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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizácia návrhu spínaného regulovateľného DC-DC konvertora / Optimization of switching regulated DC-DC converter design

Appel, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
The main goal of this project was an optimization of DC-DC converter design from company Meatest with regards to its efficiency, minimalizing power loses and radiated electromagnetic inference, while maintaining its price on reasonable level. The first part of this paper is introduction to the most common converter topologies. In the second part, design and optimization of converter are discussed. The third part is about measurement automatization in Simple. Measurements of converter prototype can be found in fourth part.

A contribution to synchronization of the sliding-mode control-based integrated step-down DC/DC converter / Contribution à la synchronisation d'un convertisseur DC/DC abaisseur de tension de type buck

Labbe, Benoit 04 December 2013 (has links)
Les téléphones et tablettes de dernière génération embarquent une puissance de calcul numérique très importante nécessitant une puissance électrique d’alimentation toute aussi significative. Afin de réduire la consommation énergétique des composants numériques complexes des terminaux mobiles, des techniques de modulation dynamique de la tension d’alimentation et de la fréquence de fonctionnement du cœur de calcul numérique sont utilisées. Le convertisseur DC/DC qui assure l’alimentation du cœur numérique doit donc faire face à de forts transitoires de charge, de tension de référence et de tension de source. Le contrôle en mode glissant d’un convertisseur DC/DC permet un bon compromis entre les performances transitoires du convertisseur, la réalisation via des composants analogiques et la puissance dissipée par le contrôleur. C’est pourquoi ce type de contrôle apparait être adapté au contrôle de convertisseurs DC/DC alimentant des cœurs numériques. Cette thèse a pour objet l’étude des alimentations sur carte électronique où le contrôleur et l’étage de puissance sont intégrés sur puce tandis que les composants de puissance passifs sont montés sur le circuit imprimé. Le contrôle en mode glissant à fréquence de découpage fixe d’un convertisseur DC/DC a été démontré avec des résultats significatifs. Cependant les performances transitoires d’un tel convertisseur sont amoindries en raison des délais introduits par une fréquence de découpage fixe. Une nouvelle structure de régulation de fréquence de découpage d’un convertisseur DC/DC contrôlé en mode glissant est proposée dans cette thèse. Cette structure régule la fréquence de découpage moyenne du convertisseur tout en maintenant la réponse transitoire du convertisseur asynchrone par rapport à l’horloge de référence. Une analyse de stabilité qui prend en compte les spécificités d’un tel système est aussi proposée. Le convertisseur a été conçu sur un procédé CMOS 130nm de STMicroelectronics. La fréquence de découpage est maintenue volontairement faible pour conserver un rendement élevé avec des composants passifs externes. Le prototype présente un rendement supérieur à 80% entre 2.4mW et 960mW de puissance de sortie. / Mobile applications necessitate nowadays huge digital-resources. Power management of a digital System-On-Chip (SOC) is based on dynamic voltage scaling. DC/DC converters used to supply the digital SoCs are facing stringent constraints with respect to load-transients, line-transients and reference tracking. Hysteretic control is known as the most convenient control scheme with a fair trade-off between transient performances, analog implementation and power consumption, particularly for one-phase architecture. The thesis focuses on-board DC/DC with a significant constraint on footprint (i.e. on components count and values). Fixed switching-frequency hysteretic control has been experimented with significant results. Transient performances are reduced due to latency introduced in the switching frequency control. The present study focuses on the improvement of the concept as well as its implementation and the analysis of stability. A new analog implementation of the sliding-mode control is presented with switching-frequency control using a particular analog phase-locked-loop but preserve transient performances. The DC/DC converter is implemented in CMOS 130nm by STMicroelectronics. The switching frequency range has been voluntarily limited and excludes the possible integration of passive components for the sake of silicon access. A hybrid demonstrator is presented with efficiency higher than 80\% between 2.4 mW and 960 mW output power.

Tolérance aux défauts et optimisation des convertisseurs DC/DC pour véhicules électriques à pile à combustible / Fault tolerance and optimization of DC/DC converters for fuel cell electric vehicles

Guilbert, Damien 01 December 2014 (has links)
Ces dernières années, la fiabilité et la continuité de service des chaînes de traction sont devenus des défis majeurs afin que les véhicules électriques puissent accéder au marché grand public de l’automobile. En effet, la présence de défauts dans les chaînes de traction peut conduire à des dysfonctionnements dans les véhicules et ainsi réduire ses performances par rapport aux véhicules conventionnels. Dans l’hypothèse où des défauts électriques se produisaient, les chaînes de traction des véhicules électriques à pile à combustible devraient inclure des topologies et/ou contrôles tolérants aux défauts pour les différents convertisseurs DC/DC et DC/AC. Dans le cadre de ce travail de recherche, un focus est fait sur le convertisseur DC/DC associé à la pile à combustible de la chaine de traction. Ce dernier doit répondre aux problématiques majeures des applications véhicule électrique à pile à combustible à savoir : faible masse et petit volume, haute efficacité énergétique, réduction de l’ondulation de courant d’entrée et fiabilité. A la base d’une recherche bibliographique poussée sur les structures non-isolées et isolées appropriées pour des applications PàC, une topologie de convertisseur DC/DC entrelacé a été choisie permettant de respecter les contraintes des véhicules électriques à pile à combustible.Ce travail de thèse a ensuite consisté à dimensionner et contrôler la structure de convertisseur DC/DC tolérante aux défauts choisie pour les véhicules à PàC. Des algorithmes de gestion des modes dégradés de ce convertisseur ont été développés et implémentés expérimentalement. A ce titre, l’interaction PàC-convertisseur DC/DC a été étudiée. Une approche théorique, de simulation et expérimentale a été mise en oeuvre pour mener à bien ce travail. / Over the last years, reliability and continuity of service of powertrains have become major challenge so that the fuel cell electric vehicles (CFEV) can access to the mass automotive market. Indeed, the presence of faults in powertrains can lead up to malfunctions in the vehicle and consequently reduce its performances compared with conventional vehicles. In the case of electrical faults, powertrains of FCEV have to include fault tolerant topology and/or control for the different DC/DC and DC/AC converters. Within the framework of this research work, the study is focused on DC/DC converter combined with a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC). The DC/DC converter must respond to challenging issues in FCEV applications such as: low weight and small volume, high energy efficiency, fuel cell current ripple reduction and reliability. Basing on a thorough bibliographical study on non-isolated and isolated DC/DC converter topologies, an interleaved DC/DC boost converter has been chosen, meeting the FCEV requirements.The purpose of this thesis has then consisted in sizing and controlling the chosen fault-tolerant DC/DC converter topology for FCEVs. Algorithms for degraded mode management of this converter have been developed and implemented experimentally. As such, the interaction between PEMFC and interleaved DC/DC boost converter has been investigated. A theoretical approach, simulation and experimental results have been carried out to complete this work.

Conversion DC/DC large plage pour application embarquée dans un environnement ferroviaire / Wide range DC/DC conversion for embedded applications in railway applications

Larousse, Sébastien 07 December 2016 (has links)
Les convertisseurs électriques sont présents dans tous les équipements électroniques. Les besoins en alimentations stabilisées des appareils et la variabilité des sources d'énergie imposent l'omniprésence des convertisseurs. Dans un environnement embarqué, la conversion, majoritairement DC/DC, subit de multiples contraintes environnementales dues au milieu dans lequel elle évolue, que ce soit dans un aéronef ou un véhicule terrestre. Les équipements ferroviaires doivent ainsi subir des contraintes vibratoires et volumiques fortes imposant à la fois l'absence de pièces mobiles telles que des ventilateurs, ainsi qu'un volume minimal afin de ne pas empiéter sur l'espace utile des cabines de trains.Une contrainte plus spécifique à l'environnement ferroviaire est la très large plage de tension d'alimentation devant être supportée par le convertisseur. Cette plage de tension, s'étendant de 12 V à 154 V, due à la multiplicité des standards électriques de par le monde représente le principal défi à la conception de convertisseurs DC/DC compacts.Dans ce mémoire, les topologies de convertisseurs existantes sont dans un premier temps analysées en fonction des contraintes du cahier des charges. Les deux structures les plus pertinentes sont ensuite étudiées plus profondément, par des simulations comportementales et des modélisations de pertes, afin de confirmer leur pertinence et d'étudier leurs carences.Dans les deux derniers chapitres de ce mémoire, les stratégies de dimensionnement propres à notre application sont décrites. Finalement, les technique de contrôle élaborées spécifiquement pour notre application sont décrites puis testées sur les prototypes des convertisseurs. Les mesures réalisées sur les prototypes ont permis de confirmer l'apport des techniques de contrôle et de dimensionnement décrites précédemment, améliorant significativement les performances des convertisseurs ainsi que l'encombrement de leurs éléments passifs / Electric converters can be found on almost every electronic device. The need for a stabilized power supply and the variability of the power sources make the power converters unavoidable. In embedded applications, the power conversion, mostly DC/DC conversion, must sustain various constraints due to their environment, airborne or in ground vehicles. Devices for railway applications endure severe constraint on their volume and immunity to vibration. Thus, they have to be built without any mobile part including fans, and to be as small as possible to minimize their impact on the payload capacity of the trains.The most specific constraint in railway application is the wide input voltage range sustained by the power converter. This voltage range, from 12 V to 154 V, is due to the large amount of electric standards worldwide. This characteristic is the main challenge for the design of compact DC/DC converters.In this thesis, in a first time the current converters topologies are analysed under the scope of our specifications. Then, the two most relevant structures are more deeply studied. Behavioural simulations and loss models are described, leading to the confirmation of their relevancy and the study of their lacks.In the last two chapters of this thesis, the sizing strategies used to fit our specifications are described. Then, the control techniques elaborated to meet the specificities of our application are described then tested on prototypes. The measurements made on the prototypes have confirmed the gain due to these control techniques and the sizing strategies previously described. These improvements have led to significant improvements in the performance of the converters and in the volume reduction of their passive elements

Development of a control system for DC-motor

Siewert, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
<p>A control system for a BLDC (Brushless Direct Current) motor has been developed in Labview 2009. This report explains how it works, conclusions and some information about things that could have been done differently. This report is also a good introduction to Labview including its advantages and disadvantages. It also explains how a FOC (Field Oriented Control) works.</p><p>This is the public version of the report which does not include any results or information about the implementation. This information can be found in the original report which only authorized persons have access to.</p>

IL-6-engineered DC stimulate efficient antitumor immunity via enhanced and prolonged T cell cytotoxicity and survival

Zhang, Bei 06 March 2009
Dendritic cells (DCs) modified by some immunomodulatory genes can stimulate a strong antitumor immunity and improve the treatment of tumor cells on the condition that the sources of tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) are available. IL-6, a pleotropic cytokine, has been found to inhibit CD4+25+ regulatory T (Treg)-cell-mediated immune suppression and decrease activation-induced cell death (AICD) without interfering the process of T-cell activation. To enhance DC-based cancer vaccine, we engineered DCs to express transgene IL-6.<p> We constructed a fiber-modified recombinant adenovirus vector AdVIL-6 expressing IL-6, infected DCs with AdVIL-6, and then investigated the efficacy of antitumor immunity induced by vaccination with DCs engineered to express IL-6 transgene. We demonstrated that DCs infected with the recombinant adenovirus AdVIL-6 induced DC maturation by up-regulation of the expression of MHC class U (Iab), CD40, CD54 and CD80 expression. We also demonstrated that vaccination of OVA-pulsed AdVIL-6-infected DCs (DCOVA/AdVIL-6) was able to stimulate a stronger OVA-specific effector CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response than vaccination with the control virus AdVpLpA-infected DCs (DCOVA/AdVpLpA). More importantly, vaccination of mice with DCOVA/AdVpLpA could protect 100% mice from intravenous (i.v.) challenge of a low dose (0.5~105 cells per mouse, 8/8 mice protected) of OVA-expressing BL6-10OVA tumor cells, but only 63% mice from i.v. challenge of a high dose (1~105 cells per mouse, 5/8 mice protected) of BL6-10OVA tumor cells. However, vaccination of DCOVA/AdVIL-6 induced an augmented antitumor immunity in vivo by complete protection of mice (8/8) from challenge of both low and high doses of BL6-10OVA tumor cells.<p> To study the immune mechanism underlying the result of IL-6 engineered-DC vaccine, we generated the DCOVA/AdVIL-6-activated OTI CD8+ T cells and DCOVA/AdVpLpA-activated OTI CD8+ T cells. We demonstrated that DCOVA/AdVIL-6-activated CD8+ T cells displayed a higher level of CD62L, FasL and perforin than DCOVA/AdVpLpA-activated CD8+ T cells. DCOVA/AdVIL-6-activated CD8+ T cells had a prolonged T cell survival after they were transferred into C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, the results of the animal study showed that 100% of mice bearing OVA-expressing EG7 tumors (8mm in diameter, 8 mice per group) were tumor-free after they were i.v. treated with DCOVA/AdVIL-6-activated CD8+ T cells (2~106 cells per mouse). However, the control DCOVA/AdVpLpA-activated CD8+ T cells failed in eradication of EG7 tumors in all 8/8 mice.<p> Taken together, Adenovirus-mediated IL-6 transgene engineered DC vaccine stimulates efficient CD8+ T cell responses and antitumor immunity via enhanced T cell cytotoxicity and prolonged T cell survival. DCs engineered to express IL-6 by adenovirus-mediated IL-6 gene transfer may offer a new strategy in production of DC cancer vaccines.


Stitt, Alexander 16 September 2013 (has links)
SURFcity reorganizes, redistributes, and recentralizes the peripheral urban environment of diffuse and urbanized architectures into condensed architectural form. Through surface elaboration and densification techniques, it produces a new model for a contemporary city and community. Bringing together differences otherwise experienced at a regional scale to the human scale, it produces hybrid programs, new interior public space, and allows the surounding exterior area to return to nature.

Development of a control system for DC-motor

Siewert, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
A control system for a BLDC (Brushless Direct Current) motor has been developed in Labview 2009. This report explains how it works, conclusions and some information about things that could have been done differently. This report is also a good introduction to Labview including its advantages and disadvantages. It also explains how a FOC (Field Oriented Control) works. This is the public version of the report which does not include any results or information about the implementation. This information can be found in the original report which only authorized persons have access to.

Identification of parameters for a DC-motor by LabVIEW

Shen, Lao, Chaoran, Ye January 2012 (has links)
Abstract In this bachelor thesis we focus on how the computer software LabVIEW test is used to a DC-motor through as a hardware incremental encoder and a USB-6009. By using LabVIEW, we can do pulse counting, voltage changing test, voltage signal acquiring and some other observing jobs. This paper is a report of our mechanical operation and calculative work about the DC motor as well. The using DC motor's model number is E-660. Since we cannot find the official data of the DC motor we need, we tried to find some similar motor model to compare. Fortunately, we find some data. Even it is unofficial data from eBay website. However, these data can be seen as reference of our motor. Therefore we can compare the data from the laboratory and the theoretical ones. For the other part of the thesis is about the incremental encoder, the model we used in project is DG 63 KA. We just can find a similar type and it as a reference. The model we find similar to the actual one is DG 60L and through the measurement and comparison, we manage to test the encoder pattern is the same as the reference.     Eventually, we can still do some calculations and analysis with the measured data. We also can summarize some content according to the referential data with the similar DC motor. / 摘要 在此学士论文中我们主要将重点放在LabVIEW电脑软件测试如何通过硬件设备增量式编码器和USB-6009应用到直流电机上。通过使用LabViEW, 我们可以进行脉冲计数,电压变化测试,电压信号采样和其它观测工作。 这份报告同时也包括对直流电机的机械操作和计算工作。我们使用的直流电机型号为E-660。由于我们未能找到我们需要的直流电机的数据,我们尝试去找到一些相似的型号来比较。幸运的是,之后我们找到了一些数据。尽管数据是来自eBay的非官方数据。然而,这些数据可以作为我们电机的参考。因此我们可以使用这些理论数据和我们从实验得出的数据进行比较。 论文的另外部分是关于增量式编码器,我们在论文中使用的编码器型号是DG 63 KA。我们只能找到一些类似型号作为参考。我们找到的和实际使用的类似编码器型号为DG 60L 并且通过测量和比较,我们成功证实编码器的模式和参考中的相同。 最终,我们还对测量的数据进行了计算和分析。我们同时也根据类似的直流电机的参考数据进行总结。

Fluid Structure Interaction: Evaluation of two coupling techniques

Andersson, Christoffer, Ahl, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis concerns one of the upcoming and well discussed subjects withincalculations these days, namely how to perform an analysis of the interactionbetween fluid and structure, called FSI (Fluid Structure Interaction). In the report,evaluations of two different methods of simulating FSI are done. These are knownas Practical FSI (P-FSI) and Direct Coupled FSI (DC-FSI). The methods aredeveloped by Acusim in cooperation with Simulia and the softwares used areAbaqus and AcuSolve.The first part of the thesis is dedicated to explain the general theory and thegoverning equations for FSI. After the general explanation a more delimitatedexplanation regarding P-FSI and DC-FSI are given. After this we show how tosetup and perform the couplings regarding which parameters that need to bedefined and how to perform the analyses using Abaqus and AcuSolve.The last section of the thesis covers the evaluation process. We started withevaluating the methods against a benchmark problem where we compared thecalculation time and accuracy regarding displacements and frequencies. The nextthing we evaluated was how different numbers of modes used in the P-FSIcoupling affects the result. The last thing we evaluated was the robustness of themethods using different mass densities of the structure and different time-stepsizes.The result of the evaluation regarding the criteria: accuracy, calculation time androbustness showed that the P-FSI method is the most efficient method comparedto DC-FSI regarding FSI problems when the structural response is linear.

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