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Införande av objektorienterade mönster för ökad förändringsbarhet i mjukvarusystem / Introduction of object oriented patterns to increase software modifiabilityJonsson, Andréas January 2007 (has links)
Objektorienterade mönster och omkonstruktion är två olika designstrategier som har ett gemensamt mål: att göra mjukvarusystem mer förändringsbara och mindre komplexa. Mönster tillämpas för att förebygga utvecklingen av komplexitet i mjukvara. Omkonstruktioner görs för att reducera komplexitet som redan uppstått i mjukvarans inre struktur. Denna rapport identifierar fyra grundläggande strukturproblem som gör mjukvara onödigt komplex och svår att förändra: duplicerad kod, villkorslogik, långa metoder och bristande inkapsling. Rapporten visar hur objektorienterade mönster kan införas i mjukvara genom omkonstruktion och göra mjukvara mer förändringsbar genom att reducera de fyra nämnda strukturproblemen. Som en fallstudie om mönsterbaserade omkonstruktioner, omkonstrueras en del av systemet INCA genom att tillämpa mönstren Template Method och Strategy. / Object oriented patterns and refactoring are two different approaches to software design that both share a common objective: to increase software modifiability and reduce its complexity. Patterns are applied to prevent the development of software complexity. Refactorings are applied to reduce complexity that has already found its way into the internal structures of software. This report identifies four fundamental structural problems that make software unnecessarily complex and hard to maintain: duplicated code, conditional logic, long methods and poor encapsulation. The report shows how object oriented patterns can be introduced in software by means of refactoring and make software more modifiable by reducing the four mentioned structural problems. As a case study of pattern based refactorings, a part of the INCA system is refactored by applying the patterns Template Method and Strategy.
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Utvärdering av Microsoft SharePoint 2003Ljungkvist, Jan January 2007 (has links)
I have been studied Microsoft SharePoint on behalf of Prevas in Karlstad. The purpose of my work was to see if Microsoft SharePoint was what Prevas wanted as a replacement for the existing intranet, which they are not satisfied with today. My work was a kind of foundation for Prevas so they could make a decision in this matter. The work began with installing SharePoint at one single server at Prevas. We used a virtual technology (VMware) at the installation, which can be described as that we created two “miniservers” in a bigger server, one for SharePoint and the other for storing the information. This kind of technology is strongly advancing. The main work consisted of setting up the structure for the navigation and designing both the portal and the local homepage for Prevas Karlstad. The inbuilt functions which were already setup from the supplier were tested by simulating different scenarios. The result of my work was a test version for how it looks like if the existing intranet will be replaced with Microsoft SharePoint.
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Anatomy and Animation: Anatomically Based Animation Skeletons for QuadrupedsJerlardtz, Emilia January 2012 (has links)
Constructing animation skeletons for quadrupeds is a complicated process, and knowing how to construct an animation skeleton for one type of quadruped does not guarantee the ability to effortlessly do so for another. This project explores how anatomy may easy the task of quadruped animation skeleton setup. Quadruped anatomy has been extensively studied and a method for animation skeleton setup based on anatomical information was explored using Autodesk Maya 2012. This method was based on the assumption that anatomical information could be incorporated into animation skeleton creation, thereby enabling the construction of an animation skeleton structure applicable to quadrupeds of different locomotion. It was discovered that this was hardly the case and the conclusion of this project has been that a better approach to animation skeletons is to construct them depending on the requirements of the project they are intended for rather than seeking to standardise how they should be set up.
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Updating an Android Cloud Storage Solutionfrom an Existing iOS ApplicationZimmermann, Jay January 2012 (has links)
Android and iOS are two of the leading smart phone and mobile device operating systems on the present market. Both of these platforms support third party application development. Cloud storage involves storing and accessing data online. The goal of this project involved helping a cloud storage company, with an existing iOS application and a less developed Android application, to update the Android application and simultaneously develop both applications. In addition to producing functionality in the applications it was the goal of this project to determine methods that would be useful in further updating and production of new functionality. While a wide range of tools exist aimed at helping cross platform development none of the frameworks examined fit the requirements of this project. As a result development was done natively on each platform. Attempts were made to translate the iOS code line by line and to simply build from an outline of the iOS functionality. During this process a number of tools that could replace each other on each device were determined. Additionally a number of the challenges in translating between operating systems were discussed. Finally while translating functionality line by line proved ineffective, it was found that noting down some aspects of the iOS code structure and some server call code could be useful for Android development when one was familiar with the iOS code.
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Smarta receptförslag : algoritmutvärdering och implementationsförslagHahn, Bernhard January 2013 (has links)
I den här rapporten utvärderas ett antal olika collaborative filtering algoritmer för att ta reda på vilken av dess som lämpar sig bäst för att implementera åt PlanEatSmile i en PHP/MySQL-miljö. Målet är att hitta en algoritm som klarar av att skapa rekommendationer i realtid och med hög precision. Därtill är det viktigt att algoritmen ska kunna skapa rekommendationer åt nya användare (cold-start-problemet) samt att algoritmen ska skala väl när sajten växer. De algoritmer som undersöks är user-based collaborative filtering, item-based collaborative filtering och tendencies collaborative filtering. Samtliga algoritmer undersöks i två versioner. En version som utgår ifrån receptbetyget och en version som omvandlar receptbetygen till ingrediensbetyg. Algoritmerna testas på data insamlat genom en enkät för att avgöra deras precision. För att avgöra skalbarheten testas algoritmerna på simulerad data var olika faktorer såsom antalet användare, antalet betyg och antalet recept varieras. I studien lyckas vi visa att user-based collaborative filtering och tendencies collaborative filtering uppnår den högsta precisionen. Vi visar även att tendenciesalgoritmerna presterar mycket bra med avseende på skalbarhet. Genom att använda tendencies collaborative filtering och slå ut receptbetygen på receptets enskilda ingredienser lyckas vi skapa en algoritm som både uppvisar god precision och mycket god prestanda med avseende på skalbarhet.
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Game-based Motion Capture TrainingGustavsson, Robert January 2012 (has links)
This report describes a thesis work in computer science that was carried out at Imagination Studios. Imagination Studios is a motion capture studio that also does animations and has its main customers in the game sector. Motion capture is a way to make games and animated videos look realistic by letting real actors perform and capture scenes that are then superimposed on the animated characters in the game or video. Imagination Studios research and development department needed a tool for their future research that has the possibility to compare captured motions in an easy way. So the task for this thesis was to create a tool that makes it possible for a user to see the differences in captured motions and also come up with a creative graphical user interface. During this thesis some game scenarios were made, and then video sketches to describe how an actor should act during these scenarios. Some shoots doing these scenarios to get some test data for the final program. The final product contains of two different programs that make it possible to compare captured motions. The main program shows positions of different markers in three different graphs representing X, Y and Z coordinates over time and has the possibility to save the data down to a csv-file. The second program shows a marker cloud of the actual motions in 3D where the user has the possibility to show one or multiple takes at the same time for easier comparison.
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Improving a Graphical Turntable SimulatorElssjö, Tom January 2012 (has links)
This report is about the project of improving an existing program in order to make it more useful. The program simulates a kind of production cell that consist of different components that are controlled by a special controller program. By analyzing the program, several aspects that could be improved were found and those were grouped into three different parts of the problem. The first one is about improving the realism and precision of the simulation. Issues such as unrealistic movement of the components and other types of actions that are different than a real production cell are addressed in this part. Detection of unwanted situations is the second part of the problem. Here unwanted movement and contact are some situations that need to be checked. The final part of the problem is about improving the visualization in the simulator. There are several ways to visualize the production cell that would involve to either use 2D images or 3D models. / Denna rapport handlar om projektet att förbättra ett redan existerande program för att göra det mer användbart. Programmet simulerar en sorts produktionscell som består av olika komponenter som kontrolleras av ett speciellt kontroller-program. Genom att analysera programmet, hittades flera aspekter att förbättra och dessa grupperades i tre grupper som utgjorde problemet. Den första delen handlar om att förbättra realismen samt precisionen på simulationen. Problem såsom orealistisk förflyttning av komponenterna och andra typer av händelser som skiljer sig från vad som händer i en riktig produktionscell kommer att tas upp i denna del. Detektion av oönskade situationer är den andra delen av problemet. Här är oönskad rörelse och kontakt några situationer som behöver kontrolleras. Den sista delen av problemet handlar om att förbättra visualiseringen i simulatorn. Det finns flera olika sätt att visualisera produktionscellen som skulle involvera att antingen använda 2D bilder eller 3D modeller.
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Selectivity Enhancement for a TemperatureModulated Electronic Nose using Phase Space andDynamic MomentsEINOLLAHI, AYOUB January 2012 (has links)
The present work describes an algorithm to enhance selectivity of metal oxide (MOX) gas sensors. The main objective is to improve gas discrimination performance of MOX sensor using a temperature modulation combined with phase space method. Our aim is to achieve a very good gas discrimination performance based on a fragment of sensor signal, rather than using the response of sensor for entire modulation signal. The basic principle behind this thesis work is that investigating in sensor response and extracting a segment with high class separability from a full modulation cycle of sensor response. The fragment of sensor signal is obtained by variable sliding window. A segment that gives more separable classes is taken for discriminating between a set of given analytes. In this work we demonstrate the developed algorithm with a single, commercially available MOX sensor, Figaro TGS 2620, which is temperature modulated with a sinusoidal waveform.
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Representation of utility difference proportions: matrices and consistency checkingJiang, Xichen, Gong, Yiming January 2012 (has links)
When making a good decision, people must evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each option, and take all the alternatives into consideration. But it’s always difficult for most of us. How to make a good decision and make a smart choice becomes more and more important in our daily life. In our thesis work, we have performed a pilot study within a research program in decision analysis regarding representation of utility difference proportion matrices, with the problem of utility aggregation in view. We have proposed a matrix representation based on a map of maps and implemented it as a Java class. We have also defined a simple measure of inconsistency between utility difference proportions, and implemented this measure as a method in the matrix class. The function of the matrix class has been verified with some simple test programs.
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Automatic sensor clustering : connectivity for the internet of thingsKardeby, Victor January 2011 (has links)
Current predictions from industry envision that within a decade, the Internet will bepopulated by tens of billion of devices. Already today, smart Internet devices havesensors that provide an enormous potential for creating new applications. The chal-lenge at hand is how this information can be shared on the future Internet in order tounlock the full capability of applications to interact with the real world. Therefore,there is an urgent need for scalable and agile support for connecting people, placesand artifacts in applications via a vast number of devices and sensors on the futureInternet. Clearly, this poses a challenge of sharing and thus storage of so-called con-text information. Beyond scalable context storage lays another challenge to identifyand locate devices that are important to the user. In a support for billion of contin-uously changing sensors and actuators, a search engine would not work. Thereforean intelligent way to group devices is required. This thesis deals with mainly three issues: Firstly, propose a method for devicesto be reachable and thus addressable independent of their location in the infrastruc-ture. Secondly, how can the proposed method be used to insure automatic connectiv-ity anywhere between clients and services offered by the device, in particular associ-ated sensors and actuators. Thirdly, how can the grouping and support be combinedand used to dynamically associate sensors from across the Internet with applications,assuming that the aforementioned grouping exists. The proposed solution to the firstissue is to store identifier-locator pairs in an overlay. For the second issue we pro-pose a sensor socket introduced which exploits the identifier/locator pairs to enabledevice mobility. The third issue is addressed by providing a group-cast operation inthe sensor socket. This arrangement allows communication with peers determinedby a grouping algorithm which operates on context information on the context over-lay. Thus we have enabled the creation of automated dynamic clustering of sensorsand actuators in the Internet of Things.The sensor socket is designed as a stand-alone module to support any contextoverlay that provides the same basic functionality. The sensor socket embodiesa support to automatically interconnect and communicate with devices. Using abridging software, remote devices can be dynamically found and inserted into legacylocal area network where current devices can benefit from the connectivity. For fu-ture work the bridge can be extended to actively locate and identify nearby sensorsthat are unable to participate in the overlay network otherwise.
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