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PLE with integrated clean up followed by alternative detection steps for cost-effective analysis of dixons and dioxin-like compoundsSpinnel, Erik January 2008 (has links)
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are two structurally related groups of chemicals, generally referred to as `dioxins´. These are of great concern due to their high toxicity and global spread. Other groups of compounds with similar chemical structure and toxicity mechanisms are the brominated analogues polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PBDDs) and polybrominated dibenzofurans (PBDFs), and the dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Numerous studies have been undertaken to investigate sources and transport routes of dioxins. However, much remains to be done, including analytical, inventories of dioxin-like compounds, such as PBDD/Fs, and the development of more convenient analytical methods. The currently standard procedure for analyzing dioxins (and dioxin-like compounds) is to use Soxhlet extraction followed by multi-step clean-up and gas chromatography - high resolution mass spectrometry (GC- HRMS) for detection. Unfortunately, this method is very solvent, labor and time-consuming, making it very expensive. The main aim of the studies this thesis was to develop pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) with integrated clean up techniques for fast, convenient preparation of dioxin samples. PLE with integrated clean-up has previously been used for extracting dioxins from biological samples, but in these studies the possibility of extending its use to abiotic samples was explored. The results show that PLE with an integrated carbon trap is suitable for analyzing dioxins in various types of soil samples, sediment and flue gas samples. The results also showed that it has potential for analyzing dioxins in fly ash. The thesis focuses on developments of the methodology for dioxin analysis, but also includes results obtained from PBDDs and dioxin-like PCB analyses. In addition, the possibility of using various other kinds of detection techniques rather than GC-HRMS, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) or two-dimensional gas chromatography with micro electron capture detection (GCxGC-µECD) was explored. The results indicate that ELISA and GCxGC-µECD could serve as complementary detection systems in some cases. However, it is not yet possible to fully replace GC-HRMS. A further refinement of the PLE with in-cell clean-up technique is the modular approach developed in these studies. With this technique it is possible to include various steps for both clean-up and fractionation. For example, sulphuric acid impregnated silica could be combined with active carbon for the simultaneous removal of lipids (along with other interferences) and fractionation of PCBs and PCDD/Fs. It was shown that the method could provide data that agreed reasonably well with both reference values and values obtained using traditional methods. In general PLE proved to have high extraction efficiency and to yield very similar congener profiles to the reference method. In addition, it was shown that it allowed one-step extraction and clean-up of a salmon sample. Such single-step procedures are the ultimate goals for any extraction technique, and it would be highly desirable to develop one-step methods that could be extended to other types of samples. For the rest of the matrices tested (soil, sediment, mussel and crab tissue and flue gas) the method was successful, however a final polishing step is currently required, involving either dilution or clean-up using miniaturized multilayer silica columns, to obtain extracts that are pure enough for GC-HRMS analysis. Using the developed modular-PLE system substantial costs could be saved. It was estimated that the method could reduce the cost of preparing samples by up to 90%, which would greatly facilitate large-scale inventories.
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Thermal formation and chlorination of dioxins and dioxin-like compoundsJansson, Stina January 2008 (has links)
This thesis contributes to an increased understanding of the formation of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in combustion processes. Although emissions to air from waste incineration facilities have been greatly reduced by the use of efficient air pollution control measures, the resulting residues (ashes and filters) are highly toxic and are classified as hazardous waste. The main objective of the work underlying this thesis was to elucidate the formation and chlorination pathways of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in waste combustion flue gases in the temperature range 640-200°C in a representative, well-controlled laboratory-scale reactor using artificial municipal solid waste. This could contribute to the reduction of harmful emissions to air and also reduce the toxicity of waste incineration residues, thus reducing or even eliminating the need for costly and potentially hazardous after-treatment. A comparison of four different quenching profiles showed that the formation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDF) was rapid and mainly occurred in the 640-400°C temperature region, with high dependency on sufficient residence time within a specific temperature region. Prolonged residence time at high temperatures (450/460°C) reduced the PCDD yields, even at lower temperatures along the post-combustion zone. PCDD, PCDF and PCN (polychlorinated naphthalene) isomer distribution patterns indicated contributions from chlorophenol condensation as well as chlorination reactions for all three classes of compounds. The formation of PCDDs was largely influenced by chlorophenol condensation and to some extent by chlorination reactions. For the PCDFs, chlorine substitution adjacent to the oxygen bridges was unfavoured, as demonstrated by the notably lower abundance of 1,9-substituted congeners. This was supported by bidirectional orthogonal partial least squares (O2PLS) modelling. The variable with the greatest influence on the distribution of PCDD congeners was the relative free energy (RΔGf). The O2PLS models displayed distinct clusters, dividing most of the homologues into two or three sub-groups of congeners which seemed to correspond to the probability of origination from chlorophenol condensation. The effects of injection of aromatic structures into the flue gas differed for each class of compounds. Injection of naphthalene increased the formation of monochlorinated naphthalene but the remaining homologues appeared to be unaffected. This was probably due to insufficient residence time at temperatures necessary for further chlorination. Injected dibenzo-p-dioxin was decomposed, chlorinated and re-condensated into PCDDs and PCDFs, whereas injection of dibenzofuran and fluorene reduced the PCDD levels in the flue gas. / Denna avhandling fokuserar på olika aspekter som kan bidra till en ökad förståelse av bildning av dioxiner och dioxin-lika föreningar i förbränningsprocesser. Även om utsläppen till luft från sopförbränningsanläggningar har minskat kraftigt tack vare effektiva rökgasreningsmetoder, så återstår problemet med mycket giftiga rökgasreningsprodukter (askor och filter), vilka klassificeras som farligt avfall. Det huvudsakliga syftet med arbetet bakom denna avhandling var att klarlägga bildnings- och kloreringsvägarna för dioxiner och dioxin-lika föreningar i temperaturintervallet 640-200°C i rökgaser från sopförbränning. Detta kan möjliggöra lösningar för ytterligare emissionsminskningar och en avgiftning av biprodukterna från avfallsförbränning, vilket minskar eller till och med eliminerar behovet av kostsam och riskfylld efterbehandling. Realistiska och välkontrollerade försök har utförts i en lab-skalereaktor där en artificiell hushållssopa har förbränts. En jämförelse av fyra olika temperatur- och uppehållstidsprofiler visade att bildning av polyklorerade dibenso-p-dioxiner (PCDD) och dibensofuraner (PCDF) sker snabbt och huvudsakligen inom temperaturintervallet 640-400°C. Bildningen var starkt beroende av en tillräckligt lång uppehållstid inom ett visst temperaturområde. En förlängd uppehållstid vid höga temperaturer (>450°C) resulterade i minskade halter av PCDD, vilka förhöll sig låga även senare i efterförbränningszonen. Isomermönstren av PCDD, PCDF och PCN (polyklorerade naftalener) visade alla tecken på att härröra från både klorfenolkondensation och kloreringsreaktioner. PCDD-mönstret visade tydliga indikationer på bildning från klorfenoler, och till mindre grad bildning via klorering. För PCDF var klorsubstitution i positioner angränsande till syrebryggan missgynnad, vilket bekräftades av multivariat modellering (O2PLS). Den variabel som starkast påverkade bildningen av PCDD var relativa fria energin (RΔGf). Modellerna visade på en distinkt gruppering av PCDD- och PCDF-kongenerna i två eller tre grupper för varje kloreringsgrad, och föreslås vara relaterad till sannolikheten för respektive kongen att bildas via klorfenolkondensation. Injektion av aromatiska kolstrukturer i rökgaskanalen gav upphov till skilda effekter. Injektion av naftalen ökade bildningen av monoklorerad naftalen medan resterande homologer inte verkade påverkas, sannolikt på grund av för kort uppehållstid för ytterligare klorering. Dibenso-p-dioxin spjälkades sannolikt till fenoliska fragment som klorerades och sedan återkondenserades till PCDD och PCDF, medan dibensofuran och fluoren kraftigt reducerade PCDD-koncentrationerna.
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Computational methods for analyzing dioxin-like compounds and identifying potential aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands : multivariate studies based on human and rodent in vitro dataLarsson, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are omnipresent and persistent environmental pollutants. In particular, 29 congeners are of special concern, and these are usually referred to as dioxin-like compounds (DLCs). In the European Union, the risks associated with DLCs in food products are estimated by a weighted sum of the DLCs’ concentrations. These weights, also called toxic equivalency factors (TEFs), compare the DLCs’ potencies to the most toxic congener, 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (2378- TCDD). The toxicological effects of PCDD/Fs and PCBs are diverse, ranging from chloracne and immunological effects in humans to severe weight loss, thymic atrophy, hepatotoxicity, immunotoxicity, endocrine disruption, and carcinogenesis in rodents. Here, the molecular structures of DLCs were used as the basis to study the congeneric differences in in vitro data from both human and rodent cell responses related to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). Based on molecular orbital densities and partial charges, we developed new ways to describe DLCs, which proved to be useful in quantitative structure-activity relationship modeling. This thesis also provides a new approach, the calculation of the consensus toxicity factor (CTF), to condense information from a battery of screening tests. The current TEFs used to estimate the risk of DLCs in food are primarily based on in vivo information from rat and mouse experiments. Our CTFs, based on human cell responses, show clear differences compared to the current TEFs. For instance, the CTF of 23478-PeCDF is as high as the CTF for 2378-TCDD, and the CTF of PCB 126 is 30 times lower than the corresponding TEF. Both of these DLCs are common congeners in fish in the Baltic Sea. Due to the severe effects of DLCs and their impact on environmental and human health, it is crucial to determine if other compounds have similar effects. To find such compounds, we developed a virtual screening protocol and applied it to a set of 6,445 industrial chemicals. This protocol included a presumed 3D representation of AhR and the structural and chemical properties of known AhR ligands. This screening resulted in a priority list of 28 chemicals that we identified as potential AhR ligands.
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