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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visual topology in SDI : a data structure for modelling landscape perception

Sang, Neil S. January 2011 (has links)
Visual Topology is used here to describe the spatial relations between objects as they appear in the 2D viewing plane. This thesis sets out the concept, explains why it is needed in Geographic Information Science and suggests how it may be computed through development of prototype software. Section 1 considers the functionality that any Spatial Data Infrastructure would need to encompass in order to support the inclusion of visual analysis into landscape planning and monitoring systems. Section 2 introduces various aspects of visual topology. In particular it sets out how visual intersections of occluding edges may be modelled topologically and formally defines a novel higher level topological structure to the viewing space - the 'Euler Zone' based on the Euler complexity of a graph formed by the occluding horizons in a view. Whether such a graph has meaning to an observer is considered in Section 5, which presents the results of a web based forced­ choice experiment with significant implications for the role of topology in modelling landscape preference via quantitative metrics derived from 20 maps. Sections 3 and 4 discuss how existing methods for handling perspective models and visualisations need to be improved in order to model visual topology. Section 3 focuses on the limitations of current techniques and design criterion for a new methodology. Section 4 looks at the lessons learnt from developing a prototype implementation (VM-LITE) based on Quad-Edge Delaunay Triangulation, in the VoronoiMagic software package. Some potential applications are highlighted, both within landscape modelling and beyond, before drawing conclusions as to the potential for the concepts and methods respectively. Although important research questions remain, particularly as regards view point dynamics, Visual Topology has the potential to fundamentally change how visual modelling is undertaken in GIS. It allows the analysis of scenes based upon a richer representation of individual experience. It provides the basis for data structures that can support the extraction of generalisable metrics from this rich scene information, taking into account the qualitatively different nature of scene topology as distinct from metrics of shape and colour. In addition new metrics based on attributes only apparent in perspective, such as landform, can be analysed. Finally, it also provides a rationale for reporting units for landscapes with some measure of homogeneity and scale-independence in their scenic properties.

Modelling and analysing 3D building interiors with the dual half-edge data structure

Boguslawski, Pawel January 2011 (has links)
While many systems and standards like CAD systems or CityGML permit the user to represent the geometry and the semantics of building interior models, their use for applications where spatial analysis and/or real-time modifications are required are limited since they lack the possibility to store topological relationships between the elements. In this thesis a new topological data structure, the dual half-edge (DHE) is presented. It permits the representation of the topology of building models with the interior included. It is based on the idea of simultaneously storing a graph in 3D space and its dual graph, and to link the two. Euler-type operators for incrementally constructing 3D models (for adding individual edges, faces and volumes to the model while updating the dual structure simultaneously), and navigation operators (for example to navigate from a given point to all the connected planes or polyhedra) are proposed. The DHE also permits the assigning of attributes to any element. This technique allows the handling of important query types and performs analysis based on the building structure, for example finding the nearest exterior exit to a given room, as in disaster management planning. As the structure is locally modifiable the model may be adapted whenever a particular pathway is no longer available. The proposed DHE structure adds significant analytic value to the increasingly popular CityGML model, and to the CAD field where the dual structure is of growing interest.

Estrutura de dados Mate Face e aplicações em geração e movimento de malhas / The Mate Face data structure and applications in mesh generation and movement

Ícaro Lins Leitão da Cunha 07 May 2009 (has links)
Estruturas de dados (ED) topológicas oferecem diversas vantagens quando se deseja executarumadeformação sobreumamalha. Essas EDs permitem movimentar os nós da malha sem modificar sua topologia, são relativamente simples de seremimplementadas e também são passíveis de serem incorporadas a um ciclo simulação/deformação de forma completamente automática e eficiente. O primeiro objetivo deste trabalho é a concepção de uma ED topológica para representação de malhas elásticas. Tais malhas podem ser do tipo superficial ou volumétrica, e ainda simples ou mista. Para melhor desempenho, confiabilidade e menor consumo de memória, deseja-se que a ED seja implícita quanto à representação de componentes incidentes e adjacentes dos elementos presentes na malha. Outro objetivo deste trabalho é abordar o problema de geração de malhas em domínios arbitrários definidos por uma função implícita. O método proposto é uma extensão do algoritmo de Partição da Unidade Implícita (PUI). Para isso, o método proposto é baseado numa abordagem de preenchimento de superfícies. Este método proposto gera adaptativamente tetraedros em diferentes níveis de refinamento de acordo com o nível de detalhe presente na região do domínio. Diferentemente de trabalhos anteriores, esta característica é feita naturalmente sem necessitar de uma estrutura auxiliar. Para este fim, usa-se uma estrutura algébrica chamada de triangulação Ja1 que é capaz de lidar com tais refinamentos. Além do mais, a triangulação Ja1 permite que se percorra a estrutura simplesmente através de regras algébricas que é uma outra vantagem do método proposto / Topological data Structures (DS) oer several advantages when performing a deformation on a mesh. These DSs allow movement throughout the mesh without modifying its topology, are relatively simple to implement, and there is always the possibility of merging it to simulation/deformation cycle on a completely automatic and ecient form. The main goal of this work is to design and implement a topological DS to represent elastic meshes. These meshes can be either of surface or volume kind, and even simple or mixed. For better performance, more reliability and lower memory consumption, it is necessary that the DSs allow the representation of incident and adjacent components of a given element to be implicit. The second objective to this work is to tackle the problem of mesh generation on arbitrary domains defined by implicit functions. The proposed method is an extension to the algorithm of Partition of Unity Implicits (PUI). For this the proposed method is based on an isosurface stung approach. It adaptively generates the tetrahedra in dierent levels of refinement accordingly to the level of detail presented by the regions of the domain. Dierently to previous work, this feature is done naturally without the aid of an auxiliary data structure. To this end, we use an algebraic structure, named Ja1 triangulation, which is capable of dealing with such refinements. In addition, the Ja1 triangulation permits traversing through the mesh by simply using algebraic rules which is another advantage to the proposed method

Estruturas de dados eficientes para algoritmos evolutivos aplicados a projeto de redes / Efficient Data Structures to Evolutionary Algorithms Applied to Network Design Problems.

Telma Woerle de Lima Soares 22 May 2009 (has links)
Problemas de projeto de redes (PPRs) são muito importantes uma vez que envolvem uma série de aplicações em áreas da engenharia e ciências. Para solucionar as limitações de algoritmos convencionais para PPRs que envolvem redes complexas do mundo real (em geral modeladas por grafos completos ou mesmo esparsos de larga-escala), heurísticas, como os algoritmos evolutivos (EAs), têm sido investigadas. Trabalhos recentes têm mostrado que estruturas de dados adequadas podem melhorar significativamente o desempenho de EAs para PPRs. Uma dessas estruturas de dados é a representação nó-profundidade (NDE, do inglês Node-depth Encoding). Em geral, a aplicação de EAs com a NDE tem apresentado resultados relevantes para PPRs de larga-escala. Este trabalho investiga o desenvolvimento de uma nova representação, baseada na NDE, chamada representação nó-profundidade-grau (NDDE, do inglês Node-depth-degree Encoding). A NDDE é composta por melhorias nos operadores existentes da NDE e pelo desenvolvimento de novos operadores de reprodução possibilitando a recombinação de soluções. Nesse sentido, desenvolveu-se um operador de recombinação capaz de lidar com grafos não-completos e completos, chamado EHR (do inglês, Evolutionary History Recombination Operator). Foram também desenvolvidos operadores de recombinação que lidam somente com grafos completos, chamados de NOX e NPBX. Tais melhorias tem como objetivo manter relativamente baixa a complexidade computacional dos operadores para aumentar o desempenho de EAs para PPRs de larga-escala. A análise de propriedades de representações mostrou que a NDDE possui redundância, assim, foram propostos mecanismos para evitá-la. Essa análise mostrou também que o EHR possui baixa complexidade de tempo e não possui tendência, além de revelar que o NOX e o NPBX possuem uma tendência para árvores com topologia de estrela. A aplicação de EAs usando a NDDE para PPRs clássicos envolvendo grafos completos, tais como árvore geradora de comunicação ótima, árvore geradora mínima com restrição de grau e uma árvore máxima, mostrou que, quanto maior o tamanho das instâncias do PPR, melhor é o desempenho relativo da técnica em comparação com os resultados obtidos com outros EAs para PPRs da literatura. Além desses problemas, um EA utilizando a NDE com o operador EHR foi aplicado ao PPR do mundo real de reconfiguração de sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica (envolvendo grafos esparsos). Os resultados mostram que o EHR possibilita reduzir significativamente o tempo de convergência do EA / Network design problems (NDPs) are very important since they involve several applications from areas of Engineering and Sciences. In order to solve the limitations of traditional algorithms for NDPs that involve real world complex networks (in general, modeled by large-scale complete or sparse graphs), heuristics, such as evolutionary algorithms (EAs), have been investigated. Recent researches have shown that appropriate data structures can improve EA performance when applied to NDPs. One of these data structures is the Node-depth Encoding (NDE). In general, the performance of EAs with NDE has presented relevant results for large-scale NDPs. This thesis investigates the development of a new representation, based on NDE, called Node-depth-degree Encoding (NDDE). The NDDE is composed for improvements of the NDE operators and the development of new reproduction operators that enable the recombination of solutions. In this way, we developed a recombination operator to work with both non-complete and complete graphs, called EHR (Evolutionary History Recombination Operator). We also developed two other operators to work only with complete graphs, named NOX and NPBX. These improvements have the advantage of retaining the computational complexity of the operators relatively low in order to improve the EA performance. The analysis of representation properties have shown that NDDE is a redundant representation and, for this reason, we proposed some strategies to avoid it. This analysis also showed that EHR has low running time and it does not have bias, moreover, it revealed that NOX and NPBX have bias to trees like stars. The application of an EA using the NDDE to classic NDPs, such as, optimal communication spanning tree, degree-constraint minimum spanning tree and one-max tree, showed that the larger the instance is, the better the performance will be in comparison whit other EAs applied to NDPs in the literatura. An EA using the NDE with EHR was applied to a real-world NDP of reconfiguration of energy distribution systems. The results showed that EHR significantly decrease the convergence time of the EA


07 July 2011 (has links)
[pt] Fenômenos de propagação de fraturas e fragmentação em sólidos podem ser descritos por Modelos de Zona Coesiva e simulados com o Método dos Elementos Finitos. Entre as abordagens computacionais de recente interesse para a representação de fraturas em malhas de elementos finitos, encontram-se as baseadas em elementos coesivos. Nelas, o comportamento de fraturas é representado por elementos coesivos inseridos nas interfaces entre elementos volumétricos da malha original. Os modelos de elementos coesivos podem ser classificados como intrínsecos ou extrínsecos. Modelos intrínsecos requerem elementos coesivos pré-inseridos em todas as interfaces volumétricas passíveis de fraturas. Por outro lado, modelos extrínsecos requerem que elementos coesivos sejam inseridos de forma adaptativa, apenas onde e quando necessários. Porém, a representação de malhas tradicional (elementos e nós) não é suficiente para tratar malhas adaptativas eficientemente, o que faz necessário um suporte topológico apropriado. Em geral, modelos coesivos de fratura também requerem um alto nível de refinamento de malha, para que resultados precisos sejam obtidos. Isso implica em um consumo de memória e processamento que pode ser proibitivo a estações de trabalho tradicionais. Assim, ambientes paralelos tornam-se importantes na solução de problemas de fraturas. Entretanto, devido às dificuldades de paralelização de modelos extrínsecos, as abordagens existentes utilizam modelos intrínsecos ou implementam simulações extrínsecas baseadas em elementos coesivos pré-inseridos ou representados como atributos de elementos volumétricos. Com o objetivo de viabilizar a simulação de fraturas e fragmentação extrínsecas em grandes modelos de forma simples e eficiente, esta tese propõe o sistema ParTopS, um suporte topológico em paralelo para malhas de elementos finitos em análises dinâmicas de fratura e fragmentação. Em especial, é apresentada uma representação compacta e eficiente de malhas de fraturas distribuídas. Elementos coesivos são representados explicitamente e tratados como elementos regulares da malha. Com base na representação de malha distribuída, propõe-se um algoritmo paralelo escalável para a inserção adaptativa de elementos coesivos em malhas bidimensionais e tridimensionais. Operações topológicas simétricas são exploradas para reduzir a comunicação entre partições de malha. O sistema ParTopS foi empregado na paralelização de simulações sequenciais extrínsecas existentes. A escalabilidade e a corretude do suporte topológico em paralelo são demonstradas através de experimentos computacionais realizados em um ambiente massivamente paralelo. Os resultados alcançados mostram que o sistema ParTopS pode ser aplicado de forma eficaz para viabilizar simulações de grandes modelos. / [en] Fracture propagation and fragmentation phenomena in solids can be described by Cohesive Zone Models and simulated with the Finite Element Method. Among the computational approaches of recent interest for fracture representation in finite element meshes are those based on cohesive elements. In those approaches, fracture behavior is represented by cohesive elements inserted at the interfaces between volumetric (bulk) elements of the original mesh. Cohesive element models can be classified into intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic models require pre-inserted cohesive elements at every volumetric interface in which fracture is allowed to happen. On the other hand, extrinsic models require that cohesive elements be adaptively inserted, wherever and whenever necessary. However, the traditional mesh representation (elements and nodes) is not sufficient for handling adaptive meshes, which makes an appropriate topological support necessary. In general, cohesive models of fracture also require a high level of mesh refinement near crack tips, such that accurate results can be achieved. This implies in memory and processor consumption that may be prohibitive for traditional workstations. Thus, parallel environments become important for the solution of fracture problems. However, due to the difficulties for the parallelization of extrinsic models, the existing approaches use intrinsic models or implement extrinsic simulations based on pre-inserted cohesive elements or cohesive elements represented as attributes of volumetric elements. In order to allow fracture and fragmentation simulations of large models in a simple and efficient way, this thesis proposes the ParTopS system, a parallel topological support for finite element meshes in dynamic fracture and fragmentation analyses. Specifically, a compact and efficient representation of distributed fracture meshes is presented. Cohesive elements are explicitly represented and treated as regular elements in the mesh. Based on the distributed mesh representation, we propose a scalable parallel algorithm for adaptive insertion of cohesive elements in both bidimensional and tridimensional meshes. Symmetrical topological operations are exploited in order to reduce communication among mesh partitions. The ParTopS system has been employed in order to parallelize existing serial extrinsic simulations. The scalability and correctness of the parallel topological support is demonstrated through computational experiments executed on a massively parallel environment. The achieved results show that ParTopS can be effectively applied in order to enable simulations of large models.

Návrh manažerského reportingu a vizualizace dat / Proposal of Management Reporting and Data Visualization

Tesařík, Libor January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyze the current state of creation of management reporting, its contribution to a company and to create a proposal for improving and expanding awareness of reporting in a company.

Návrh vývoje webových aplikací s automatickým vytvářením databázového schématu / Web Application Development Scheme with Automatic Database Schema Creation

Prochocká, Kristína January 2015 (has links)
This thesis designs and implements an intermediary layer on both the backend and the frontend part of a web application, together with a user interface used to show analysis outputs and to manage the data. This layer was designed based on analysis of several existing solutions, in various languages and environments, and implemented using MongoDB and PostgreSQL databases, written in PHP on the server side and in JavaScript on the client side. It offers an immediately usable flexible persistence layer directly in the frontend, with analysis, feedback and an option to convert collections to PostgreSQL while keeping the same API, enabling a fluent transition.

Partition de volumes d'ombres : une alternative pour le rendu d’ombres en temps réel / Partitioned shadow volumes : an alternative for real-time shadow rendering

Gerhards, Julien 15 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde la problématique du calcul d’ombre exact par pixel en temps réel. Ce mémoire propose une nouvelle méthode de rendu d’ombre dure avec une partition de volumes d’ombre : un arbre ternaire basés sur les plans d’ombre des volumes d’ombre de la scène est construit dans un premier temps, avant de l’interroger pour déterminer l’ombrage des pixels de l’image. Une des propriétés intéressantes de cette structure est la prédictibilité de son empreinte mémoire ; contrairement aux méthodes de calcul d’ombre, cette méthode supporte des scènes géométriquement complexes de l’ordre du million de triangles grâce au comportement logarithmique du parcours de la structure vis à vis de la complexité géométrique. / This thesis focuses on exact per pixel hard shadow computation. We propose a new method for rendering hard shadows using a partition of shadow volumes : first, a ternary tree based on the shadow planes of the shadow volumes, and then, it is traversed to determine the shading of each pixel in the image. An interesting property of this structure is the predictability of its memory footprint ; Unlike other geometric shadow methods, our approach supports complex scenes up to a million triangles thanks to the logarithmic behavior of the structure traversal with respect to the geometric complexity.

Document Version Management Using an Adapted Segment Tree

Sosna, Dieter 12 July 2019 (has links)
We describe a data structure and algorithms based on segment trees. They are used to manage different versions of a document and to reconstruct the version which was valid at a given time in the past or to get the most recent version. Difficulties arise because it is not known when a version will be replaced by a newer one. Thus unbounded time intervals are to be handled. The data structure also supports the retrieval of the history of a document.

Refactoring Existing Database Layers for Improved Performance, Readability and Simplicity

Regin, Måns, Emil, Gunnarsson January 2021 (has links)
Since the late 90s, support and services at SAAB have produced and maintained a product called ELDIS. ELDIS is an application used by Swedish armed forces at air bases in Sweden and flight technicians at air bases. It displays electrical information, wire diagrams, and detailed information for cables, electrical equipment, and other electrical devices. The main problem for ELDIS is that when drawing wire diagrams in the application, it takes too long of a time when the stored procedures are retrieving information from the database. There are two significant areas in this project, analyzing and optimizing stored procedures and implementing a client-side solution. This project aims to guide SAAB to choose the right approach for solving the performance issue of the application and display some of the problems that can exist with slow stored procedures for companies in general. This project has optimized the most used stored procedure at SAAB and compared it to a client-side solution and the original application. The result of this project is that both the optimized stored procedure implementation and the client-side implementation is a faster option than the original implementation. It also highlights that when trying to optimize the stored procedures, indexing on the database should be considered for increasing the performance of a stored procedure.

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