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Factors leading to frequent readmission to Valkenberg Hospital for patients suffering from severe mental illnesses.Smith, Helen Mary January 2005 (has links)
This thesis aimed to explore systematic health service problems that are related to frequent readmission of persons suffering from severe mental illnesses to Valkenberg Hospital. Reduction of acute and chronic beds in the Associated Psychiatric Hospitals, Western Cape over the past decade has led to increasing pressure for beds and rapid inpatient turnover, many of these inpatients being " / revolving door" / patients. Integration of mental health service into general health services, an intrinsic part of the comprehensive primary health care approach in South Africa, is supposed to make mental health care more accessible the public, therefore research into why patients are being frequently readmitted at secondary specialist level is indicated.
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Využití automatického robotického systému pro povrchovou úpravu materiálů / Use of automated robotic system for surface treatment of materialsPROLL, Jan January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis I deal with the project of a robotic apparatus that could be used for material treatment by using the gliding arc discharge as well as the appropriate design and choice of materials for the atmospheric pressure discharge jet with regards to a possibility of an industrial use. The input and output parameters were studied, such as the air flow regulation with regards to cooling, the design and choice of materials. Then I observed the temperatures near electrodes depending on the air flow. The applicability of the created atmospheric discharge was taken into account.
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Optimisation of high voltage electrical systems for aerospace applicationsChristou, Ilias January 2011 (has links)
Increased electrical power demands are being experienced on the new generation of aircraft due to an increased reliance on electrical technology of systems such as air conditioning, de-icing systems and electrical flight control actuation. Distribution of power at higher AC and DC voltages is therefore now being seen in modern aircraft to avoid the penalties incurred due to high cable weights. Voltages have increased past the minimum of Paschen's law resulting in a risk that life limiting partial discharge (PD) damage can occur in the insulation systems. This thesis uses a theoretical analysis backed by PD experimental results to investigate the optimal operating voltage of a cabling system. In addition, it proposes a methodology for optimizing the operating voltage level based on an analysis of the power carrying capability of cabling within a fixed and a non-fixed volume system and the derivation of the cable weight as a function of voltage. Furthermore the power carrying capability of a certain round cable system is compared with an insulated flat conductor system as in a printed circuit board (PCB). An initial assessment has been carried out to determine whether more power can be delivered via insulated flat solid conductors as in a PCB, instead of using round cables. The reason why there is a need to investigate this aspect, is because using new PCB technology can offer several advantages over traditional cabling harnesses. The work done has shown that the optimal operating point (e.g. maximum power to weight ratio) for an aircraft power system, does not improve after certain voltage levels. A tradeoff between cable weight and power transfer is required and furthermore the use of DC systems can result in higher power transfers than conventional three phase/400Hz AC systems. The PCB maximum power transfer assessment has also shown that insulated flat conductor systems can offer higher power transfer efficiencies. In addition, experimental AC and DC PD tests on certain unscreened aerospace cables (laid out in different configurations), have shown that the theoretical analysis employed to determine cable safe operating voltages gives conservative results.
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Elektroerozivní obrábění materiálů využívaných v leteckém průmyslu / Electroerosion machining of materials used in the aerospace industryZubáková, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of electroerosion machining of materials used in the aerospace industry. The introductory part presents the layout of aerospace materials and the methods by which they can be machined. The next chapter describes the basic principles of EDM. The experimental part is focused on electroerosive cutting of NIMONIC 263 alloy. The greatest emphasis was placed on determining the influence of the cutting wire material on the rate of contamination of the surface layer of the workpiece. The quality of the machined surface was assessed depending on the used wire and the selected machining parameters.
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Rozbor výsledků z experimentálního elektroerozivního hloubení speciálních materiálů pro letecký průmysl / Analysis of results from experimental electrodischarge sinking of special materials for aerospace industryMacháčová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is experimental electric discharge sinking of special materials for the aerospace industry. The first part is a general overview regarding the technology of electric discharge machining with emphasis on electric discharge sinking. Following this is a practical part devoted to the electric discharge sinking of the Nimonic 263 material with a copper tool electrode with a subsequent evaluation of surface and subsurface changes in this material. The wear of the tool electrode is also examined with the conclusion highlighting combination of machined material and tool electrode material behave in different working conditions and how the surface layer of machined material is affected.
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Trendy vývoje elektroerozivních hloubících strojů / Trend development of electrodischarge sinking machinesČumpl, David January 2008 (has links)
In this work, a principle of Electro Discharge Sinking Technology is described as well as comparison of individual machine producers. Further, description of an electrode production technology is included together with a recommendation of a machine to a middle mechanical engineering company. Last part is dedicate technical and economical analysis on concrete types of machines and adumbration another trends of development.
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Elektroerozivní drátové řezání. / Wire Electrical Discharge Machining.Bartoš, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with analysis of EDM wire cutting technology and aims to assess the current situation and the real possibilities of EDM wire cutting usage in a small engineering company. Furthermore, it addresses manufacturing technology of a model component and the subsequent economic evaluation.
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Aplikace technologie drátové elektroeroze / Application of wire electrodischarge technologyBarabáš, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This marter’s thesis deals with the technology of electrical discharge wire cutting. There is described the basic nature of the electrical erosion, EDM principle and WEDM principle. The main part deals with the application of wire cutting in the manufacture pulley 68-8M-130 with a description of technology on the wire cutter Excetek V 650. At the end of the work is devoted to the statistical evaluation of the precision machined surfaces.
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Development of an EDM-tool for theNuclear Industry / Utveckling av ett EDM-verktyg förkärnkraftsindustrinKaya, Rabi, Ödling, Anders January 2014 (has links)
Electric Discharge Machining (EDM) is a machining method suitable for repair and maintenance operations in nuclear power plants. Crack removal and material sampling are two common operations where EDM is used in the nuclear power industry. Each crack removal or material sampling operation is unique, a new EDM-tool is therefore designed for every operation. This, together with the fact that the electrode used in the EDM-tool usually wears out before the crack is removed or the sample has been collected, is the foundation of this thesis. The objective was to develop one or several concepts of a modular EDM-tool with the ability to change electrode at repair location. This to shorten the development time for EDM-tools and the time for electrode change during an EDM operation. The concepts would be developed to the extent that a prototype could be manufactured and tested. The result is in accordance to the objective with one fully developed concept ready for manufacturing. It has not yet been manufactured, and therefore not been tested. There are still some sections of the tool that needs to be verified, for example the electric supply to the electrode. The concept consists of; a slim EDM-tool with the ability to lock the rotating electrode shaft, compact dielectric fluid- and electric-supply, hydraulic actuator with belt drive and an electrode magazine with place for 3 electrodes. Keywords: Nuclear, EDM, Electric Discharge Machining, Product development, Crack removal / Electric Discharge Machining (EDM) är en avverkningsmetod lämplig för reparations- och underhållsarbete i kärnkraftverk. Sprickbortagning och materialprovtagning är två vanliga operationer som utförs med hjälp av EDM inom kärnkraftsindustrin. Varje sprickbortagningsoch materialprovtagnings operation är unik, därför utvecklas ett nytt EDM-verktyg inför varje operation. Detta tillsammans med det faktum att elektroden som används i EDM-verktyget ofta slits ned innan sprickan har avverkats eller provet har tagits ligger till grund för detta examensarbete. Målet var att utveckla ett eller flera koncept av modulära EDM-verktyg med möjligheten att byta elektrod på plats där aktuell reparation utförs. Detta för att korta ned utvecklingstiden för nya EDM-verktyg och minska tiden för reparations och underhållsarbeten. Koncepten skulle utvecklas så långt att en prototyp kunde tillverkas och testas. Resultatet är i linje med målet, ett välutvecklat koncept som är redo för tillverkning och testning. Det har än så länge inte blivit tillverkat och således inte testats. Konceptet består av ett smalt EDM-verktyg med möjlighet att låsa elektrodrotationen, kompakt dielektrikum- och ström-tillförsel, hydraulisk aktuator med kuggremsdrift och ett elektrodmagasin med plats för 3 elektroder. Nyckelord: Kärnkraft, EDM, Electric Discharge Machining, Produktutveckling, Sprickborttagning
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Control of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in Planktonic Form and Biofilms: A Biocidal Efficacy Study of Nonthermal Dielectric-Barrier Discharge PlasmaJoshi, Suresh G., Paff, Michelle, Friedman, Gary, Fridman, Greg, Fridman, Alexander, Brooks, Ari D. 01 May 2010 (has links)
Background: Bacterial contamination of surfaces with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a serious problem in the hospital environment and is responsible for significant nosocomial infections. The pathogenic contaminants form biofilms, which are difficult to treat with routine biocides. Thus, a continuous search for novel disinfection methods is essential for effective infection control measures. This demonstration of a novel technique for the control of virulent pathogens in planktonic form as well as in established biofilms may provide a progressive alternative to standard methodology. Methods: We evaluated a novel technique of normal atmospheric nonthermal plasma known as floating-electrode dielectric-barrier discharge (FE-DBD) plasma against a control of planktonic and biofilm forms of Escherichia coli, S aureus, multidrug-resistant methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA) -95 (clinical isolate), -USA300, and -USA400, using widely accepted techniques such as colony count assay, LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability assay, and XTT (2,3-Bis(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide) assay. Results: Exposure of free living planktonic forms of E coli, S aureus, and MRSA were rapidly inactivated by DBD plasma. Approximately 107 bacterial cells were completely (100%) killed, whereas 108 and 109 were reduced by approximately 90% to 95% and 40% to 45%, respectively, in less than 60 seconds (7.8 J/cm2) and completely disinfected in ≤120 seconds. In established biofilms, the susceptibility of MRSA USA400 was comparable with USA300 but less susceptible than MRSA95 (clinical isolate), S aureus, and E coli (P < .05) to FE-DBD plasma, and plasma was able to kill MRSA more than 60% within 15 seconds (1.95 J/cm2). The killing responses were plasma exposure-time dependent, and cell density dependent. The plasma was able disinfect surfaces in a less than 120 seconds. Conclusion: Application of DBD plasma can be a valuable decontamination technique for the removal of planktonic and biofilm-embedded bacteria such as MRSA -USA 300, -USA 400, methicillin-sensitive S aureus (MSSA), and E coli, the more common hospital contaminants. Of interest, E coli was more resistant than S aureus phenotypes.
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