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Politické aspekty územní samosprávy – volební chování obyvatel města Jičína / Political Aspeckts of Local Government – Voting Behavior of Inhabitans of the Town JičínStránská, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the voting behavior of the citizens of the city of Jičín. The theoretical part deals with local democracy, introduces the voting system or different researches of voting behavior. The mainstay of this thesis is the practical part consisting of case study, whose task is to analyze behavior of Jičín citizens. The author of this thesis determined four tasks. First one is the implementation of socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of Jičín, enabling to conclude the voting behavior of its citizens. The other task is the analysis of election results in 2006, 2010 and 2014. Further is analyzed the voter turnout in Jičín and political parties which participated in past years are introduced. The third task is the qualitative research in the form of interview with the Jičínský Demokratický Klub leader and city's councilor. In the last part is conducted quantitative research, which will enable to answer the questions, regarding election behavior of citizens of Jičín.
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Politické aspekty územní samosprávy – (ne)stabilita volebního chování obyvatel města Volary / Political aspects of local government – (non)stability of voting behavior of population of the town VolaryDvořák, Stanislav January 2016 (has links)
The thesis analyses the elections and electoral behaviour of the citizens of the town Volary in the period from 1996 to 2014. The behaviour of the voters was studied not only from the election results of the municipal elections but parliamentary elections as well. Several theoretical propositions, including the consistency of the voters' social status were verified. Moreover the work describes the differences of electoral behaviour based on the division into various socioeconomic groups in connection with the left and the right wing of the political spectre. Furthermore the work reviews the theory whether the local voters tend to the left or right values and deals with the stability or instability of their electoral behaviour.
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Music and politics: How musicians and their music become a factor in political discourse. / Music and politics: How musicians and their music become a factor in political discourse.Ma, Liangliang January 2018 (has links)
1 Abstract The thesis emphasizes music and politics, discussing how musicians and their music become a factor in political discourse. As a powerful media, music can be involved in politics and used by politics. The thesis has categorized several ways of musicians and their music become a factor in the politics and also has listed special examples. According to dimensions of human interests, politics of power, politics of money and politics of behavior can be the three main intentions of music getting involved in politics. Musicians and politicians though have many intentions to let the music get connected to politics, the thesis finally reaches the conclusion that they are all for the result of the collective action of the people to achieve higher mutual interests. Keywords Music, Politics, Political Communication, Collective Action, Human Interest
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Narativní dílo Antonia Muñoze Moliny / Antonio Muñoz Molina's NovelKopuletá, Hana January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this work is to describe the development of literary works of well-known Spanish writer Antonio Muñoz Molina on the basis of an analysis of his selected novels, which were published in the period up to the year 2000. They are Beatus Ille, El invierno en Lisboa, Beltenebros, El jinete polaco, Ardor guerrero and Plenilunio. In the introductory part of this thesis we briefly summarize the development of the Spanish novel, which occurred between the sixties and the eighties of the 20th century. This theoretical part will be followed up with the analysis of the author's works. Selected novels will be divided into three groups, which also correspond to the three main creative periods through which Muñoz Molina's work has passed. Within each chapter, we first describe the specifics of the set creative periods and then analyze all the novels we have included in that chapter. When distributing the novels to individual units, the chronological order in which they were published will be preserved in order to obtain the most accurate picture of the development that the author's creation has undergone. In the end, we summarize the defined creative periods and set the trends that Antonio Muñoz Molina is constantly returning in his novels.
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Rozpouštění politických stran jako nástroj obranyschopné demokracie : srovnání české a německé debaty. / Dissolution of political parties as a tool for defending democracy: a comparison of the Czech and German debatesMacháčková, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis focusses on the issues of sanctioning antidemocratic political parties in the Czech Republic and in the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as the discussion of the expert public in reaction to practice of the Supreme Administrative Court or Federal Constitutional Court. It is a comparative paper, therefore all issues are analysed from the Czech as well as the German point of view and the comparative chapter summarizing main coherences and differences always follows. The thesis is divided into six parts, which aim to map the matters related to banning political parties. Firstly, the theses is focused on the regulation of political parties in the Czech Republic and in the in the Federal Republic of Germany to provide theoretical backgrounds for better understanding of the topic. Consequently, both the introduction into problematic of the concept of defending democracy and the analysis of its demonstration in the constitutional law of the Czech Republic and of the Federal Republic of Germany follow. Moreover, substantive law aspects as well as procedural law aspects of dissolution of political parties are introduced ending up with comparison of both. The thesis contains also detailed insight into Czech case regarding Dělnická strana and in German case the NPD...
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Pojetí demokracie u Tomáše Garrigua Masaryka / Concept of Democracy by Tomáš Garrigue MasarykProcházková, Kamila January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the Masters thesis is to connect Masaryk's theoretical thinking about democracy with his political practice. The first part of this thesis explains the concept of democracy and changes of the approaches to democracy in European thought. The second part clarifies the Masaryk's thoughts on democracy, politics, morality, humanity and realism which develops in the context of Czech nation and it's history. The third and final part of this thesis depicts the Masaryk practical politics and his participation in public life. In particular it describes the public disputes in which Masaryk figured, his parliamentary activities, a working and a program of czechoslovak resistence abroad and his life as the President of the Czechoslovak Republic. The analytical and comparative methods are used in this thesis. Keywords democracy, policy, morality, humanity, realism, czech question
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Menšinové vlády / Minority GovernmentsGvužď, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents a model of minority governments. In the theoretical part is the analysis of the political parties in parliament. Then there is a comparation of selected European countries in terms of how the governments are formated. The main part is given to the countries in which the minority governments are very frequent. In conclusion is mentioned the experience with minority governments in the Czech Republic.
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Vznik Komunistické strany Československa a její fungování ve 20. letech 20. stoletíChládek, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
Tato práce pojednává o vzniku a vývoji Komunistické strany Československa ve dvacátých letech 20. století. Zaměřuje se na historické kořeny této strany a mapuje její zrod z levého křídla Československé sociální demokracie. Podrobně je sledován samotný rozkol uvnitř sociální demokracie, zkoumána jeho podstata, stejně jako okolnosti, za kterých k němu došlo. Poté se práce věnuje vnitřnímu vývoji v KSČ ve dvacátých letech a její profilaci na československé politické scéně. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována vztahu KSČ a Komunistické internacionály, charakteristice tohoto vztahu a metodám mocenského působení Kominterny na KSČ. Práce se rovněž zabývá otázkou atraktivity KSČ za první republiky, a to jak mezi obyčejnými dělníky, tak mezi intelektuály.
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Ontology-Driven Self-Organization of Politically Engaged Social Groups / Ontology-Driven Self-Organization of Politically Engaged Social GroupsBelák, Václav January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of knowledge technologies in support of self-organization of people with joint political goals. It first provides a theoretical background for a development of a social-semantic system intended to support self-organization and then it applies this background in the development of a core ontology and algorithms for support of self-organization of people. It also presents a design and implementation of a proof-of-concept social-semantic web application that has been built to test our research. The application stores all data in an RDF store and represents them using the core ontology. Descriptions of content are disambiguated using the WordNet thesaurus. Emerging politically engaged groups can establish themselves into local political initiatives, NGOs, or even new political parties. Therefore, the system may help people easily participate on solutions of issues which are influencing them.
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Islám a demokracie / ISLAM AND DEMOCRACYLahovský, Radek January 2007 (has links)
This paper deals with compatibility of islam and democratic values. The main goal is to analyze compatibility of islam and democratic values. But it also deals with current policy of conservative elites and possibility to import democracy to muslim countries through hard power.
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