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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Petrographic and Geochronologic Provenance Analysis of Upper Pennsylvanian Fluvial Sandstones of the Conemaugh and Monongahela Groups, Athens County, Ohio

Dodson, Scott A. 25 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Using Detrital-Zircon Geochronology and (U-Th)/He Thermochronology to Re-evaluate the Triassic-Jurassic Tectonic Setting of Northern Laurentia, Canadian Arctic

Midwinter, Derrick January 2016 (has links)
New geochronological and field data were examined from Triassic-Jurassic strata in the Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada. Detailed analysis of detrital-zircon data identified a pronounced near-syndepositional age-fraction in Triassic strata, which significantly is absent in Jurassic strata of the Sverdrup Basin suggesting a protracted history of magmatism and sediment dispersal from areas north of the basin during the Triassic. However, as a result of rifting, during the Early Jurassic, the northern source region became disconnected from the Sverdrup Basin, and opened the precursor basin (Amerasia Basin) to the Arctic Ocean. Jurassic rifting of the Amerasia Basin would have had associated rift-flank uplift. Time-temperature models produced from zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronological data elucidate the unknown thermal history between the regional Devonian-Cretaceous unconformity in the southwestern Canadian Arctic suggesting ~4 km of addition deposition on Banks Island and ≤1 km of deposition towards the craton interior.


Larkin, Emma A. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Xenolith-bearing orthogneiss of Amazonian affinity discovered in the Dellwood quadrangle in the Blue Ridge basement complex represents the oldest crustal component of the southern Appalachians (1.33 – 1.37 Ga: Quinn, 2012). New U-Pb zircon ages for migmatitic paragneiss of the Cartoogechaye terrane exposed in the Dellwood quadrangle reveal two unique detrital zircon age signatures that indicate either a local eastern Laurentian margin source or an exotic source. Detailed mapping, whole rock geochemistry, and U-Pb zircon geochronology were conducted to determine whether this exotic crustal component extends farther south into the Hazelwood 7.5” quadrangle. Lithological similarities exist between paragneisses in the Dellwood quadrangle and those in the Hazelwood quadrangle. However, the increase in proportion of leucosome and polyphase folding prevent direct correlation of lithologies between the areas. Whole rock major element compositions overlap the composition of basement orthogneisses. Zircon ages of six paragneiss samples reveal multiple detrital zircon age modes that are dominated by two Grenville modes at ~1050 and 1150 Ma. Minor zircon populations exist at ~450 – 480, 700 – 900, and 1300 – 1500 Ma. Age distributions and compositional trends are evidence that the protolith of the paragneiss in the Hazelwood quadrangle was Neoproterozoic rift sediments with a dominant Laurentian margin source.

Triassic to Neogene Evolution of the Andean Retroarc: Neuquén Basin, Argentina

Balgord, Elizabeth A. January 2016 (has links)
The Andes Mountains provide an ideal natural laboratory to analyze the relationship between the tectonic evolution of a subduction margin, retroarc shortening, basin morphology, and volcanic activity. Timing of initial shortening and foreland basin development in Argentina is diachronous along strike, with ages varying by 20-30 million years. The Neuquén Basin (32°S-40°S) of southern-central Argentina sits in a retroarc position and provides a geological record of sedimentation in variable tectonic settings from the Late Triassic to the early Cenozoic including: 1.) active extension and deposition in isolated rift basins in the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic; 2.) post-rift back-arc basin from Late Jurassic-Late Cretaceous; 3.) foreland basin from Late Cretaceous to Oligocene; and 4.) variable extension and contraction along-strike from Oligocene to present. The goal of this study is to determine the timing of the transition from post-rift thermal subsidence to foreland basin deposition in the northern Neuquén Basin and then assess volcanic activity and composition during various tectonic regimes. The Aconcagua and Malargüe areas (32°S and 35°S) are located in the northern segment of the Neuquén Basin and preserve Upper Jurassic to Miocene sedimentary rocks, which record the earliest phase of shortening at this latitude. This study presents new sedimentological and detrital zircon U-Pb data from the Jurassic to latest Cretaceous sedimentary strata to determine depositional environments, stratigraphic relations, provenance, and maximum depositional ages of these units and ultimately evaluate the role of tectonics on sedimentation in this segment of the Andes. The combination of provenance, basin, and subsidence analysis shows that the initiation of foreland basin deposition occurred at ~100 Ma with the deposition of the Huitrín Formation, which recorded an episode of erosion marking the passage of the flexural forebulge. This was followed by an increase in tectonic subsidence, along with the appearance of recycled sedimentary detritus, recorded in petrographic and detrital zircons analyses, as well development of an axial drainage pattern, consistent with deposition in the flexural forebulge between 95 and 80 Ma. By ca. 70 Ma the volcanic arc migrated eastward and was a primary local source for detritus. Growth structures recorded in latest Cretaceous units very near both the Aconcagua and Malargüe study areas imply 35-40 km and 80-125 km of foreland migration between 95 and 60 Ma in the Aconcagua and Malargüe areas, respectively. Strata ranging in age from Middle Jurassic to Neogene were analyzed to determine their detrital zircon U-Pb age spectra and Hf isotopic composition to determine the relationship between magmatic output rate, tectonic regime, and crustal evolution. When all detrital zircon data are combined, significant pulses in magmatic activity occur from 190-145 Ma, and at 128 Ma, 110 Ma, 69 Ma, 16 Ma, and 7 Ma. The duration of magmatic lulls increased markedly from 10-30 million years during back-arc deposition (190-100 Ma) to ~40-50 million years during foreland basin deposition (100-~30 Ma). The long duration of magmatic lulls during foreland basin deposition could be caused by flat-slab subduction events during the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic or by long magmatic recharge events. There are three major shifts towards positive Hf isotopic values and all are associated with regional extension events whereas compression seems to lead to more evolved isotopic values.

Geochemistry and Basin Analysis of Laramide Rocky Mountain Basins

Fan, Majie January 2009 (has links)
The Laramide Rocky Mountains in western U.S.A is an important topographic feature in the continental interior, yet its formation and evolution are poorly constrained. This study uses the oxygen and strontium isotope geochemistry of freshwater bivalve fossils from six Laramide basins in order to reconstruct the spatial evolution of the paleotopography and Precambrian basement erosion in late Cretaceous-early Eocene. In addition it uses the sedimentology, detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, and isotope paleoaltimetry of early Eocene sedimentary strata to constrain the tectonic setting, paleogeography and paleoclimate of the Wind River basin. Annual and seasonal variation in ancient riverwater δ¹⁸O reconstructed from shell fossils shows that the Canadian Rocky Mountains was 4.5±1.0 km high in late Cretaceous-early Paleocene, and the Laramide ranges in eastern Wyoming reached 4.5±1.3 km high, while the ranges in western Wyoming were 1-2 km high in late Paleocene. The ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr ratios of riverwaters reconstructed from the same fossils show that Proterozoic metamorphic carbonates in the Belt-Purcell Supergroup were not exposed in the Canadian Rocky Mountains during Late Cretaceous-early Paleocene, but that Precambrian silicate basement rock was exposed and eroded in the Laramide ranges during late Paleocene-early Eocene. The sedimentary environment of the early Eocene Wind River basin changed from gravelly fluvial and/or stream-dominated alluvial fan to low-sinuosity fluvial systems. Tectonic uplift of the Washakie and Wind River Range in early Eocene formed the modern paleodrainage system, although the elevation of the basin floor was only ~500 m high at that time, and early Eocene paleoclimate is more humid than modern climate.


Ejembi, John Idoko 01 December 2018 (has links)
The Middle-Upper Jurassic sedimentary rocks (i.e., the Entrada Sandstone, Wanakah Formation, and Morrison Formation) in western Colorado were mostly deposited in the Paradox Basin and form part of the modern-day Colorado Plateau in the Cordilleran foreland region. These rocks were deposited in the Mesozoic during periods of active tectonic processes in western and eastern Laurentia due to the Cordilleran magmatism and continued rifting of Pangaea, respectively. The Middle-Late Jurassic sedimentary record in the Paradox Basin shows rapid transition in depositional environments, pulses in sedimentation, post-depositional alteration, and changes in provenance. This dissertation project utilizes three main scientific tools to address pertinent geologic questions regarding the stratigraphic evolution of these units in the Paradox Basin. U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology of sandstones from these units show local and distal provenance sources. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of sediments and rock magnetism attribute the post-depositional alteration to percolation of ferruginous fluids driven by an adjacent regional uplift. Multi-geochemical proxies in paleosols suggest variable redox conditions, and a sub-humid to humid paleoclimate with seasonal precipitation during sedimentary hiatus in the Paradox Basin.


Walsh, Kevin B., Jr. 01 January 2018 (has links)
The Cartoogechaye terrane (CT) is an enigmatic migmatite terrane within the Central Blue Ridge province of the southern Appalachians. Previous work identified exotic Pb isotope compositions within the CT (Quinn, 2012). More recent studies that mapped the extent of potentially exotic metaigneous lithologies yield U-Pb zircon ages consistent with a native Laurentian margin metasedimentary origin (Larkin, 2016). This study focused on the possible extent of similar lithologies in the Clyde quadrangle and provides further constraints on the crustal affinity of the CT. The Clyde quadrangle consists of four distinct lithologic packages: the CT, Ashe metamorphic suite, Great Smoky Group, and Grenville basement. Five samples within the Clyde quadrangle and one sample from Wayah Bald quadrangle were collected for detrital zircon (DZ) U-Pb geochronology and whole rock geochemistry for comparison similar anlayses from other bedrock units in the region. Dominant DZ age modes consist of the Grenville doublet (1050 Ma and 1150 Ma) or a modified version of it. Minor age modes exist at ~450 Ma, 600-750 Ma, and 1300-1550 Ma. Zircons for all but one sample display heterogeneous external and internal cathodoluminescence morphologies, consistent with a sedimentary protolith for the paragneisses. Whole rock compositions are consistent with weathering of and derivation from a local basement source. U-Pb age data are most consistent with an eastern Laurentian sedimentary provenance for five samples. The presence of 450-460 Ma grains is most consistent with high-grade Taconian regional metamorphism. The lack of a major Shawinigan age mode and zircon morphology for ca. 980-1050 Ma metamorphic zircons indicate that sample CLY16-1 is a syn-orogenic metasediment within the Grenville basement underlying the CT.

Sedimentary record of tectonic growth along a convergent margin: Insights from detrital zircon geochronology of Mesozoic sedimentary basins and modern rivers in south-central Alaska

Cooper R Fasulo (8067611) 02 December 2019 (has links)
<p>This study presents new detrital zircon geochronologic data from Jurassic to Cretaceous sedimentary basins and modern rivers in south-central Alaska in order to examine the sedimentary record of magmatism and tectonics associated with the Mesozoic to Cenozoic growth of the southern Alaska convergent margin. Jurassic to Cretaceous strata of the Wrangell Mountains, Nutzotin, and Wellesly basins formed coeval with the Mesozoic accretion of the Wrangellia composite terrane (WCT) to the continental margin. New detrital zircon data from the Wrangell Mountains and Nutzotin basins demonstrate that these basins were derived primarily from sources associated with the WCT, with little to no derivation from continental margin sources. Detrital zircon ages from the Wrangell Mountains and Nutzotin basins are very similar, suggesting that these basins may have initially formed in a connected retroarc basin system. New detrital zircon data from the Wellesly basin show that the basin was source chiefly from continental margin sources. These ages show that the Wellesly basin is not related to the Nutzotin basin as previously suggested, and may be genetically related to the Kahiltna basin; this suggests that ~330-390 km of post-collisional strike-slip offset occurred along the Denali Fault. Comparing our new data with a regional detrital zircon database from similar-aged depocenters shows that there is a strong provenance and temporal link between outboard and inboard depocenters, with these depocenters being sourced from the same magmatic arcs from the late Jurassic to the late Cretaceous. Our findings from these comparisons are most consistent with a scenario where the WCT was accreted to the margin along an eastward-dipping subduction zone, in contrast to recent suggestions that the accretion was the result of westward-dipping subduction. New and previously published detrital zircon ages from the Tanana, Matanuska-Susitna, and Copper River watersheds in south-central Alaska document the major magmatic episodes that occurred along the southern Alaska convergent margin. These magmatic episodes display a periodicity that is similar to documented cyclic magmatic patterns in other regions along the Cordilleran margin, suggesting similar processes may be occurring margin-wide. The magmatic record of south-central Alaska can also be compared with the magmatic record of other regions in the northern Cordillera such as the Coast Plutonic Complex in British Columbia and the western Alaska Peninsula, which shows a spatial and temporal relationship of magmatism along the entire northern Cordilleran margin.</p>

Sediment Routing and Provenance of Shallow to Deep Marine Sandstones in the Late Paleozoic Oquirrh Basin, Utah

Jones, Adam J. 19 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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