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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Politické aspekty financování obcí v České republice / The Political Aspects of Financing of Municipalities in the Czech Republic

Růžek, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focusing on economy and financing of three small municipalities in the Pilsen region. Financing of small municipalities is the quite complex and current topic, also in the Czech Republic. The thesis is a comparative case study. The analyzed municipalities are the following: Kožlany, Žihle and Kozojedy. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the possibilities of given municipalities towards the influence of the economy and financing or the possibility to influence the amount of their income and costs. As a partial aim of this thesis is comparison and evaluation of the stance of mayors and other municipal representatives to the current model of financing of local governments and model of tax revenue. The thesis consists of two main parts. The theoretical part deals with a literary research, which defines basic conceptions referring to financing and economy of municipalities. The practical part is dedicated to basic characteristics of the compared municipalities, also the comparison all municipalities with the evaluation of the results obtained by the analysis.

Meziregionální redistribuce prostřednictvím sdílení daní a dotací územním samosprávným celkům / Interregional redistribution trough tax sharing and grants to local governmnet units

MIŠÁKOVÁ, Eliška January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the system of tax sharing and grants in terms of interregional redistribution. Review of literature is divided into two parts. The first one relates to fiscal decentralization, fiscal imbalance (which arises as a result of decentralization), and fiscal need. The second part deals with the technical characteristics of shared taxes and subsidies in the Czech Republic. Based on established methodological procedures were carried out analysis of both systems. It was found out that into the budgets of local governments are redistributed funds which do not come from their territory. The result of analysis is the finding that both systems are based on the interregional redistribution. Last part of this thesis focuses on a brief analysis of the planned amendment.

Postavení a význam místních poplatků / Status and Importance of Local Taxes

BULÍČKOVÁ, Renata January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis on the Status and Importance of Local Taxes is focused on a part of tax revenues of municipalities, which are called local taxes according to the budget structure. These revenues are the returns of the municipalities and are of an optional nature. Despite their nature, Act No. 565/1990 Coll., On Local Taxes, limits the tax jurisdiction for setting the charging rate. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the local taxes of a selected region of the Czech Republic on the basis of theoretical knowledge and legislation related to local taxes. For this work, the Vysočina Region was selected. At the beginning, development of taxes in the Czech Republic in 2006 2016 is described. Subsequently, the work goes to the development of Vysočina Region, where local taxes are broken down by particular types. The next chapters are devoted to local charges according to their division in the budget structure in terms of their share on revenues in municipalities in 2016 and the frequency of utilization of the respective taxes in the same year. Based on the calculations, it was found out that the average share of revenues from local taxes on tax revenues in 2006-2011 was around 1.80 %. By introducing a local tax for municipal waste, the share increased and was around 3 % in 2012-2016. This difference was due to the fact that the tax for municipal waste is the major part of the revenue from local taxes, approximately 88 %. The analysis also shows that the most common tax is the one for owning dogs. However, its share on total revenues of local taxes accounted for only 4.3 %. A smaller share (3.78 %) is recorded only by the revenue from the tax for use of the public area, the other taxes got minor contribution.

Místní poplatky v rozpočtech obcí ČR / Local fees in budgetes of communities in the Czech Republic

TRÁVNÍČKOVÁ, Radka January 2009 (has links)
Local fees are the revenue of communities. Communities can influence the height of this revenue. Local fees are modified the Act No. 565/1990 Coll., concerning local charges. Nowadays communities can get revenues from nine local fees. Community can make a decision which fees will use on its territory. In a theoretical part are described notions like fiscal federalism, its history, forms and fundamentals; fiscal decentralization, the revenue of communities and their dividing; local fees and other notions serving to introduce into existing problems. A practical part is focus on local fees. The point of the work is to find which local fees communities use, in which height, what is the percent occurrence of utilize of existing fees in the year 2007, which fees are saving most often, that fees produce the highest yields and how local fees develop. The object of the study is communities of South Bohemia region. They are segmented into five size groups. The study is completed by tables and graphs and relevant conclusions.

Analýza struktury a vývoje výdajů municipalit v ČR / Analysis of the structure and development of expenditure by municipalities in the Czech Republic

ŠTIKOVÁ, Martina January 2009 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is analysis of the structure, value and development of expenditure by municipalities in the CZ with emphasis on municipalities in the South Bohemian Region for the purpose of objectification of local public expenses. The analysis was performed on a representative sample of 179 municipalities within the scope of the South Bohemian Region. The source of data was municipal budgets during the period from 2005 {--} 2007, refined by removal of transfers to own funds. The representative sample was divided into seven size categories according to the number of inhabitants in the municipality. The average annual percentage of six key budget forming expense groups, of the overall current expenditure for each municipality of the representative sample, each size category and collectively for the South Bohemian Region and the whole CZ was expressed (in percent and value) by means of a vertical analysis. The next step was a more detailed analysis of selected budget forming branch classification expense groups (1, 5, 6), sections (33, 34), sub-sections (363) and paragraphs (2212), by means of conversion to requirement indicator unit (for instance per 1 inhabitant, hectare area, km of road). The average annual current expenditure for every group (section, sub-section, paragraph) of the budget per every requirement indicator unit was determined, initially individually for each municipality and subsequently for each of the size categories. The same procedure was applied to the collective current expenditure of the South Bohemian Region and the Czech Republic. The estimates of the fiscal (expenditure) requirements of municipalities and fiscal requirement indexes were also calculated in the interests of dealing with the issue of the size of local public expenditure comprehensively. By mutual comparison of the results, differences in the size of local public expenditure of specific municipalities were revealed, which may be the result of ineffective economic management and therefore require increased attention and more detailed analysis. This diploma thesis provides a comprehensive overview of the structure, value and development of local public expenditure by municipalities in the South Bohemian Region (by means of public inspection), opportunities for increasing efficiency in provision of local public goods and services.

Dotace územním rozpočtům v ČR po roce 1993. Teoretická a empirická analýza. / Subsidies for Regional Budgets in the Czech Republic after 1993. Theoretical and Empirical Analysis.

DRNKOVÁ, Martina January 2009 (has links)
The objective of the diploma paper was to assess the role, structure and development of subsidies within the system of financing of municipalities of the Czech Republic after 1993; to find out how the public administration reform was reflected in the system of municipal financing and whether it supported a higher financial self-sufficiency. The analysis of subsidy development was carried by means of comparing the total amount of subsidies and own revenues in relation to the total revenue in the period 1994 - 2007. In addition, the analysis of subsidy structure and the analysis of average volume of subsidies per unit in the period 2001 - 2007 were used in order to reach the intended objective. The paper is focused in particular on the municipalities of South Bohemia Region. Out of the total number of 662 municipalities, a representative sample of 179 municipalities was selected where the analysis was performed. The analysis also included all municipalities of the Czech Republic with population higher than 40,001. The total number of municipalities in the representative sample amounted to 203. The municipalities were classified into eight size categories by population. The public self-administration reform resulted in the fact that revenues from shares and assigned taxes started to flow into the municipal budgets, which contributed to a higher financial and decision-making self-sufficiency of the municipalities. Despite the public administration reform, the volume of subsidies still represents a considerable portion of sources of regional budgets. By means of analysing the structure of subsidies, it was ascertained that the share of the claimed subsidies in the total revenues from subsidies was growing with the growing number of population and on the other hand, the share of subsidies that may not be claimed in the total revenues from subsidies has been declining with the growing population. By means of analysing an average volume of subsidies per unit, it was ascertained that the amount of provided claimed subsidies as well as subsidies that may not be claimed grows with the number of population. In the same time, a considerable variability in revenues from subsidies was ascertained within municipalities in individual size categories. On the contrary, the variability was declining with the growing population.

Daň z nehnuteľností na Slovensku / Real estate tax in Slovakia

Múčka, Richard January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of real estate taxation in Slovakia. The aim of the thesis is to explain how real estate taxation in Slovakia is taking place, how real estate tax has contributed to tax revenues and what changes occurred after the introduction of fiscal decentralization in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. Subsequently, the work focuses on the application of the property tax to the selected municipality. To achieve the goals, work is divided into four chapters. The first two chapters are devoted to public administration in Slovakia and fiscal decentralization. The third chapter focuses on the history of property tax in the world and in Slovakia. The last fourth chapter presents the impact of the real estate tax on the tax revenues of the capital Bratislava.

Tendence k federalizaci v Itálii / Tendencies for Federalization in Italy

Rezková, Simona January 2017 (has links)
Název diplomové práce: federalizaci v Itálii Cílem této diplomové práce je zkoumat tendence k Itálii. Práce je založena především na poznatcích získaných studiem zahraniční odborné literatury a na analýze relevantní italské judikatury. Z hlediska použité metodologie převažuje metoda skriptivní a analytická, okrajově byla použita i metoda komparativní. Práce je členěna do 4 kapitol. První kapitola obsahuje vymezení a teoretický rozbor jednotlivých konceptů, které jsou v práci dále užívány. Druhá kapitola shrnuje vývoj italského regionalismu, a to od počátku sjednocení italského státu až do ústavních reforem, které na přelomu druhého a třetího tisíciletí přinesly zásadní zvrat pro fungování a význam italských regionů. Třetí kapitola se dále věnuje postavení italských regionů a ejdůležitějších rysů italského regionalismu, jež se na základě uvedených ústavních reforem etablovaly v italském ústavním systému. zemi byla zahájena nová etapa, která v italském ústavním systému představila řadu rysů typických pro federace. í regionů bylo klíčové především výrazné posílení jejich statutární autonomie, zákonodárných pravomocí, upevnění jejich pozice na mezinárodním poli a otevření možnosti jednat o dodatečném prohloubení autonomie. Velkou změnou pro regiony bylo rovněž zrušení dozoru, který nad nimi do té doby...

Dopady politiky fiskálního federalismu na hospodaření obcí v České republice / The impact of the fiscal federalism policy on a municipality economy in the Czech Republic

Tesárková, Jana January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyzes the impact of the fiscal federalism policy on a municipality economy in the Czech Republic. The theoretical basics consist of a historical analysis of municipalities' legal status and mode of financing. That is followed by defining of a fiscal federalism model and a fiscal decentralization model, and by taxation and income analyses. Final part focuses on the income and expenditure analysis of municipalities in the period 2002-2010 and an overall evaluation.

Monitoring a auditing strukturálních fondů EU / Monitoring and auditing in structural funds of EU

Vykouková, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the question of the decentralization processes between institutions and other parties involved in auditing and monitoring of the structural funds of the EU. I evaluate the present functional relations of these subjects using document analysis. The thesis follows two levels of analysis, which are compared in the end. The first level concerns the general setting of the systems of relations between union bodies and member states. The second one presents specific situations in the operational program Prague Competitiveness. The thesis disproves the initial hypothesis and claim that the relations on the supranational level tend to be more deconcentrated than decentralized, whereas the system at the national level shows more decentralization characteristics in this specific case.

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