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Prelude and Fugue in A Minor by Miloslav Gajdoš A Transcription for Guitar and Performance GuideJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: This research project introduces the Czech composer Miloslav Gajdoš (b. 1948) to classical guitarists through his composition Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, composed in 1998. Gajdoš is a double bass virtuoso who has enjoyed a successful career performing, composing, and teaching. After the fall of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia in 1989, Gajdoš was allowed more opportunities to perform outside the Czech Republic and to become better known throughout the world. His Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, originally for solo double bass, works well on the guitar and is a rewarding piece to learn and perform. A transcription is presented here that is of publishable quality, together with a biography of Gajdoš and a performance guide. The biography was written from available research materials as well as from direct email correspondence with the composer, and includes authorized quotations from those emails. This project also includes a description of the piece together with musical and technical suggestions that will aid the performer in creating a satisfying musical interpretation. Chapter Three includes a description of the left-hand challenges that were encountered while the piece was being transcribed and the solutions that were devised to mitigate them. Finding new pieces to transcribe for the guitar has long been an important activity of serious players, and this transcription adds a substantial and expressive piece to the growing repertoire of the classical guitar. / Dissertation/Thesis / Complete score of the transcription. / Doctoral Dissertation Music 2017
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Cohort fertility and educational expansion in the Czech Republic during the 20th centuryZeman, Krystof January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
During the 20th century the Czech Republic went through profound changes in female
employment, gender roles, population and family policies, and public childcare. The
educational structure of the female population changed tremendously. At the same time,
completed cohort fertility fluctuated between 1.8 and 2.2 children per woman.
This article analyses the changes in the level of completed cohort fertility by education,
during educational expansion in the Czech population under the economic, cultural, and
institutional background of the state socialist regime, and after its breakdown.
The changes in the level of completed cohort fertility by education are analysed by means of decomposition, complemented by the analysis of parity composition.
RESULTS: uring the 20th century, education-specific completed cohort fertility increased, rather than declined. Fertility levels converged upwards, contributing to high uniformity within educational categories. The overall changes in fertility levels were driven by changes in the educational structure. These trends resulted in the dominance of the twochild family, while large families were disappearing and childlessness dropped to the
biological minimum.
CONCLUSIONS: An egalitarian economic system with traditional family-friendly policies, in combination with a family-unfriendly labour market, developed into a male
breadwinner model of low gender equity. Future family policies should focus on the reconciliation of work and family.
CONTRIBUTION: he study contributes to the discussion on links between education and fertility, adding a new picture to the mosaic of country-level analyses. The Czech Republic is an example of a country with high educational homogeneity of fertility behaviour where the education-specific levels of fertility converged upwards.
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Taxonomie rodu \kur{Stigeoclonium} v ČR / A taxonomy of the genus \kur{Stigeoclonium} in the Czech RepublicCAISOVÁ, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
The genus Stigeoclonium is taxonomically very problematic. The relationships between species of this genus are very little known. There are only a few studies that deal with only morphological revision of the genus Stigeoclonium. Hovewer, up to now no phylogenetic analysis of this genus exists. This study summarizes the knowledge about the genus Stigeoclonim in the Czech Republic and shows the first phylogenetic analysis of this genus.
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Combined morphological and molecular approach to the assessment of \kur{Ulva} (Chlorophyta, Ulvophyceae) in the Czech Republic / Combined morphological and molecular approach to the assessment of \kur{Ulva} (Chlorophyta, Ulvophyceae) in the Czech RepublicMAREŠ, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This study was aimed at discovering the taxonomical identity of freshwater populations of a prevailably marine green-algal genus Ulva in the Czech Republic. Furtherly, collected samples were compared to available relevant material from European herbaria. The identity of collected specimens was successfully resolved by a combined methodology that involved classical and modern molecular techniques, and discussed in the framework of distribution and ecology of close European taxa.
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Historie a vývoj organizací zabývajících se aktivitami v přírodě na území České republiky / History and development of organisations working with the outdoor activities in the Czech RepublicHRABĚTA, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The work is purely desk study and its target is presented the historical development of the organisations working with the outdoor activities in the Czech Republic. It studies the basics of some organisations, for exemples Pionýr, Junák and the others, and its following development. A change of the political and social feedback to its organisations and its following development just to the present time.
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Rozbor radionuklidického složení výpustí ETE / Analysis of radioactive discharges composition at Temelín NPPBUZEK, Karel January 2007 (has links)
Goal of this dissertation is to establish increasing of radioactive discharges with reference to projected construction of next nuclear power units. This dissertation describes radionicludes composition in gaseous also liquid discharges and resulting impact to individual from critical group of the public. Dissertation includes annual summaries of discharges, released into environment during Temelín NPP operation. Procedure of the analysis: 1) calculation of average annual activity of most considerable radionuclides 2) determination of environment influence to radionuclides distribution 3) calculation of supposed committed effective dose 4) calculated supposed committed effective dose comparison with actual authorized limit, with double authorized limit and with dose constraint for effective dose for individual from critical group of the public, caused by discharges of radioactive substances Main conclusion of this dissertation is suggestion of to increase authorized limits for individual from critical group of the public: for gaseous discharges: 50 % above current value {--} it means 60 {$\mu$}Sv per calendar year for liquid discharges: 100 % above current value {--} it means 6 {$\mu$}Sv per calendar year This values are quite acceptable in comparison with dose constraints defined by Regulation No. 307/2002 of Coll., § 56, section 3 {--} {\clqq}average effective dose of 250 {$\mu$}Sv per calendar year for the appropriate critical group of the public, from which 200 {$\mu$}Sv shall be for discharges into the atmosphere and 50 {$\mu$}Sv for discharges into watercourses``. It is possible to utilize this dissertation in process of new nuclear power units projection, next this dissertation demonstrates radiation protection optimisation in area of radioactive discharges according to valid legislation.
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Licenční smlouva v právním řádu České republiky a Anglie a Walesu / Licence agreement in the legal systems of the Czech Republic and England and WalesJohanna, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is to render a comprehensive analysis of licence contracts in two countries - the Czech Republic and England and Wales. The effort to highlight differences between the two scrutinized jurisdictions and related criticism are the most important methods applied in this work and, hopefully, the most recognizable benefits of it. The thesis consists of a short introduction, followed by four descriptive chapters and author's subjective conclusions. The introductory part presents methods of research used throughout the work and implicitly hints what can the reader except when studying this diploma thesis. The first chapter splits into two mutually linked subchapters. The first one defines the very term licence, its etymology and classification. The following subchapter describes general characteristics of intellectual property, a crucial topic to licence contracts and thus indirectly to this thesis. This thesis promises a comparison of two legal systems and the second chapter fulfils this aim. Consisting of two additionally divided subchapters, the author engages in an analysis of the copyright and patent law respectively. Both examined intellectual property rights are looked at via optics of Czech, British and European intellectual property law. After being...
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Náboženství v České republice: základní analýza a vztah k vybraným sociodemografickým otázkám / Religion in the Czech Republic: Basic analysis and the relationship to selected socio-demographic topicsRůžičková, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
Religion in the Czech Republic: Basic analysis and the relationship to selected socio-demographic topics Abstract The aim of this thesis is to analyse the inhabitants of the Czech Republic according to religious belief using data from surveys and also individual 2011 census data. Contemporary position of religion in society is described in the first part, focusing on characteristics of believers and non-believers. Results of surveys concerning religious belief in our region are stated in detail in the next part, oriented mainly on the period after 1989. The part with the analysis of differences in attitudes to problematic demographic behaviour according to religious belief follows, using the data from European Values Study and International Social Survey Programme. Individual data from 2011 census are analysed more in detail in the last part, focusing on newly spread religious groups and furthermore there is an analysis of believers using logistic regression. Keywords: religion, sample survey, Czech Republic, attitudes, atheism
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Analýza přípravy na funkci ředitele ve vybraných zemích OECD / Analysis of Preparation for Principal in Selected Country of OECDVaňková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
This diploma work is called: Analysis of Preparation for the Post of Director in Selected OECD Countries. It focuses on preparing directors for their occupation before taking up the post. It describes the different educational systems focused on the training of directors in selected OECD countries - Czech Republic, USA, Canada, Chile. The aim is to compare the directors to prepare their profession before taking up their post in the country with a focus on teaching experience, education, legal base. The theoretical part deals with the initial training of directors prior to becoming director in terms of personality and school manager. The thesis also deals briefly with the OECD and perspective on education policy in different historical periods. The practical part describes the situation of education with a focus on directors in selected OECD countries. The conclusion set out the common elements of education directors. KEYWORDS Principal, Director, Education, Analysis, OECD, Czech Republic, USA, Canada, Chile
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Integrace imigrantek v důchodovém věku v České republice / The Integration of Immigrant Women in the Retirement Age in the Czech RepublicSuchánková, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with the issue of the integration of immigrants in the pre-retirement and retirement age in the Czech Republic. The main aim of the work is to describe and analyze a group of immigrant women in pre-retirement and retirement age in the Czech Republic, provide an overview of the situation of the women with focus on their special position in the social system and evaluate their process of integration into Czech society. The theoretical part provides the characteristics of immigrants in the Czech Republic. It is focused on the basic definitions, concepts and theories directly related to the process of immigrant integration in the pre-retirement and retirement age, thus the areas of the migration and integration, social and pension system, old age and the aging process with regard to the specific situation in the Czech Republic, including examples from abroad. The research part contains the results of research conducted mainly through the semi- structured interviews with immigrants and focuses on the methods of immigration, the process of integration, economic and social situation of immigrant women. The obtained data are confronted with information provided through interviews with experts in the field and with the findings from professional literature.
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