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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vývoj anglického parlamentu - od počátků do konce 15. století / Origins and development of the Parliament of England up to the end of 15th century

Vovchuk, Oleksandr January 2018 (has links)
Origins and development of the Parliament of England up to the end of 15th century Abstract This thesis is dedicated to the formation of the English parliament from the enactment of the Magna Carta to the onset of Tudor dynasty reign. It consists of an introduction, conclusion and 13 chapters; chapter 5 has also subchapters. The first chapter describes the origins of parliament's formation and its connection to the Witan and Great Council. The second chapter is dedicated to the period of John's reign, which lead to the rebellion of barons and following that, the enactment of the Magna Carta. Afterwards, it examines provisions of the Magna Carta and its significance for English society and the development of parliament at the time. It also refers to the growing importance of the Magna Carta over the course of following centuries. The third chapter is concerned with the period of Henry's reign when the key importance was the revolt of barons under the leadership of Simon de Montfort. Simon de Montfort in order to secure his position of power summoned a parliament which consisted of, among others, representatives of towns and boroughs as well as knights of shires. Fourth chapter addresses development of parliament during the rule of Edward I which in this regard followed footsteps of Simon de Monfort and...

Marimba - vývoj a současnost / Marimba evolution and present use

Sokolov, Oleg January 2012 (has links)
The focus of my disseraion is to proces s essential information about the marimba. Due to the fact that there is putrid informaion available about the marimba in the Czech language, I decided to undertake the task of filling in this void with my thesis. The contents of the paper include a succinct and clear history of the musical instrument, followed by main information regarding the top marimba manufacturers, and most notable modern day performers. The work is divided into three major chapters , which are further divided into subsections , together with footnotes and video attachments at the end of work.

Vývoj houslového smyčce. / Development of violin Bow.

Borůvka, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The Thesis titled " Development of violin Bow " is focused on the creation and development of violin bow in its beginning and at the same time describes his historical development. It also speaks about major European violin bow producers of the past. In this work is also described in detail the production of violin bow and materials that are used on it.

Orchestr Národního divadla / The Orchestra of National theatre

Vovsová, Helena January 2012 (has links)
This masters thesis focuses on the National Theatre in Prague from its reopening in 1883 to now, season 2011/2012. It deals with his orchesra and important musical personalities of its members and conductors, and highlights the important points in this period. In conclusion, the contribution of this paper expalins to the reader.

Založení Bretton-woodských institucí a počátek jejich činnosti z pohledu ČSR (1944-1954)

Rutarová, Radka January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Vývoj hospodářství v Československu v první polovině šedesátýc let a jeho příčiny

Šmejkalová, Veronika January 2006 (has links)
The first half of the sixties of the twntieth century implied a certain landmark in the Czechoslovak history when the dynamic economic development in the fifties was changed for the economic stagnation. The lowest annual increases of national product during the central planning in Czechoslovakia were created just in this period. The lowest growth of the national product was reached in 1963 when the national product decreased in absolute value of 2.1 % in comparable prices. This negative value was unusual even among other countries of the socialistic block. This diploma thesis deals with causes of this stagnation of the Czechoslovak economy in the first half of the sixties of the twentieth century. It consists of five chapters; each is devoted to a certain possible cause of this stagnation. The first chapter outlines the economic development of Czechoslovakia since the end of wordl-war II till the end of the fifties. The second chapter concerns with the structure of Czechoslovak economy and its reform by the end of the fifties. The fourth chapter is related to the development of external economic relations of Czechoslovakia reflecting the performance of foreign trade. The last chapter deals with the state of the Czechoslovak economy in the first half of the sixties.

Apelační soud v první fázi svého působení (od poloviny 16. století do počátku 17. století) / The Court of Appeal in the first stage of its activity (from the mid-16th century to the early 17th century)

Pleskot, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
Previous research of the Court of Appeals made in the past focused primarily on personnel matters. The authors focused on the appeals judgements occasionally. This is the reason why any significant progress in historical research in areas such as procedural matters, the definition and enforcement powers or the application of law didn't result. This thesis has the ambition to fill this empty space, at least partially. The aim of the dissertation is to provide a comprehensive picture of the Court of Appeals in the Czech lands from its foundation in 1548 to the early 17th century. This period represents a compact stage of development, when the status, authority and personnel structure are formatted and above all the shaping of decision-making and procedural practice occurs. Dissertation devotes most attention to appellate procedures. It shows what the role of Court of Appeals itself, of the lower courts and of litigant was. It examines in detail the various procedural aspects. It pays attention on how the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals was accepted by royal and other towns in Bohemia and how the Court asserted towards other courts. It also mentions developments in other lands of the Czech Crown. The main subject of the research are the judgements of the Court of Appeals and normative sources...

Duševní choroba v počátcích institucionalizace psychiatrie v Čechách na přelomu 19. a 20. století / Mental illness in the beginnings of the institutionalized psychiatry in Bohemia in (19th/20th century)

Kramolišová, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
Diploma work "Mental Ilnes in the beginning of institualization czech psychiatry in 19th and 20th century" inform about slowly change in view on Madness phenomen in Europe history. This change from religious to medical care is very clear in the period if Enlightenment. Reflexion of this change from religious to medical care is also vivid in czech environment in 1869-1914. In my aproach to this problem were very important the medicals reports from Mental Sanatorium in Kosmonosy (this reports are from 1908-1910). In this materials I could study this medical turn in medical care about madmen. I raised the question of the role of physicians and psychiatrists in this process and I was also interested in the issue of mental stigmatization and its impact to social cooperation beetwen mental ills and "normal" society.

Jan Quirin Jahn a slovník dějin umění? (Počátky dějin umění v českých zemích) / Jan Quirin Jahn and the dictionary of the history of art? (Beginning of the history of the art in Bohemia)

Marešová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Práce je věnována osobnosti malíře a osvícenského erudity v jedné osobě, Janu Jakubovi Quirinu Jahnovi (1739-1802) a jeho nedokončenému projektu dějin umění založeném na životopisech umělců. Protože součástí práce je také komentovaná edice, je rozdělena na dvě části - teoretickou studii a komentovanou edici. Teoretická část sumarizuje vývoj biografií umělců od antiky až do konce 18. století v Evropě. Další kapitoly jsou pak zaměřeny na osobnost Jana Jakuba Quirina Jahna a jeho rukopis o dějinách umění. Tento rukopis se skládá ze tří částí - úvodní historické studie, výběru životopisů umělců, kteří do Jahnovy současnosti působili v Čechách a z ukázky medailonů, které Jahn shromažďoval excerpcí ze zahraniční literatury, doplňoval archivním výzkumem a nakonec je řadil do složek podle panování.

Zpracování historie v moderním hudebním divadle / History Education and Modern Musical Theatre

Helcelet, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The thesis focuses on portraying historical events in musical theatre pieces. It explores especially the historical musical Hamilton that became a phenomenon in the field. The musical narrates the story of Alexander Hamilton and historical events that led to the foundation of the United States of America. The first part of the thesis analyses how the musical Hamilton portrays historical phenomena, events and personalities. It also explores various methods how they are staged. The results of this analysis will be used for comparison of musical Hamilton with other contemporary musicals. In the final part the thesis points out the possibilities of usage of modern musical theatre in history education.

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