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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ultrafast Coherent X-ray Diffractive Nanoimaging

R. N. C. Maia, Filipe January 2010 (has links)
X-ray lasers are creating unprecedented research opportunities in physics,chemistry and biology. The peak brightness of these lasers exceeds presentsynchrotrons by 1010, the coherence degeneracy parameters exceedsynchrotrons by 109, and the time resolution is 105 times better. In theduration of a single flash, the beam focused to a micron-sized spot has the samepower density as all the sunlight hitting the Earth, focused to a millimetresquare. Ultrafast coherent X-ray diffractive imaging (CXDI) with X-ray lasers exploitsthese unique properties of X-ray lasers to obtain high-resolution structures fornon-crystalline biological (and other) objects. In such an experiment, thesample is quickly vaporised, but not before sufficient scattered light can berecorded. The continuous diffraction pattern can then be phased and thestructure of a more or less undamaged sample recovered% (speed of light vs. speed of a shock wave).This thesis presents results from the first ultrafast X-ray diffractive imagingexperiments with linear accelerator-driven free-electron lasers and fromoptically-driven table-top X-ray lasers. It also explores the possibility ofinvestigating phase transitions in crystals by X-ray lasers. An important problem with ultrafast CXDI of small samples such as single proteinmolecules is that the signal from a single measurement will be small, requiringsignal enhancement by averaging over multiple equivalent samples. We present anumerical investigation of the problems, including the case where samplemolecules are not exactly identical, and propose tentative solutions. A new software package (Hawk) has been developed for data processing and imagereconstruction. Hawk is the first publicly available software package in thisarea, and it is released as an open source software with the aspiration offostering the development of this field.

Serial Crystallography: Beyond Monte Carlo Data Analysis

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: The superior brightness and ultra short pulse duration of X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) allows it to outrun radiation damage in coherent diffractive imaging since elastic scattering terminates before photoelectron cascades commences. This “diffract-before-destroy” feature of XFEL opened up new opportunities for biological macromolecule imaging and structure studies by breaking the limit to spatial resolution imposed by the maximum dose that is allowed before radiation damage. However, data collection in serial femto-second crystallography (SFX) using XFEL is affected by a bunch of stochastic factors, which pose great challenges to the data analysis in SFX. These stochastic factors include crystal size, shape, random orientation, X-ray photon flux, position and energy spectrum. Monte-Carlo integration proves effective and successful in extracting the structure factors by merging all diffraction patterns given that the data set is sufficiently large to average out all stochastic factors. However, this approach typically requires hundreds of thousands of patterns collected from experiments. This dissertation explores both experimental and algorithmic methods to eliminate or reduce the effect of stochastic factors in data acquisition and analysis. Coherent convergent X-ray beam diffraction (CCB) is discussed for possibilities of obtaining single-shot angular-integrated rocking curves. It is also shown the interference between Bragg disks helps ab-initio phasing. Two-color diffraction scheme is proposed for time-resolved studies and general data collection strategies are discussed based on error metrics. A new auto-indexing algorithm for sparse patterns is developed and demonstrated for both simulated and experimental data. Statistics show that indexing rate is increased by 3 times for I3C data set collected from beam time LJ69 at Linac coherent light source (LCLS). Finally, dynamical inversion from electron diffraction is explored as an alternative approach for structure determination. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Physics 2016

Algorithms for Coherent Diffractive Imaging with X-ray Lasers

Daurer, Benedikt J. January 2017 (has links)
Coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) has become a very popular technique over the past two decades. CDI is a "lensless" imaging method which replaces the objective lens of a conventional microscope by a computational image reconstruction procedure. Its increase in popularity came together with the development of X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) which produce extremely bright and coherent X-rays. By facilitating these unique properties, CDI enables structure determination of non-crystalline samples at nanometre resolution and has many applications in structural biology, material science and X-ray optics among others. This work focuses on two specific CDI techniques, flash X-ray diffractive imaging (FXI) on biological samples and X-ray ptychography. While the first FXI demonstrations using soft X-rays have been quite promising, they also revealed remaining technical challenges. FXI becomes even more demanding when approaching shorter wavelengths to allow subnanometre resolution imaging. We described one of the first FXI experiments using hard X-rays and characterized the most critical components of such an experiment, namely the properties of X-ray focus, sample delivery and detectors. Based on our findings, we discussed experimental and computational strategies for FXI to overcome its current difficulties and reach its full potential. We deposited the data in the Coherent X-ray Database (CXIDB) and made our data analysis code available in a public repository. We developed algorithms targeted towards the needs of FXI experiments and implemented a software package which enables the analysis of diffraction data in real time. X-ray ptychography has developed into a very useful tool for quantitative imaging of complex materials and has found applications in many areas. However, it involves a computational reconstruction step which can be slow. Therefore, we developed a fast GPU-based ptychographic solver and combined it with a framework for real-time data processing which already starts the ptychographic reconstruction process while data is still being collected. This provides immediate feedback to the user and allows high-throughput ptychographic imaging. Finally, we have used ptychographic imaging as a method to study the wavefront of a focused XFEL beam under typical FXI conditions.  We are convinced that this work on developing strategies and algorithms for FXI and ptychography is a valuable contribution to the development of coherent diffractive imaging.

Auger decay in double core ionized molecules

Inhester, Ludger 08 August 2013 (has links)
Röntgen Freie Elektronen Laser ermöglichen es Doppel-K-Schalen Löchern in Molekülen in aufeinanderfolgenden mehrfachen Ionisationsschritten in bedeutender Anzahl zu erzeugen. Die Eigenschaften dieser zweifach ionisierten Zustände ist insbesondere relevant für die Strahlungsschäden bei Beugungsexperimenten mit kohärenter Röntgenstrahlung zur Bildgebung einzelner Moleküle. In dieser Arbeit wird der Auger Zerfall doppelt K-Schalen ionisierter Moleküle mittels quantenchemischer ab-initio Methoden untersucht. Zur Beschreibung des emittierten Auger Elektrons im kontinuierlichen Energiespektrum wird dabei die Ein-Zentrums Methode verwendet, in der die elektronische Wellenfunktion auf einem radialen Gitter beschrieben wird unter Verwendung von sphärischen Harmonischen. Wie anhand desWassermoleküls gezeigt wird, ergeben sich durch die Doppel-K-Loch induzierte Protonendynamik in dem Auger Spektrum ausgeprägte Flanken im höherenergetischen Teil jeder Spektralspitze. Die Lebensdauer von Doppel-K-Schalen Löchern in Molekülen ist deutlich verringert im Vergleich zu einfachen K-Löchern durch die K-Loch induzierten Abschirmeffekte der Valenzelektronen. Dieser Mechanismus wird durch ein einfaches Modell erklärt aus dem eine Beziehung zwischen Zerfallsrate und Valenzelektronenpopulation abgeleitet. Mögliche Konsequenzen dieser Ergebnisse für Röntgenbeugungsexperimente sind: Erstens, auch für Röntgenpulse kürzer als 10fs wird das Beugungsbild durch die K-Loch induzierten Umstrukturierungen der Valenzelektronen beeinflußt. Zweitens, die Gesamt-Ionisationsrate ist erhöht aufgrund der schnelleren Neubesetzung der K-Löcher.

Bayesian structure reconstruction from single molecule X-ray scattering data

Walczak, Michal 31 October 2014 (has links)
Röntgenlicht-Freie-Elektronen-Laser (XFEL) schaffen neue Möglichkeiten für die molekulare Strukturbestimmung in Einzelmolekülexperimenten. In dieser Arbeit stelle ich zwei alternative bayessche Verfahren vor, das Orientational Bayes und das Structural Bayes Verfahren, die das Extrahieren der Strukturinformationen aus dünn besetzten und verrauschten Streuungsbildern ermöglichen. Im ersten Verfahren wird ein "Seed"-Modell verwendet, um die zugrunde liegende molekulare Orientierung für jedes aufgezeichnete Streuungsbild separat zu bestimmen. Eine verbesserte molekulare Transformation der bestrahlten Moleküle wird durch Ausrichten und Mitteln dieser Bilder im dreidimensionalen reziproken Raum erhalten. Im Structural Bayes Verfahren wird ein Realraum-Strukturmodell optimiert, sodass es am besten zum gesamten Streuungsbildersatz passt. Auf diese Weise wird ermöglicht, zwischen verschiedenen Strukturmodellen zu unterscheiden. Ich habe die Auflösung bei der Abbildung einzelner Moleküle mit unterschiedlichen Massen für verschiedene XFEL Strahlintensitäten abgeschätzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die erreichbare strukturelle Auflösung mit der Molekülmasse wie M^{-1/ 6} steigt. Laut dieser Skalierung ist hierbei, im Gegensatz zur traditionellen Röntgenkristallographie, die hochaufgelöste Strukturbestimmung kleiner Einzelmoleküle, im Vergleich zu großen Molekülen, schwieriger. Als Machbarkeitsnachweis des Orientational Bayes Verfahrens wurde beispielhaft die Elektronendichte eines Glutathion-Moleküls aus 20.000 synthetischen Streuungsbildern, mit durchschnittlich 82 aufgezeichneten elastisch gestreuten Photonen und bis zu 50% zusätzlichem Hintergrundrauschen pro Bild, berechnet. Um die Anwendbarkeit des Structural Bayes Verfahrens in einer de novo Strukturbestimmung zu testen, wurde zudem die Struktur des Glutathion-Moleküls in einer Monte Carlo-Verfeinerungs-Simulation gelöst, für die zufällige Aminosäure-Konformationen als Ausgangsmaterial verwendet wurden. Um zusätzlich zu prüfen, ob mehrere Längenskalen umfassende Strukturänderungen in einem komplexen Molekül unter Verwendung des Structural Bayes Verfahrens rückverfolgbar sind, wurden Konformationsänderungen von drei Immunglobulin-Domänen eines Titin-Moleküls sowie der tRNA-Translokationsvorgang im Ribosom untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es möglich ist sowohl zwischen unterschiedlichen molekularen Konformationen zu unterscheiden als auch kleinere strukturelle Änderungen, die mit der tRNA-Translokation assoziiert sind, zu erkennen. Insgesamt betrachtet deuten die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit darauf hin, dass sich mithilfe der beiden hier vorgestellten bayesschen Verfahren die Struktur einzelner Moleküle mit atomarer Auflösung von dünn besetzten und verrauschten Röntgenstreuungsbildern aus XFEL-Einzelmolekülexperimenten für ein breites Spektrum von Molekülmassen bestimmen lässt.

Phasing Two-Dimensional Crystal Diffraction Pattern with Iterative Projection Algorithms

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Phase problem has been long-standing in x-ray diffractive imaging. It is originated from the fact that only the amplitude of the scattered wave can be recorded by the detector, losing the phase information. The measurement of amplitude alone is insufficient to solve the structure. Therefore, phase retrieval is essential to structure determination with X-ray diffractive imaging. So far, many experimental as well as algorithmic approaches have been developed to address the phase problem. The experimental phasing methods, such as MAD, SAD etc, exploit the phase relation in vector space. They usually demand a lot of efforts to prepare the samples and require much more data. On the other hand, iterative phasing algorithms make use of the prior knowledge and various constraints in real and reciprocal space. In this thesis, new approaches to the problem of direct digital phasing of X-ray diffraction patterns from two-dimensional organic crystals were presented. The phase problem for Bragg diffraction from two-dimensional (2D) crystalline monolayer in transmission may be solved by imposing a compact support that sets the density to zero outside the monolayer. By iterating between the measured stucture factor magnitudes along reciprocal space rods (starting with random phases) and a density of the correct sign, the complex scattered amplitudes may be found (J. Struct Biol 144, 209 (2003)). However this one-dimensional support function fails to link the rod phases correctly unless a low-resolution real-space map is also available. Minimum prior information required for successful three-dimensional (3D) structure retrieval from a 2D crystal XFEL diffraction dataset were investigated, when using the HIO algorithm. This method provides an alternative way to phase 2D crystal dataset, with less dependence on the high quality model used in the molecular replacement method. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Physics 2016

Nanoscale Waveguiding Studied by Lensless Coherent Diffractive Imaging using EUV High-Harmonic Generation Source

Zayko, Sergey 21 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Coherent X-Ray Diffractive Imaging on the Single-Cell-Level of Microbial Samples: / Ptychography, Tomography, Nano-Diffraction and Waveguide-Imaging

Wilke, Robin Niklas 20 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Broadband Coherent X-ray Diffractive Imaging and Developments towards a High Repetition Rate mid-IR Driven keV High Harmonic Source / Imagerie par diffraction cohérente des rayons X en large bande spectrale et développements vers une source harmonique au keV pompée par laser moyen-infrarouge à haut taux de répétition

Huijts, Julius 20 June 2019 (has links)
Des sources des rayons XUV (1-100 nm) sont des outils extraordinaires pour sonder la dynamique à l’échelle nanométrique avec une résolution femto- voire attoseconde. La génération d’harmoniques d’ordre élevé (GH) est une des sources majeures dans ce domaine d’application. La GH est un processus dans lequel une impulsion laser infrarouge femtoseconde est convertie, de manière cohérente, en fréquences élevées dans le domaine EUV par interaction hautement non-linéaire dans un atome, une molécule et plus récemment, dans un cristal. La GH possède une excellente cohérence spatiale qui a permis de réaliser des démonstrations impressionnantes en imagerie sans lentille. Pour accroître le potentiel de ces sources, des défis sont à relever : leur brillance et énergie de photon maximum doivent augmenter et les techniques d’imagerie sans lentille doivent être modifiées pour être compatibles avec l’importante largeur spectrale des impulsions attosecondes émise par ces sources. Cette thèse présente une nouvelle approche dans laquelle des figures de diffraction large bande, i.e. potentiellement attosecondes, sont rendues monochromatiques numériquement. Cette méthode est basée uniquement sur la mesure du spectre de la source et la supposition d’un échantillon spatialement non-dispersif. Cette approche a été validée tout d’abord dans le visible, à partir d’un supercontinuum. L’échantillon binaire est reconstruit par recouvrement de phase pour une largeur spectrale de 11 %, là où les algorithmes usuels divergent. Les simulations numériques montrent aussi que la méthode de monochromatisation peut être appliquée au domaine des rayons X, avec comme exemple un masque semi-conducteur utilisé en de lithographie EUV. Bien que la brillance « cohérente » de la source actuelle (qui progresse) reste insuffisante, une application sur l’inspection de masques sur source Compton est proposée. Dans une extension de ces simulations un masque de lithographie étendu est reconstruit par ptychographie, démontrant la versatilité à d’autres techniques d’imagerie sans lentille. Nous avons également entamé une série d’expérience dans le domaine des X-durs sur source synchrotron. Les figures de diffraction après monochromatisation numérique semblent prometteuses mais l’analyse des données demandent des efforts supplémentaires. Une partie importante de cette thèse est dédiée à l’extension des sources harmoniques à des brillances et énergies de photon plus élevées. Ce travail exploratoire permettrait la réalisation d’une source harmonique compacte pompée par un laser OPCPA dans le moyen infrarouge à très fort taux de répétition. Les longueurs d’onde moyen infrarouge (3.1 μm dans ce travail de thèse) sont favorables à l’extension des énergies des photons au keV et aux impulsions attosecondes. Le but est de pouvoir couvrir les seuils d’absorption X et d’améliorer la résolution spatio-temporelle. Cependant, deux facteurs rendent cette démonstration difficile: le nombre de photons par impulsion de la source OPCPA est très limité et la réponse du dipôle harmonique à grande longueur est extrêmement faible. Pour relever ces défis plusieurs configurations expérimentales sont explorées : génération dans un jet de gaz ; génération dans une cellule de gaz ; compression solitonique et la génération d’harmoniques combinées dans une fibre à cristal photonique ; compression solitonique dans une fibre à cristal photonique et génération d’harmoniques dans une cellule de gaz. Les premiers résultats expérimentaux sur la compression solitonique jusqu’à 26 femtosecondes et des harmoniques basses jusqu’à l’ordre sept sont présentésEn résumé, ces résultats représentent une avancée vers l’imagerie nanométrique attoseconde sans lentille basée sur des algorithmes « large bande » innovants et une extension des capacités de nouvelles sources harmoniques ‘table-top’ au keV pompées par laser OPCPA. / Soft X-ray sources based on high harmonic generation are up to now unique tools to probe dynamics in matter on femto- to attosecond timescales. High harmonic generation is a process in which an intense femtosecond laser pulse is frequency upconverted to the UV and soft X-ray region through a highly nonlinear interaction in a gas. Thanks to their excellent spatial coherence, they can be used for lensless imaging, which has already led to impressive results. To use these sources to the fullest of their potential, a number of challenges needs to be met: their brightness and maximum photon energy need to be increased and the lensless imaging techniques need to be modified to cope with the large bandwidth of these sources. For the latter, a novel approach is presented, in which broadband diffraction patterns are rendered monochromatic through a numerical treatment based solely on the spectrum and the assumption of a spatially non-dispersive sample. This approach is validated through a broadband lensless imaging experiment on a supercontinuum source in the visible, in which a binary sample was properly reconstructed through phase retrieval for a source bandwidth of 11 %. Through simulations, the numerical monochromatization method is shown to work for hard X-rays as well, with a simplified semiconductor lithography mask as sample. A potential application of lithography mask inspection on an inverse Compton scattering source is proposed, although the conclusion of the analysis is that the current source lacks brightness for the proposal to be realistic. Simulations with sufficient brightness show that the sample is well reconstructed up to 10 % spectral bandwidth at 8 keV. In an extension of these simulations, an extended lithography mask sample is reconstructed through ptychography, showing that the monochromatization method can be applied in combination with different lensless imaging techniques. Through two synchrotron experiments an experimental validation with hard X-rays was attempted, of which the resulting diffraction patterns after numerical monochromatization look promising. The phase retrieval process and data treatment however require additional efforts.An important part of the thesis is dedicated to the extension of high harmonic sources to higher photon energies and increased brightness. This exploratory work is performed towards the realization of a compact high harmonic source on a high repetition rate mid-IR OPCPA laser system, which sustains higher average power and longer wavelengths compared to ubiquitous Ti:Sapphire laser systems. High repetition rates are desirable for numerous applications involving the study of rare events. The use of mid-IR wavelengths (3.1 μm in this work) promises extension of the generated photon energies to the kilo-electronvolt level, allowing shorter pulses, covering more X-ray absorption edges and improving the attainable spatial resolution for imaging. However, high repetition rates come with low pulse energies, which constrains the generation process. The generation with longer wavelengths is challenging due to the significantly lower dipole response of the gas. To cope with these challenges a number of experimental configurations is explored theoretically and experimentally: free-focusing in a gas-jet; free-focusing in a gas cell; soliton compression and high harmonic generation combined in a photonic crystal fiber; separated soliton compression in a photonic crystal fiber and high harmonic generation in a gas cell. First results on soliton compression down to 26 fs and lower harmonics up to the seventh order are presented.Together, these results represent a step towards ultrafast lensless X-ray imaging on table-top sources and towards an extension of the capabilities of these sources.

Coherent Diffractive Imaging with X-ray Lasers

Hantke, Max Felix January 2016 (has links)
The newly emerging technology of X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) has the potential to revolutionise molecular imaging. XFELs generate very intense X-ray pulses and predictions suggest that they may be used for structure determination to atomic resolution even for single molecules. XFELs produce femtosecond pulses that outrun processes of radiation damage and permit the study of structures at room temperature and of structural dynamics. While the first demonstrations of flash X-ray diffractive imaging (FXI) on biological particles were encouraging, they also revealed technical challenges. In this work we demonstrated how some of these challenges can be overcome. We exemplified, with heterogeneous cell organelles, how tens of thousands of FXI diffraction patterns can be collected, sorted, and analysed in an automatic data processing pipeline. We improved  image resolution and reduced problems with missing data. We validated, described, and deposited the experimental data in the Coherent X-ray Imaging Data Bank. We demonstrated that aerosol injection can be used to collect FXI data at high hit ratios and with low background. We reduced problems with non-volatile sample contaminants by decreasing aerosol droplet sizes from ~1000 nm to ~150 nm. We achieved this by adapting an electrospray aerosoliser to the Uppsala sample injector. Mie scattering imaging was used as a diagnostic tool to measure positions, sizes, and velocities of individual injected particles. XFEL experiments generate large amounts of data at high rates. Preparation, execution, and data analysis of these experiments benefits from specialised software. In this work we present new open-source software tools that facilitates prediction, online-monitoring, display, and pre-processing of XFEL diffraction data. We hope that this work is a valuable contribution in the quest of transitioning FXI from its first experimental demonstration into a technique that fulfills its potentials.

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