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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role of human Desmoglein 3 in the regulation of cell morphology and motility via AP-1 and PKC dependent Ezrin activation

Brown, Louise E. January 2014 (has links)
Desmoglein 3 (Dsg3) belongs to the desmoglein subfamily and functions as an adhesion molecule in desmosomes. Two pools of Dsg3 have been identified, detergent soluble and insoluble proteins. Recent studies show that DSG3 is upregulated in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). However, its biological function in cancer remains poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the extra-junctional functions of Dsg3, in particular its roles in signalling that regulates cell morphology and locomotion in cancer cells. This study adopted a unique cancer cell model with Dsg3 gain-of-function and has discovered two novel regulatory signal pathways that may play a crucial role in the control of cell invasion and metastasis in Dsg3 associated cancers. Firstly, Dsg3 regulates the phosphorylation of Ezrin at Thr567 in a PKCdependent manner that is crucial for its activation and regulation of actin based membrane projections and accelerated cell locomotion in SCC. Secondly, Dsg3 modulates the transcriptional activity of cJun:AP1 that is responsible for regulating a cohort of genes to confer an invasive phenotype. It is likely that these two pathways are closely linked in that the Dsg3-mediated activation of cJun:AP1 elicits PKCdependent Ezrin activation that in turn enable it to form a complex with Dsg3 at the plasma membrane to promote membrane projection and cell locomotion. Several lines of evidence support these conclusions: Dsg3 forms a complex with Ezrin at the plasma membrane and induces phosphorylation of Ezrin resulting in augmented membrane protrusions and cell migration. Dsg3 silencing inhibits junction formation concomitant with collapse of membrane protrusion. Furthermore, Dsg3 regulates the activity of cJun:AP1. Collectively, these findings provide new insight regarding Dsg3 in cancer, suggesting it acts as a key regulator of cell invasion and metastasis in SCC. Therefore, targeting Dsg3 could be a potential new strategy in the control of cancer progression and metastasis.

Migration and invasion pattern analysis of oral cancer cells in vitro

Hoque Apu, E. (Ehsanul) 09 October 2018 (has links)
Abstract Desmoglein 3 (Dsg3) is an adhesion receptor in desmosomes, but relatively little is known about its role in cancer. In this study, the function of Dsg3 was investigated in oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cell lines in vitro using locally established human leiomyoma tumor microenvironment (TME) matrices. Since Dsg3 has been identified as a key regulator in cell adhesion, we hypothesized that it may play a role in oral SCC cells adhesion and motility. Thus, one aim of the study was to explore this hypothesis by both gain and loss of function methods in four human buccal mucosa SCC SqCC/Y1 cell lines: transduction of vector control (Ct), full-length (FL) or two different C-terminally truncated Dsg3 mutants (Δ238 and Δ560). Live cell imaging was performed for 2D migration and 3D sandwich, alongside other assays. In 3D sandwich, we tested the effects of the monoclonal antibody, AK23, targeting the extracellular domain of Dsg3 in SqCC/Y1 cells. Our results showed that loss of Dsg3 disrupted cell adhesion and protein expression. In 2D assays, FL and Dsg3 mutants migrated faster with higher accumulated distances than Ct. In contrast with 2D, mutants showed accelerated invasion over the Ct in 3D models. The AK23 antibody inhibited only the invasion of FL cells. The TME in vivo consists of cellular and matrix elements playing a leading role in carcinoma progression. To study carcinoma cells invasion in vitro, mouse Matrigel® and rat type 1 collagen are the most commonly used matrices in 3D models. Since they are non-human in origin, they do not perfectly mimic human TME. To address this, we have developed a solid organotypic myoma disc model derived from human uterus leiomyoma tumor. Here, we introduce a novel Myogel, prepared from leiomyoma similar to Matrigel®. We validated Myogel for cell-TME interactions in 3D models, using SqCC/Y1 and HSC-3 cell lines. Compared with Matrigel® and type I collagen, oral SCC cell lines invaded more efficiently in Myogel containing matrices. This study describes promising 3D models using human TME mimicking Myogel which is suitable to analyze oral SCC cells both in carcinoma monocultures and in co-cultures, such as with TME fibroblasts. We also introduce a possible novel therapeutic target against Dsg3 to suppress cancer cell invasion. / Tiivistelmä Desmogleiini 3 (Dsg3) on desmosomien adheesioreseptori, jonka merkityksestä syövässä tiedetään vähän. Koska Dsg3 on tärkeä epiteelisolujen välisissä liitoksissa, oletimme sillä olevan vaikutusta myös suun karsinoomasolujen tarttumisessa ja niiden liikkuvuudessa. Testasimme hypoteesiamme muuttamalla Dsg3:n toimintaa ihmisen posken karsinoomasolulinjassa SqCC/Y1, josta oli aiemmin valmistettu neljä erilaista muunnosta: tyhjän vektorin sisältävä kontrollisolulinja (Ct), kokopitkää Dsg3 tuottava solulinja (FL), sekä kaksi Dsg3 C-päästä lyhennettyä mutanttisolulinjaa (Δ238 ja Δ560). Immunofluoresenssi-menetelmää käyttäen analysoimme solulinjoissamme solujen välisiä liitoksia. Lisäksi mittasimme solujen liikkeitä 2D-migraatio- ja 3D-sandwich-kokeissa. Testasimme myös Dsg3:n solunulkoista osaa tunnistavan monoklonaalisen vasta-aineen (AK23) vaikutusta solujen invaasioon. Osoitimme, että Dsg3:n rakenteen muuttaminen ja toiminnan estyminen häiritsi solujen tarttumista. 2D-kokeissa sekä FL että mutanttilinjat (Δ238 ja Δ560) migroivat kontrollisoluja nopeammin ja pidemmälle, mutta 3D-kokeissa vain mutanttilinjat invasoituivat kontrollisoluja tehokkaammin. AK23-vasta-aine esti vain FL-solujen invaasiota. Syöpäsolujen 3D-invaasiota mittaavissa kokeissa käytetään yleensä hiiren kasvaimesta valmistettua kaupallista Matrigeeliä® tai rotan kudoksista eristettyä tyypin I kollageenia. Tutkimusryhmämme on jo aiemmin kehittänyt organotyyppisen myoomamallin, jossa valmistamme myoomakudosnapit ihmisen kohdun leiomyoomakasvaimista. Tässä työssä valmistimme leiomyoomasta Myogeelia, vertasimme sitä Matrigeeliin®, sekä tutkimme tarkemmin Myogeeli-valmisteen soveltuvuutta 3D-tutkimuksiin. Totesimme, että kielen (HSC-3) ja posken (SqCC/Y1) karsinoomasolut invasoituivat tehokkaimmin Myogeeli-pitoisissa matrikseissa kuin Matrigeeliä® tai kollageeniä sisältävissä kasvatusalustoissa. Tutkimustulostemme perusteella Myogeeli-pohjaiset 3D-mallit soveltuvat hyvin sekä syöpäsolulinjojen invaasiotutkimuksiin että yhteisviljelmiin, joissa syöpäsoluja viljellään yhdessä syöpäkasvaimen ympärillä olevien solujen, kuten fibroblastien, kanssa.

Suivi immunologique longitudinal des patients atteints de pemphigus inclus dans l’étude RITUX3

Lemieux, Alexandre 12 1900 (has links)
Le pemphigus est une maladie bulleuse auto-immune sévère causée par des auto- anticorps (Ac) ciblant la desmogléine (Dsg) 1 et/ou 3, principalement de la sous-classe IgG4. Certains Ac non spécifiques à la Dsg ont été décrits, comme la desmocolline 3 (Dsc3), mais leur pertinence est peu connue. Suite à l’étude RITUX3 en 2017, le traitement de première intention du pemphigus est le rituximab (RTX). Ce projet comprend trois volets qui s’inscrivent dans la caractérisation immunologique des patients inclus dans l’étude RITUX3, visant à mieux comprendre la pathogénèse et la prise en charge du pemphigus. Nous avons d’abord étudié la diversité isotypique des Ac anti-Dsg3. Nous avons démontré qu’un nombre d’isotypes plus élevé mène à un risque de rechute, particulièrement l’IgG3 anti-Dsg3 qui était détecté chez 71% des rechuteurs, comparativement à 12% des patients en rémission complète. Ensuite, nous avons étudié la prévalence et la pathogénicité in vitro des Ac anti-Dsc3. Ils étaient détectés chez 21% des patients, soit significativement plus qu’une population de donneurs sains. L’isotype principal était l’IgA, et leur pathogénicité in vitro a été démontrée à partir de sérums de patients et de souris immunisées. La présence de ces Ac permettait d’expliquer une bonne proportion des cas de discordance entre le profil sérologique d’anti-Dsg et le phénotype clinique des patients. Finalement, nous avons étudié la prévalence d’Ac anti-rituximab (ARA) chez les patients traités par RTX. Ils étaient détectés chez 31% des patients, mais n’affectaient pas l’atteinte d’une rémission complète et ne seraient pas une contre-indication à des perfusions subséquentes. Par contre, un petit groupe de patients qui présentaient des ARA fonctionnels étaient à risque de rechute. / Pemphigus is a severe auto-immune blistering disease caused by auto-antibodies (Abs) targeting desmoglein (Dsg) 1 and/or 3, mainly of the IgG4 subclass. Several Abs non-specific to the Dsg have been described, including desmocollin (Dsc) 3, but their relevance is not well known. Since the RITUX3 clinical trial in 2017, rituximab (RTX) is recommended as the first-line treatment for moderate-to-severe pemphigus. This project consists of three parts with the main goal of immunologically characterizing patients who were included in the RITUX3 trial, to allow a better understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment of pemphigus. First, we studied the diversity of IgG anti-Dsg3 subclasses. A higher number of subclasses was associated with a significant risk of relapse, especially with IgG3 anti-Dsg3 detected in 71% of relapsing patients, compared to 12% of patients in complete remission. Then, we studied the prevalence and pathogenicity of anti-Dsc3 Abs. They were detected in 21% of patients, significantly more than healthy donors. The main isotype was IgA, and their in vitro pathogenicity was demonstrated with sera from patients and immunized mice. Their presence explained a good proportion of cases who presented discrepancies between the clinical phenotype and the serological profile of anti-Dsg Abs. Finally, we studied the prevalence of anti-RTX Abs (ARA) in patients treated with RTX. They were detected in 31% of patients but did not affect the rate of complete remission and are not a contra-indication to receive subsequent perfusions. However, a small group of patients who presented functional ARA were at risk of relapse.

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