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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of MarrowMAX: Increased Mitotic Index and Improved Metaphase Quality in Bone Marrow Samples

Baroudi, Raghad January 2024 (has links)
In this study, the efficacy of MarrowMAX, a new IVD-certified culture medium for bone marrow samples, was evaluated and compared to the in-house modified culture medium RPMI-1640, which is routinely used at the Academic Hospital in Uppsala for chromosomal analysis. The hypothesis was that the new culture medium MarrowMAX would lead to an increased number of metaphases, resulting in a higher mitotic index, better spreading, and improved metaphase morphology. Twenty patient samples were cultured in parallel using both media and subjected to identical methods for sample preparation and staining for chromosomal analysis. The results demonstrated significant differences between MarrowMAX and RPMI-1640 for one-day, two-day, and three-day cultures. However, no significant differences were observed for directly harvested cultures and overnight colcemid cultures. These findings suggest that MarrowMAX is more effective than RPMI-1640, resulting in a higher frequency of metaphases, which is crucial for detailed chromosomal analysis. This was further confirmed by flow cytometry analysis, showing a higher number of proliferated cells in the MarrowMAX culture compared to the RPMI-1640 culture, in one representative sample. MarrowMAX's enhanced capacity to promote cell growth and structure in a laboratory setting indicates its potential as a promising alternative to RPMI-1640 for future diagnostic applications, potentially leading to faster diagnoses and improved treatment efficacy for patients with hematological conditions.

Prenatalni ultrazvučni skrining drugog trimestra trudnoće u predikciji Daunovog sindroma / Prenatal ultrasound screening during second trimester of pregnancy in prediction of Down syndrome

Kolarski Milenko 26 August 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD Prenatalna dijagnostika predstavlja skup metoda i postupaka čiji je cilj da potvrde ili isključe postojanje kongenitalnih anomalija ploda. Prenatalni skrining može biti ne invazivni i invazivni. Ne invazivni skrining treba da ima visku senzitivnost i da omogući adekvatnu selekciju trudnica kojima će se predložiti genetsko ispitivanje ploda iz uzoraka dobijenih invazivnim metodama prenatalne dijagnostike. Prenatalni skrining prvog trimestra trudnoće obuhvata ultrazvučni pregled debljine nuhalne translucencije i laboratorijsku analizu dva biohemijska markera od 11 do 14 nedelje trudnoće, Prenatalni skrining drugog trimestra trudnoće koji se zasniva na biohemijskom skriningu i tripl testu iako je jedini koji se primenjuje zbog niske senzitivnosti od 20% do 40%, ne može se smatrati validnim. Integrativni biohemijski test prvog i drugog trimestra imaj veću senzitivnost (od 40 do 60%) ali ni on nije dao očekivane rezultate u adekvatnoj selekciji trudnica za genetsku analizu ploda zbog visoke stope lažno pozitivnih rezultata. Drugi trimestar trudnoće omogućava sonografskim pregledima i biohemijskim analizama dopunski način a u nekim slučajevima i jedini u proceni postojanja rizika Daunovog sindroma ili nekih drugih hromozomskih aberacija ploda Zato je primena integrativnih prenatalnih ne invazivnih metoda prvog i drugog trimestra trudnoće veoma značaja u pobolj&scaron;anju dijagnostičkih vrednosti prenatalnih skrining testova i ima za cilj da smanji procenat invazivnih procedura zbog mogućih komplikacija i ne potrebnih finansijskih tro&scaron;kova. Daunov sindrom(trizomija 21 para hromozoma) je najče&scaron;ća hromozomska numerička aberacija praćena mentalnom retardacijom dece (I.Q&lt;70. ) Deca sa Daunovim sindromom su karakterističnog fenotipskog izgleda i sa čestim kongenitalnim anomailjama koje im onemogućavaju normalan život a često su i uzrok njihove prerane smrtnosti. Kongenitalne anomalije su zastupljene kod 2% do 5% živo rođene dece, predstavljaju 25 % perinatalne smrtnosti, četvrtina su uslovljnene hromozomskim aberacijama ili naslednom osnovom, od čega 0, 2%-0, 4% su sa Daunovim sindromom. CILJEVI Ciljevi četrorogodi&scaron;njeg istraživanja su bili da se pobolj&scaron;a dijagnostička vrednost postojećih prenatalnih testova, da se potvrdi značaj ultrazvučnog skrininga drugog trimestra trudnoće analizom debljine vratne brazde i dužine butne kosti ploda te da se pobolj&scaron;a njegova senzitivnost korporativnom sonografskom analizom cefaličnog indexa, intraorbitalnog rastojanja i dužine fronto-talamične distance. MATERIJAL I METODE Ukupan broj trudnica obuhvaćen četvorogodi&scaron;njim ispitivanjem koje su ultrazvučno pregledane i kojima je savetovano genetsko ispitivanje ploda blio je 4552. Tokom Retrospektivnog dvogodi&scaron;njieg ( 2010.2011)bila je 2169 dok je prospektivnom dvogodi&scaron;njom analizom (2012, 2013)je bilo obuhvaćeno 2383 trudnica. Ispitivana grupa su bile trudnice kod kojih je genetskom analizom otkriven patolo&scaron;ki kariotip ploda, kontrolna grupa je obuhvatila sve ostale trudnice kod je kariotip ploda bio normalan od kojih su 124 trudnice odabrane metodom slučajnog izbora. Retrospektivnom studijom ultrazvučna je pregledana dužina vratne brazde(&gt;6mm i dužina butne kosti&lt;0, 6 od 14 do 22 nedelje trudnoće. Analizirana je cirkulacija fetalne krvi kroz duktus venosus ploda( a talas) i postojanje nosne kosti ploda(+, -). Prospektivnom analizom je ultrazvučnim pregledom ploda dodatno analiziran cefalični index(&gt;85%), i intraorbitalna distanca i duzina fronto-talamične distance(&lt;80%) ploda. Kori&scaron;ćene su metode deskriptivne statističke analize, aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija, najmanja i najveća vrednost kod parametrijskih obeležja dok su za ne parametrijska postojanje nosne kosti i alfa talasa duktusu venozusu kori&scaron;ćene druge statističke metode, a komparativnim statističkim metodama kod normalnih, patolo&scaron;kih i kariotipova sa Daunovim sindromom ploda. Statistička značajnost je dokazana t testom a definisana nivoom p&lt;0, 05 i p&lt;0, 001 odnosom kod normalnih, patolo&scaron;kih kariotipova i Daunovog sindroma. Multifaktorskom regresivnom logističkom analizom je urađena procena senzitvnosti prenatalnog ultrazvučnog skrininga sa ispitivanim obeležjima drugog trimestra trudnoće REZULTATI I DISKUSIJA Od ukupnog broja ultrazvučno pregledaninh trudnica 4552 kojima je savetovano genetska analiza ploda citogenetskom analizom je otkriveno 66 patolo&scaron;kih kariotipova 1, 49%, sa Dunovim sindromom 31 0, 68%. Deskriptivnom statističkom obradom ultrazvučno ispitivanih obeležja od 14 do 22 nedelje trudnoće, uočeno je odstupanje i potvrđen značaj starije životne dobi trudnica, debljine vratne brazde i dužine frontotalamične distance u odnosu na normalne nalaze katiotipova ploda u predikciji Daunovog sindroma.Vrednosti dužine butne kosti, cefaličnog indeksa i intraorbitalnog rastojanja nisu imala veća odstupanja u poređenju pato&scaron;kokih i normalnih nalaza kariotipova.Studentovim t testom je i dokazano p&lt;0, 001 za debljinu vratne brazde i dužinu fronto-talamične distance, dok je za stariju životnu dob trudnice potvrđeno a;0, 001. Senzitivnost prenatalnog skrininga drugog trimestra analizom debljine vratne brazde i dužine butne kosti je veća u odnosu na standardno primenjivan biohemijski skrining drugog trimestra tripl testa (senzitivnost 40%-60) sa velikom stopom lažno pozitivnih rezultata.Dokazan je značaj pobolj&scaron;anja senzitivnosti prenatalnih skrining testova dopunskom analizom tri ultrazvučna parametra, dužine fronto-talamične distance, cefaličnog indeksa i intraorbitalnog rastojanja u predikciji Daunovog sindroma, ali i kod ostalih hromozomskih aberacija ploda u periodu od 14 do 22 nedelje trudnoće primenomi multifaktorske logističke regresivne analize senzitivnost preko 93% sa 7% lažno pozitivnih rezultata. Postojanje korelacije između debljine vratne brazde i dužine fronto-talamične distance ploda pobolj&scaron;avai senzitivnost prenatalnih ultrazvučnog skrininga. Integrativnim pristupom ultrazvučnog i biohemijskog skrininga drugog trimesra trudnoće, tripl testa očekuje se pobolj&scaron;ati dijagnostičkih vrednosti prenatalnog skrininga senzitivnost ne invazivnog skrininga u predikciji Daunovog sindroma i ostalih hromozomskih aberacija ploda. ZAKLJUČCI 1Potvrđen je značaj starije životne dobi trudnice u povećanju rizika Daunovog sindoma, i ostalih hromozomskih aberacija ploda ( p&lt;0, 001) Potvrđen je značaj zadebljanja vratne brazde ploda &gt;6mm(p&lt;0, 001) i skraćenja butne kosti kod Daunovog sindroma ploda od 14 do 22 nedelje trudnoće u prenatalnom otkrivanju Dunovog sindroma i ostalih hromozomskih aberacija ploda i selekciji trudnica kojima će se predložiti genetsko ispitivanje ploda.Potvrđena je hipoteza da skraćenje fronto-talamične distance pobolj&scaron;ava senzitivnost ultrasonografskog skrininga, jer če&scaron;će postoji kod Daunovog sindroma ploda ali i ostalih numeričkih hromozomskih aberacija tipa, nego kod normalnih nalaza kariotipa ploda( p&lt;0, 001).Komparativnom analzom ultrazvučnim pregledom fronto-talamična distance debljine vratne brazde i dužine butne kosti ploda od 14 do 22 nedelje trudnoće može se značajno pobolj&scaron;ati vrednost dijagnostičkih prenatalnih testova u predikciji Daunovog sindroma. Postojanje korelacija između fronto-talamične distance i debljine vratne brazde dopunjuje ultrazvučni skrining i povećava njegovu senzitivnost na preko 90%, &scaron;to je multifaktorskom regresivnom logaritamskom analizom i potvrđeno. Značaj multidisciplinarnog pristupa pogotovo je izražen u predikciji Daunovog sindroma, obzirom na različite specijalnosti koje u njemu učestvuju. Cost &ndash; benefit analiza. Visoka senzitivnost ne invazivnog prenatalnog skrininga u predikciji Daunovog sindroma, smanjuje tro&scaron;kove za pojedince i državu jer je njihova cena i do dest puta manja od cene citogenetskih analiza, a i trudnice se ne izlažu riziku mogućih komplikacija prilikom izvođenja invazivnih metoda</p> / <p>INTRODUCTIONS Prenatal diagnostic procedure represent a set of methods and techniques with the aim to afirmate or eliminate the presence of Down&rsquo;s syndrome and other congenital anomalies Can be non-invasive and invasive methods. Non-invasive methods (laboratory or ultrasonographic) have the aim to make possible the most valid assessment of the risk of presence of an affected fetus in the pregnancy, selected pregnancy for invasive diagnostics procedures and citogenetics analisseskariotipingfoeti. Down&rsquo;s syndrome, aneuploidy with trisomy 21 chromosomal, is the most common chromosomal numerical aberration associated with mental retardation of children (IQ&lt; 70). Children with Down&rsquo;s syndrome have characteristic phenotypic appearance with high frequent congenital anomalies that preclude a normal life and are frequently the cause of their earlier death. AIM The aim of the four year long investigation was to confirm the importance of ultrasound screening by the analyses of the basic ultrasound parameters for the second trimester, the thickness of the nuchal fold and the length of the femur of the fetus in the prediction of Down&rsquo;s syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations of the fetus, as well as to improve other existing ultrasonic screenings of the first and second trimester of pregnancy by ultrasonic examination and analyses of the cephalic index and intraorbital space and the length of the fronto-thalamic distance. MATERIAL AND METODS Retrospective investigation (2010. 2011) and prospective investigation (2012.2013) includes 4655 pregnant women. For all pregnant women the genetic investigation of the fetus was performed. A total of 68 were found with chromosomal aberrations, 38 with Down&rsquo;s syndrome. The method of haphazard choice in retrospective study and in prospective study ultrasound markers are examined. In retrospective analyses of the nuchal fold (&lt;6mm and the length of femur &lt;0.6, that represent basic ultrasound screening of the second trimester and are analyzed as parametric signs of the second trimester, and are analyzed as parametric markers, and analyses of the circulation of fetal blood through ductus venosus of the fetus. In the retrospective study the length of the nuchal fold (&gt;6mm in length, that represent a basic ultrasound screening of the second trimester, and are analyzed as parametric markers in the prediction of Down&rsquo;s syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations. RESULTS AND DISCUSION Cytogenetic analyses revealed 66 (1, 49%) pathologic karyotypes and Down syndrome were present in 31 (0, 68%) cases. All pathologic karyotypes were obtained after ultrasound examinations of 4552 pregnant women. Ultrasound markers for period 14th-22nd GW were analyzed with descriptive statistical methods and importance of pregnancy in older women, thickness of nuchal fold and lengths frontal thalamic distance were proofed in case of Down syndrome. Femoral bone lengths, cephalic index and intraorbital distances were similar for both groups, normal and pathologic karyotypes. Student&rsquo;s t test revealed statistical significance with p&lt;0, 001 values for nuchal fold thickness, frontal thalamic distance and older ages.Three additional ultrasound markers (frontal thalamic distance, cephalic index, intraorbital distance) improve prediction of Down syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations between 14th and 22nd GW as well. Multifactorial logistic regressive analyses revealed 93% sensitivity with 7% false positive results. Corelation between nuchal fold thickness and frontal thalamic distance improve prenatal ultrasound screening sensitivity. Using both ultrasound and biochemical screening (triple test) is way to improve sensitivity of non invasive screening in prediction of Down syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations. CONCLUSIONS Importance of pregnant women ages and higher risk for Down syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations was proofed (p&lt;0, 001).Importance of nuchal fold thickness above 6mm (p&lt;0, 001) and shorter femoral bone marker in period from 14th to 22nd GW in prediction of Down syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations are proofed (p&lt;0, 001). Hypothesses that frontal thalamic distance improve ultrasound screening sensitivity was proofed was proofed (p&lt;0, 001) since it is significantly shorter in Down syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations in comparison with fetuses with normal karyotypes. Comparative analyses of frontothalamic distance, nuchal fold thickness and femoral bone length in period from 14th to 22nd GW can signifi cantly improve prenatal diagnostic testing in Down syndrome prediction. Correlation between frontothalamic distance and nuchal fold thickness improve ultrasound screening sensitivity on 93% that is proofed with multifactorial logistic regressive analyses. Significance of multidisciplinary approach is high in Down syndrome prediction. Cost-benefit: High sensitivity of non invasive prenatal screening in Down syndrome prediction reduces costs for families and government since it costs ten time less than cytogenetic analyses and risk with invasive procedures is avoided.</p>

"Avaliação da resposta clínica e citogenética em portadores de leucemia mielóide crônica, tratados com inibidor da tirosina quinase (imatinib)" / Hematologic and cytogenetic response in chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with inhibitor of tyrosine kinase (imatinib)

Mello, Mônika Conchon Ribeiro de 05 October 2004 (has links)
O STI (imatinib, Glivec) é um inibidor da tirosina quinase BCR-ABL, responsável pela patogênese da leucemia mielóide crônica (LMC). Um total de 110 pacientes com LMC na fase crônica (FC) que falharam ou foram intolerantes ao tratamento com interferon, fase acelerada (FA) e crise blástica (CB) foram tratados com imatinibe entre dezembro de 2000 e setembro de 2003. Resposta hematológica completa e resposta citogenética maior foram observadas em 95,9% e 69,4% respectivamente em pacientes em FC e 93,2% e 36,4% em FA. Apenas 2 pacientes na CB estão vivos. O imatinib foi bem tolerado com altas taxas de resposta. / STI571 (Imatinib, Glevec) is an inhibitor of the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase that is central to the pathogenesis of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). A total of 110 patients with CML chronic phase (CP) who failed or were intolerant to interferon, accelerated phase (AP) and blastic crisis (BC) were treated with imatinib from December 2000 until September 2003. Complete hematologic response and major cytogenetic response were observed in 95,9% and 69,4% respectively of patients in CP and 93,2% and 36,4% in AP. Only 2 patients are alive in BC. Imatinib is well tolerated with high rates of response

"Avaliação da resposta clínica e citogenética em portadores de leucemia mielóide crônica, tratados com inibidor da tirosina quinase (imatinib)" / Hematologic and cytogenetic response in chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with inhibitor of tyrosine kinase (imatinib)

Mônika Conchon Ribeiro de Mello 05 October 2004 (has links)
O STI (imatinib, Glivec) é um inibidor da tirosina quinase BCR-ABL, responsável pela patogênese da leucemia mielóide crônica (LMC). Um total de 110 pacientes com LMC na fase crônica (FC) que falharam ou foram intolerantes ao tratamento com interferon, fase acelerada (FA) e crise blástica (CB) foram tratados com imatinibe entre dezembro de 2000 e setembro de 2003. Resposta hematológica completa e resposta citogenética maior foram observadas em 95,9% e 69,4% respectivamente em pacientes em FC e 93,2% e 36,4% em FA. Apenas 2 pacientes na CB estão vivos. O imatinib foi bem tolerado com altas taxas de resposta. / STI571 (Imatinib, Glevec) is an inhibitor of the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase that is central to the pathogenesis of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). A total of 110 patients with CML chronic phase (CP) who failed or were intolerant to interferon, accelerated phase (AP) and blastic crisis (BC) were treated with imatinib from December 2000 until September 2003. Complete hematologic response and major cytogenetic response were observed in 95,9% and 69,4% respectively of patients in CP and 93,2% and 36,4% in AP. Only 2 patients are alive in BC. Imatinib is well tolerated with high rates of response

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