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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Decision thresholds : cognitive limitations in sequential probabilistic decision making

Eastman, Kyler Maxwell 05 November 2012 (has links)
Psychologists have long appreciated that many real-world decisions require a balance of expediency and accuracy in gathering evidence. Often the best decisions are made when there is some lingering uncertainty. But how much? Depending on the situation, choosing the right amount of evidence can often be a fine line between making a rash decision and being indecisive. Psychologists have been reluctant to pursue studying peoples' abilities to judge the correct "threshold" for probabilistic decisions. There are two reasons for this: First, the question of a decision threshold, or "when should I stop gathering evidence?" is confounded by the larger issue of how subjects choose and integrate that evidence. Subjects may have a decision threshold that is consistently sub-optimal with respect to a model that does not consider cognitive constraints. However, subjects may actually be choosing the right amount of information given their own cognitive limitations. Second, it has been shown that people often use specific heuristics in making probabilistic decisions. In this case, defining a decision threshold would be largely dependent on the heuristic and task, thus preventing a study of decision thresholds that is widely applicable. The research presented here addresses both of these concerns. I defined a task where the ideal decision threshold is clearly defined, requiring some evidence, but not an exhaustive search. Furthermore, this threshold can be precisely manipulated by changes in the reward structure. Although it is possible to use a "sufficing" or sub-optimal heuristic, subjects are given a significant financial incentive to fully integrate as much evidence as possible. Lastly, and most importantly, a general model of people's cognitive limitations is applied to the traditional normative model. This enhancement allows a more refined study of humans' ability to place their decision threshold according to environmental conditions. / text

Estimation of energy detection thresholds and error probability for amplitude-modulated short-range communication radios

Anttonen, A. (Antti) 30 November 2011 (has links)
Abstract In this thesis, novel data and channel estimation methods are proposed and analyzed for low-complexity short-range communication (SRC) radios. Low complexity is challenging to achieve especially in very wideband or millimeter-wave SRC radios where phase recovery and energy capture from numerous multipaths easily become a bottleneck for system design. A specific type of transceiver is selected using pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) at the transmitter and energy detection (ED) at the receiver, and it is thus called an ED-PAM system. Nonnegative PAM alphabets allow using an ED structure which enables a phase-unaware detection method for avoiding complicated phase recovery at the receiver. Moreover, the ED-PAM approach results in a simple multipath energy capture, and only one real decision variable, whose dimension is independent of the symbol alphabet size, is needed. In comparison with optimal phase-aware detection, the appealing simplicity of suboptimal ED-PAM systems is achieved at the cost of the need for a higher transmitted signal energy or shorter link distance for obtaining a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver, as ED-PAM systems are more vulnerable to the effects of noise and interference. On the other hand, the consequences of requiring a higher SNR may not be severe in the type of SRC scenarios where a sufficient received SNR is readily available due to a short link distance. Furthermore, significant interference can be avoided by signal design. However, what has slowed down the development of ED-PAM systems is that efficient symbol decision threshold estimation and related error probability analysis in multipath fading channels have remained as unsolved problems. Based on the above observations, this thesis contributes to the state-of-the-art of the design and analysis for ED-PAM systems as follows. Firstly, a closed-form near-optimal decision threshold selection method, which adapts to a time-varying channel gain and enables an arbitrary choice of the PAM alphabet size and an integer time-bandwidth product of the receiver filters, is proposed. Secondly, two blind estimation schemes of the parameters for the threshold estimation are introduced. Thirdly, analytical error probability evaluation in frequency-selective multipath fading channels is addressed. Special attention is given to lognormal fading channels, which are typically used to model very wideband SRC multipath channels. Finally, analytical error probability evaluation with nonideal parameter estimation is presented. The results can be used in designing low-complexity transceivers for very wideband and millimeter-wave wireless SRC devices of the future. / Tiivistelmä Tässä työssä esitetään ja analysoidaan uusia data- ja kanavaestimointimenetelmiä, joiden tavoitteena on yksinkertaistaa lähikommunikaatiota (short-range communication, SRC) langattomien laitteiden välillä. SRC-radioiden yksinkertainen toteutus on poikkeuksellisen haasteellista silloin, kun käytetään erittäin suurta kaistanleveyttä tai millimetriaaltoalueen tiedonsiirtoa. Tällöin vastaanottimen yksinkertaisen toteutuksen voivat estää esimerkiksi kantoaallon vaiheen estimointi ja signaalienergian kerääminen lukuisilta kanavan monitiekomponenteilta. Näistä lähtökohdista valitaan SRC-radion järjestelmämalliksi positiiviseen pulssiamplitudimodulaatioon (pulse amplitude modulation, PAM) perustuva lähetin ja energiailmaisimeen (energy detection, ED) perustuva vastaanotin. ED-PAM-järjestelmän ei tarvitse tietää vastaanotetun signaalin vaihetta ja signaalienergian kerääminen tapahtuu yksinkertaisen diversiteettiyhdistelytekniikan avulla. Lisäksi ilmaisuun tarvitaan vain yksi reaalinen päätösmuuttuja, jonka dimensio on riippumaton PAM-tasojen määrästä. ED-PAM-tekniikan yksinkertaisuutta optimaaliseen vaihetietoiseen ilmaisuun verrattuna ei saavuteta ilmaiseksi. Yhtenä rajoituksena on alioptimaalisen ED-PAM-tekniikan luontainen taipumus vahvistaa kohinan ja häiriöiden vaikutusta symbolin päätöksenteossa. Kohinan vahvistus ei välttämättä ole suuri ongelma niissä SRC-radioissa, joissa pienen linkkietäisyyden johdosta riittävä signaali-kohinasuhde vastaanottimessa voidaan kohinan vahvistuksesta huolimatta saavuttaa. Myös häiriöiden vahvistuksen vaikutusta voidaan tehokkaasti vähentää signaalisuunnittelulla. Joka tapauksessa ED-PAM-tekniikan käyttöönottoa on hidastanut tehokkaiden symbolipäätöskynnysten estimointi- ja analysointimenetelmien puuttuminen. Edellä mainitut havainnot ovat motivoineet löytämään uusia suunnittelu- ja analyysimenetelmiä ED-PAM-järjestelmille seuraavasti. Symbolipäätöskynnysten estimointiin johdetaan lähes optimaalinen suljetun muodon menetelmä, joka kykenee adaptoitumaan muuttuvassa kanavassa ja valitsemaan mielivaltaisen kokonaisluvun sekä PAM-tasojen määrälle että vastaanottimen aika-kaistanleveystulolle. Lisäksi esitetään kaksi sokeaa päätöskynnysten estimointimenetelmää, jotka eivät tarvitse redundanttista opetussignaalia. Työn toisessa osassa ED-PAM-järjestelmän symbolivirhesuhdetta analysoidaan taajuusselektiivisessä monitiekanavassa. Analyysissä keskitytään log-normaalijakauman mukaan häipyvään kanavaan. Seuraavaksi analyysia laajennetaan ottamalla mukaan epäideaalisten kynnysarvojen estimoinnin vaikutus. Saavutettuja tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää erittäin laajakaistaisten ja millimetriaaltoalueen SRC-laitteiden suunnittelussa.

Mesure et discrimination de rayonnements bêta et gamma dans une ambiance gamma élevée et fluctuante : conception, développement et caractérisation d'un contaminamètre haute sensibilité / Measurement and discrimination of beta and gamma radiations in a high and fluctuating gamma environment : design, development and characterization of a high sensitivity contamination meter

Karst, Maxime 13 December 2016 (has links)
Dans le cadre des activités de maintenance des centrales nucléaires, les personnes intervenant sur des chantiers en zone contrôlée doivent effectuer des mesures de contamination surfacique sur leurs outils, gants, sur tenue de travail et sur les parties de leur corps susceptible d’être contaminées (cou et tête par exemple). Or, les mesures de contamination surfacique bêta ne peuvent pas toujours être réalisées au plus près des chantiers. Le bruit de fond gamma présent à ces endroits étant élevé et fluctuant, ce dernier perturbe les appareils utilisés habituellement pour la mesure de contamination surfacique. L’objectif principal de ce travail était de concevoir un appareil de mesure adapté à la détection de contamination surfacique bêta de quelques Bq/cm2 (typiquement < 4 Bq/cm2), dans une ambiance gamma de quelques dizaines de µSv/h (typiquement < 100 µSv/h) et fluctuante (typiquement de l’ordre de 30% en 1 seconde). / In the framework of the nuclear power plants maintenance, the onsite workers incontrolled areas must performed some surface contamination controls of their tools, gloves, workingsuits and over their body parts which may be contaminated (neck and head for instance). However,surface beta contamination measurements can’t always been done as close as possible of the working location. The onsite ambient gamma background, being high and fluctuating, may disturb the radiation protection devices commonly used for surface contamination measurements.The main goal of this work was to conceive a radiation protection device adapted to the betasurface contamination of about a few Bq/cm2 (< 4Bq/cm2 typicaly) in a fluctuating (typicaly 30%variation per second) ambient gamma background of a few μSv/h (typicaly <100 μSv/h).

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