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Emulering av en produktioncell med Visionguidning : Virtuell idrifttagning / Emulation of a productioncell including robot vision : Virtual commissioningEinevik, Johan, Kurri, John January 2017 (has links)
Genom att använda sig utav en virtuell kopia utav en produktionscell kan programmering och funktionstester av olika paneler testas i ett tidigt stadie. En virtuell kopia bidrar också till enklare felsökning och minskning av kostnader vid idrifttagning. Tanken med projektet är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning som emuleringsmodellen kan ersätta den riktiga cellen vid ett funktionstest för leverantören. Det som också undersöks är i vilken utsträckning riktiga CAD-ritningar kan användas och vilka krav som ställs på ritningarna för att underlätta emulering. Projektet hade flera utmaningar och en av dem som uppkom under projektets gång var problemet med att det inte gick att emulera säkerhetssystemen. Detta löstes genom att bygla alla säkerhetskretsar i PLC-programmet. En viktig del i emulering är kommunikation mellan de olika programvarorna i systemet. I projektets visade det sig fördelaktigt att dela upp programmen i emuleringssystemet för att fördela resurserna över tre datorer. Att använda sig utav en emuleringsmodell istället för en riktig produktionscell är fortfarande i forskningsstadiet men genom projektet har många användningsområden identifierats och skulle kunna förändra idrifttagning i framtiden. / Using a virtual twin of a production cell, makes it possible for programming and different functional testing of panels to be performed in early stages of development. A virtual twin contributes to a simpler debugging and to identify problems and minimize cost in commissioning of the production cell. The aim for the project is to investigate how well an emulated cell will perform compared to the real production cell in a factory acceptance test. Another objective is to investigate how you can use real CAD models in the emulation and what type of criteria the models should meet. The project had a lot of challenges and one of them was the difficulty to emulate the safety systems. This was solved by bypassing the safety in the PLC program. One important thing about emulation is communication between the different software used in the system. In this project, it proved successful to distribute the software on three computers to ease the workload of the programs used in the emulation. To use the emulated model instead of the real system is still in the research phase but in this project a lot of useful applications could be identified that could change commissioning in the future.
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VR/AR and Digital Twin for improvedvisualization of overview and debugging of live hardware in next generationsindustry.Karlsson, Joakim, Jansson Room, Kristian January 2020 (has links)
This thesis describes the implementation of a Digital Twin tied to Virtual Reality environment thatcould, by easy means be expanded to Augmented Reality-solution. The field is of interest due to thefact that movement into Industry 4.0 puts the traditional operator in a new seat of work. Previoushands-on tasks are replaced with system monitoring and supervision roles. New interconnectedindustrial hardware allows for extensive data collection, while interactive technology like VR/ARhelps monitoring live systems in completely new manners. An operator can overview and debugindustrial systems while not even being in close proximity of the physical system. This provides theopportunity to increase the level of system information presented to the operator. The Cyber PhysicalFactory created by Festo was targeted to be represented as a digital twin. The question asked: What arethe advantages and/or disadvantages of monitoring and troubleshooting a Festo CP-Factory by meansof a digital twin-driven visualization? proved to be extensive and the work included mapping ofimportant factory data and DRM-research to find visual improvements between the provided solutionsby Festo, and an implemented digital twin. The solution we produced focuses on overview anddebugging and it connects to OPC-servers on each mapped module of the Cyber Physical Factory andacquires the data. This data can then be used to expand, test and debug previous sessions. Each realimplementation of a factory has some type of logging of data, our solution allows visualization of thoselog entries as close to reality as possible, reducing the need to search databases for indications ofproblems. The Unity 3D created software also handles dynamic connections where the operator canmodify which nodes to connect to in an intuitive way, this enables our software to abstract and modifyinformation outside of the source code.
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Knihovna pro detekci významových vlastností stromových struktur / A Library for Detection of Semantic Properties of Tree StructuresPanov, Sergey January 2020 (has links)
Testování multikomponentních IT a IoT systémů, které zpracovávají proudy různých zpráv je složitou úlohou. Proč je to složité? Kvůli množství komponentů, jejích asynchronní interakcí, různým kombinacím události pro testování, testovacímu prostředí, které se liší od reálného a množství dalším důvodů. Táhle práce navrhuje způsob generování komplexních dat pro testovací účely s minimálním zásahem vývojářů. Generování dat založeno na analýze sledu komunikace reálného systému a následnou syntézou podobných sledů pro testování. Práce také navrhuje framework na prvotní analýzu zpráv přenášených v zachycené komunikace. Tohle může být uděláno použitím různých abstraktních modelů: modelu zprávy a modelu komunikaci. Výsledkem téhle práce je implementovaní knihovna na tvorbu modelu zprávy a množina operací pro práci s tímto modelem.
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First prototype for Digital Twin of the Organization data visualization following the EA Blueprint architectural patternSteiner, Lorenz Michael January 2022 (has links)
As a result of the digitalization of industrial processes, huge amounts of data are generated in organizations every second. Developing solutions that properly represent this data is critical for making it useful to the organization's stakeholders. Data visualization is a field within computer science that can be utilized to address this demand by enabling the development of appropriate methods for showing the data output of Digital Twins of the Organization (DTO). A recently proposed architecture for a resilient DTO using the EA Blueprint Pattern provides a promising basis for implementing DTOs that are capable of evolving alongside a dynamic organization. However, there is a lack of implementation of any prototypes of the proposed architecture's Information Architecture, which is responsible for dealing with data and visualizing them. Therefore, this thesis aims to develop a visualization prototype, aligned with the proposed architecture. The thesis achieves this goal by first establishing a theoretical basis in data visualization and applicable visualization techniques through a brief review of research articles. After a systematic selection process of visualization tools, the Python frameworks Plotly and Dash are chosen for designing and implementing a visualization prototype. The final design consists of a Python application containing various features and implementing multiple classes which make the prototype easily modifiable and thus able to evolve. In an industrial use case, the prototype is demonstrated to be fulfilling its requirements. Using the observations from the use case, it is finally concluded that the prototype is, in fact, sufficiently aligned with the proposed DTO architecture.
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A DevOps Approach to the EA Blueprint Architectural PatternPersson, Susanna January 2022 (has links)
In the world of software development, there is an increasing demand for software to keep up with rapid changes in its real-world context. A Resilient Digital Twin of an Organization is a type of software whose purpose is to digitally represent an organization or a component of an organization - as a Digital Twin -, and to keep doing so accurately throughout the real-world organization’s changes - a Resilient Digital Twin. An architectural pattern, called the EA Blueprint Pattern, has recently been proposed as a pattern to use for developing Resilient Digital Twins that can change together with the changes in the organization. However, software architecture is not the only factor that enables continuous change and adaptability in software. For software development teams to be able to deliver software rapidly and reliably, the software development process itself must be adapted to allow for frequent and fast changes. From this need, the Agile methodology and subsequently the set of work practises called DevOps has emerged. DevOps leverages automation and fast feedback as tools to facilitate a shorter system development life cycle and continuous delivery. The usage of DevOps is becoming increasingly popular in the software development field. It stands to reason that there is a need to ensure that the EA Blueprint Pattern is appropriate even in a DevOps context, where different tools and routines may be used than in traditional development. To complete this project, a use case of the EA Blueprint Pattern has been moved from a traditionally developed and deployed setting to a DevOps setting that includes essential DevOps tools such as Infrastructure as Code, a cloud environment, and a CI/CD pipeline that enables automatic deployment and therefore a shorter system development life cycle. By doing this, it can be gauged how well the EA Blueprint Pattern is adapted to a modern software development process which utilises the advantages of DevOps.
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Extending the Digital Shadow for Industrial Robotic Arms in a Mixed Reality EnvironmentMolina Morillas, Santiago, Soler García, Enrique January 2022 (has links)
In recent years, the traditional manufacturing industry is challenged worldwide with the astounding growth and advancement so-called Industry 4.0. One of the multiple objectives pursued by the industry with this technological revolution is to achieve a new enhanced standard of safety. In addition, a solution against inaccurate offline robot programming needs to be tackled. The combination of a Digital Shadow (DS) of the robot with visualisation in Mixed Reality (MR) can help to increase safety and eventually, even make the design process faster. In this survey paper, a visualisation system in MR that allows the user to overlay digital tools into a UR10e Physical Robot (PR), thus permitting the PR to interact with digital work objects is proposed. To achieve the synchronisation between the digital and real assets, a DS of the robot has been developed. The integration of the Digital Models (DMs) of tools and work objects allows the user to work with the robot without load, opening the possibility of recreating and testing in real-time experimental industrial processes.
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Integration of Digital Twin Technology and Health Dialogues : An Interface Design to Contribute to Motivation for Healthy Habits / Integration av tekniken "Digital Tvilling" och hälsosamtalGyulai, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Around the world, people are becoming more sedentary and less physically active. These behaviors are two examples of habits causing lifestyle diseases and premature death. The Health Dialogue (Hälsosamtal) is a method used in Sweden today, which attempts to prevent people from being diagnosed with lifestyle caused diseases. Today, the Health Dialogue does not offer an opportunity to perform follow-up of lifestyle goals created during the Health Dialogue, which is an important missing piece of the method. Follow-up regarding goals can benefit from being combined with digital twin technology, since this type of technology can potentially prevent negative habits by providing personalized predictions of bodily functions. In this thesis, a design prototype was created, combining the Health Dialogue with digital twin technology as an attempt to increase motivation towards a healthier lifestyle. Three hypotheses were proposed and evaluated through a user test containing the created design prototype. The results of the evaluation showed some support for the hypotheses for some participants, but overall, not enough to show support for motivation while using the prototype. However, the design and evaluation method can help in further development of an application that might contribute to motivation of a healthier lifestyle in the future.
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Virtual Commissioning of Robotic Cell Using Cloud-based Technologies and Advanced Visualization SystemOspina Eslava, David Mauricio, Santiago, Avendaño Flores January 2021 (has links)
The manufacturing industry is quickly adapting to new technologies. Some of these trending technologies are virtual commissioning, virtual reality, and cloud-based technologies. This project summarizes these three technologies and aims to create a commissioning tool adapted to the 4.0 Industry. The project’s methodology was to analyse a problem and consequently create a solution that solves it. The process of designing and developing was repeated iteratively, each time an evaluation was made. The final product developed has shown that it is worth spending time introducing the cloudbased technologies inside many applications since it saves time and allows to work remotely. Applying virtual reality to virtual commissioning has proven to add efficiency. At the same time, it gives an immersive experience with a real-time display of quantitative data and the process itself in a visual mode without interfering with the actual production. With these two technologies, virtual commissioning evolves and goes a step further. This project also proved that the user experience and interface in this type of immersive applications need much attention on creating a comfortableinterface that does not fatigue or cause rejection in the user.
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Identifying Machine States and Sensor Properties for a Digital Machine Template : Automatically recognize states in a machine using multivariate time series cluster analysisViking, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Digital twins have become a large part of new cyber-physical systems as they allow for the simulation of a physical object in the digital world. In addition to the new approaches of digital twins, machines have become more intelligent, allowing them to produce more data than ever before. Within the area of digital twins, there is a need for a less complex approach than a fully optimised digital twin. This approach is more like a digital shadow of the physical object. Therefore, the focus of this thesis is to study machine states and statistical distributions for all sensors in a machine. Where as majority of studies in the literature focuses on generating data from a digital twin, this study focuses on what characteristics a digital twin have. The solution is by defining a term named digital machine template that contains the states and statistical properties of each sensor in a given machine. The primary approach is to create a proof of work application that uses traditional data mining technologies and clustering to analyze how many states there are in a machine and how the sensor data is structured. It all results in a digital machine template with all of the information mentioned above. The results contain all the states a machine might have and the possible statistical distributions of each senor in each state. The digital machine template opens the possibility of using it as a basis for creating a digital twins. It allows the time of development to be shorter than that of a regular digital twin. More research still needs to be done as the less complex approach may lead to missing information or information not being interpreted correctly. It still shows promises as a less complex way of looking at digital twins since it may become necessary due to digital twins becoming even more complex by the day.
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Evaluating digital twin data exchange between a virtual and physical environment regarding lighting quantityTabbah, Alyaá January 2021 (has links)
Building Information Management and Digital Twin technology with help of Smart lights can optimizethe built environment impacting our health and well-being, by providing the right amount of light at theright time of day. Lighting simulation is challenging, due to the strict requirements to represent reality. Digitaltwin technology will provide a more dynamic two-way feed-back between the physical and the virtual environmentto optimize the lighting environment giving real-time sensor data. The main problem that currently occurswhile evaluating a lighting design made in photorealistic computer visualization is using the appropriate formof their model presentation. However, validation of light simulations has been done multiple times but not manystudies are based on DT-driven light environment evaluation in which not only the realistic representation butalso the exchange of information plays a crucial role. Therefore, the aim is to develop a strategy for demonstratingthe data exchange between a physical and real environment, for a scenario in which an optimal interactionbetween daylight and electric light derives an optimized realization of a given light demand curve. Basedon a quantitative experiment, validation of a Digital Twin was done between a virtual and a physical twin onan existing room using the light simulation tool DIALux evo. Data exchange was optimized for three levels ofgeometrical complexity. The light environment was optimized for interaction between the Digital and RealTwin. Counter to expectations, the results showed that the coarse model is more accurate representation of thephysical counterpart and generates faster data exchange. Defining DT usage purpose reduces time and effortdone on the process of creation. Knowing what data to exchange and how often avoid developers any limitationsor delaying in the process. Future studies can investigate how optimization of data exchange and light environmentcan be achieved with programming and parametric generative design.
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