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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Guided composition : an integrated, outcomes-based music curriculum for grade 8

Van Rensburg, Adriana Janse 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMus) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study involves the research and documentation to develop an integrated, outcomesbased curriculum for music education in Grade 8 in South Africa by using guided composition as a teaching method. Directives from the new national curriculum, i.e. Curriculum 2005, the current Western Cape Education Department's syllabus for Music and the British National Music Curriculum are considered and applied. Composition is a medium that assists learners in exploring sound in an approach that emphasizes discovery through processes of creative thinking when organizing sound. Music as an art form cannot be mastered through discussion and performance alone. This study focuses on how composition helps learners to explore and discover through problem-solving activities when learning to think in sound and to manipulate the language of music. General perspectives on music education curricula are researched to determine an acceptable theoretical proficiency level for Grade 8. The praxial music educational approach of David Elliott is used as a philosophical foundation for developing the composition program curriculum. Actively making music, developing musicianship and developing creativity in music education form the backbone of this author's approach and hence an accountable basis for a curriculum. Fundamental issues in developing a curriculum are examined, the crux being how we learn. Cognitive apprenticeship and reflective thinking as praxial techniques focussing on integrated and holistic learning are proposed as a methodology for a music education curriculum, in this case composition. A curriculum for guided composition is designed and set out in four stages according to the four stages of curriculum development as proposed by David Elliott. Orientation, preparation and planning, teaching and learning and evaluation and assessment are addressed. This composition program attempts to situate and activate musical learning by proposing teaching and learning skills through which learners can activate and catalyze their creativity. When learning and experiencing music in a situated, authentic and practical way, as through composition, lifelong involvement, musical skills and continued enjoyment and accountability for the subject can be stimulated and established. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie behels die navorsing en dokumentasie van die ontwikkeling van 'n geïntegreerde, uitkomsgebaseerde kurrikulum vir musiekopvoeding in Graad 8 in Suid- Afrika deur begeleide komposisie as 'n onderrigmetode te gebruik. Riglyne uit die nuwe nasionale kurrikulum, nl. Kurrikulum 2005, die huidige Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement se sillabus vir musiek en die Britse Nasionale Musiekkurrikulum word ondersoek en toegepas. Komposisie is 'n medium wat hom by uitstek daartoe verleen om op ontdekkende wyse, deur middel van kreatiewe prossesse, klank te eksploreer wanneer dit georganiseer word. Musiek as kunsvorm kan nie bemeester word deur blote besprekings oor musiek en voordrag alleen nie. Hierdie studie ondersoek hoe komposisie leerders kan help om te eksploreer en te ontdek deur middel van probleemoplossingsaktiwitieite wanneer hulle leer om in klank te dink en die taal van musiek te manipuleer. Breë perspektiewe op musiekopvoedkundige kurrikula word ondersoek om 'n aanvaarde vlak van teoretiese bevoegdheid vir leerders in Graad 8 te bepaal. Die praksiële musiekopvoedkundige benadering van David Elliott is die vertrekpunt om as filosofiese basis vir die ontwikkeling van hierdie komposisieprogram te dien. Aktiewe musisering. die ontwikkeling van musiseerderskap en die stimulering van kreatiwiteit in musiekopvoeding vorm die ruggraat van hierdie outeur se benadering en derhalwe 'n besinde basis vir 'n kurrikulum. Fundamentele aangeleenthede in die ontwikkeling van 'n kurrikulum word ondersoek, waar die kruks lê in hoe ons leer. Kognitiewe vakleerlingskap en reflektiewe denke is praksiële tegnieke wat fokus op geïntegreerde en holistiese leer en word voorgestel as 'n metodologie vir 'n musiekopvoedkundige kurrikulum, in hierdie geval komposisie. 'n Kurrikulum vir begeleide komposisie word ontwerp en word voorgestel in vier fases volgens die vier fases van kurrikulum-ontwikkeling van David Elliott nl. oriëntasie, voorbereiding en beplanning, onderrig en leer en evaluasie en assessering. Die komposisieprogram word geëvalueer en metodes van kurrikulum-evaluering word beskryf. Die komposisieprogram poog om musikale leer te situeer en te aktiveer deur onderrigen leervaardighede voor te stel waardeur leerders hul kreatiwiteit kan aktiveer en kataliseer. Wanneer musiek in 'n gesitueerde en outentiek praktiese wyse geleer en ervaar word, soos deur komposisie, kan lewenslange leer, musikale vaardighede, voortgehoue genot van musiek en regverdiging van die vak gestimuleer en gevestig word.

Principles of task-based course design for a Zulu second language course on socialization for businesss people

Gokool, Roshni 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The concept of exploring principles for designing a Zulu language learning course for business people stemmed from the need that there is not enough course material available for learners wanting to learn a second language. The preliminary component of the thesis is based on the theoretical framework for language learning theory advanced by Naam Chomsky, which is theory-driven and derives from an in-depth analysis of the properties of languages in an effort to determine the highly abstract principles of grammar. This study reviews the different definitions of second language learning and teaching employed by various linguists, for example, Cook, Odlin and Sharwood-Smith. It presents the different kinds of grammar explored in the analysis of a second language. Following the discussion of principles of grammar, a broad definition of the term 'universal grammar' (UG), is explored and how this UG model relates to views on teaching of Zulu, is identified. The thesis demonstrates the relation between second language learning and language teaching and the influence that UG has on language teaching. It will be argued that the theory of Chomsky and the knowledge of second language acquisition is suitable as a framework for language teaching because it incorporates the essence of second language learning that may be useful to a second language educator. Finally, this study will present the principles of task-based course design which will be followed by a discussion of the types of syllabuses required for the construction of communicative Zulu tasks. It is hoped that the conclusions arising from this study will assist in the development of research material and teaching aids for second language Zulu task-based courses, thus providing the field of second language teaching with efficient and successful language teachers and researchers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konsep van die ondersoek van beginsels vir die ontwerp van 'n Zulu taalvaardigheidskursus vir sakemense het ontstaan uit die behoefte aan gepaste onderrigmateriaal vir Zulu-tweedetaal onderrig aan die sakemense. Die aanvangskomponent van hierdie tesis is gegrond op die teoretiese raamwerk vir taalaanleer soos voorgestaan deur Chomsky. Die Chomskiaanse teorie van taalkennis is ontwikkel uit 'n in-diepte analise van die eienskappe van taalkennis ten einde die hoogsabstrakte beginsels van taal te bepaal. Die studie bied eers 'n oorsig van verskillende definisies van tweedetaalleer en -onderrig soos aangewend deur verskillende taalkundiges soos Cook, Odlin en Sharwood-Smith. Daar word 'n bespreking gegee van die verskillende sieninge van die aard van grammatika in tweedetaalonderrig. Na die bespreking van die beginsels van grammatika-onderrig in tweedetaalleer en -onderrig word die implikasies van die Chomsky se Universele Grammatika benadering beskou vir die tweedetaalonderrig van Zulu. Die tesis ondersoek ook die verband tussen tweedetaalleer en -onderrig en die invloed wat Universele Grammatika op taalonderrig het. Daar sal aangevoer word dat die UG teorie van Chomsky en die verband daarvan tot tweedetaalonderrig gepas is as 'n raamwerk vir tweedetaalonderrig omdat die essensiële beginsels van tweedetaalleer wat bruikbaar kan wees vir die taalonderrigpraktisyn. Die studie sal, laastens, die beginsels van taakgebaseerde kursusontwerp ondersoek, wat gevolg sal word deur 'n bespreking van die tipes sillabusse benodig vir die konstruksie van kommunikatiewe take in Zulu. Die gevolgtrekkings wat voortspruit uit hierdie studie kan bydra tot die navorsing van tweedetaalonderrig vir Zulu en die ontwerp van taalonderrigmateriale vir taakgebaseerde kursusse vir Zulu. Hierdeur kan 'n bydrae gemaak word tot die lewering van bekwame navorsers en taalonderrigpraktisyns vir Zulu tweedetaalonderrig. / IQOQA ZULU: Umqondo wokuhlela izifundo zesiZulu zomabhizinisi wavezwa isidingo esikhombisayo ukuthi akukho obekulotshiwe maqondana nabafundi bolimi Iwesibili. Ingxenye yokuqala yophando igxile esakhiweni senqubo Iwazi yokufunda nokufundisa ulimi Iwesibili eyaqhutshwa nguNoam Chomsky, eqhutshwa yinqubolwazi futhi isukela ocwanigweni olunzulu zezilimi emizameni yokuthola imigomo enzulu yohlelo lolimi. Lolu cwaningo luhlola izincazelo ezehlukene zokufunda nokufundisa ulimi Iwesibili ezisetshenziswa abahlaziyilulimi esingabala kubona, uVivian Cook, Terence Odlin kanye noSharwood Smith. Lwethula izinhlobo ezehlukene zohlelo lolimi ezihlolwa ekucwaningweni kolimi Iwesibili. Kulandela izingxoxo ngemigomo yohlelo lolimi, incazelo ebanzi yetemu 'Universal Grammar' (UG) iyahlolisiswa nokuthi lemodeli ye-UG isetshenziswa kanjani esiZulwini. Loluphando lukhombisa ubudlelwano phakathi kokufundwa nokufundiswa kolimi Iwesibili nomthelela omuhle kumbe omubi we-UG ekufundiseni ulimi. Kuzobhekisiswa ukuthi inqubolwazi kaChomsky nolwazi lokufunda ulimi Iwesibili kulungile yini ukuba yisakhiwo senqubo yokufundisa njengoba luhlanganisa ingqikithi yokufundisa ulimi Iwesibili okungenzeka ukuthi ayijwayelekile kumfundisi wolimi Iwesibili. Okukugcina, lolu cwaningo luzokwethula imigomo yezifundo ezihlelelwe phezu komsebenzi othile kuyolandelwa ukuxoxisana ngezinhlobo zamasilabhasi ezidingekayo ukuhlanganisa imisebenzi yesiZulu yokuxhumana. Kuyathembakala ukuthi iziphetho eziyovuka kulolucwaningo ziyosiza ekuthuthukisweni kwezinto eziwusizo ophandweni kanye nezinsiza kufundisa zolimi Iwesibili zezifundo ezihlelelwe phezu komsebenzi othile wesiZulu, kanjalo bese ziletha kulendima yokufundisa ulimi Iwesibili othisha nabacwaningi abawenza ngempumelelo umsebenzi wabo.

Curriculum development in horticulture within the South African qualifications authority framework

Young, Michael Howard 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The curricula of the Technikon National Diplomas in Horticulture, Landscape Technology and Parks (Open Space) and Recreation Management have been intermittently revised since the original inception in 1972 of the NO in Horticulture. The shortcomings in the process of curriculum revision, with special reference to programmes in Horticulture, were identified. The institution of outcomes-based education (aBE) and the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) followed the promulgation of the South African Qualifications Authority Act (No. 58 of 1995). All curricula are currently being written in terms of learning outcomes that qualifying learners will be expected to demonstrate. The primary aim of this research study has been based upon the proposition that a scientifically validated situational analysis is an essential precursor to the design or redesign of a curriculum for tertiary-level horticultural training. A situational analysis that includes the sectors of Amenity horticulture, Arboriculture, Floriculture, Landscape, Nursery production, Nursery retail and Turf was undertaken. The results of this analysis were to be utilised in the development of a theoretical curriculum framework, which may be used in the development of a revised curriculum. The secondary aims of the study are complementary to the primary aim as the situational analysis has led directly to the identification of the core and specific skills/competencies within the seven sectors, the degree to which horticulturists are seen to have prepared themselves for their careers, the attributes or qualities employers expect of a qualified horticulturist and the values applicable to the horticulture profession. This research is regarded as exploratory as little documentation exists regarding the competencies being applied by horticulturists within the different sectors. As it describes the characteristics of horticulture education and training and tries to understand the meaning and relevance of the data gathered, it may also be defined as descriptive. It is also an applied research study as its focus is on the sector-specific curriculum development needs in the horticulture industry. A triangulation approach to the study was followed that utilised a quantitative as well as a qualitative approach. This served to heighten the reliability and the validity of the research. In the qualitative approach, use was made of both personal and focus group interviews, which enabled the researcher to study the problem at greater depth. The mail survey, which used a self-administered questionnaire, facilitated the collection of empirical data that was used to corroborate and extend the generalisability of the qualitative findings to a national level and was the quantitative approach followed. While the situational analysis has led to an extensive amount of empirical data relative to the revision of the curricula, the development of a theoretical curriculum framework is seen as the logical conclusion of this analysis as it represents a synthesis of the most important findings of the study. Its presentation to the industry as a concept curriculum framework, upon which a revised curriculum for technikon horticulture training may be based, is recommended. The development of a framework structured in a format compatible with the NQF, aims at meeting the curriculum needs of the different sectors of the industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kurrikula van die Technikons se Nasionale Diplomas in Tuinbou, Landskaptegnologie en Parke- (Oopruimte) en Rekreasiebestuur is sedert die instelling van die NO in Tuinbou in 1972, by tye verander. Die tekortkominge in die proses van kurrikulumhersiening, met spesiale verwysing na programme in Tuinbou, is uitgewys. Die instelling van uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys en die Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk (NKR) het op die proklamasie van die Suid Afrikaanse Kwalifikasie-Owerheid Wetsontwerp (No. 58 van 1995) gevolg. Alle kurrikula word tans in leeruitkomstes wat kwalifiserende leerders sal moet kan demonstreer, omskryf. Hierdie navorsing berus primêr op die uitgangspunt dat 'n belangrike voorvereiste vir die ontwerp of herontwerp van 'n tersiêre vlak-kurrikulum vir tuinbouopleiding op 'n geldige, wetenskaplike situasie-analise gegrond moet wees. 'n Situasie-analise wat die sektore van Baangras, Blommekweek, Boomteelt, Gemeenskapstuinbou, Kwekerykleinhandel, Kwekeryproduksie en Landskap insluit, is onderneem. Die resultate van hierdie situasie-analise sou vir die ontwikkeling van 'n teoretiese kurrikulumraamwerk tydens kurrikulumhersiening benut kon word. Die sekondêre doel van hierdie studie is aanvullend tot die primêre doel aangesien die resultate van die situasie-analise tot die identifisering van die kern- en spesifieke vaardighede/bevoegdhede binne die sewe sektore sou kon bydra. Die mate waartoe tuinboukundiges hul met sukses vir hul loopbaan voorberei het, die eienskappe wat 'n werkgewer van 'n gekwalifiseerde tuinboukundige sou kon verwag en die waardes wat op die tuinbouprofessie van toepassing is, word ook hierdeur geraak. Hierdie navorsing lsverkennend van aard aangesien daar min literatuur beskikbaar is met betrekking tot die bevoegdhede wat deur tuinboukundiges in die verskillende sektore toegepas word. Aangesien dit die eienskappe van tuinbouopvoeding en - opleiding beskryf en 'n poging is om die betekenis en relevansie van die ingesamelde data te verstaan, kan dit ook as beskrywend beskou word. Omdat die fokus op die spesifieke kurrikulumontwikkelingsbehoeftes van die tuinboubedryf geplaas is, is dit ook 'n toegepaste studie. 'n Triangulasiebenadering tot die studie is gevolg waardeur van beide 'n kwantitatiewe en 'n kwalitatiewe benadering gebruik gemaak is. Die betroubaarheid en die geldigheid van die navorsing is hierdeur verhoog. Die kwalitatiewe benadering het van persoonlike en fokusgroeponderhoude gebruik gemaak, wat aan die navorser die geleentheid gebied het om 'n diepgaande ondersoek te doen. Die kwantitatiewe benadering, waar van 'n posopname met 'n self- ingevulde vraelys gebruik gemaak is, het die insameling van empiriese data moontlik gemaak. Hierdie data kon gebruik word om die kwalitatiewe bevindinge tot by 'n nasionale vlak te verbreed. Die situasie-analise het 'n groot hoeveelheid empiriese data, wat op die hersiening van die huidige kurrikula van toepassing is, opgelewer. Die ontwikkeling van 'n teoretiese kurrikulumraamwerk word as die logiese gevolgtrekking van die analise beskou aangesien dit die sintese van die belangrikste bevindinge verteenwoordig. Die aanbieding hiervan aan die bedryf as 'n konsepkurrikulumraamwerk waarop tuinbouopleiding by technikons gebaseer kan word, word aanbeveel. Hierdie konsepraamwerk is in 'n formaat wat met die NKR verenigbaar is, ontwikkel en is geskoei op die realisering van die kurrikulumbehoeftes van die bedryf en sy afsonderlike sektore.

Planning education: the changing needs of theprofession in Hong Kong

Lau, Fung-yee, Rebecca., 劉鳳兒. January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning

Toward the wisdom of practice : curricular decision making among novice primary grade teachers in standards-based schools

Bauml, Michelle Marie 22 September 2010 (has links)
Curricular decision making is foundational to teachers’ practice—every facet of the instructional process is the result of teachers’ decisions. For new teachers, learning to make curricular decisions that will satisfy institutional, public, and professional demands and facilitate learning in their classrooms can be especially challenging given today’s standards-based educational climate. In the primary grades, teachers find themselves having to manage competing demands of accountability and their own beliefs about effective instruction for young children. Despite the field’s renewed interest in studying teachers’ thinking as it relates to post-NCLB curricular decision making, few studies examine curricular decision making among beginning primary grade teachers who share the same accountability issues as their more experienced colleagues. Utilizing case study methodology, this investigation explored how five novice primary grade teachers approached curricular decision making for the core content areas within accountability-driven Texas public schools. Data included classroom observations, interviews and post-observation conversations, lesson planning think-alouds, and curricular documents. Cross-case analyses indicate that participants' curricular decision making was characterized by professional judgment in response to various dilemmas they encountered while attempting to address personal, professional, administrative, and organizational expectations. In many ways, the standards-based contexts in which participants taught made teaching especially difficult for these teachers who were only beginning to accumulate the wisdom of practice. Findings also suggest that participants' curricular decisions were informed by a combination of internal and external influences. Most significantly, curricular decisions were deeply rooted in who teachers are and who they hope to become as professional educators. Professional identity permeated all five teachers' approaches to curricular decision making, from the types of decisions they chose to address to the actual decisions they made in the classroom. Concomitantly, these teachers' conceptions of the teaching profession helped shape the nature of their curricular decisions. The study also reveals that professional colleagues played a strong role in guiding curricular decisions among the participants, although not all support offered to novices was necessarily beneficial for their development as effective decision makers. Finally, the study raises questions about incongruities between teacher preparation programs and the expectations graduates will face as beginning teachers. / text

A sense of place : toward a curriculum of place for Wsánec people

Swallow, Tye Chaburn. 10 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

The Effects of an Education Service Center Curriculum Study on Teacher Participant Attitudes

Ivey, Ellis 06 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study were threefold: (1) to test the assumption that a curriculum study produces change in a school faculty in conservatism-radicalism, in anxiety, in leadership behavior, and in attitude toward the curriculum study; (2) to investigate the relationships between effects of a curriculum study on conservatism-radicalism, anxiety, leadership behavior, attitude toward the curriculum study and age, sex, and years of teaching experience of the teachers; and (3) to create a model from which replications can be made by Texas Education Service Centers.

Besluitneming en inspraak deur onderwysers in kurrikulumvernuwing

16 September 2015 (has links)
M.Ed. / Innovation is not a constraint In education which will disappear if it is ignored. innovation, and for the purposes of this study, curriculum innovation is a means whereby man adapts and survives in a continuously changing society. Curriculum Innovation Is defined by Ceri (1969:13) in the following manner. "We understand Innovation to mean those attempts at change in an educational system which are consciously and purposefully directed with the aim of Improving the present system"...

Business management curriculum compatibility with requirements for success in the small business sector.

22 April 2008 (has links)
Hoër onderwys het oor die laaste aantal jare meer en meer onder die soeklig gekom. Baie vraagtekens is dan ook geplaas oor die kurrikulum van Ondernemingsbestuur. Daar word gevra of die kurrikulum werklik nog die behoeftes van die praktyk, die student en die kleinsake-ondernemings aanspreek. Verder word daar vereis dat so ‘n kurrikulum aan die vereistes van die Suid-Afrikaanse Kwalifikasie Owerheid sowel as die beginsels van uitkoms-gebaseerde onderwys sal voldoen. Hierdie studie poog om ‘n kurrikulum voor te stel wat hierdie behoeftes sal aanspreek Hierdie studie voorsien ‘n ontleding van die noodsaaklike elemente vir die doeltreffende en effektiewe bestuur van die kurrikulum in Ondernemingsbestuur. Die persepsies en ondervinding van kleinsake-eienaars en kleinsake-bestuurders ten opsigte van die bestuur van ‘n winsgewende besigheid te ondersoek. Daar word geglo dat hierdie persespsie en ondervinding implikasies vir die aspirasies van studente in die module kleinsakebestuur inhou, met betrekking tot die implementering en sukses van die kurrikulum van Universiteit van Johannesburg (Vista Universiteit). Die doel van die studie is om die moontlikhede van ‘n nuwe kurrikulum binne die konteks van kleinsake-ondernemings te ondersoek. Daar word gepoog om vas te stel hoe prakties uitvoerbaar so ‘n kurrikulum module inhoud sou wees teenoor die huidige kurrikulum module inhoud vir kleinsake-ontwikkeling. Om die doel te verwesenlik, het die navorser ‘n intensiewe literatuurstudie onderneem. Dit is gevolg deur ‘n empiriese studie in die volgende sektore: • Vervaardiging • Konstruksie • Persoonlike diensverskaffers • Handelsdiens en Ambagdiens • Finansiering / versekeraars / eiendomsagente / makelaars • Kleinhandelaars Die uitslae van die empiriese studie het die uitgangspunte van die literatuurstudie bevestig en het ondere andere getoon dat ‘n kurrikulum gegrond op uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys en terugvoering van die kleinsake-onderneming ‘n bruikbare en toepaslike oplossing is vir die opvoeding, opleiding en ontwikkeling van studente en toekomstige eienaars van klein sake ondernemings, binne die konteks van die werkomgewing van Suid-Afrika. Die bydrae van die studie lê in die daarstelling van ‘n pro-aktiewe kurrikulum in die studie en bestuur van kleinsake-ondernemings vir studente binne Ondernemingsbestuur wat in ooreenstemming is met die breë beginsels van die Nasionale Kwalifikasie Raamwerk, asook gepaardgaande wetgewing. Die studie het ook aan die lig gebring dat sukses in die kleinsake-sektor behaal kan word deur die gaping tussen “onderwys en opleiding” en ook “teorie en praktyk” te oorbrug. / Dr. W. Mayhew

Probleme by die toepassing van kurrikulum 2005 in die funderingsfase

13 August 2012 (has links)
M.Ed. / In the light of the foregoing postulation of the problems and issues to be addressed, the present research study was aimed at determining the problems of Grade 1 and 2 facilitators with respect to Curriculum 2005, with a view to developing guidelines which the educational psychologist could follow in support of teachers' efforts to implement and apply Curriculum 2005. The study had as its point of reference an ecosystemic theoretical framework in terms of which the aim, nature and origin of the outcomes-based approach to teaching and learning, as well as the advancement thereof in Western countries, were discussed. In addition, the researcher took a closer look at how the said system impacted on the facilitator's role in the foundation phase, as well as at the paradigm shift with respect to facilitator resistance. The results of the study indicated that facilitators deemed the in-service training, advising, support and guidance of the Department to be bewildering, incongruent and akin to information overload. The majority of facilitators concurred, however, that extensive retraining and experimental practice with respect to the implementation and application of Curriculum 2005 could possibly solve a myriad of problems regarding the implementation of this curriculum. In addition, facilitators seemed to feel a clamant need for continued support and advice from the Department, as well as from the school in its capacity of a system. The future perspective hinged upon both positive and negative sentiments, however. Negative perceptions involved the failure of Curriculum 2005, whilst positive experiences, on the other hand, centred around the suitability of the model for learners' social and cognitive development and their chances of success, since they experience the implementation as a process. In spite of in-service training and the provision of documentation on the new system of education and learning, facilitators still exhibit an alarming ignorance of the philosophy and concepts underpinning OBE — ignorance that could only be explained in terms of the inadequate in-service training offered to facilitators and their lack of motivation as far as self-development is concerned. Recommendations for policy makers are also incorporated in the guidelines

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