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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lizingo gavėjo teisių gynimas esant lizingo objekto trūkumams ar nuosavybės teisės garantijos pažeidimui / Defence of the rights of the lessee in case of defects of the leasing object or violation of the warranty of the ownership

Leškys, Vilius 25 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbe „Lizingo gavėjo teisių gynimas esant lizingo objekto trūkumams ar nuosavybės teisės garantijos pažeidimui“ analizuojama lizingo sutarties samprata, jos kvalifikuojantys požymiai, kurių visuma lemia lizingo gavėjo teisių gynimo įgyvendinimą. Darbe taip pat nagrinėjami betarpiškai su darbo tema susiję klausimai, tai yra lizingo dalyko bei jo kokybės samprata. Pirmoji darbo dalis skirta lizingo sutarties analizei, kuri atliekama remiantis teisės aktų nuostatomis, Lietuvos teismų praktika, Lietuvos bei užsienio teisės doktrina bei tarptautiniais dokumentais, skirtais lizingo reglamentavimo vienodinimui (1988 m. Otavos Tarptautinio finansinio lizingo konvencija bei UNIDROIT Modelinis lizingo įstatymas). Lietuvos teismų praktikoje lizingas laikomas atskira nuomos sutarties rūšimi, turinčia specifinių požymiu, tačiau ši pozicija paremta formaliu įstatymo normų aiškinimu nesigilinant į lizingo sutarties prigimtį. Aiškinant lizingo sampratos esmę reikšmingi tarptautiniai dokumentai, kurių nuostatos turėjo itin didelę reikšmę dabartiniam lizingo reglamentavimui, kadangi šios nuostatos buvo perkeltos į Lietuvos teisę. Darbe taip pat pateikiama alternatyvi lizingo kaip finansinės veiklos, kurios tikslas yra finansavimo teikimas lizingo gavėjui, samprata. Įstatyminis reglamentavimas numato, jog lizingo dalyku gali būti tik materialūs daiktai. Dėl šios priežasties lizingo sutarties dalyku pagal Lietuvos teisę negali būti programinė įranga bei kiti nematerialūs objektai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the master’s thesis “Defence of the Rights of the Lessee in Case of Defects of the Leasing Object or Violation of the Warranty of the Ownership” the conception of leasing contract and its qualifying attributes are being analyzed, the completeness of which determines the realisation of lessee’s remedies. Issues that are directly related to the theme of the thesis, the lease object and the concept of quality are also being discussed in particular. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of the leasing contract, which is performed in accordance with Lithuania legislation, Lithuanian case law, Lithuanian and foreign legal doctrine, and international documents for harmonising the regulation of leasing (UNIDROIT Convention on International financial leasing and UNIDROIT Model law on leasing). In Lithuanian case law leasing is considered as a separate type of lease with specific characteristics, however, this position is based on formal law interpretation of law without going into the nature of the leasing contract. International documents, provisions of which had a major impact on the current regulation of leasing due to the implementation of those provisions to Lithuanian law, are significant for the interpretation of the essence of leasing. The thesis also provides an alternative conception of leasing as a financial activity the aim of which is to provide a financing to the lessee. According to current regulation, only material goods can be objects of leasing... [to full text]

Informatikos dalyko e. mokymo metodikos ir modulių sukūrimas bei tyrimas / E-teaching Methodologies, Creation and Researching of Modules in Informatics

Kiaunienė, Jurgita 09 September 2004 (has links)
Das Magisterarbeit Ziel waere - erzeugen E-Lernenmodul fuer Informatikfach. In diesel Modul bietet man Lernmaterial, d.h. ein Text mit Bilder, Uebungen, Woerterbuch fuer Computerische Woerter auf English, Tests, Kunden Tafel fuer Meinungsausdruecke. Das Modul wird in Internet stehen und immer wieder dieser Material erneut wird.

Įrodinejimo pareiga ir dalykas civiliniame pocese / The burden of proof and the matter of proof in civil procedure

Rulevičiūtė, Indrė 01 January 2007 (has links)
SUMMARY Subsantial questions of legal regulation of burden of proof and the matter of proof in civil procedure are being discussed in this master‘s writing. The work deals both with disclosing the legal regulation of burden of proof and the matter of proof in actual civil procedure, and analyzing the main theoretical and practical aspects of these questions in more details. The structure of this work enables to reveal the essence of this theme. The work consists of two parts. Whereas from the begining of the civil procedure, first of all, it is important to define which facts are disputed in the particular civil case, therefore the first part of this work deals with revealing the legal regulation of matter of proof. The legitimate and right court judgement can be taken only if all factual circumstances of a case are established. In every civil case the court must be „on the balance of probabilities“ that the alleged facts exist. The first part of this work deals with the conceptions of matter of proof in civil procedure. Also analyze the theoretical and practical significance of establishing the factual circumstances in particular civil case. The further chapters of the first part reveals the essence of each group of the facts, which can be asserting in civil cases. As we already know the facts in dispute on an issue raised between the parties, the second important practical step - to allocate the burden of proof. The second part of this work reveals the conceptions of... [to full text]

Administracinės teisės reguliavimo dalyko kaita: teorijos įžvalgos ir praktika / The Change of Administrative Law Regulation Subject: Theory Insights and Practice

Mažeikaitė, Ieva 25 February 2010 (has links)
Administracinės teisės reguliavimo dalyko kaita – tai dėsningas istorinis procesas, kurio pasekmė - ypatingas šiuolaikinės administracinės teisės turinys ir specifika. Administracinės teisės, kaip atskiros teisės šakos, susiformavimą XVIII amžiuje sąlygojo kokybiškai naujų, socialiai reikšmingų visuomeninių santykių, reikalaujančių atskirų, specialių normų jiems reguliuoti, atsiradimas Europos valstybėse. Tolesnės administracinės teisės reguliavimo dalyko evoliucijos metu ieškoma tam tikrų ypatumų, leidžiančių atskirti administracinę teisę nuo kitų teisės šakų, tačiau šiuolaikinėje teisėje tradicinis teisės normų skirstymas į šakas praranda prasmę, nes nepaaiškina realiai susiformavusių tendencijų. Administracinės teisės, kaip atskiros teisės šakos, skyrimo kriterijai - nevienareikšmiai, todėl praktinė jų vertė yra sąlyginė. Esminis kriterijus, padedantis nustatyti šiuolaikinės administracinės teisės reguliavimo dalyko nuolat kintančią apimtį, yra jo santykis su kitomis teisinės sistemos dalimis. Vertybinių orientacijų poslinkių nulemta administracinės teisės reguliavimo dalyko kokybinė kaita sąlygoja šiuolaikinės administracinės teisės reguliacinės funkcijos nuolatinę plėtrą, didėjančią visų teisinės sistemos dalių sąveiką ir administracinės teisės misijos esminius turinio pokyčius. Ateityje šios tendencijos turėtų stiprėti, siekiant įgyvendinti esminę šiuolaikinės administracinės teisės paskirtį ir misiją - žmogaus teisių ir laisvių apsaugą. / The change of administrative law regulation subject is a long historical process, resulted in a specific content and particularity of contemporary administrative law. The formation of administrative law as a separate branch of law in the 18 century Europe was determined by the coming of qualitatively new, socially significant public intercourse which required special rules of organizing. In the further evolution of administrative law regulation subject certain characteristics are being sought, which could enable to distinguish administrative law from the other branches of law. Still in the contemporary legal system traditional attribution of law norms to separate branches of law looses its significant because it does not explain the real substantive tendencies. The criterions of the attribution of administrative law to a separate branch of law are ambiguous that is why their practical worth is conditional. Crucial criterion which helps to identify the scope of contemporary administrative law regulation subject is its relations to other parts of legal system. The qualitative change of administrative law regulation subject determined by the shift of value orientations conditions the constant expansion of the regulatory function of administrative law, growing interaction of all parts of the legal system and fundamental alteration of administrative law mission content. In the future these tendencies should intensify in order to implement the essential purpose and mission of... [to full text]

Nusikalstamos veikos dalyko problema nusikaltimuose ir baudžiamuosiuose nusižengimuose valstybės tarnybai ir viešiesiems interesams / Issue of the matter of criminal act in crimes and misdemeanours against civil service and public interests

Ūsas, Andrius 02 January 2007 (has links)
The master paper discusses the issue of the matter of crime in cases against civil service and public interests. Criminal acts against civil service and public interests are considered to be selfish acts. In fact, the matter of crimes against civil service and public interests is an obtained or provided benefit of particular form. Master paper tries to present the matter of bribery crimes (Articles 225 – 227 of Criminal Code), attributes of the matter of abusing service for the purpose of obtaining material or other benefit (Article 228 Paragraph 2 of Criminal Code.), their general characteristics and differences, contents and effect on qualification of criminal acts. After the Republic of Lithuania regained its independence which had influence on the essential changes in economy-social relations and corresponding legislative acts, property and personal relations among people had become significantly more modern and varied. In addition, a wider range of benefit forms which could be obtained or provided in relation with position of a civil officer appeared and thus respective evaluation had to be made in respect of the matter of criminal acts specified in Part XXXIII of the Criminal Code. The author expresses reasoned opinion based on theoretical knowledge and concepts on the issue discussed. The master paper also includes the analysis of criminal proceedings, corresponding judgements and courts’ positions on the issue of the matter of crime. The author presents the... [to full text]

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