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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structural brain networks from diffusion MRI : methods and application

Buchanan, Colin Richard January 2015 (has links)
Structural brain networks can be constructed at a macroscopic scale using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) and whole-brain tractography. Under this approach, grey matter regions, such as Brodmann areas, form the nodes of a network and tractography is used to construct a set of white matter fibre tracts which form the connections. Graph-theoretic measures may then be used to characterise patterns of connectivity. In this study, we measured the test-retest properties of such networks by varying several factors affecting network construction using ten healthy volunteers who underwent a dMRI protocol at 1.5 T on two separate occasions. High resolution T1-weighted brains were parcellated into regions-of-interest and network connections were identified using dMRI and two alternative tractography algorithms, two alternative seeding strategies, constraints on anatomical plausibility and three alternative network weightings. Test-retest performance was found to improve when: 1) seeding from white matter, rather than grey; and 2) using probabilistic tractography, rather than deterministic. In terms of network weighting, a measure of streamline density produced better test-retest performance than tract-averaged diffusion anisotropy, although it remains unclear which is most representative of the underlying axonal connections. These findings were then used to inform network construction for two further cohorts: a casecontrol analysis of 30 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) compared with 30 age-matched healthy controls; and a cross-sectional analysis of 80 healthy volunteers aged 25– 64 years. In both cases, networks were constructed using a weighting reflecting tract-averaged fractional anisotropy (FA). A mass-univariate statistical technique called network-based statistics, identified an impaired motor-frontal-subcortical subnetwork (10 nodes and 12 bidirectional connections), consistent with upper motor neuron pathology, in the ALS group compared with the controls. Reduced FA for three of the impaired network connections, which involved fibres of the cortico-spinal tract, were significantly correlated with the rate of disease progression. Cross-sectional analysis of the 80 healthy volunteers was intended to provide supporting evidence for the widely reported age-related decline in white matter integrity. However, no meaningful relationships were found between increasing age and impaired connectivity based on global, lobar and nodal network properties – findings which were confirmed with a conventional voxel-based analysis of the dMRI data. In conclusion, whilst current acquisition protocols and methods can produce networks capable of characterising the genuine between-subject differences in connectivity, it is challenging to measure subtle white matter changes, for example, due to normal ageing. We conclude that future work should be undertaken to address these concerns.

Study of human structural brain connectivity in healthy aging based on tracts / Estudo da conectividade estrutural cerebral humana no envelhecimento sadio baseado em tratos

Pinto, Maíra Siqueira 14 March 2018 (has links)
The human brain changes in a complex and heterogeneous way throughout life, the normal aging process is associated to significant alterations in the axonal connections. In this study, we evaluated the age-related changes in physical parameters associated with the brain white and gray matter integrity in healthy subjects, as well as the possible correlation between them in specific tracts. Structural images (1 mm isotropic) and diffusion weighted images (2 mm isotropic, b = 1000 s /mm2) of 158 healthy individuals aged between 18 and 83 years were retrospectively collected at the Clinics Hospital of Ribeirao Preto, after their acquisition in a 3T MR scanner. From the structural images, the cortical thickness was estimated and the age effect was evaluated in several regions based on the Atlas of Destrieux. The diffusion-weighted images were processed to characterize the intravoxel diffusion using two models: diffusion tensor (DT) and constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD). Fractional anisotropy (FA) and apparent density of fiber (AFD) maps were estimated and used in statistical group analysis between the three groups separated by age. The most relevant brain tracts were segmented by three procedures: manually, automatically with a specific tool and based on automatic segmented cortical regions. Physical parameters of diffusion (anisotropy and diffusivities) were evaluated in the segmented tracts to determine the age-related changes. The connectome analysis based on two cortical parcellations was performed to evaluate the age effect on characteristic structural brain network parameters. The tract-cortical relationship was evaluated considering the anisotropy of each tract and the thickness of the cortical areas at the end of the corresponding tract. Further analysis was performed to evaluate a possible association of structural and functional connectivity in the corpus callosum (CC). There was significant cortical thinning in 88.5% of the regions during life (p <0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons); the frontal region was the most affected in the initial aging (after 40 years), and the occipital and temporal regions in the elderly (after 60 years). Similarly, the group analysis demonstrated a global pattern of reduction of FA and AFD in the white matter, with a higher rate of degradation of integrity from the sixth decade of life. The manual selection of tracts from the DT model proved to be the most reliable methodology in the precise definition of the tracts for our data. Following this methodology, analysis of anisotropy and diffusion parameters also indicated degeneration of white matter in normal aging in all studied brain tracts and corroborated to the antero-posterior gradient of degeneration in the CC. Fornix was the most affected tract bilaterally, with a 3.5% reduction and an increase of 4% per decade in these parameters, respectively; followed by CC. In the evaluation of the age effect on the connectome estimates, regardless of diffusion model and cortical atlas, there was a decrease in global efficiency, number of connections and local efficiency with aging, mainly in the prefrontal, temporal and parietal and its connections. In the tract-cortical analysis, cortical regions connected by tracts demonstrated similar thinning patterns for the majority of tracts, and a significant relation between mean cortical thinning rate and FA/MD alteration rates were found. In all evaluated tracts, age was the main effect controlling diffusion parameters alterations; there were no direct correlations with cortical thickness for the majority of tracts. Only for the fornix, the values of FA and MD showed significant correlation with the cortical thickness of the subcallosal gyrus in both hemispheres during aging (p <0.05 corrected). For the other tracts, CC, Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus, Uncinated Fasciculus, Inferior Fronto-occipital Fasciculus, Corticospinal Tract, Cingulum and Arcuate Fasciculus, age was the main effect controlling alterations in the parameters, but there were no direct correlations between FA and MD and cortical thickness during the aging process. / O cérebro humano muda de forma complexa e heterogênea ao longo da vida, o processo de envelhecimento normal tem associado significativas alterações nas conexões axonais. Neste estudo, avaliamos as mudanças relacionadas à idade em parâmetros físicos associados à integridade das substâncias branca e cinzenta cerebral em sujeitos saudáveis, assim como a possivel correlação entre eles em tratos específicos. Imagens estruturais (1 mm isotrópica) e imagens ponderadas em difusão (2 mm isotrópica e b=1000 s/mm2) de 158 indivíduos saudáveis entre 18 a 83 anos foram coletadas retrospectivamente no Hospital das Clinícas de Ribeirão Preto, após sua aquisição em aparelho de ressonância magnética de 3 Teslas. A partir das imagens estruturais, a espessura cortical foi estimada e o efeito de idade nela foi avaliado em diversas regiões tomando com base o atlas de Destrieux. As imagens ponderadas em difusão foram processadas para caracterizar a difusão intravoxel utilizando dois modelos: tensor de difusão (DT) e deconvolução esférica restrita (CSD). Mapas de anisotropia fracionada (FA) e densidade aparente da fibra (AFD) foram estimados e usados em analise estatistica de três grupos separados por faixa etária. Os tratos cerebrais mais relevantes foram segmentados por tres procedimentos: manualmente, automaticamente com uma ferramenta especifica e com base em regiões corticais automaticante segmentadas. Parâmetros físicos de difusão (anisotropia e difusibilide) foram avaliados nos tratos segmentados para determinar as alterações relacionadas à idade. A análise de conectoma baseada em dois parcelamentos corticais foi realizada para avaliar também o efeito da idade em parâmetros caracteristicos da rede estrutural cerebral. A relação trato-cortical foi avaliada considerando a anisotropia de cada trato e as espessuras das áreas corticais nas extremidades do trato correspondente. Uma análise adicional foi realizada para avaliar uma possivel associação de onetividades estrutural e funcional no corpo caloso (CC). Houve afinamento cortical significativo em 88,5% das regiões durante a vida (p <0,05, corrigido); a região frontal foi a mais afetada no envelhecimento inicial (após 40 anos), e as regiões occipital e temporal nos idosos (após 60 anos). Similarmente, a análise de grupo demonstrou um padrão global de redução de FA e AFD na substância branca, com uma maior taxa de degradação de integridade a partir da sexta década de vida. A seleção manual de tratos baseada no modelo de DT mostrou-se a metodologia mais confiavél na precisa definição dos tratos nos nossos dados. Seguindo essa metodologia, a análise dos parâmetros de anistropia e difusão também indicou degeneração de substância branca no envelhecimento normal em todos os tratos cerebrais estudados e corroborou o gradiente ântero-posterior de degeneração no CC. O fornix foi o trato mais afetado bilatreamente com redução de 3.5% e aumento de 4% por década nesses parâmetros, respectivamente; seguido do CC. Na avaliação do efeito da idade nas estimativas do conectoma, independentemente do modelo de difusão e do atlas cortical usado, houve uma diminuição da eficiência global com o envelhececimento, do número de conexões e da eficiência local, principalmente nas regiões pré-frontal, temporal e parietal e suas conexões. Nas análises trato-corticais, as regiões corticais conectadas por tratos mostraram padrões de afinamento similares para a maioria dos tratos, e uma correlação significativa entre a taxa média de afinamento cortical e as taxas de alteração de FA e difusibilidade média (MD) foram encontradas. Em todos os tratos avaliados, a idade foi o principal efeito controlando das alterações dos parâmetros de difusão; não houve correlações diretas com espessura cortical para a maioria dos tratos. Somente para o fornix, os valores de FA e MD mostraram correlação com a espessura cortical do giro subcalosal (parcelamento de Destrieux) em ambos os hemisférios durante o envelhecimento (p <0,05 corrigido). Para os outros tratos, CC, fascículo longitudinal inferior, fascículo uncinado, fascículo occipitofrontal inferior, trato cortico-espinal, parte cingulada do cíngulo e fascículo arqueado, a idade foi o principal efeito no controle das alterações dos parâmetros, mas não houve correlações diretas entre FA e MD e espessura cortical durante o processo de envelhecimento

Study of human structural brain connectivity in healthy aging based on tracts / Estudo da conectividade estrutural cerebral humana no envelhecimento sadio baseado em tratos

Maíra Siqueira Pinto 14 March 2018 (has links)
The human brain changes in a complex and heterogeneous way throughout life, the normal aging process is associated to significant alterations in the axonal connections. In this study, we evaluated the age-related changes in physical parameters associated with the brain white and gray matter integrity in healthy subjects, as well as the possible correlation between them in specific tracts. Structural images (1 mm isotropic) and diffusion weighted images (2 mm isotropic, b = 1000 s /mm2) of 158 healthy individuals aged between 18 and 83 years were retrospectively collected at the Clinics Hospital of Ribeirao Preto, after their acquisition in a 3T MR scanner. From the structural images, the cortical thickness was estimated and the age effect was evaluated in several regions based on the Atlas of Destrieux. The diffusion-weighted images were processed to characterize the intravoxel diffusion using two models: diffusion tensor (DT) and constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD). Fractional anisotropy (FA) and apparent density of fiber (AFD) maps were estimated and used in statistical group analysis between the three groups separated by age. The most relevant brain tracts were segmented by three procedures: manually, automatically with a specific tool and based on automatic segmented cortical regions. Physical parameters of diffusion (anisotropy and diffusivities) were evaluated in the segmented tracts to determine the age-related changes. The connectome analysis based on two cortical parcellations was performed to evaluate the age effect on characteristic structural brain network parameters. The tract-cortical relationship was evaluated considering the anisotropy of each tract and the thickness of the cortical areas at the end of the corresponding tract. Further analysis was performed to evaluate a possible association of structural and functional connectivity in the corpus callosum (CC). There was significant cortical thinning in 88.5% of the regions during life (p <0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons); the frontal region was the most affected in the initial aging (after 40 years), and the occipital and temporal regions in the elderly (after 60 years). Similarly, the group analysis demonstrated a global pattern of reduction of FA and AFD in the white matter, with a higher rate of degradation of integrity from the sixth decade of life. The manual selection of tracts from the DT model proved to be the most reliable methodology in the precise definition of the tracts for our data. Following this methodology, analysis of anisotropy and diffusion parameters also indicated degeneration of white matter in normal aging in all studied brain tracts and corroborated to the antero-posterior gradient of degeneration in the CC. Fornix was the most affected tract bilaterally, with a 3.5% reduction and an increase of 4% per decade in these parameters, respectively; followed by CC. In the evaluation of the age effect on the connectome estimates, regardless of diffusion model and cortical atlas, there was a decrease in global efficiency, number of connections and local efficiency with aging, mainly in the prefrontal, temporal and parietal and its connections. In the tract-cortical analysis, cortical regions connected by tracts demonstrated similar thinning patterns for the majority of tracts, and a significant relation between mean cortical thinning rate and FA/MD alteration rates were found. In all evaluated tracts, age was the main effect controlling diffusion parameters alterations; there were no direct correlations with cortical thickness for the majority of tracts. Only for the fornix, the values of FA and MD showed significant correlation with the cortical thickness of the subcallosal gyrus in both hemispheres during aging (p <0.05 corrected). For the other tracts, CC, Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus, Uncinated Fasciculus, Inferior Fronto-occipital Fasciculus, Corticospinal Tract, Cingulum and Arcuate Fasciculus, age was the main effect controlling alterations in the parameters, but there were no direct correlations between FA and MD and cortical thickness during the aging process. / O cérebro humano muda de forma complexa e heterogênea ao longo da vida, o processo de envelhecimento normal tem associado significativas alterações nas conexões axonais. Neste estudo, avaliamos as mudanças relacionadas à idade em parâmetros físicos associados à integridade das substâncias branca e cinzenta cerebral em sujeitos saudáveis, assim como a possivel correlação entre eles em tratos específicos. Imagens estruturais (1 mm isotrópica) e imagens ponderadas em difusão (2 mm isotrópica e b=1000 s/mm2) de 158 indivíduos saudáveis entre 18 a 83 anos foram coletadas retrospectivamente no Hospital das Clinícas de Ribeirão Preto, após sua aquisição em aparelho de ressonância magnética de 3 Teslas. A partir das imagens estruturais, a espessura cortical foi estimada e o efeito de idade nela foi avaliado em diversas regiões tomando com base o atlas de Destrieux. As imagens ponderadas em difusão foram processadas para caracterizar a difusão intravoxel utilizando dois modelos: tensor de difusão (DT) e deconvolução esférica restrita (CSD). Mapas de anisotropia fracionada (FA) e densidade aparente da fibra (AFD) foram estimados e usados em analise estatistica de três grupos separados por faixa etária. Os tratos cerebrais mais relevantes foram segmentados por tres procedimentos: manualmente, automaticamente com uma ferramenta especifica e com base em regiões corticais automaticante segmentadas. Parâmetros físicos de difusão (anisotropia e difusibilide) foram avaliados nos tratos segmentados para determinar as alterações relacionadas à idade. A análise de conectoma baseada em dois parcelamentos corticais foi realizada para avaliar também o efeito da idade em parâmetros caracteristicos da rede estrutural cerebral. A relação trato-cortical foi avaliada considerando a anisotropia de cada trato e as espessuras das áreas corticais nas extremidades do trato correspondente. Uma análise adicional foi realizada para avaliar uma possivel associação de onetividades estrutural e funcional no corpo caloso (CC). Houve afinamento cortical significativo em 88,5% das regiões durante a vida (p <0,05, corrigido); a região frontal foi a mais afetada no envelhecimento inicial (após 40 anos), e as regiões occipital e temporal nos idosos (após 60 anos). Similarmente, a análise de grupo demonstrou um padrão global de redução de FA e AFD na substância branca, com uma maior taxa de degradação de integridade a partir da sexta década de vida. A seleção manual de tratos baseada no modelo de DT mostrou-se a metodologia mais confiavél na precisa definição dos tratos nos nossos dados. Seguindo essa metodologia, a análise dos parâmetros de anistropia e difusão também indicou degeneração de substância branca no envelhecimento normal em todos os tratos cerebrais estudados e corroborou o gradiente ântero-posterior de degeneração no CC. O fornix foi o trato mais afetado bilatreamente com redução de 3.5% e aumento de 4% por década nesses parâmetros, respectivamente; seguido do CC. Na avaliação do efeito da idade nas estimativas do conectoma, independentemente do modelo de difusão e do atlas cortical usado, houve uma diminuição da eficiência global com o envelhececimento, do número de conexões e da eficiência local, principalmente nas regiões pré-frontal, temporal e parietal e suas conexões. Nas análises trato-corticais, as regiões corticais conectadas por tratos mostraram padrões de afinamento similares para a maioria dos tratos, e uma correlação significativa entre a taxa média de afinamento cortical e as taxas de alteração de FA e difusibilidade média (MD) foram encontradas. Em todos os tratos avaliados, a idade foi o principal efeito controlando das alterações dos parâmetros de difusão; não houve correlações diretas com espessura cortical para a maioria dos tratos. Somente para o fornix, os valores de FA e MD mostraram correlação com a espessura cortical do giro subcalosal (parcelamento de Destrieux) em ambos os hemisférios durante o envelhecimento (p <0,05 corrigido). Para os outros tratos, CC, fascículo longitudinal inferior, fascículo uncinado, fascículo occipitofrontal inferior, trato cortico-espinal, parte cingulada do cíngulo e fascículo arqueado, a idade foi o principal efeito no controle das alterações dos parâmetros, mas não houve correlações diretas entre FA e MD e espessura cortical durante o processo de envelhecimento

Utilisation de l’IRM de diffusion pour la reconstruction de réseaux d’activations cérébrales à partir de données MEG/EEG / Using diffusion MR information to reconstruct networks of brain activations from MEG and EEG measurements

Belaoucha, Brahim 30 May 2017 (has links)
Comprendre comment différentes régions du cerveau interagissent afin d’exécuter une tâche, est un défi très complexe. La magnéto- et l’électroencéphalographie (MEEG) sont deux techniques non-invasive d’imagerie fonctionnelle utilisées pour mesurer avec une bonne résolution temporelle l’activité cérébrale. Estimer cette activité à partir des mesures MEEG est un problème mal posé. Il est donc crucial de le régulariser pour obtenir une solution unique. Il a été montré que l’homogénéité structurelle des régions corticales reflète leur homogénéité fonctionnelle. Un des buts principaux de ce travail est d’utiliser cette information structurelle pour définir des a priori permettant de contraindre de manière plus anatomique ce problème inverse de reconstruction de sources. L’imagerie par résonance magnétique de diffusion (IRMd) est, à ce jour, la seule technique non-invasive qui fournisse des informations sur l’organisation structurelle de la matière blanche. Cela justifie son utilisation pour contraindre notre problème inverse. Nous utilisons l’information fournie par l’IRMd de deux manière différentes pour reconstruire les activations du cerveau : (1) via une méthode spatiale qui utilise une parcellisation du cerveau pour contraindre l’activité des sources. Ces parcelles sont obtenues par un algorithme qui permet d’obtenir un ensemble optimal de régions structurellement homogènes pour une mesure de similarité donnée sur tout le cerveau. (2) dans une approche spatio-temporelle qui utilise les connexions anatomiques, calculées à partir des données d’IRMd, pour contraindre la dynamique des sources. Ces méthodes sont appliquée à des données synthétiques et réelles. / Understanding how brain regions interact to perform a given task is a very challenging task. Electroencephalography (EEG) and Magnetoencephalography (MEG) are two non-invasive functional imaging modalities used to record brain activity with high temporal resolution. As estimating brain activity from these measurements is an ill-posed problem. We thus must set a prior on the sources to obtain a unique solution. It has been shown in previous studies that structural homogeneity of brain regions reflect their functional homogeneity. One of the main goals of this work is to use this structural information to define priors to constrain more anatomically the MEG/EEG source reconstruction problem. This structural information is obtained using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI), which is, as of today, the unique non-invasive structural imaging modality that provides an insight on the structural organization of white matter. This makes its use to constrain the EEG/MEG inverse problem justified. In our work, dMRI information is used to reconstruct brain activation in two ways: (1) In a spatial method which uses brain parcels to constrain the sources activity. These parcels are obtained by our whole brain parcellation algorithm which computes cortical regions with the most structural homogeneity with respect to a similarity measure. (2) In a spatio-temporal method that makes use of the anatomical connections computed from dMRI to constrain the sources’ dynamics. These different methods are validated using synthetic and real data.

Uso intravítreo de fração mononuclear da medula óssea (FMMO) contendo células CD 34+ em pacientes portadores de degeneração macular relacionada com a idade na forma atrófica / Intravitreal use of a bone marrow mononuclear fraction (BMMF) containing CD 34+ cells in patients with the atrophic form of agerelated macular degeneration

Carina Costa Cotrim 02 December 2016 (has links)
Objetivos: Avaliar o potencial terapêutico e a segurança do uso intravítreo de (FMMO) contendo células CD34+ em pacientes portadores de degeneração macular relacionada com a idade na forma atrófica. Casuística e Métodos: Foram avaliados 10 pacientes com degeneração macular relacionada à idade (DMRI) seca e acuidade visual no pior olho <=20/100. Foi obtido aspirado da medula óssea de todos os pacientes, e após o processamento do material no hemocentro, foi injetado 0,1 ml da suspensão de FMMO intravítreo no olho com pior acuidade. Os pacientes foram avaliados no baseline, 1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses após a injeção. Todos realizaram medida da melhor acuidade visual corrigida (MAVC), microperimetria, eletrorretinografia multifocal (ERGmf), autofluorescência, Tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT) e responderam o questionário VFQ-25 em todos seguimentos. Também foi realizada angiografia fluoresceínica antes da injeção, seis e doze meses após. Resultados: Todos os pacientes completaram o seguimento de seis meses, e seis finalizaram os doze meses. Antes da injeção, a média da MAVC foi de 1,18 logMAR (20/320-1); variando de 20/125 a 20/640-2. Aos doze meses, a média foi de 1,0 logMAR (20/200), com melhora significativa em todos os meses de seguimento. A média do limiar de sensibilidade na microperimetria mostrou melhora significativa a partir do sexto mês (p=0,009). Ao se dividirem os pacientes com área de atrofia maior e menor, por meio da medida da hipoautofluorescência, observou-se que a melhora foi significativa apenas no grupo de menor atrofia. Não houve diferença significativa na ERGmf. A angiofluoresceinografia não apresentou crescimento de neovasos ou tumores. O questionário de qualidade de vida mostrou diferença significativa na saúde mental (p=0,003) e na visão de cores (p=0,005) e forte tendência à significância na análise que abordou a visão geral (p=0,05) e dependência (p=0,067). Houve declínio em relação à saúde geral (p=0,77). Conclusões: Os resultados indicam que o uso de FMMO intravítreo em pacientes com DMRI é seguro e está associado à melhora da acuidade visual e microperimetria. Pacientes com área menor de atrofia têm melhor resposta. Não é possível afirmar, mas acredita-se no resgate funcional das células em sofrimento, que ainda não se degeneraram. / Objectives: To assess the therapeutic potential and safety of the intraviteral use of a bone marrow mononuclear fraction (BMMF) containing CD 34+ cells in patients with the atrophic form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Casuistic and Methods: The study was conducted on 10 patients with the atrophic form of ARMD with worse eye visual acuity <=20/100. Bone marrow was aspirated from each patient under local anesthesia. After processing and separation of mononuclear cells, 0.1 ml of the suspension was injected intravitreally into the eye of lower acuity. The patients were evaluated at baseline and 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after the injection. All were submitted to measurement of best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), microperimetry, multifocal electroretinography (ERGmf), autofluorescence, and optical coherence tomography (OCT) and all responded to the VFQ-25 questionnaire at all follow-up visits. Fluorescein angiography was performed before the injection and six and 12 months later. Results: All patients completed the six month follow-up and six completed the 12 month follow-up after the injection. Before the injection, mean BCVA was 1.18 logMAR (20/320-1), ranging from 20/125 to 20/640-2 and at 12 months it was 1.0 logMAR (20/200), with a significant improvement over all followup months. Mean perimetric threshold sensitivity improved significantly starting at the sixth month (p=0.009). When the patients with a larger area of atrophy measured by hypoautofluorescence were considered separately, a significant improvement was observed only in the group with lower atrophy. There was no significant difference in electroretinography. Angiofluoresceinography did not reveal neovessel or tumor growth. The quality of life questionnaire showed a significant difference in mental health (p=0.003) and color vision (p=0.005), and a strong tendency in the analysis of general vision (p=0.05) and dependence (p=0.067). There was a decline in general health (p=0.77). Conclusions: The results indicate that the use of intravitreal BMMF in patients with AMD is safe and is associated with improved visual acuity and microperimetry. Patients with a smaller atrophy area obtained a better response. The paracrine effect of these cells may explain the functional improvement observed in the present study; however, a larger series should be study to confirm these clinical findings.

Uso intravítreo de fração mononuclear da medula óssea (FMMO) contendo células CD 34+ em pacientes portadores de degeneração macular relacionada com a idade na forma atrófica / Intravitreal use of a bone marrow mononuclear fraction (BMMF) containing CD 34+ cells in patients with the atrophic form of agerelated macular degeneration

Cotrim, Carina Costa 02 December 2016 (has links)
Objetivos: Avaliar o potencial terapêutico e a segurança do uso intravítreo de (FMMO) contendo células CD34+ em pacientes portadores de degeneração macular relacionada com a idade na forma atrófica. Casuística e Métodos: Foram avaliados 10 pacientes com degeneração macular relacionada à idade (DMRI) seca e acuidade visual no pior olho <=20/100. Foi obtido aspirado da medula óssea de todos os pacientes, e após o processamento do material no hemocentro, foi injetado 0,1 ml da suspensão de FMMO intravítreo no olho com pior acuidade. Os pacientes foram avaliados no baseline, 1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses após a injeção. Todos realizaram medida da melhor acuidade visual corrigida (MAVC), microperimetria, eletrorretinografia multifocal (ERGmf), autofluorescência, Tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT) e responderam o questionário VFQ-25 em todos seguimentos. Também foi realizada angiografia fluoresceínica antes da injeção, seis e doze meses após. Resultados: Todos os pacientes completaram o seguimento de seis meses, e seis finalizaram os doze meses. Antes da injeção, a média da MAVC foi de 1,18 logMAR (20/320-1); variando de 20/125 a 20/640-2. Aos doze meses, a média foi de 1,0 logMAR (20/200), com melhora significativa em todos os meses de seguimento. A média do limiar de sensibilidade na microperimetria mostrou melhora significativa a partir do sexto mês (p=0,009). Ao se dividirem os pacientes com área de atrofia maior e menor, por meio da medida da hipoautofluorescência, observou-se que a melhora foi significativa apenas no grupo de menor atrofia. Não houve diferença significativa na ERGmf. A angiofluoresceinografia não apresentou crescimento de neovasos ou tumores. O questionário de qualidade de vida mostrou diferença significativa na saúde mental (p=0,003) e na visão de cores (p=0,005) e forte tendência à significância na análise que abordou a visão geral (p=0,05) e dependência (p=0,067). Houve declínio em relação à saúde geral (p=0,77). Conclusões: Os resultados indicam que o uso de FMMO intravítreo em pacientes com DMRI é seguro e está associado à melhora da acuidade visual e microperimetria. Pacientes com área menor de atrofia têm melhor resposta. Não é possível afirmar, mas acredita-se no resgate funcional das células em sofrimento, que ainda não se degeneraram. / Objectives: To assess the therapeutic potential and safety of the intraviteral use of a bone marrow mononuclear fraction (BMMF) containing CD 34+ cells in patients with the atrophic form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Casuistic and Methods: The study was conducted on 10 patients with the atrophic form of ARMD with worse eye visual acuity <=20/100. Bone marrow was aspirated from each patient under local anesthesia. After processing and separation of mononuclear cells, 0.1 ml of the suspension was injected intravitreally into the eye of lower acuity. The patients were evaluated at baseline and 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after the injection. All were submitted to measurement of best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), microperimetry, multifocal electroretinography (ERGmf), autofluorescence, and optical coherence tomography (OCT) and all responded to the VFQ-25 questionnaire at all follow-up visits. Fluorescein angiography was performed before the injection and six and 12 months later. Results: All patients completed the six month follow-up and six completed the 12 month follow-up after the injection. Before the injection, mean BCVA was 1.18 logMAR (20/320-1), ranging from 20/125 to 20/640-2 and at 12 months it was 1.0 logMAR (20/200), with a significant improvement over all followup months. Mean perimetric threshold sensitivity improved significantly starting at the sixth month (p=0.009). When the patients with a larger area of atrophy measured by hypoautofluorescence were considered separately, a significant improvement was observed only in the group with lower atrophy. There was no significant difference in electroretinography. Angiofluoresceinography did not reveal neovessel or tumor growth. The quality of life questionnaire showed a significant difference in mental health (p=0.003) and color vision (p=0.005), and a strong tendency in the analysis of general vision (p=0.05) and dependence (p=0.067). There was a decline in general health (p=0.77). Conclusions: The results indicate that the use of intravitreal BMMF in patients with AMD is safe and is associated with improved visual acuity and microperimetry. Patients with a smaller atrophy area obtained a better response. The paracrine effect of these cells may explain the functional improvement observed in the present study; however, a larger series should be study to confirm these clinical findings.

Brain Mechanisms Underlying Integration of Optic Flow and Vestibular Cues to Self-motion / オプティカルフローと自己運動知覚に関する前庭情報の統合の神経基盤

Uesaki, Maiko 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第20828号 / 文博第758号 / 新制||文||655(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科行動文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 蘆田 宏, 教授 板倉 昭二, 教授 Anderson James Russell, 准教授 ALTMANN Christian / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DFAM

Assessing the Streamline Plausibility Through Convex Optimization for Microstructure Informed Tractography(COMMIT) with Deep Learning / Bedömning av strömlinjeformligheten genom konvex optimering för mikrostrukturinformerad traktografi (COMMIT) med djupinlärning

Wan, Xinyi January 2023 (has links)
Tractography is widely used in the brain connectivity study from diffusion magnetic resonance imaging data. However, lack of ground truth and plenty of anatomically implausible streamlines in the tractograms have caused challenges and concerns in the use of tractograms such as brain connectivity study. Tractogram filtering methods have been developed to remove the faulty connections. In this study, we focus on one of these filtering methods, Convex Optimization Modeling for Microstructure Informed Tractography (COMMIT), which tries to find a set of streamlines that best reconstruct the diffusion magnetic resonance imaging data with global optimization approach. There are biases with this method when assessing individual streamlines. So a method named randomized COMMIT(rCOMMIT) is proposed to obtain multiple assessments for each streamline. The acceptance rate from this method is introduced to the streamlines and divides them into three groups, which are regarded as pseudo ground truth from rCOMMIT. Therefore, the neural networks are able to train on the pseudo ground truth on classification tasks. The trained classifiers distinguish the obtained groups of plausible and implausible streamlines with accuracy around 77%. Following the same methodology, the results from rCOMMIT and randomized SIFT are compared. The intersections between two methods are analyzed with neural networks as well, which achieve accuracy around 87% in binary task between plausible and implausible streamlines.

Traktografie axonálních svazků založená na multi-tensorových modelech / Multi-tensor model based tractography of axonal bundles

Piskořová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
Cílem semestrální práce je návrh trasovacího algoritmu, který zohledňuje mikrostrukturní vlastnosti nervové tkáně. K této problematice je sepsána rešerše obsahující úvod do problematiky. Je zde popsán jev difuze, princip difuzně váženého MRI a odhad profilu anizotropní difuze. K podrobnější analýze byl vybrán algoritmus COMMIT, u kterého byla navržena alternativní optimalizační metoda.

Les morphologies du thalamus, du corps géniculé latéral et de la radiation optique n'influencent pas les ondes alpha EEG / Morphology of thalamus, LGN and optic radiation do not influence EEG alpha waves

Renauld, Emmanuelle January 2015 (has links)
Résumé : Au repos, l'activité du cerveau d'un humain sain est caractérisée par de larges fluctuations dans la bande de fréquences de 8-13 Hz d'un électroencéphalogramme (EEG), connue sous le nom de bande alpha. Bien qu'il soit établi que son activité varie d'un individu à l'autre, peu d'études se sont intéressées à la façon dont elle peut être reliée aux variations morphologiques des structures du cerveau. Entre autres, on pense que le corps géniculé latéral (CGL) et ses fibres efférentes (la radiation optique) jouent un rôle clé sur l'activité alpha, bien qu'il n'est pas certain que leur forme ou leur grosseur contribuent à sa variabilité inter-individuelle. Considérant l'utilisation courante d'EEG dans la recherche fondamentale ou clinique, ce sujet est important, mais difficile à traiter vu les problèmes associés à une bonne segmentation du CGL et de la radiation optique. Pour cette raison, nous avons utilisé la résonance magnétique de diffusion (IRMd), la résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) et l'EEG sur 20 sujets sains pour mesurer la structure et la fonction, respectivement. L'analyse de la structure a nécessité une nouvelle approche semi-automatique pour segmenter le CGL et la radiation optique, qui nous a permis de mesurer plusieurs variables, telles que le volume et la position. Ces mesures correspondent bien aux connaissances sur la morphologie de ces structures basées sur des études post-mortem, et pourtant, nous avons trouvé que leur variabilité inter-sujet n'influençait pas la puissance des ondes alpha ou leur fréquence-type (p>0.05). Ces résultats suggèrent que la variabilité alpha soit médiée par d'autres sources structurelles. Notre méthodologie pourra servir pour de futures recherches sur l'influence de l'anatomie sur la fonction en IRMf, tomographie par émission de positron (TEP), EEG, etc., ou pour améliorer les recherches cliniques sur la radiation optique. / Abstract : At rest, healthy human brain activity is characterized by large electroencephalography (EEG) fluctuations in the 8-13 Hz range, commonly referred to as the alpha band. Although it is well known that EEG alpha activity varies across individuals, few studies have investigated how this may be related to underlying morphological variations in brain structure. Specifically, it is generally believed that the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and its efferent fibres (optic radiation, OR) play a key role in alpha activity, yet it is unclear whether their shape or size variations contribute to its inter-subject variability. Given the widespread use of EEG alpha in basic and clinical research, addressing this is important, though difficult given the problems associated with reliably segmenting the LGN and OR. For this, we employed a multi-modal approach and combined diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and EEG in 20 healthy subjects to measure structure and function, respectively. For the former, we developed a new, semi-automated approach for segmenting the OR and LGN, from which we extracted several structural metrics such as volume, position and diffusivity. Although these measures corresponded well with known morphology based on previous post-mortem studies, we nonetheless found that their inter-subject variability was not significantly correlated to alpha power or peak frequency (p > 0.05). Our results therefore suggest that alpha variability may be mediated by an alternative structural source and our proposed methodology may in general help in better understanding the influence of anatomy on function.

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