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Notář v právním řádu ČR / A notary in the legal order of the CRRodová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my master's thesis titled "A Notary in the legal order of CR" is to completely describe role and position of notary public on in our republic. This legal profession has a deep roof in history and long tradition and today is very credible in public view. Position of notary is very special primarily because some results of notarial work are considered as public documents. This is consequence of deputation public competence from the stat to notary, nevertheless notary remains liberal profession. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. Chapter One is introductory and describes historical circumstances, next today's valid and relevant legislation, of which is the most important "Notarial Procedures". Chapter Two in the first place deals with statutory requirements for the notary's function. Then defines basic terms and principles as: notarial work, notarial office, impartiality and independence of notary. Chapter Three is subdivided into many parts, each of them dealing with different aspects of notarial activities. Main and crucial activities are: preparation of notarial record on legal acts, certifying of legally significant facts and declarations, court commissariat. This chapter is the most comprehensive and provides complete summary about everything, what notary is doing. Next chapter closely...
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Integrace slovenské menšiny do české společnosti / The integration of the Slovak minority in Czech societyRulcová, Simona January 2016 (has links)
RULCOVÁ, Simona. The integration of the Slovak ethnic minority in Czech society. Praha: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2016. 113 pp. Master Degree Thesis. The Slovak minority is considered to be the most integrated minority in the Czech Republic. The work offers an analysis of the cultural diversity, focusing on the Slovak minority and the transformation of its identity. It summarizes examples of the social integration of Slovaks in the Czech Republic and assesses its role in a real life. The Slovak question in the Czech environment is also presented in a historical perspective, but the main emphasis is put on the analysis of current situation. The work is complemented by own filed research that it maps the real situatiton of transformations of identity and the social integration of the representatives of the Slovak minority, including the functionality of the institution which deals with the integration of the Slovak minority. Keywords: identity, Slovak ethnic minority, integration, Czech Republic, migration.
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Volný čas jako faktor působící na delikvenci mládeže / Leisure time as a determinant of juvenile delinquencyFučíková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This thesis, using the quantitative data, studies the correlations between delinquency of juveniles and free time. In the beginning study focuses on the definition of the core terms such as juveniles, delinquency and free time, as well as presents some of the theories in which the subsequent data analysis is based on (situational theory of Per-Olof H. Wikström, the theory of social bonds of Travis Hirschi, the common theory of criminality of Hirchi and Gottfredson, theory of procedural justice of Tom R. Tyler and the theory of institutional anomie of Steven F. Messner and Richard Rosenfeld). This thesis furthermore presents select surveys on the delinquency of juveniles. The next section contains the methodological basis such as the method of self- reported inquiries and the IRSD 3 research for data analysis. The last chapter of this thesis is reserves for the evaluation of the free-time activities of individuals without family and friends and the difference from other groups, the difference between the delinquency caused by loners and other groups and finally the profile of the loner type based on other criteria such as gender, age, morality and self- control.
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Analýza a prognóza vývoje počtu a demografické struktury stomatologů v České republice / Analysis and forecast of the number and demographic structure of dentist in the Czech RepublicHanáček, Jonáš January 2017 (has links)
Analysis and forecast of the number and demographic structure of dentists in the Czech Republic Abstract Demographic aging and the associated fear of shortage of dentists in the near future is currently frequent topic. This problem is caused in the late seventies and early eighties, when unusually large number of graduates of dental disciplines finished studium and became dentists. In the next few years, the number of graduates declined significantly, and then held for decades at a constant level. This dominant age category of dentists has currently reached retirement age. A large number of old dentists provoked a reaction in the form of re-increase university capacity and current number of graduates is comparable with numbers in the period before 35-40 years ago. The purpose of this paper is to examine this changes and decide, if this changes were sufficient to keep current situation in the field of dental health care. Keywords: dentists, aging of dentists, forecast, age structure, Czech Republic
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Analýza životopisných rozhovorů s romskými pamětníky nacistické perzekuce na pozadí odškodňovacích procesů v České republice / Analysis of biographical interviews with Roma survivors of Nazi persecution against the backdrop of compensation processes in CZZdařilová, Eva January 2010 (has links)
This paper deals with an analysis of biographical interviews with Roma survivors of Nazi persecution. The emphasis is put on different elements that may affect narrated life histories. It views memories from the initial remembering to their new contextualization throughout the life; it draws the attention to the narrative tradition of respondent's background as well as the final narration and its specific circumstances. The analysis is framed with the Czech compensation programs for victims of war injustice. The text points out to different perspectives of history adopted by state authorities on one side and those applying on "compensation" on the other. The paper also discusses mutual misunderstanding of different perspectives of the past, of an administrator/ historian and of an eye-witness.
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Sdílená ekonomika ve Francii a její vliv na cestovní ruch / Sharing economy in France and its impact on tourismStratilová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on phenomen of sharing economy in France and its impact on tourism. It analyses the current situation of sharing economy in France and emphasizes the role of France on the market of sharing economy in comparison with other countries, especially with the Czech Republic. The following practical part concentrates on the different knowledge and experience with services in sharing economy between the people living in France and in the Czech Republic. The main aim of this comparison is to emphasize the difference between these countries and determine the situation of sharing economy in France more deeply.
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Komparace aktivit neziskových organizací v oblasti boje proti hate speech v České republice a v Maďarsku / Comparison of nongovernmental organisations' activities in the field of fight against hate speech in the Czech Republic and in HungaryDundáčková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to compare the activities of nongovernmental organisations working with the topic of hate speech in the Czech Republic and in Hungary in relation to the target group. In the thesis, three questions have been answered according to the results of the analysis done in the master thesis: Are the nongovernmental organisations in the Czech Republic and in Hungary working with the same kinds of hate speech in their project activities? Are the nongovernmental organisations in the Czech Republic and in Hungary focused on the same target group in their activities? Are the nongovernmental organisations in the Czech Republic and in Hungary active in the same environments during the project realisation? The methods that have been used in the thesis are description and comparative analysis.
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Uprchlická krize 2015 a politika České republiky / The 2015 Refugee crisis and politics of the Czech RepublicWoloszczuková, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
The theses deals with the most current problem of refugees stemming from the Syrian crisis, and the consequences the migration crisis can have for stability and the overall political situation in the chosen region. Due to the fact that the Syrian crisis is felt not only in the region, the aim of this thesis is to look at the impact of subsequent migrant crisis on the EU with focus on the Czech Republic. Despite various attempts by the international community, including the EU and the Czech Republic itself, to stabilise the situation the migration crisis is not, within a short and midterm time frame, closing to an end, and it is necessary to focus on possible negative consequences it may bring. The aim of this thesis is to uncover possible political repercussions. Even though, the Czech Republic is in reality afflicted by the migration wave on a minimal scale, the main hypothesis of this thesis is that the current migration wave has an influence on its political scene. The thesis is focusing especially on extremism in the Czech public and consequently in the political scene.
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Trestné činy v dopravě související s užíváním návykových látek. / Traffic criminal offences incurred while intoxicated addictive substances.Hrušková, Marie January 2017 (has links)
Background: The state of exclusivity must be investigated and proven in each particular case. In order to establish the conclusion about the influence of the driver, it is necessary to draw up an expert opinion from the field of health care, the branch of psychiatry (Explanatory Report to Act No. 233/2013 Coll.). Research to date has shown that addictive substances in transport are a serious social and security problem. For recidivent drivers who have committed a criminal offense under the influence of an addictive substance (or a misdemeanor, or have a personal interest in a rehabilitation program), there is a possibility of a rehabilitation course. Goals: The main aim of this work is to bring knowledge about the decision-making practice of the courts in the case of a criminal offense under the influence of addictive substance. Another aim of this work is to map out the problem of the threat of drug addiction and follow-up measures set by the court in imposing sentences and their relation to the recommendation of rehabilitation programs or some of the forms of treatment of problem / addictive use of addictive substances. Methods: The data were obtained by analyzing 50 judgments and four interviews with judges from the Prague 2 District Court, which were held in April 2017. Selection of the...
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Místní referendum - Institut místního referenda v České republice a ve Slovinsku / Local referendum - Institute of local referendum in the Czech Republic and SloveniaVavříková, Monika January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the essential aspects of the local referendum as a widely used complement of representative democracy and with the particular forms it appears in the Czech and Slovenian legal orders. The main objectives of this thesis are following: describing Czech and Slovenian legal regulations concerning the local referendum in detail, exploring certain areas of its practical use and finally concluding whether there is any significant difference in the way these two countries, that share similar experience historically and of the recent years too, approach direct democracy and the institute of the local referendum in particular. The body of the thesis is made up of nine chapters. In the first chapter Introduction I clarify what led me to focus on the respective issues. The second chapter Idea of Direct Democracy tackles the origins and the essence of direct democracy, its potential to be used in the modern world and also briefly describes those institutes of direct democracy that are used in the Czech and Slovenian practice. The third chapter Referendum in general classifies individual types of referendums. In the fourth chapter Local referendum in the Czech Republic, we can find an exhaustive description of the Czech legal regulation of the local referendum, analysis of the data...
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