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Sustainable Clothes Development : The Development of a Model for Production of Sustainably Produced ClothingSundvall, David, Åberg, Pontus January 2017 (has links)
If you are living in Sweden, you´re likely to consume around 15 kg textile every year (Palm, 2011). Of those 15 kg, 10.5 kg are most likely produced in Asia (IPCC, 2014). When producing textile, greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane are emitted. These greenhouse gases are a big cause for the global warming and are having a direct effect on people. 17% of all deaths in China 2015 could be correlated to polluted air (Rohde & Muller, 2015). If people knew the consequences of their consumption it´s in our opinion that they would consume less. More awareness leads to less consumption and ultimately less destruction. Organizations/corporations try to get people to understand but the message doesn’t seem to reach out quite strong enough. In this thesis another approach is investigated. The approach is about spreading a message through sustainable produced clothes with an appealing design, and encouraging consumption. By choosing our sustainable clothes instead of other non-sustainable options the consumer helps solving a social problem, which the (appealing) design is inspired of. The design is not only appealing but also designed to educate the consumer which leads to a more aware person who consumes less. We have worked with and Agile Iterative process which enable us to quickly see results and make changes. The project started with a goal to produce fictive clothes with our approach in mind. This goal was changed along the process and the final result ended up as a model. The model guides the user through two major parts. Part One is to enable a sustainable base for the production of the product where one step is to find a social problem. Part Two is an iterative process which uses the social problem established in Step One as a source of inspiration when designing the product itself. The model encourages the user to iterate the product design process around different aspects of the product. The model can be used by itself as well as a part of a developing process. Our recommendations for further work is to develop the model so it can be used for other types of products. / Om du bor I Sverige så konsumerar du troligtvis ca 15 kg textilier per år (Palm, 2011). Av dessa 15 kg så är 10.5 kg producerat i Asien (IPCC, 2014). Vid produktion av textilier släpps miljöfarliga växthusgaser ut. Utsläppen består mestadels av koldioxid och metan och bidrar till den globala uppvärmningen och har en direkt påverkan på människor. I Kina kunde 17% av alla dödsfall registrerade 2015 relateras till förorenad luft (Rohde & Muller, 2015). Om människor visste konsekvenserna av deras konsumtion så skulle de i vår mening konsumera smartare och mindre. Mer medvetna konsumenter leder till mindre konsumtion och i slutändan mindre förstörelse. Det finns organisationer som försöker få människor att förstå och agera men budskapet verkar inte nå ut starkt nog. I detta examensarbete har en annan vinkel undersökts. Vinkeln handlar om att sprida ett budskap genom globalt och humant hållbart producerade kläder med attraktiv design som uppmuntrar till konsumtion. Genom att välja dessa hållbara kläder istället för andra icke-hållbara alternativ hjälper konsumenterna också ett utvalt samhällsproblem som designen är inspirerad av. Designen är inte bara attraktiv utan är även utformad för att utbilda konsumenten vilket leder till en mer medveten person som konsumerar mindre. Vi har arbetat med en Agil iterativ process vilket har låtit oss snabbt se resultat och göra ändringar. Projektet startade med ett mål att skapa fiktiva kläder som var designade kring ett samhällsproblem dit en del av försäljningsvinsten skulle gå till att försöka hjälpa. Denna vision ändrades under projektets gång och resultatet av projektet blev till slut en modell som kan användas vid produktutveckling av kläder. Modellen guidar användaren genom två faser. I den första fasen skapas en grund för hållbar produktion, den hjälper även användaren välja ett socialt problem som designen senare baseras på. Den andra fasen är iterativ process där själva produktutvecklingen äger rum. Modellen uppmanar användaren att iterera designprocessen kring olika designaspekter som fokuserar på en utbildande design. Modellen kan användas för individuellt eller som ett komplement i utvecklingsarbete. Vid fortsatt arbete skulle modellen kunna göras om för att passa andra typer av produkter.
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Beyond the Surface : Bringing attention to the origin of food with the fish finger as canvasBenevides, Lara January 2017 (has links)
The many technological processes that products go through can make consumers less related to the systems behind them and their origins. The same thing happens to food. This project highlights the implications of a food system within the global scale of today’s mainstream economy and explores the possibilities for a product that originates from a more sustainable food system. Apart from re-designing a processed everyday food product, the aim of this study is to increase awareness of the pressure that the world’s fish stocks are suffering due to overfishing – an issue that is being aggravated by our current food system. For this reason fish fingers (aka fish sticks), which is a well known food product in Sweden, have been chosen as the primary focus in order to make a complex issue more tangible. By re-evaluating what a fish is, analysing current food systems and food products, making sensory explorations and collaborating with chefs, Havsbitar 1.0 and 2.0 (”Sea Bites” 1.0 and 2.0) have been developed. It is a series of fish fingers that has been designed for a desirable future scenario, where a resilient food system has been implemented. The aesthetics of Havsbitar intends to connect it to its ingredients and to the ecosystem it comes from, while maintaining the key characteristics of the fish finger as we know it today. The acceptance of the concept as a food product is an important variable to this project. The concept is placed in the field of Transition Design. Nevertheless, the design of Havsbitar 1.0 is a proposal that is intended to create possibilities for dialogue about an ideal industrialized commercial product. On the other hand, Havsbitar 2.0 follows a more discursive, critical angle towards the fact that fish fingers do not resemble fish, its main ingredient. Havsbitar 2.0 could then be placed in the field of Critical Food Design and Discursive Design.
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The What If CollectionDaniels, Aisha J 01 January 2019 (has links)
The What If Collection is a visual narrative that confronts white supremacy, the social, economic, and political ideology used to subjugate black civilization via colonial rule and enslavement in history and via structural racism today. Many white people have been socialized into a racial illiteracy that fosters white supremacy. This racial illiteracy fails to realize and understand the destructive effects of Western dominance on the rest of the world, particularly on past and present Africa and her diaspora. In response, utilizing discursive design, the collection constructs a counter-story that depicts a shift in the power structure in which the white oppressor is placed in the historical experience of the black oppressed. Moving forward from the past, a contemporary society is visualized where black people are the dominant force.
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