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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zahraniční investice v ČR a jejich vývoj v letech 1991 - 2006

Jíchová, Ivana January 2007 (has links)
Práce vymezuje problematiku zahraničních investic v České republice a to od počátku 90. let a až do roku 2006. V teoretické části se velmi důkladně zabývám faktory, které působí na investorovo rozhodování o umístění investice v zahraničí. Mezi těmito faktory výrazně vyčnívají investiční pobídky, proto jsou v dalších kapitolách rozebrány velmi podrobně. Poté analyzuji systém investičních pobídek v České republice, v Polsku, Slovensku a Maďarsku. V hlavní části analyzuji příliv zahraničních investic do České republiky.

Význam průmyslových zón pro ekonomiku ČR / Influence of industrial zones on economical situation of Czech republic

Winkelbauer, Karel January 2009 (has links)
The goal of this work is to find out, how the situation is with real estates for business use, especially with industrial zones and how do they affect economical situation in Czech republic. The work examines broader context of this topic, as well. Related topics, as impact of foreign direct investment and investment incentives are mentioned, too. Main part of this work is about history of subvention of industrial zones in Czech republic and their current state, as well as of the other types of business real estates, with examples. Situation in this area is compared in Czech and Slovak republics.

Analýza aktivit agentury Czech Invest v posledních letech / Analysis of the activities of CzechInvest in recent years

Vaculíková, Hana January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the activities of CzechInvest, the Investment and Business Development Agency. The analysis is aimed at the portfolio of provided services and development programmes. The system of investment incentives in the manufacturing industry is discussed in detail. The thesis also shows planned measures, which would change the current support in favor of research, development and innovations (technology centers) and business support services centers. Foreign direct investments inflow into the Czech Republic is analyzed as well. It examines investment projects mediated by CzechInvest mainly in the last six years. In the conclusion, the comparison of received foreign direct investments and mediated investment projects is implemented.

Analýza aktivit společnosti Czechinvest v posledních letech se zaměřěním na Operační program Podnikání a inovace / The analysis of the CzechInvest agency's activities during last years with focus on the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation

Ptáčková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims to describe the activities of CzechInvest, the Investment and Business Development Agency, during the last six years with focus on the ongoing Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation. CzechInvest has participated in administration of this operational programme for the last six years. This thesis is dedicated to the enterprise and enterprise promotion in the Czech republic. It describes the programme support from Structural funds (EU) and concentrates on the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation. The analysis is aimed at the programme, sectoral and regional structure of the projects mediated by CzechInvest. It evaluates the size of the support and the programme structure of the support from the Operational programme, that was provided for the small and medium-sized enterprises.

Zhodnocení efektů realizace investičních pobídek v oblasti služeb

Kubáček, Václav January 2007 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je, pomocí komplexního rozboru problematiky přímých zahraničních investic, vytvořit předpoklady pro hodnocení realizace systému investičních pobídek v oblasti strategických služeb a technologických center. Východiskem je tedy obsáhlá analýza problematiky PZI s popisem mnoha souvisejích efektů se zdůrazněním významu zahraničního kapitálu při transformaci českého hospodářství. Proveden je rovněž rozbor systému investičních pobídek a zhodnocení realizace investičních pobídek v oblasti zpracovatelského průmyslu.

Průmyslové zóny jako faktor místního rozvoje

Kovaříková, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku průmyslových zón na území České republiky. Věnuje se jejich vzniku, vývoji i předpokládané budoucnosti. Hodnotí význam průmyslových zón v rámci hospodářství České republiky obecně i v rámci regionů, kde tyto zóny existují. Rozebírá a shrnuje i programy podpory rozvoje průmyslových zón jako nástroje aplikace myšlenek existence jejich fungování. Je diskutována jejich role ve vztahu k sociálním aspektům a aspektům zaměstnanosti. Komplexně nastiňuje socioekonomický dosah jejich existence v kontextu vývoje našeho státu.

Vliv zahraničních investic na nezaměstnanost ve vybraném regionu / Impact of Foreign Investments on Unemployment in a Selected Region

Růžičková, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
Economy of the Czech Republic belongs to successful recipients of foreign direct investments, which bring various positive effects. Most important is job creation by foreign investors and their local subcontractors. Other effects are increase of labor productivity, new technologies and management know-how. Masters thesis describes the issue of foreign direct investments, their effect on unemployment focusing on Louny district.

PR aktivity agentury CzechInvest jako nástroj podpory investic. / PR as a Tool for Investment Promotion in CzechInvest Agency

Kuncová, Renata January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis is concerning marketing communications and public relations with focus on public sector and practical application as a tool for investments attracting -- in context of the Czech Republic and Investment and Business Development Agency CzechInvest. The main target is to identificate marketing and communication activities, technics and tools for investment promotion with providing of their analysis, evaluation and recommendation of future development. Actual issues like Web site and Corporate Design of agency are examined in detail with focus on recommendation of new strategy.

Analýza dopadů poskytnutí investiční pobídky společnosti XYZ na trhu práce / Analysis of the impact of investment incentive at labour market at example of company XYZ, s.r.o.

Vokálová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to verify whether investment incentives are causing expected effect at job market of Czech Republic. The analysis is performed on the basis of data from the agency CzechInvest, the Czech Statistical Office, General Finance Directorate and Public register and Collection of documents. The analysis of approved investment projects showed that 99 % of companies were interested in the tax credit, 36 % of companies were interested in donation for training and retraining, 33 % of companies were interested in for creation of new jobs and in other variants of incentives firms were interested less than in 5 %. From comparison of estimated cumulative amount of the tax credit from investment projects with real tax relief based from tax returns was calculated that for the period 1999 - 2012 has been utilized only 26 % of cumulative expected tax deductions. Difficulties associated with the using of the tax credit are examined in the analysis of financial statements, where was analyzed company XYZ Ltd. and 11 other companies which were supported by investment incentives. The conclusion based at financial statement analysis explains that 45 % of analyzed companies had to face complications with using of investment incentives, which were mainly due to loss of income. Following the high interest of companies in a tax credit there is criticized the current definition of the law, where there is insufficient connection between amount of tax credit and creation of new jobs.

Daňové aspekty investičních pobídek / Tax aspects of investment incentives

Králová, Simona January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this work is the system of investment incentives in the Czech Republic and it focuses on income tax allowances. Based on an analysis of the investment incentives law, income tax law, practical experience of the taxpayers and tax specialists, treatment of the matter by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic or the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and case law, the aim of this work is to identify problematic areas of the individual regulations and thus provide guidance to the taxpayers on reducing the risk of loss of an investment incentive in the form of income tax allowance. This work is divided into two parts. The first part characterises investment incentives and their development. It discusses the investment incentives law and focuses on investment incentives in the form of income tax allowances. The second part of this work incorporates a practical application of the regulations and case law. In conclusion, the problematic areas of the individual regulations are pointed out and explained.

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