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Enhancing new product development in low income economiesWhitehead, Timothy January 2015 (has links)
In an attempt to increase opportunity and quality of life for people living in poverty,governments and non-government organisations (NGOs) sell and donate products to developing countries. Typically, these are essential household items such as cook stoves, water filters and solar lighting. However, to date there has been limited research into the uptake and long term effectiveness of these products and few methods or tools are available to guide the product development process. This has resulted in a number of well documented product failures as a result of poor design choices. To overcome this problem and provide guidance to future or existing designers and NGOs this research investigated the factors required for long lasting and effective product design. This was carried out through the use of a literature review, the analysis of 64 products, a survey, interviews with product designers, and a case study with a Social Enterprise in Myanmar (Burma). The information gathered was analysed and used to create a framework consisting of various tools to guide designers and NGOs. Specifically, the research focused on the creation of a taxonomy of products designed for developing countries and an assessment method consisting of eight critical indicators for product success. These were presented as a website, set of cards and book which guides and assists designers during the process to ensure that future products are appropriate and to prevent current unacceptable levels of waste. Following the creation of the framework it was evaluated by students, practitioners and existing product users in Myanmar. The findings revealed that participants felt the assessment method and indicator cards were beneficial during the design process and assisted them in the development of more suitable and appropriate products.
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Asphalt Mix Design for Low Volume RoadsHudaib, Ala' 04 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Centrum trvale udržitelného rozvoje / Place of Sustainable DevelopmentTománek, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This work is about sustainability design. I design low energy skyscaper in ostrava. This building is 80m hight.
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Návrh nového designu a výroby komponenty nízkotlakého vývodu / A new design and technology of the low-pressure output partSláma, David January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this work is make a new design and technology of the low-pressure output part of rail which is made in BOSCH DIESEL s.r.o. company. In the thesis is analyzed in detail the bending test, which is part of the quality control of the low-pressure welding joint. In the next part of the thesis is proposed the process of machining of this component, followed by experimental finding of welding parameters for resistance welding. Then several pieces are welded, which are measured and tested. The results of this tests are compared with customer requirements. Finally, a technical and economic evaluation of the change is made, which will save a considerable amount of money for the company.
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Výkonový zesilovač pro pásmo krátkých vln / HF band power amplifierKorvas, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The theme of my diploma thesis is a realization of the high frequency amplifier with possibility to change its class between class A, B and C with output low pass and band pass filters. The output power is supposed to be at about 10 W in frequency range 3,5 MHz to 14 MHz. The thesis contains theory of amplifier respectively transceiver and filters. In next parts I will design, simulate, realize and measure created amplifier and filters.
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Funkční zkoušky na směsích zkušebního úseku s asfaltovým betonem s vysokým obsahem R-materiálu / Functional tests on mixtures of the test section with asphalt concrete and high amount of RAPKučerová, Marcela January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the testing of asphalt mixtures of asphalt concrete containing reclaimed asphalt and laying of the test section. The theoretical part deals with the use of reclaimed asphalt in hot asphalt mixtures, namely the specifics of rejuvenating agents, aging and asphalt mixture. Further more information on the functional properties of asphalt mixtures and the influence of reclaimed asphalt on them is given. The practical part describes testing of mixtures of ACO 11+ and ACO 11+ with 50% reclaimed asphalt and tests on asphalt binders. In order to compare the proposed mixtures, the low thermal properties of ČSN EN 12697-46 and the stiffness modules according to ČSN EN 12697-26. In the last part of the diploma thesis the results of the measured values were compared with each other in order to determine of asfphalt recovery. From the overall test results, it can be seen that the effect of the rejuvenating agent was positive. However, the desired degree of rejuvenation has not been achieved after production.
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Hrubozrnné asfaltové směsi / Coarse-grained asphalt mixturesBrida, Peter January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the comparison of the influence coarse-grained aggragate on the properties af asphalt concrete. The theoretical part describes issue of production and usage of asphalt mixtures. The practical part evaluates multiple types of asphalt mixtures and describing their properties. Stiffness by a two-point bending test, a wheel tracking test and low-temperature cracking and properties by uniaxial tension test were used to evaluate the properties of the mixtures.
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Využití nekonvenčních CMOS technik při návrhu analogových obvodů s nízkým příkonem a nízkým napájecím napětím pro biomedicínské aplikace / Utilizing Unconventional CMOS Techniques for Low Voltage Low Power Analog Circuits Design for Biomedical ApplicationsBay Abo Dabbous, Salma January 2016 (has links)
Tato disertační práce se zabývá navržením nízkonapěťových, nízkopříkonových analogových obvodů, které používají nekonvenční techniky CMOS. Lékařská zařízení na bateriové napájení, jako systémy pro dlouhodobý fyziologický monitoring, přenosné systémy, implantovatelné systémy a systémy vhodné na nošení, musí být male a lehké. Kromě toho je nutné, aby byly tyto systémy vybaveny baterií s dlouhou životností. Z tohoto důvodu převládají v biomedicínských aplikacích tohoto typu nízkopříkonové integrované obvody. Nekonvenční techniky jako např. využití transistorů s řízeným substrátem (Bulk-Driven “BD”), s plovoucím hradlem (Floating-Gate “FG”), s kvazi plovoucím hradlem (Quasi-Floating-Gate “QFG”), s řízeným substrátem s plovoucím hradlem (Bulk-Driven Floating-Gate “BD-FG”) a s řízeným substrátem s kvazi plovoucím hradlem (Bulk-Driven Quasi-Floating-Gate “BD-QFG”), se v nedávné době ukázaly jako efektivní prostředek ke zjednodušení obvodového zapojení a ke snížení velikosti napájecího napětí směrem k prahovému napětí u tranzistorů MOS (MOST). V práci jsou podrobně představeny nejdůležitější charakteristiky nekonvenčních technik CMOS. Tyto techniky byly použity pro vytvoření nízko napěťových a nízko výkonových CMOS struktur u některých aktivních prvků, např. Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) založené na BD, FG, QFG, a BD-QFG techniky; Tunable Transconductor založený na BD MOST; Current Conveyor Transconductance Amplifier (CCTA) založený na BD-QFG MOST; Z Copy-Current Controlled-Current Differencing Buffered Amplifier (ZC-CC-CDBA) založený na BD MOST; Winner Take All (WTA) and Loser Take All (LTA) založený na BD MOST; Fully Balanced Four-Terminal Floating Nullor (FBFTFN) založený na BD-QFG technice. Za účelem ověření funkčnosti výše zmíněných struktur, byly tyto struktury použity v několika aplikacích. Výkon navržených aktivních prvků a příkladech aplikací je ověřován prostřednictvím simulačních programů PSpice či Cadence za použití technologie 0.18 m CMOS.
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