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Systémový model pro analýzu rozhodování žadatelů projektu CzechEkoSystem / System model for analysis of applicant decision in project of CzechEkoSystemPolák, Petr January 2012 (has links)
System Dynamics is a powerful approach to understanding the behaviour of complex systems. This thesis is focused on a simulation model, that goes from principles of System Dynamics and the model will solve the problem of insufficient number of applicants that meet a specific set of project requirements, which are defined by the government agency, CzechInvest. The project, CzechEkoSystem, is mainly focused on efficient development of small and medium sized enterprises based on their pioneering business model. The thesis begins by describing the basic theories of System Dynamics that are introduced and elaborated on, within the particular tools of the simulation model problem statement. Then key terms about the CzechEkoSystem project are introduced. In the conclusion, results and recommendations for increasing the portfolio of pioneering small and medium sized enterprises are presented.
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Význam aktivit agentury CzechInvest pro podnikání v ČR / The importance of the activities of CzechInvest on entrepreneurship in the Czech RepublicHarapát, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
Master thesis is focused on the agency CzechInvest and its role towards enterprises in the Czech Republic. Their influence on entrepreneurs raises competitiveness of Czech companies and also increases the position of our companies abroad. The first chapter deals with theoretical approaches to international trade. Another chapter focuses on the situation in the Czech economy after the revolution in 1989. Special attention is paid to foreign direct investment as a key factor in the development of the Czech economy in the third chapter. CzechInvest activities are divided into the period before joining the European Union and the activities that the agency performs and after joining Czech republic EU. After joining the EU CzechInvest agenda has expanded and adopts new programs. Those are devoted to the fifth chapter. The last chapter explores the influence of the chosen indicators.
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Vliv a význam investičních pobídek / Influences and Importace of Investment ConditionsKratochvílová, Barbora January 2008 (has links)
In my master's thesis I concentrate on issue of granting investment incentives in the Czech Republic. On the basis of the current development analysis I am tring to show the effects and importance of these incentives for regional development, investors, labour market and the Czech republic as a whole.
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Porovnání systémů a dopadů investičních pobídek v ČR, SR a Irské republice / Comparison of systems and impacts of investment incentives in Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and IrelandPellantová, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Comparison of systems and impacts of investment incentives in Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Ireland" compares investment incentives in Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Ireland in terms of their development and current situation. Furthermore it compares conditions under which investment incentives can be granted. It also compares their impact on foreign direct investments in terms of their inflow, structure and regional distribution in the country. Part of the thesis also deals with comparison of current situation in these countries in terms of investor's risk and international competitiveness when gaining investments.
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Cross-border cooperation in entrepreneurial activities based on business centres / Cross-border cooperation in entrepreneurial activities based on business centresELLINGEROVÁ, Anna January 2018 (has links)
These theses are focused on the analyses of a particular business center located in the boarder area supporting not only the business cooperation but the cross-boarder cooperation at all.
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Vybrané aspekty podnikatelského prostředí v ČR / The Business Environment in the Czech RepublicHnilicová, Anna January 2006 (has links)
The business environment is an important factor of growth in entrepreneurship and competitiveness. The thesis aims to analyze key aspects of the Czech business environment and consequences for its development.
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Exportní potřeby malých a středních podniků versus podpora státu / Export needs of small and medium enterprises versus government assistanceErbenová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
For such a small open economy as is the case of the Czech Republic, export is one of the key growth factors. Further, small and medium sized enterprises are very efficient tool of the economic stability. Government should therefore analyse and fulfil export needs of those entrepreneurs. There is actually no questin about importance of government assistance. Most of the developed countries already help their small and medium enterprises. Ignoring this fact could lead to the reduction of the competitive strength of Czech companies. The diploma thesis analyses the export needs of those firms and compares them with the government assistance programs. Theoretical part is focused on definition of this entrepreneur's category, describes assistance frame and analyses the influence of export on the Czech economy. Practical part deals with individual export assistance programs and analyses the export needs of Czech exporters based on several surveys. The last part of the diploma thesis compares the Czech government assistance with the assistance that foreign countries provide their entrepreneurs with. The final recommendations regarding the possibilities of increase in the efficiency of the government assistence are included in the last chapter.
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Podpora drobného podnikání v České republice / Small Business Support in the Czech RepublicKarmašová, Alice January 2009 (has links)
The objective of the master´s thesis „Small business support in the Czech republic“ is to carry out analysis of current system of Small business based on a created scope of knowledge necessary for orientation in the respective topic, find deficiencies and suggest innovations. The first part is focused on history, on small and medium enterprise terms definition and the evolution of small business in the Czech Republic in the years 2000 - 2007. The second part is attended to analysis of particular support programs and pointed out on its benefits and disadvantages. In the following part was done the interview, which was intended to find out small and medium-sized entrepreneurs opinion on present situation in entrepreneurial subjects support system. I compared the results with interview investigation carried out in 2006. Final part contains suggestions and recommendations, which could lead to improvement in small entrepreneurs supporting in the Czech Republic.
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Implementace systému ERP a spolufinancování rozvoje ICT z prostředků EU v podmínkách středně velkého výrobního podniku / ERP System Implementation and ICT Development Cofinancing from EU Structural Funds in SME BackgroundKácel, Jakub January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the enterprise information systems innovation or more precisely on the implementation of the Enterprise Resource Planning system in concrete SME. The second main objective of this thesis is to explicate the possibilities of IS/ICT development cofinancing from the state budget and EU Structural Funds and also to present experience gained during this process in specified company.
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Podpora exportu z pohledu vybrané firmy / Export promotion from the perspective of the selected companyBUČILOVÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The main objective was to investigate the possibility of export promotion for Czech companies, namely Kovohutě Příbram nástupnická, a. s., Products Division. To evaluate the use of the possibilities of export promotion from the perspective of the selected company and propose measures to improve the opportunities.As a secondary objective was determined using the potential to promote exports in selected sectors and appreciation of the use of export promotion. The final output of this work was a recommendation for the company in promoting exports. Because the company does not have a good opinion on a range of support services exports, this recommendation has been prepared only for those services with which the company has a positive experience.
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