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FPGA Implementation of Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) receiving unit for surveillance of small and general aircraft / FPGA-implementering av Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) mottagarenhet för övervakning av små och allmänna flygplanChen, Baiheng January 2022 (has links)
The Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) is one of the two datalinks available in Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) system to facilitate air traffic control and flight tracking of small and general-purpose aircraft. By allowing aircraft to be tracked passively through a radio broadcast of the aircraft position and flight information, flight safety can be ensured and air traffic order is maintained. With the ADS-B initiative, surveillance is encouraged to cover not only residential areas but also remote regions where the infrastructure of a radar station is less likely to be available. Hence a passive, low-power, compact and portable device that receives the radio signal and shares the extracted flight information to control center is welcomed so that air traffic control and surveillance to nearby aircraft can be made possible without massive infrastructure cost. The aim of this thesis project is to develop a compact and portable solution of ADS-B UAT receiver using FPGA to demodulate the received UAT signal and extract valid UAT messages from it, as an extensional function to Skysense’s former product of ADS-B 1090ES receiver. The work presented herein mainly focuses on the development of FPGA functions of the receiver which comprises demodulating the digitized UAT signal and extract UAT payload message from the samples. This work demonstrates the design process and implementation of a 978 MHz UAT receiver using Altera Cyclone IV FPGA. The final demonstrated design is capable of demodulating sampled UAT signal and transfer the demodulated raw data bits to a processing unit through UART interface. Simulation result and synthesis report together with analysis are presented. / Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) är en av de två datalänkar som finns tillgängliga i Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)-systemet för att underlätta flygkontroll och spårning av små och allmännyttiga flygplan. Genom att tillåta att flygplan spåras passivt genom en radiosändning av flygplanets position och flyginformation kan flygsäkerheten garanteras och flygordningen upprätthållas. Med ADS-B-initiativet uppmuntras övervakningen att inte bara omfatta bostadsområden utan även avlägsna regioner där det är mindre sannolikt att en radarstations infrastruktur är tillgänglig. Därför välkomnas en passiv, energisnål, kompakt och bärbar enhet som tar emot radiosignalen och delar den extraherade flyginformationen till kontrollcentralen så att flygkontroll och övervakning till närbelägna flygplan kan göras möjlig utan enorma infrastrukturkostnader. Syftet med detta avhandlingsprojekt är att utveckla en kompakt och bärbar lösning med ADS-B UAT-mottagare med FPGA som tilläggsfunktion till produkten ADS-B 1090ES-mottagare från företaget Skysense AB. Det arbete som presenteras här fokuserar främst på utvecklingen av FPGA-funktioner hos mottagaren, vilka består av att demodulera den digitaliserade UAT-signalen och extrahera UAT-meddelandet om nyttolast från proverna. Detta arbete visar designprocessen för och genomförandet av en 978 MHz UAT-mottagare med Altera Cyclone IV FPGA. Den slutgiltiga demonstrerade konstruktionen kan demodulera en samplad UAT-signal och överföra de demodulerade rådatabitarna till en behandlingsenhet genom UART-gränssnittet. Simuleringsresultat och sammanfattande rapport presenteras tillsammans.
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Part A: Digital F. M. Demodulation Using Frequency Counting Techniques ; Part B: Resistivity- Temperature Behaviour of SnO(2):B:Sb Resistor SpeciesLepic, Daniel Albert January 1972 (has links)
This thesis contains 2 parts (Part A and B) to fulfill the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering. Part A: McMaster (on-campus) project. Part B: McMaster (industrial) project. / Part A abstract:
The demodulation of analogue F.M. signals using frequency counting techniques is examined and implemented through the use of modern high speed T.T.L. integrated circuit technology. The entire demodulation unit was derived from exclusively digital components particularly compatible to frequency counting methods. The device was tested with carrier frequencies up to 2MHz and signal frequencies over the entire audio range with varying degrees of modulation. The main limitations appear to lay not in the hardware but in the actual counting technique itself which required quite large frequency deviations to resolve the higher audio frequency signals employed.
Part B abstract:
Investigation of SnO(2):B:Sb semiconductor species over the temperature range -60°C to +175°C reveals that electrical resistivity in this region is determined by the complex superposition of stable thin film scattering phenomena. Transient effects due to lattice imperfections inherent in the fabrication process start to "anneal” out at temperatures greater than 50°c and can be characterized by an activation energy of the order of .013 eV. Uncompensated samples doped heavily with boron illustrate a trend toward ionized impurity scattering at lower temperatures but mainly the species exhibits a complicated interplay of acoustical and optical phonon scattering modulated by doping level in such a manner as to lower T.C.R. An empirical expression relating resistivity-temperature behaviour to doping is developed. / Thesis / Master of Engineering (ME)
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Generalized Analytic Signal Construction and Modulation AnalysisVenkitaraman, Arun January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with generalizations of the analytic signal (AS) construction proposed by Gabor. Functional extensions of the fractional Hilbert Transform (FrHT) are proposed using which families of analytic signals are obtained. The construction is further applied in the design of a secure communication scheme. A demodulation scheme is developed based on the generalized AS, motivated by perceptual experiments in binaural hearing. Demodulation is achieved using a signal and its arbitrary phase-shifted version which, in turn translated to demodulation using a pair of flat-top bandpass filters that form an FrHT parir.
A new family of wavelets based on the popular Gammatone auditory model is proposed and is shown to lead to a good characterization of singularities/transients in a signal. Allied problems of computing smooth amplitude, phase, and frequency modulations from the AS. Construction of FrHT pair of wavelets, and temporal envelope fit of transient audio signals are also addressed.
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Design, implementation and prototyping of an iterative receiver for bit-interleaved coded modulation system dedicated to DVB-T2Li, Meng 11 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In 2008, the European Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) standardization committee issued the second generation of Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial (DVB-T2) standard in order to enable the wide broadcasting of high definition and 3D TV programmes. DVB-T2 has adopted several new technologies to provide more robust reception compared to the first genaration standard. One important technology is the bit interleaved coded modulation (BICM) with doubled signal space diversity plus the usage of low-density parity check (LDPC) codes. Both techniques can be combined at the receiver side through an iterative process between the decoder and demapper in order to further increase the system performance. The object of my study was to design and prototype a DVB-T2 receiver which supports iterative process. The two main contributions to the demapper design are the proposal of a linear approximation of Euclidean distance computation and the derivation of a sub-region detection algorithm for the two-dimensional demapper. Both contributions allows the computational complexity of the demapper to be reduced for its hardware implementation. In order to enable iterative processing between the demapper and the decoder, we investigated the use of vertical shuffled Min-Sum LDPC decoding algorithm. A novel vertical shuffled iterative structure aiming at reducing the latency of iterative processing and the corresponding architecture of the decoder were proposed. The proposed demapper and decoder have been integrated in a real DVB-T2 demodulator and tested in order to validate the efficiency of the proposed architecture. The prototype of a simplified DVB-T2 transceiver has been implemented, in which the receiver supports both non-iterative process and iterative process. We published the first paper related to a DVB-T2 iterative receiver.
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Développement d'un capteur de déplacement à fibre optique appliqué à l'inclinométrie et à la sismologie / Development of an optical fibers displacement sensor for applications in tiltmetry and seismologyChawah, Patrick 30 November 2012 (has links)
Le suivi de la déformation de la croûte terrestre durant la phase intersismique pour la recherche des transitoires nécessite des instruments précis capables d'opérer pour de très longues durées. Le projet ANR-LINES a visé le développement de trois nouveaux instruments : un sismomètre mono-axial, un inclinomètre hydrostatique à longue base et un inclinomètre de forage pendulaire. Ces trois instruments profitent d'un capteur interférométrique de déplacement à longues fibres optiques du type Fabry-Pérot Extrinsèque (EFFPI). Leurs architectures mécaniques et l'utilisation de longues fibres permettent à ces instruments géophysiques nouvellement fabriqués d'atteindre les objectifs fixés.Le premier objectif de cette étude est de proposer des méthodes adaptées à l'estimation de la phase du chemin optique dans les cavités Fabry-Pérot. Une modulation du courant de la diode laser, suivie par une démodulation homodyne du signal d'interférence et un filtre de Kalman permettent de déterminer la phase en temps réel. Les résultats sont convaincants pour des mesures de courtes durées mais exigent des solutions complémentaires pour se prémunir des effets de la variation des phénomènes environnementaux.Le capteur EFFPI intégré dans l'inclinomètre de forage LINES lui offre l'opportunité d'établir une mesure différentielle de l'oscillation de la masselotte pendulée grâce à trois cavités Fabry-Pérot. Le sismomètre LINES utilise lui aussi le capteur de déplacement EFFPI pour la mesure du déplacement de sa bobine. Une description de l'architecture mécanique de ces instruments et une analyse des phénomènes détectés (mouvements lents, marées, séismes, microséismes . . . ) font partie de cette thèse. / Monitoring crustal deformation during the interseismic phase when searching for earth transients requires precise instruments able to operate for very long periods. The ANR-LINES project aimed to develop three new instruments: a single-axis seismometer, a hydrostatic long base tiltmeter and a borehole pendulum tiltmeter. These three instruments benefit of an extrinsic Fabry-Pérot interferometer (EFFPI) with long optic fibers for displacement detections. Their mechanical architectures and their disposal of long fibers help these newly manufactured geophysical instruments complete their goals.The first objective of this study is to propose appropriate methods for estimating the phase of the optical path in the Fabry-Pérot cavities. A modulation of the laser diode current, followed by a homodyne demodulation of the interference signal and a Kalman filter, allow determining the phase in real time. The results are convincing while taking short periods measurements but require additional solutions for protection against environmental phenomena variations. The EFFPI sensor integrated in the LINES borehole tiltmeter gives it the opportunity to establish a differential measurement of the bob's oscillation thanks to three Fabry-Perot cavities. The LINES seismometer also uses the EFFPI displacement sensor to measure its coil's displacement. A description of the two instruments' mechanical structures and an analysis of the detected phenomena (slow movements, tides, earthquakes, microseisms . . . ) are part of this thesis.Keywords: Laser interferometry, wavelength modulation, synchronous homodyne demodulation, ellipse fitting, Kalman filter, temperature compensation, borehole tiltmeter, simple pendulum, differential measurements, slow drift, seismicobservations, seismometer.
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Automatic signal processing for wind turbine condition monitoring. Time-frequency cropping, kinematic association, and all-sideband demodulation / Traitement automatique du signal pour la surveillance vibratoire des éoliennes : recadrage temps-fréquence, association cinématique et démodulation multi-bandesFirla, Marcin 21 January 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse propose trois méthodes de traitement du signal orientées vers la surveillance d’état et le diagnostic. Les techniques proposées sont surtout adaptées pour la surveillance d’état, effectuée à la base de vibrations, des machines tournantes qui fonctionnent dans des conditions d’opération non-stationnaires comme par exemple les éoliennes mais elles ne sont pas limitées à un tel usage. Toutes les méthodes proposées sont des algorithmes automatiques et gérés par les données.La première technique proposée permet de sélectionner la partie la plus stationnaire d’un signal en cadrant la représentation temps-fréquence d’un signal.La deuxième méthode est un algorithme pour l’association des dispositions spectrales, des séries harmoniques et des séries à bandes latérales avec des fréquences caractéristiques provennant du cinématique d'un système analysé. Cette méthode propose une approche unique dédiée à l’élément roulant du roulement qui permet de surmonter les difficultés causées par le phénomène de glissement.La troisième technique est un algorithme de démodulation de bande latérale entière. Elle fonctionne à la base d’un filtre multiple et propose des indicateurs de santé pour faciliter une évaluation d'état du système sous l’analyse.Dans cette thèse, les méthodes proposées sont validées sur les signaux simulés et réels. Les résultats présentés montrent une bonne performance de toutes les méthodes. / This thesis proposes a three signal-processing methods oriented towards the condition monitoring and diagnosis. In particular the proposed techniques are suited for vibration-based condition monitoring of rotating machinery which works under highly non-stationary operational condition as wind turbines, but it is not limited to such a usage. All the proposed methods are automatic and data-driven algorithms.The first proposed technique enables a selection of the most stationary part of signal by cropping time-frequency representation of the signal.The second method is an algorithm for association of spectral patterns, harmonics and sidebands series, with characteristic frequencies arising from kinematic of a system under inspection. This method features in a unique approach dedicated for rolling-element bearing which enables to overcome difficulties caused by a slippage phenomenon.The third technique is an all-sideband demodulation algorithm. It features in a multi-rate filter and proposes health indicators to facilitate an evaluation of the condition of the investigated system.In this thesis the proposed methods are validated on both, simulated and real-world signals. The presented results show good performance of all the methods.
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Optimization of demodulation performance of the GPS and GALILEO navigation messages / Optimisation de la performance de démodulation des messages de navigation GPS et GALILEOGarcia Peña, Axel Javier 08 October 2010 (has links)
La performance de démodulation des signaux GNSS existants, GPS L1 C/A, L2C ou L5, est satisfaisante en environnements ouverts où le C/N0 disponible est assez élevé. Cependant, en milieu urbain, le niveau de C/N0 du signal reçu est souvent très bas et est affecté de variations rapides qui peuvent nuire la démodulation des messages GNSS. Donc, car les applications du marché de masse sont appelées à être déployées dans ces environnements, il est nécessaire d'étudier et de chercher des méthodes de démodulation/décodage qui améliorent la performance de démodulation des messages GNSS dans ces environnements. Il est aussi nécessaire de considérer les nouveaux signaux GPS L1C et GALILEO E1. Ces signaux doivent fournir un service de positionnement par satellite dans tout type d'environnement, et spécifiquement en milieu urbain. Ainsi, cette thèse analyse aussi les performances de démodulation des nouveaux signaux GNSS tels que définis dans les documents publics actuels. De plus, de nouvelles structures de message GALILEO E1 sont proposées et analysées afin d'optimiser la performance de démodulation ainsi que la quantité d'information diffusée. En conséquence, le but principal de cette thèse est d'analyser et améliorer la performance de démodulation des signaux GNSS ouverts au public, spécifiquement en milieu urbain, et de proposer de nouvelles structures de messages de navigation pour GALILEO E1. La structure détaillée des chapitres de cette thèse est donnée ci-après. En premier lieu, le sujet de cette thèse est introduit, ses contributions originales sont mises en avant, et le plan du rapport est présenté. Dans le 2ième chapitre, la thèse décrit la structure actuelle des signaux GNSS analysés, en se concentrant sur la structure du message de navigation, les codages canal implantés et leurs techniques de décodage. Dans le 3ième chapitre, deux types de modèles de canal de propagation sont présentés pour deux différents types de scénarios. D'un côté, un canal AWGN est choisi pour modéliser les environnements ouverts. De l'autre côté, le modèle mathématique de Perez-Fontan d'un canal mobile est choisi pour représenter les environnements urbains et indoor. Dans le 4ième chapitre, une tentative pour effectuer une prédiction binaire d'une partie du message de navigation GPS L1 C/A est présentée. La prédiction est essayée en utilisant les almanachs GPS L1 C/A, grâce à un programme de prédiction à long terme fourni par TAS-F, et des méthodes de traitement du signal: estimation spectrale, méthode de PRONY et réseau de neurones. Dans le 5ème chapitre, des améliorations à la performance de démodulation du message de GPS L2C et L5 sont apportées en utilisant leur codage canal de manière non traditionnelle. Deux méthodes sont analysées. La première méthode consiste à combiner les codages canal internes et externes du message afin de corriger davantage de mots reçus. La deuxième méthode consiste à utiliser les probabilités des données d'éphémérides afin d'améliorer le décodage traditionnel de Viterbi. Dans le 6ième chapitre, la performance de démodulation des messages de GPS L1C et du Open Service GALILEO E1 est analysée dans différents environnements. D'abord, une étude de la structure de ces deux signaux est présentée pour déterminer le C/N0 du signal utile reçu dans un canal AWGN. Puis, la performance de démodulation de ces signaux est analysée grâce à des simulations dans différents environnements, avec un récepteur se déplaçant à différentes vitesses et avec différentes techniques d'estimation de la phase porteuse du signal. / The demodulation performance achieved by any of the existing GPS signals, L1 C/A, L2C or L5, is satisfactory in open environments where the available C/N0 is quite high. However, in indoor/urban environments, the C/N0 level of the received signal is often very low and suffers fast variations which can further affect the GNSS messages demodulation. Therefore, since the mass-market applications being designed nowadays are aimed at these environments, it is necessary to study and to search alternative demodulation/decoding methods which improve the GNSS messages demodulation performance in these environments. Moreover, new GNSS signals recently developed, such as GPS L1C and GALILEO E1, must also be considered. These signals aim at providing satellite navigation positioning service in any kind of environment, giving special attention to indoor and urban environments. Therefore, the demodulation performances of the new GNSS signals as they are defined in the current public documents is also analysed. Moreover, new GALILEO E1 message structures are proposed and analysed in order to optimize the demodulation performance as well as the quantity of broadcasted information. Therefore, the main goal of this dissertation is to analyse and to improve the demodulation performance of the current open GNSS signals, specifically in indoor and urban environments, and to propose new navigation message structures for GALILEO E1. A detailed structure of this dissertation sections is given next. First, the subject of this thesis is introduced, original contributions are highlighted, and the outline of the report is presented. Second, this dissertation begins by a description of the current structure of the different analysed GNSS signals, paying special attention to the navigation message structure, implemented channel code and their decoding techniques. In the third section, two types of transmission channel models are presented for two different types of environments. On one hand, an AWGN channel is used to model the signal transmission in an open environments. On the other hand, the choice of a specific mobile channel, the Perez-Fontan channel model, is chosen to model the signal transmission in an urban environment. In the fourth section, a tentative to make a binary prediction of the broadcasted satellite ephemeris of the GPS L1 C/A navigation message is presented. The prediction is attempted using the GPS L1 C/A almanacs data, a long term orbital prediction program provided by TAS-F, and some signal processing methods: spectral estimation, the PRONY method, and a neural network. In the fifth section, improvements to the GPS L2C and GPS L5 navigation message demodulation performance are brought by using their channel codes in a non-traditional way. Two methods are inspected. The first method consists in sharing information between the message inner and outer channel codes in order to correct more received words. The second method consists in using the ephemeris data probabilities in order to improve the traditional Viterbi decoding. In the sixth section, the GPS L1C and GALILEO E1 Open Service demodulation performance is analysed in different environments. First, a brief study of the structure of both signals to determine the received C/N0 in an AWGN channel is presented. Second, their demodulation performance is analysed through simulations in different environments, with different receiver speeds and signal carrier phase estimation techniques.
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Telemetrický archiv družic / Satellite Telemetry ArchiveVorálek, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with a design of telemetry archive of PSAT, PSAT-2 and BRICSat sattelites. This telemetry data need to be extracted from SDR IQ records. The thesis contains a Doppler effect theory and description of structure of telemetry data. Then it presents a design of a program for Doppler effect correction, demodulation and decoding of these records and saving the data to telemetry archive. Thesis also deals with analysis of decoded data.
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Řídicí mikroprocesorový systém s kmitočtovým syntezátorem pro KV radiostanici / Microprocessor control unit with frequency synthesizer for SW radiostationPovalač, Aleš January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the development of a radioamateur short-wave transceiver. The basic functions, features and parameters are described in the introduction. The bandplan and appropriate types of emission are also included in the introductory part. The frequency synthesis module is discussed in the second part of the document. Emphasis is placed on the direct digital synthesis method (DDS) using modern Analog Devices circuits. The proposed DDS module includes a high-speed clock source. The description of an intermediate frequency module with a demodulator is also placed there. The final part in devoted to the design of a transceiver control panel with a graphical display, a keyboard and a rotary encoder. The firmware for an ATmega128 microcontroller is described in detail at the end of the thesis.
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Ultrazvukový měřič rychlosti toku krve / Ultrasonic blood flow meterPavlík, Dušan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with ultrasound blood flow meter design with emphasis on practical implementation of such device. This medical device is used in ultrasound diagnostic, especially for measuring direction and velocity of blood flow in superficial vessels. This thesis contains consecutive design including description of individual function blocks. Documents for making double-sided printed circuit are included as well.
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