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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení efektivity fotbalových klubů Premier League pomocí analýzy obalu dat / Evaluating of Efficiency of Football Clubs in Premier League by Data Envelopment Analysis

Konečný, David January 2018 (has links)
Title: Evaluating of efficiency of Football Clubs in Premier League by Data Envelopment Analysis. Goals: The aim of the thesis is to identify the effectiveness of football clubs in the Premier League in the season 2016/2017. In the post optimization analysis evaluate, which observed clubs have been effective in transforming inputs into outputs, and which clubs have some deficiencies in this transformation. Methods: In the thesis for efficiency research, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) data analysis method is used to evaluate the effectiveness of individual clubs in the Premier League. DEA determines which units are effective and what are the deviations from the effective frontier for the units that are inefficient. The measurements are made by an input- oriented CCR model and a BCC model. The CCR model assumes constant returns to scale and BCC considers variable returns to scale. Results: The result section identifies the productive efficiency of individual football clubs in the Premier League in the season 2016/2017. The effective frontier reached a total of 7 clubs in both CCR and BCC models. The average efficiency in the CCR model is 87 %. In the BCC model, the average efficiency is 91 %. As a result, the Premier League as a competition is highly efficient. Key words: data envelopment...

Výukový materiál - získávání a zpracování dat v tabulkovém kalkulátoru / Educational materials - gathering and processing data in a spreadsheet

FARKA, František January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to create a teaching material which will introduce the secondary school students to the issue of getting and processing information and data, as well as their consequent practical usage. My thesis has the form of an analysis of the subject matter, includes a suggestion and possible application of the teaching material with the focus on maximum usage of pupil?s individual work, research methods and project teaching. This teaching material will be aimed at pupils between 12 and 16 years of age and it can be used during optional lessons or in various IT hobby clubs for teenagers.

Modely hodnocení efektivnosti a jejich aplikace / Efficiency evaluation models and their applications

MARKOVÁ, Klára January 2009 (has links)
Thesis themed "Efficiency evaluation models and their applications" deals with mathematical models for the efficiency evaluation of comparable production units and targets the utilization of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for this purpose. The thesis aims first to describe DEA models and mention possibilities of their application and then to practise the theoretical knowledge by using proper software in a factual instance. To reach this aim the thesis is composed of two parts {--} theoretical abstract and practical application. The abstract contains basic theory of DEA: fundamental principles, input data and results and description of primary, alternate and modified models. A summary of software applications that can evaluate efficiency using DEA follows. The abstract is closed with some real examples of DEA applications in practice. The second part of the thesis arose from cooperation with a fire department of a factual region of the Czech Republic. The efficiency of its 16 fire stations is compared by using a proper DEA model. A number of actions (output) and a number of employees, a level of fire equipment and an inside area (inputs) are established for each fire station on the strength of the fire department{\crq}s statistics, databases and estimations. The efficiency calculation is performed through the use of the Frontier Analyst Professional, software application specially made for the DEA analysis. Regarding the outputs uncontrollable character an input-oriented DEA model is chosen for the calculation of the fire stations efficiency. A result of the DEA efficiency analysis consists in separating the effective and ineffective fire stations of the surveyed fire department. The potential improvement (inputs decrease), necessary to reach the maximal efficiency, is proposed to each ineffective fire station. This suggestion is further adapted with respect to the real feasibility and the Czech legislative order. The practical part of the thesis is concluded with appreciation to what degree the stated targets were reached and to what degree the application of the DEA method to comparing the factual fire stations efficiency was rewarding.

Segmentation and Alignment of 3-D Transaxial Myocardial Perfusion Images and Automatic Dopamin Transporter Quantification / Segmentering och uppvinkling av tredimensionella, transaxiella myokardiska perfusionsbilder och automatisk dopaminreceptorkvantifiering

Bergnéhr, Leo January 2008 (has links)
Nukleärmedicinska bilder som exempelvis SPECT (Single Photon Emission Tomogra-phy) är en bildgenererande teknik som ofta används i många applikationer vid mätning av fysiologiska egenskaper i den mänskliga kroppen. En vanlig sorts undersökning som använder sig av SPECT är myokardiell perfusion (blodflöde i hjärtvävnaden), som ofta används för att undersöka t.ex. en möjlig hjärtinfarkt. För att göra det möjligt för läkare att ställa en kvalitativ diagnos baserad på dessa bilder, måste bilderna först segmenteras och roteras av en biomedicinsk analytiker. Detta utförs på grund av att hjärtat hos olika patienter, eller hos patienter vid olika examinationstillfällen, inte är lokaliserat och roterat på samma sätt, vilket är ett väsentligt antagande av läkaren vid granskning av bilderna. Eftersom olika biomedicinska analytiker med olika mängd erfarenhet och expertis roterar bilderna olika uppkommer variation av de slutgiltiga bilder, vilket ofta kan vara ett problem vid diagnostisering. En annan sorts nukleärmedicinsk undersökning är vid kvantifiering av dopaminreceptorer i de basala ganglierna i hjärnan. Detta utförs ofta på patienter som visar symptom av Parkinsons sjukdom, eller liknande sjukdomar. För att kunna bestämma graden av sjukdomen används ofta ett utförande för att räkna ut olika kvoter mellan områden runt dopaminreceptorerna. Detta är ett tröttsamt arbete för personen som utför kvantifieringen och trots att de insamlade bilderna är tredimensionella, utförs kvantifieringen allt för ofta endast på en eller flera skivor av bildvolymen. I likhet med myokardiell perfusionsundersökningar är variation mellan kvantifiering utförd av olika personer en möjlig felkälla. I den här rapporten presenteras en ny metod för att automatiskt segmentera hjärtats vänstra kammare i SPECT-bilder. Segmenteringen är baserad på en intensitetsinvariant lokal-fasbaserad lösning, vilket eliminerar svårigheterna med den i myokardiella perfusionsbilder ofta varierande intensiteten. Dessutom används metoden för att uppskatta vinkeln hos hjärtats vänstra kammare. Efter att metoden sedan smått justerats används den som ett förslag på ett nytt sätt att automatiskt kvantifiera dopaminreceptorer i de basala ganglierna, vid användning av den radioaktiva lösningen DaTSCAN. / Nuclear medical imaging such as SPECT (Single Photon Emission Tomography) is an imaging modality which is readily used in many applications for measuring physiological properties of the human body. One very common type of examination using SPECT is when measuring myocardial perfusion (blood flow in the heart tissue), which is often used to examine e.g. a possible myocardial infarction (heart attack). In order for doctors to give a qualitative diagnose based on these images, the images must first be segmented and rotated by a medical technologist. This is performed due to the fact that the heart of different patients, or for patients at different times of examination, is not situated and rotated equally, which is an essential assumption for the doctor when examining the images. Consequently, as different technologists with different amount of experience and expertise will rotate images differently, variability between operators arises and can often become a problem in the process of diagnosing. Another type of nuclear medical examination is when quantifying dopamine transporters in the basal ganglia in the brain. This is commonly done for patients showing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease or similar diseases. In order to specify the severity of the disease, a scheme for calculating different fractions between parts of the dopamine transporter area is often used. This is tedious work for the person performing the quantification, and despite the acquired three dimensional images, quantification is too often performed on one or more slices of the image volume. In resemblance with myocardial perfusion examinations, variability between different operators can also here present a possible source of errors. In this thesis, a novel method for automatically segmenting the left ventricle of the heart in SPECT-images is presented. The segmentation is based on an intensity-invariant local-phase based approach, thus removing the difficulty of the commonly varying intensity in myocardial perfusion images. Additionally, the method is used to estimate the angle of the left ventricle of the heart. Furthermore, the method is slightly adjusted, and a new approach on automatically quantifying dopamine transporters in the basal ganglia using the DaTSCAN radiotracer is proposed.

Získávání znalostí a analýza rizik z dat hry Ingress / Gaining Knowledge and risk analysis from the Data of the Ingress Game

Vařák, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes searching for high-risk clusters of portals in the Ingress game by using data mining techniques. The work contains background for descibed problematics and methods and experiments used to search for theese information.

Studium fotonových silových funkcí z termálního záchytu neutronů / Study of photon strength functions from thermal neutron capture

Bauer, Karel January 2017 (has links)
A subject of this thesis is to gain information on absolute photon strength function at gamma-ray energies around 4 - 8 MeV in two Gadolinium isotopes. This energy range is known as a ''low-energy'' tail region of E1 resonance. The absolute photon strength function is obtained from comparison of the sum of intensities of transitions and the number of transitions observed in thermal neutron capture on $^{155}$Gd and $^{157}$Gd with prediction from statistical model under various assumptions on photon strength functions and level densities. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Nabytí od neoprávněného / Acquisition of property from a person not authorised to dispose of it

Máchová, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
Erwerb vom Nichtberechtigten Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Problematik des Erwerbs des Eigentums vom Nichtberechtigten, das ein Durchbrechen des Prinzips, dass niemand mehr Recht übertragen kann, als er selbst hat, vorstellt. Das Problem wird sowohl aus der juristisch-theoretischen Sicht als auch aus der juristisch-philosophischen behandelt, wenn der Konflikt zwischen dem Schutz des guten Glaubens, des Verkehrsschutzes und dem Schutz des Eigentums, als ein das in der Charta verankerten Grundrechte, gelöst wurde. Das gegenwärtige Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch führt das Institut des gutgläubigen Erwerbs wieder in die tschechische Rechtsordnung ein und das sowohl für die Rechtsgeschäfte zwischen Kaufleuten als auch zwischen Zivil-Personen. Zu dieser Problematik wurde schon vieles verfasst. Nichts desto trotz gibt es immer noch Streitfragen in diesem Bereich. Im Zusammenhang mit der neuen Regelung entstand auch eine Reihe von Teilproblemen, auf die hinzudeuten ist. Einige von ihnen wurden unter anderem durch einige Mängel in der tschechischen Regelung verursacht, die in den Kontrast zu der besser durgeführten deutschen Regelung gestellt wurden. Die folgende Arbeit ist in vier Hauptkapitel gegliedert, die weiter in Unterkapiteln geteilt wurden. Das erste Kapitel widmet sich den theoretischen Grundbegriffen, wie...

Studium fotonových silových funkcí z termálního záchytu neutronů / Studium fotonových silových funkcí z termálního záchytu neutronů

Bauer, Karel January 2016 (has links)
A subject of this thesis is to gain information on absolute photon strength function below the neutron separation energy. This energy range is known as a "low-tail" energy region of E1 resonance. The absolute photon strength function is obtained by normalizing the total average intensity for several energy ranges to the average intensities from thermal neutron capture spectrum for which an absolute calibration is experimentally known. The absolute photon strength function is investigated by means of statistical method. Everything seems to be compatible with information on studied Gd isotopes. However, disclosed method can potentially lead to rejection of combination of PSF and LD models. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Efektivita fotbalových klubů v Premier League / Efficiency of football clubs in Premier League

Topinka, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
Title: Efficiency of football clubs in Premier League Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis is to investigate the technical efficiency of Premier League clubs in the 2015/2016 season using a Data Envelopment Analysis approach. Determine which clubs worked efficiently and identify weaknesses of individual teams. Methods: The efficiency of each Premier League club is analysed by Data envelopment analysis (DEA). The efficiency is computed for input oriented CCR model (constant returns to scale) and BCC model (variable returns to scale). Results: The technical efficiency of each club in the 2015/2016 Premier League season is evaluated in the practical part of this thesis, with eight clubs achieving maximum efficiency for both CCR and BCC models. That indicates that the competition as a whole is highly effective. Keywords: Premier League, technical efficiency data envelopment analysis, CCR, BCC

Efektivita komunikačních prostředků ve skupině externích pracovníků organizace. / Efficiency of communication channels in a group of external employees.

Rogos, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This Master thesis describes the internal communication in the group of external employees and focuses to the analysis of the effectiveness of two main communication channels in particular department of the organization. At first it describes internal communication in the field of virtual teams. Then it looks at the situation in the department of content in specific internet market. The main part is the study of efficiency of the communication channels, especially of the changes in the effectiveness after four-month hiatus in use. To perform the investigation the company internal data analysis was used. At the end, the thesis evaluates the phenomena studied.

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