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Contributions to regularization theory and practice of certain nonlinear inverse problemsHofmann, Christopher 23 December 2020 (has links)
The present thesis addresses both theoretical as well as numerical aspects of the treatment of nonlinear inverse problems. The first part considers Tikhonov regularization for nonlinear ill-posed operator equations in Hilbert scales with oversmoothing penalties. Sufficient as well as necessary conditions to establish convergence are introduced and convergence rate results are given for various parameter choice rules under a two sided nonlinearity constraint. Ultimately, both a posteriori as well as certain a priori parameter choice rules lead to identical converce rates.
The theoretical results are supported and augmented by extensive numerical case studies. In particular it is shown, that the localization of the above mentioned nonlinearity constraint is not trivial. Incorrect localization will prevent convergence of the regularized to the exact solution.
The second part of the thesis considers two open problems in inverse option pricing and electrical impedance tomography. While regularization through discretization is sufficient to overcome ill-posedness of the latter, the first requires a more sophisticated approach. It is shown, that the recovery of time dependent volatility and interest rate functions from observed option prices is everywhere locally ill-posed. This motivates Tikhonov-type or variational regularization with two parameters and penalty terms to simultaneously recover these functions. Two parameter choice rules using the L-hypersurface as well as a combination of L-curve and quasi-optimality are introduced. The results are again supported by extensive numerical case studies.
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Low-rank Tensor Methods for PDE-constrained OptimizationBünger, Alexandra 14 December 2021 (has links)
Optimierungsaufgaben unter Partiellen Differentialgleichungen (PDGLs) tauchen in verschiedensten Anwendungen der Wissenschaft und Technik auf. Wenn wir ein PDGL Problem formulieren, kann es aufgrund seiner Größe unmöglich werden, das Problem mit konventionellen Methoden zu lösen. Zusätzlich noch eine Optimierung auszuführen birgt zusätzliche Schwierigkeiten. In vielen Fällen können wir das PDGL Problem in einem kompakteren Format formulieren indem wir der zugrundeliegenden Kronecker-Produkt Struktur zwischen Raum- und Zeitdimension Aufmerksamkeit schenken. Wenn die PDGL zusätzlich mit Isogeometrischer Analysis diskretisiert wurde, können wir zusätlich eine Niedrig-Rang Approximation zwischen den einzelnen Raumdimensionen erzeugen. Diese Niedrig-Rang Approximation lässt uns die Systemmatrizen schnell und speicherschonend aufstellen. Das folgende PDGL-Problem lässt sich als Summe aus Kronecker-Produkten beschreiben, welche als eine Niedrig-Rang Tensortrain Formulierung interpretiert werden kann. Diese kann effizient im Niedrig-Rang Format gelöst werden. Wir illustrieren dies mit unterschiedlichen, anspruchsvollen Beispielproblemen.:Introduction
Tensor Train Format
Isogeometric Analysis
PDE-constrained Optimization
Bayesian Inverse Problems
A low-rank tensor method for PDE-constrained optimization with Isogeometric Analysis
A low-rank matrix equation method for solving PDE-constrained optimization problems
A low-rank tensor method to reconstruct sparse initial states for PDEs with Isogeometric Analysis
Theses and Summary
Bibilography / Optimization problems governed by Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) arise in various applications of science and engineering. If we formulate a discretization of a PDE problem, it may become infeasible to treat the problem with conventional methods due to its size. Solving an optimization problem on top of the forward problem poses additional difficulties. Often, we can formulate the PDE problem in a more compact format by paying attention to the underlying Kronecker product structure between the space and time dimension of the discretization. When the PDE is discretized with Isogeometric Analysis we can additionally formulate a low-rank representation with Kronecker products between its individual spatial dimensions. This low-rank formulation gives rise to a fast and memory efficient assembly for the system matrices. The PDE problem represented as a sum of Kronecker products can then be interpreted as a low-rank tensor train formulation, which can be efficiently solved in a low-rank format. We illustrate this for several challenging PDE-constrained problems.:Introduction
Tensor Train Format
Isogeometric Analysis
PDE-constrained Optimization
Bayesian Inverse Problems
A low-rank tensor method for PDE-constrained optimization with Isogeometric Analysis
A low-rank matrix equation method for solving PDE-constrained optimization problems
A low-rank tensor method to reconstruct sparse initial states for PDEs with Isogeometric Analysis
Theses and Summary
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Low-rank iterative methods of periodic projected Lyapunov equations and their application in model reduction of periodic descriptor systemsBenner, Peter, Hossain, Mohammad-Sahadet, Stykel, Tatjana January 2011 (has links)
We discuss the numerical solution of large-scale sparse projected discrete-time periodic Lyapunov equations in lifted form which arise in model reduction of periodic descriptor systems. We extend the alternating direction implicit method and the Smith method to such equations. Low-rank versions of these methods are also presented, which can be used to compute low-rank approximations to the solutions of projected periodic Lyapunov equations in lifted form with low-rank right-hand side. Moreover, we consider an application of the Lyapunov solvers to balanced truncation model reduction of periodic discrete-time descriptor systems. Numerical results are given to illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed methods.:1 Introduction
2 Periodic descriptor systems
3 ADI method for causal lifted Lyapunov equations
4 Smith method for noncausal lifted Lyapunov equations
5 Application to model order reduction
6 Numerical results
7 Conclusions
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Fast Evaluation of Near-Field Boundary Integrals using Tensor Approximations: Fast Evaluation of Near-Field Boundary Integralsusing Tensor ApproximationsBallani, Jonas 10 October 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation, we introduce and analyse a scheme for the fast evaluation of integrals stemming from boundary element methods including discretisations of the classical single and double layer potential operators. Our method is based on the parametrisation of boundary elements in terms of a d-dimensional parameter tuple. We interpret the integral as a real-valued function f depending on d parameters and show that f is smooth in a d-dimensional box. A standard interpolation of f by polynomials leads to a d-dimensional tensor which is given by the values of f at the interpolation points. This tensor may be approximated in a low rank tensor format like the canonical format or the hierarchical format. The tensor approximation has to be done only once and allows us to evaluate interpolants in O(dr(m+1)) operations in the canonical format, or O(dk³ + dk(m + 1)) operations in the hierarchical format, where m denotes the interpolation order and the ranks r, k are small integers. In particular, we apply an efficient black box scheme in the hierarchical tensor format in order to adaptively approximate tensors even in high dimensions d with a prescribed (but heuristic) target accuracy. By means of detailed numerical experiments, we demonstrate that highly accurate integral values can be obtained at very moderate costs.
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Programmbeschreibung SPC-PM3-AdH-XX - Teil 1Meyer, Arnd 11 March 2014 (has links)
Beschreibung der Finite Elemente Software-Familie SPC-PM3-AdH-XX
für: (S)cientific (P)arallel (C)omputing - (P)rogramm-(M)odul (3)D (ad)aptiv (H)exaederelemente.
Für XX stehen die einzelnen Spezialvarianten, die in Teil 2 detailliert geschildert werden.
Stand: Ende 2013:1 Allgemeine Vorbemerkungen
2 Grundstruktur
3 Datenstrukturen
4 Gesamtablauf
5 Parallelisierung
6 Die Grundvariante A3D_Original und ihre Bibliotheken
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Chemnitz Symposium on Inverse Problems 2014Hofmann, Bernd January 2014 (has links)
Our symposium will bring together experts from the German and international 'Inverse Problems Community' and young scientists. The focus will be on ill-posedness phenomena, regularization theory and practice, and on the analytical, numerical, and stochastic treatment of applied inverse problems in natural sciences, engineering, and finance.
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About an autoconvolution problem arising in ultrashort laser pulse characterizationBürger, Steven January 2014 (has links)
We are investigating a kernel-based autoconvolution problem, which has its origin in the physics of ultra short laser pulses. The task in this problem is to reconstruct a complex-valued function $x$ on a finite interval from measurements of its absolute value and a kernel-based autoconvolution of the form [[F(x)](s)=int k(s,t)x(s-t)x(t)de t.]
This problem has not been studied in the literature. One reason might be that one has more information than in the classical autoconvolution case, where only the right hand side is available. Nevertheless we show that ill posedness phenomena may occur. We also propose an algorithm to solve the problem numerically and demonstrate its performance with artificial data. Since the algorithm fails to produce good results with real data and we suspect that the data for $|F(x)|$ are not dependable we also consider the whole problem with only $arg(F(x))$ given instead of $F(x)$.
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Programmbeschreibung SPC-PM3-AdH-XX - Teil 2Meyer, Arnd 20 November 2014 (has links)
Beschreibung der Finite Elemente Software-Familie SPC-PM3-AdH-XX
für: (S)cientific (P)arallel (C)omputing - (P)rogramm-(M)odul (3)D (ad)aptiv (H)exaederelemente.
Für XX stehen die einzelnen Spezialvarianten, die in Teil 2 detailliert geschildert werden.
Stand: Ende 2013:1 Vorbemerkungen
2 Probleme mit transversal-isotropem Material
3 Gleichungen vom Sattelpunktstyp
4 Probleme der Thermo-Elastizität
5 Nichtlineare Probleme der großen Deformationen
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Basics of Linear ThermoelasticityMeyer, Arnd, Springer, Rolf January 2015 (has links)
In this preprint, we look onto the theory of linear thermoelasticity. At the beginning, this theory is shortly repeated and afterwards applied to transversely isotropic materials. Then, the corresponding weak formulation is derived, which is the starting point for a FE-discretisation. In the last part, we explain how we added this material behaviour to an adaptive Finite-Element-code and show some numerical results.:1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background
3 Special Cases of Linear Thermoelasticity
4 Weak Formulation
5 Implementation
6 Numerical Examples
A. Results of the Computation
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Automated Parameter Tuning based on RMS Errors for nonequispaced FFTsNestler, Franziska 16 February 2015 (has links)
In this paper we study the error behavior of the well known fast Fourier transform for nonequispaced data (NFFT) with respect to the L2-norm. We compare the arising errors for different window functions and show that the accuracy of the algorithm can be significantly improved by modifying the shape of the window function. Based on the considered error estimates for different window functions we are able to state an easy and efficient method to tune the involved parameters automatically. The numerical examples show that the optimal parameters depend on the given Fourier coefficients, which are assumed not to be of a random structure or roughly of the same magnitude but rather subject to a certain decrease.
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