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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scattering properties of dust in Orion and Epsilon Eridani exoplanetary system

Mendillo, Christopher B. 22 January 2016 (has links)
Dust grain properties were investigated in two very different Galactic environments: the interstellar medium and an exoplanetary system. Two sounding rocket missions were developed to study these regions. Wide-field observations of the Orion OB stellar association were performed in the far-ultraviolet using the Spectrograph for Photometric Imaging with Numeric Reconstruction (SPINR) sounding rocket. These observations reveal the diffuse signature of starlight scattering off interstellar dust grains. The spectral-imaging data were used along with a three-dimensional radiative transfer model to measure the dust scattering parameters: the grain albedo (a) and the scattering asymmetry (g). The measured parameters are consistent with previous measurements made toward Orion. A sharp increase in albedo was measured at 〜1330 A. This feature is not explained by current grain models. The constructed three-dimensional model of Orion includes a two-component dust distribution. The foreground distribution is responsible for the small amount of visible reddening measured toward the bright stars in the Orion constellation.The background distribution represents the Orion Molecular Cloud, which dominates observations of dust emission in the infrared. This model was used to show that backscattered light from the molecular cloud alone cannot produce the observed scattered light distribution. The foreground dust, though optically thin in the visible, significantly contributes to the scattered light in the far-ultraviolet. This suggests that observations of Orion in the infrared and far-ultraviolet may probe entirely different dust populations. The Planetary Imaging Concept Testbed Using a Rocket Experiment (PICTURE) sounding rocket was developed to characterize dust grains in the nearby Epsilon Eridani exoplanetary system. This is a young, dusty system with a Jupiter-massed planet orbiting at 〜3.4 AU (astronomical units). PICTURE sought to capture a direct, visible-light image of dust-scattered starlight in this system with the aid of a high-contrast nulling coronagraph. The design and laboratory testing of the PICTURE science payload is presented. Although the mission returned no science data, several important technological advances were made to enable future direct imaging missions. Most notably, PICTURE demonstrated 5.1 milliarcsecond pointing stability using a fast optical tracking system.

Spatial linear dark field control: stabilizing deep contrast for exoplanet imaging using bright speckles

Miller, Kelsey, Guyon, Olivier, Males, Jared 30 October 2017 (has links)
Direct imaging of exoplanets requires establishing and maintaining a high-contrast dark field (DF) within the science image to a high degree of precision (10(-10)). Current approaches aimed at establishing the DF, such as electric field conjugation (EFC), have been demonstrated in the lab and have proven capable of high-contrast DF generation. The same approaches have been considered for the maintenance of the DF as well. However, these methods rely on phase diversity measurements, which require field modulation; this interrupts the DF and consequently competes with the science acquisition. We introduce and demonstrate spatial linear dark field control (LDFC) as an alternative technique by which the high-contrast DF can be maintained without modulation. Once the DF has been established by conventional EFC, spatial LDFC locks the high-contrast state of the DF by operating a closed loop around the linear response of the bright field (BF) to wavefront variations that modify both the BF and the DF. We describe the fundamental operating principles of spatial LDFC and provide numerical simulations of its operation as a DF stabilization technique that is capable of wavefront correction within the DF without interrupting science acquisition. (c) The Authors.

Making high-accuracy null depth measurements for the LBTI exozodi survey

Mennesson, Bertrand, Defrère, Denis, Nowak, Matthias, Hinz, Philip, Millan-Gabet, Rafael, Absil, Olivier, Bailey, Vanessa, Bryden, Geoffrey, Danchi, William, Kennedy, Grant M., Marion, Lindsay, Roberge, Aki, Serabyn, Eugene, Skemer, Andy J., Stapelfeldt, Karl, Weinberger, Alycia J., Wyatt, Mark 04 August 2016 (has links)
The characterization of exozodiacal light emission is both important for the understanding of planetary systems evolution and for the preparation of future space missions aiming to characterize low mass planets in the habitable zone of nearby main sequence stars. The Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer (LBTI) exozodi survey aims at providing a ten-fold improvement over current state of the art, measuring dust emission levels down to a typical accuracy of similar to 12 zodis per star, for a representative ensemble of similar to 30+ high priority targets. Such measurements promise to yield a final accuracy of about 2 zodis on the median exozodi level of the targets sample. Reaching a 1. measurement uncertainty of 12 zodis per star corresponds to measuring interferometric cancellation ("null") levels, i.e visibilities at the few 100 ppm uncertainty level. We discuss here the challenges posed by making such high accuracy mid-infrared visibility measurements from the ground and present the methodology we developed for achieving current best levels of 500 ppm or so. We also discuss current limitations and plans for enhanced exozodi observations over the next few years at LBTI.

Digital signal processing methods for large-N, low-frequency radio telescopes

Hickish, Jack January 2014 (has links)
Current attempts to make precision measurements of the HI power spectrum at high redshifts have led to the construction of several low-frequency, large-N, interferometric arrays. The computational demands of digital correlators required by these arrays present a significant challenge. These demands stem from the treatment of radio telescopes as collections of two-element interferometers, which results in the need to multiply O(N<sup>2</sup>) pairs of antenna signals in an N-element array. Given the unparalleled flexibility offered by modern digital processing systems, it is apt to consider whether a different way of treating the signals from antennas in an array might be fruitful in current and future radio telescopes. Such methods potentially avoid the unfavourable N<sup>2</sup> scaling of computation rate with array size. In this thesis I examine the prospect of using direct-imaging methods to map the sky without first generating correlation matrices. These methods potentially provide great computational savings by creating images using efficient, FFT-based algorithms. This thesis details the design and deployment of such a system for the Basic Element of SKA Training II (BEST-2) array in Medicina, Italy. Here the 32-antenna BEST-2 array is used as a test bed for comparison of FX correlation and direct-imaging systems, and to provide a frontend for a real-time transient event detection pipeline. Even in the case of traditional O(N<sup>2</sup>) correlation methods, signal processing algorithms can be significantly optimized to deliver large performance gains. In this thesis I present a new mechanism for optimizing the cross-correlation operation on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware. This implementation is shown to achieve a 75% reduction in multiplier usage, and has a variety of benefits over existing optimization strategies. Finally, this thesis turns its focus towards The Square Kilometre Array (SKA). When constructed, the SKA will be the world's largest radio telescope and will comprise a variety of arrays targeting different observing frequencies and science goals. The low-frequency component of the SKA (SKA-low) will feature ~250,000 individual antennas, sub-divided into a number of stations. This thesis explores the impact of the station size on the computational requirements of SKA-low, investigating the optimal array configuration and signal processing realizations.

Implementing an Algorithm for Spectrum Extraction of Circumstellar Objects with High-Dispersion Spectroscopy

Karlsson, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis project, we study the field of high-dispersion spectroscopy and methods for extracting the spectrum of circumstellar objects such as exoplanets from the combined signal of a stellar system. One of the only techniques for detecting absorption lines in exoplanetary atmospheres is to directly image a planet and record the reflected light. However, exoplanets are incredibly faint compared to the parent star and are often completely obscured in any images of the system. We utilize techniques such as high-dispersion spectroscopy (HDS) and high contrast imaging (HCI) in order to capture the planetary signal and develop methods for reducing only the stellar light while leaving the planet relatively untouched.   We investigate a method for removing the scattered starlight by utilizing the separate spectra of the star and the planet, where the signal from the objects will be spread out according to a point spread function (PSF) and laid on top of each other. By empirically determining the shape of the stellar PSF, reference profiles can be created for each wavelength and subtracted from the entire signal, revealing the planetary spectrum. To achieve this, we have constructed a spectrum extraction algorithm, written in Python 3.6, for use on the spectra of directly imaged exoplanetary systems. Additionally, we discuss many of the problems which may arise when reducing cross-dispersed echelle spectra and attempt to solve them with the algorithm.   To assess our algorithm, we utilize spectral images of the system  Pictoris, taken with the high-dispersion spectrograph CRIRES, and three model exoplanetary systems of varying brightness. When extracting the spectrum of the planets, we find that the method employed for constructing the reference stellar PSFs is partially flawed and leaves a substantial amount of residual stellar light in the reduced images. This leads to difficulties with identifying any spectral absorption lines and an alternative method is likely necessary. Nonetheless, the algorithm is found to successfully extract the spectrum and identify spectral lines of an exoplanetary atmosphere if the planet is sufficiently bright, although only for theoretically unrealistic luminosities. We expect that our algorithm can be improved upon with more well-researched methods for reducing the starlight and by using data recorded with spectrographs of even higher dispersive capabilities, such as CRIRES+, METIS, or HIRES.

Results of the astrometry and direct imaging testbed for exoplanet detection

Guyon, Olivier, Milster, Thomas, Johnson, Lee, Knight, Justin, Rodack, Alexander, Bendek, Eduardo A., Belikov, Ruslan, Pluzhnik, Eugene A., Finan, Emily 01 September 2017 (has links)
Measuring masses of long-period planets around F, G, and K stars is necessary to characterize exoplanets and assess their habitability. Imaging stellar astrometry offers a unique opportunity to solve radial velocity system inclination ambiguity and determine exoplanet masses. The main limiting factor in sparse-field astrometry, besides photon noise, is the non-systematic dynamic distortions that arise from perturbations in the optical train. Even space optics suffer from dynamic distortions in the optical system at the sub-mu as level. To overcome this limitation we propose a diffractive pupil that uses an array of dots on the primary mirror creating polychromatic diffraction spikes in the focal plane, which are used to calibrate the distortions in the optical system. By combining this technology with a high-performance coronagraph, measurements of planetary systems orbits and masses can be obtained faster and more accurately than by applying traditional techniques separately. In this paper, we present the results of the combined astrometry and and high-contrast imaging experiments performed at NASA Ames Research Center as part of a Technology Development for Exoplanet Missions program. We demonstrated 2.38x10(-5) lambda/D astrometric accuracy per axis and 1.72x10(-7) raw contrast from 1.6 to 4.5 lambda/D. In addition, using a simple average subtraction post-processing we demonstrated no contamination of the coronagraph field down to 4.79x10(-9) raw contrast.

The Demographics of Exoplanetary Companions to M Dwarfs: Synthesizing Results from Microlensing, Radial Velocity, and Direct Imaging Surveys

Clanton, Christian Dwain 22 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Recherche et caractérisation d'exoplanètes à grande séparation autour d'étoiles jeunes de faible masse

Naud, Marie-Eve 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Caractérisation des disques de débris par imagerie directe et haute résolution angulaire : les performances de NaCo et SPHERE / Characterisation of debris discs in direct imaging and high angular resoltion : the performance of NaCo and SPHERE

Milli, Julien 23 September 2014 (has links)
Les vingt-cinq dernières années ont connu une véritable révolution dans notre connaissance des systèmes planétaires avec plus de 1800 planètes extrasolaires connues à ce jour. L'étude observationnelle des disques de débris constitue l'approche proposée dans ce travail de thèse pour éclairer les processus de formation et d'évolution des systèmes planétaires. Ces disques circumstellaires sont constitués de particules de poussière générées par des collisions de petits corps appelés planétésimaux, en orbite autour d'une étoile de la séquence principale. La lumière stellaire qu'elles diffusent représente une observable particulièrement riche en informations sur l'architecture du système, mais difficile d'accès en raison du contraste élevé et de la faible séparation angulaire avec leur étoile. Le développement récent de nouveaux instruments à haut contraste équipés d'optique adaptative extrême représente un formidable potentiel pour l'étude de ces systèmes. Cette thèse se place dans le cadre de ces nouveaux développements et porte sur la caractérisation des disques de débris grâce à deux instruments qui équipent le VLT (Very Large Telescope) : NaCo et SPHERE (Spectro Polarimetric High contrast Exoplanet REsearch). NaCo est en opération depuis plus de 10 ans et a connu plusieurs améliorations successives. SPHERE a été conçu et développé dans la même période, testé intensivement en laboratoire en 2013 et est actuellement en cours de vérification opérationnelle sur le télescope. Le caractère novateur de ce travail consiste à associer à l'étude des propriétés physiques des disques de débris, une expertise instrumentale poussée pour tirer le meilleur profit des observations. La première partie vise à développer et caractériser des méthodes de réduction de données innovantes adaptées aux observations de disques en lumière diffusée et au comportement de l'instrument. En particulier les atouts, performances et biais des techniques d'imagerie différentielle angulaire, polarimétrique et de soustraction de référence sont quantifiés. Ces méthodes sont appliquées, dans une seconde partie, à l'étude et la caractérisation de deux prototypes de disques de débris entourant les étoiles beta Pictoris et HR 4796A. Elles permettent une analyse poussée de la morphologie de ces disques et révèlent de nouvelles asymétries, interprétées en terme de perturbateurs gravitationnels ou de propriétés de diffusion de la lumière par la poussière. Enfin une évaluation prospective des performances attendues et observées avec l'instrument SPHERE est détaillée dans la dernière section, basée sur des simulations et des mesures en laboratoire ou sur le ciel. Une comparaison avec NaCo révèle les points forts de SPHERE avant de conclure sur les questions scientifiques auxquelles les observations de disques de débris avec SPHERE pourront apporter des réponses. / Over the last two and a half decades, the discovery of more than 1800 exoplanets has been a major breakthrough in our understanding of planetary systems. To shed light on the formation and evolution processes of such systems, I have chosen an observational approach based on the study of debris discs. These circumstellar discs are composed of dust particles constantly generated by collisions of small rocky bodies called planetesimals, orbiting a main-sequence star. The stellar light they scatter can be studied from the Earth and reveal a wealth of information on the architecture of the system. These observations are challenging because of the high contrast and the small angular separation between the disc and the star. The recent developments of new high-contrast instruments with extreme adaptive optic systems are therefore bringing new expectations for the study of these systems and set the framework of this PhD thesis. My work aims at characterising debris discs thanks to two instruments installed on the Very Large Telescope: NaCo and SPHERE (Spectro Polarimetric High contrast Exoplanet REsearch). NaCo has been in operation for more than a decade and has undergone many improvements. SPHERE has been designed and assembled in the same period, was intensively tested in laboratory in 2013, and is currently being commissioned on the telescope. The innovative approach of this PhD work is to combine the study of debris discs with strong instrumental expertise to get the best science results from the observations. The first part of the study aims at developing innovative data reduction techniques adapted to the observations of discs in scattered light and to the behaviour of the instrument. I quantify in particular the performances, advantages, and biases of the angular, polarimetric and reference-star differential imaging technique. In a next step, I apply those techniques to characterise two prototypes of debris discs, around the stars beta Pictoris and HR 4796A. A detailed analysis of the morphology is carried out, which reveals new asymmetries interpreted in terms of gravitational perturbers or of dust scattering properties. Lastly, I detail the expected and measured performances of SPHERE, from simulations, laboratory and on-sky measurements. A comparison with NaCo reveals the assets of SPHERE and I conclude with the scientific questions SPHERE will be able to answer with new debris disc observations.

Characterization of exoplanetary systems with the direct imaging technique : towards the first results of SPHERE at the Very Large Telescope / Caractérisation des systèmes d'exoplanètes par imagerie directe : vers les premiers résultats de SPHERE sur le Very Large Telescope

Zurlo, Alice 01 June 2015 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, plus de 1800 planètes qui orbitent autour d’étoiles en dehors du système solaire ont été découvertes. La plupart des planètes découvertes actuellement a été révélée grâce aux méthodes indirectes. Par contre, avec ce type de techniques, la caractérisation des planètes ne peut pas être complète si on n’utilise pas plusieurs techniques simultanément. Aussi, pour obtenir le spectre de la planète, il doit y avoir un transit et même dans ce cas là,le signal est très faible par rapport au signal de l’étoile. L’observation directe de ces objets, appellée imagerie directe, est maintenant possible grâce à des systèmes très avancés d’optique adaptative installés sur des télescopes de classe 8m. L’imagerie directe permet l’observation des planètes sufisamment lumineuses et éloignées de l’étoile principale en utilisant un masque qui cache la lumière de la dernière. Cette technique est donc efficace en particulier pour des systèmes jeunes et voisins car la luminosité intrinsèque de la planète diminue avec l’âge et la séparation réelle de la planète dépend de la distance du système. Dans le VLT au Paranal (Chili), deux instruments sont dédiés à ce type de recherche : NACO et SPHERE. SPHERE a vu sa première lumière en Mai 2014, et est maintenant prêt à commencer une enquête consacrée à la découverte de planètes autour de systèmes jeunes et voisins, NIRSUR. Cet instrument se compose de trois sous-systèmes : IRDIS, IFS et ZIMPOL. / In the year of the 20th anniversary of the discovery of the first extrasolar planet we can count more than 1800 companions found with different techniques. The majority of them are indirect methods that infer the presence of an orbiting body by observing the parent star (radial velocity, transits, astrometry). In this work we explore the technique that permits to directly observe planets and retrieve their spectra, under the conditions that they are bright and far enough from their host star. Direct imaging is a new technique became possible thanks to a new generation of extreme adaptive optics instruments mounted on 8m class telescopes. On the Very Large Telescope two instruments dedicated to the research for exoplanets with direct imaging are now operative: NACO and SPHERE. This thesis will describe the development and results of SPHERE from its predecessor NACO to its integration in laboratory and the final on sky results.

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