As teorias acionadas na compreensão do problema em questão foram: teoria do curso de vida, acumulação de desvantagem, controle social e rotulação, além do conceito de construção de um sujeitohomem através do crime. A pesquisa foi realizada em um bairro considerado um dos mais violentos da cidade de Salvador: Fazenda Coutos. / The purpose of this dissertation is to reflect on the causes that lead many young people living in the periphery of Salvador into a life of crime and to remain in it. In most cases, the interviewees admitted that their unlawful activities began during their adolescence. Today, they are young adults who regard their criminal activities as being work; that is, an activity that makes them Man-subjects and guarantees their autonomy as individuals. Most of the informants said that they were involved in crimes against property - that is, theft. Therefore, theirs is not violent or blood crime. Their criminal behavior takes place in the citys several shopping centers and also during the annual festivities, such as carnival, micaretas and St Johns Fête, but also during big shows or sporting events that take place all over the country. Their opportunistic theft activities they designate as descuido (theft), which freely translated amounts to something like preying on those who let down their guard. I relied on the following theories to guide me to an understanding of the subject matter: life life-course, cumulative disadvantage, social control and labelling, and, finally, the concept that through crime marginalized individuals may seek to construct a Man-subject identity. Fieldwork was conducted in one of the most violent neighborhoods of the city of Salvador.

身心障礙者生存機會與社會適應 / Life Chances and Social Adaptation of People with Disability in Taiwan

陳雅琪, Chen, Ya Chi Unknown Date (has links)
過去,我們常以旁觀者的觀點出發,以局外人的角度設想身心障礙者所面對的問題,對身心障礙者的了解十分有限。不當的對待或歧視,往往限制了身心障礙者的生存機會,使其處於弱勢中的弱勢,導致身心障礙者及其家庭陷於重重困境之中。 鑒於過去研究對於身心障礙者之統計資訊的缺乏,以及個案分析難以釐清人口群之特徵,本研究著眼於解析障礙圖像,並以不同生命階段可能面對之危機及重要生命事件做為切入的角度,探討身心障礙者在過去三十餘年生存機會與社會適應之差異。由於公務統計之資訊無法呈現細部的障礙者生命歷程,本研究輔以身心障礙國民生活需求調查資料,釐清導致障礙的時點對障礙者可能產生的影響,並分析其需求與福利資源之契合度,以檢討政策施行對身心障礙者造成行為或生存機會的改變。 研究使用民國101年(2012)內政部統計處社會經濟資料庫,以及衛生福利部之統計資訊為主,透過地理資訊系統的呈現,描繪出身心障礙者的分布狀況,以及資源分配的情況。有關生存機會的差異,採用民國99年人口及住宅普查全臺閩地區資料與民國100年身心障礙者生活狀況調查原始資料相互對照,以不同生命歷程作為主要的軸線,釐清障礙者與非障礙者的生存機會(就學、就業、婚育)與多元差異。 研究發現,都會區的障礙人口龐大,偏鄉、山地區域的障礙人口佔總人口比例卻十分驚人。身心障礙者之教育程度較低、成為非勞動力的比例較高,此外,身心障礙者較一般人不易進入婚姻,在進入婚姻後,又曝露於更高的離婚風險。從不同致障時間來看,先天致障者面臨較低的教育、婚育機會,但是在就業部分沒有較大的差異;智能障礙者、慢性精神病患者面臨各種機會的弱勢,然而,兩者致障的時間卻有不一樣的情境;自閉症則是在婚育機會中與智能障礙者同等弱勢,但是在教育和就業面向則有較好的表現。 研究建議,障礙發生的時程反映不同的情境,如以同一套的處遇模式,是無法滿足障礙者的需求。在地方資源分配不均的情況下,應考量福利介入最佳的時點與資源,改善身心障礙者不利的處境,增強其社會適應之可能。 / In the past, misunderstanding of people with disabled resulted in improper treatment or discrimination. This perspective of an outsider vision limited their life chances, and their families were caught in a predicament. Given the lack of previous studies for the disabilities of statistical information, as well as case studies is difficult to clarify the characteristics of population groups, this study focuses on displaying maps of disability, and exploring different life courses in which people may be in face of crisis and major life events. Since the official statistics of the information cannot render detail of life course, researcher supplemented by survey data, to clarify the impact on the time of becoming disabled, to analyze the fitness of welfare resources and needs, and to review the implementation of the policy. Research on the use of the Republic of China 101 years (2012) at the Ministry of the Interior statistics socio-economic database, as well as the Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics information mainly through geographic information system, depicting the distribution of people with disabilities, and the distribution of resources. Researcher also use the data of Republic of China 2010 Population and Housing Census in Taiwan and Fujian area, and 2011 Physically and Mentally Disabled Citizens Living and Demand Assessment Survey to clarify differences life chances about education, employment, marriage and child rearing. The study found that a large number of people with disability live in urban area; however, the proportion of disability is alarming in mountainous regions and rural area. People with disability are lower educated, have less chances to become labor forces. In addition, compared with people without disability, people with disability have less chances to get married. Even getting married, they are easier to be divorced. People born to be disabled are lower educated, have less chances to get married and to have babies, compared with those who are not born to be disabled. People with mentally disability and chronic psychosis face disadvantaged opportunities, but their time of being disabled are totally different. People with autism and mentally disability have less chances of getting married and having babies, but the former with higher educated and higher chances to be employed. Research suggested that the time of becoming disability reflecting different situations. As a result, we have to concern the life course and timing of becoming disabled, and to provide appropriate resources for people with disability. Owing to uneven distribution of resources, we should consider the welfare of the best intervention point with the right resources to improve the well-being of people with disability and enhance their social adaptation.

Childhood household composition and future economic outcomes : Are children of single parent families experiencing growing disadvantages as adults in Sweden?

Mikaelsson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Family is a unit of socialization and transmitter of social, cultural and economic resources. Thus family arrangements may result in unequal future outcomes for the children growing up in them. A case in point is children from single parent households. The aim of this study is to investigate whether children growing up in single parent households in Sweden experience growing disadvantages during the life course, compared to children from two-parent households, and if socioeconomic factors explain this association. Previous literature shows that children from single parent households are disadvantaged but few have investigated the long term effects of childhood household composition in Sweden and whether disadvantages grow over time.  Using Swedish representative, longitudinal data from Generations and Gender Survey round 2 (GGSII), individuals living in Sweden during childhood between ages 20 to 59 were observed during the years 1990 to 2019. With ordered logistic regression for each year, earnings trajectories could be analyzed, with semi-elasticities used for interpretation.  The results showed that respondents from single parent households fare worse in future earnings compared to respondents from two-parent household. This is explained by differences in educational attainment: children from single parent households have lower educational level which produce lower future earnings. The effect is statistically significant during several years after 2010, however, the results show no evidence of growing disadvantages. Socioeconomic background partially alter the association but not entirely. Whether socioeconomic background functions as a confounder or a mediator to the association has not been determined in this study but is an important task for future research in order to establish the causal nature of socioeconomic background in relation to childhood household composition and children’s future outcomes.

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