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Etické aspekty literární produkce v českém disentu / The Ethical Aspects of Literary Production of the Czech DissidentsLabudová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
Dissertation thesis focuses on the ethical aspects of literary production of the Czech dissidents. Literature is viewed primarily as a means to legitimation; it works as a legitimizing or delegitimizing agent. A good example is the Czech dream-book by Ludvik Vaculik which shows how it is possible through the written word to (de)legitimize and to (de)mythologize themselves and others and what ethical issues such behavior brings. It works with concepts of the proliferative effect of fiction and the author's reputation as symbolic capital; postulation of the authenticity of the literary testimony; the theory of collective authorship; describing the process of silencing; and the concept of the last dictionary and the solidarity based on a revision of this dictionary. It seeks to contribute to a new approach to dissent by showing the (de)legitimizing efforts in the samizdat's literature and the literature about the dissent and thus to undermine the mainstream homogenization of this multifaceted phenomenon.
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Rebelující intelektuál v proměnách času- Dominik Tatarka a jeho působení v disidentském hnutí / Rebellious intellectual in changing times - Dominik Tatarka and its involvement in the dissident movementKriššáková, Dominika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to give the most objective and comprehensive view of the personality of Dominika Tatarka primarily from the historical perspective, but also from a literary critical perspective. The view of the creation will, as far as possible, be done in cross-section, with an accent on the autobiographical features of the work, demonstrating a radical view of the communist regime. Emphasis will be given, in particular, to the period of the 70s and 80s of the 20th century with relevant time transitions. The historical perspective will seek to bring the role of the writer's community in the reform movement of the sixties of the 20th century in a wider context and to clarify the specifics of Slovak dissent, with emphasis on the position of Dominika Tatarka in it.
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Etické aspekty literární produkce v českém disentu / The Ethical Aspects of Literary Production of the Czech DissidentsLabudová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
Dissertation thesis focuses on the ethical aspects of literary production of the Czech dissidents. Literature is viewed primarily as a means to legitimation; it works as a legitimizing or delegitimizing agent. A good example is the Czech dream-book by Ludvik Vaculik which shows how it is possible through the written word to (de)legitimize and to (de)mythologize themselves and others and what ethical issues such behavior brings. It works with concepts of the proliferative effect of fiction and the author's reputation as symbolic capital; postulation of the authenticity of the literary testimony; the theory of collective authorship; describing the process of silencing; and the concept of the last dictionary and the solidarity based on a revision of this dictionary. It seeks to contribute to a new approach to dissent by showing the (de)legitimizing efforts in the samizdat's literature and the literature about the dissent and thus to undermine the mainstream homogenization of this multifaceted phenomenon.
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Hnutí na obranu lidských práv v Československu a na Ukrajině na konci sedmdesátých let 20. století / Human rights movement in Czechoslovakia and in Ukraine in the end of 1970sMokryk, Radomyr January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of the human rights movement in Ukraine and Czechoslovakia after signing the final act of the conference on security and cooperation in Europe in Helsinki 1975. The thesis is an attempt of a comparative analysis of these two human rights movements in the late 1970s. The research focuses on the comparison of the social context for the dissent activity, the historical circumstances and the activities of the human rights groups. Particular attention is paid to the life stories of the actors of human rights movement and efforts to explore some common features in biographies of these personalities.
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Hnutí na obranu lidských práv v Československu a na Ukrajině na konci sedmdesátých let 20. století / Human rights movement in Czechoslovakia and in Ukraine in the end of 1970sMokryk, Radomyr January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of the human rights movement in Ukraine and Czechoslovakia after signing the final act of the conference on security and cooperation in Europe in Helsinki 1975. The thesis is an attempt of a comparative analysis of these two human rights movements in the late 1970s, based on two concrete groups: Ukrainian Helsinki Group and Committee for the Defense of the Unjustly Prosecuted. The research focuses on the comparison of the social context for the dissent activity, the historical circumstances and the activities of the human rights groups. The thesis traces the main tendencies and topics in the activities of both groups. Particular attention is paid to the life stories of the actors of human rights movement and efforts to explore some common features in biographies of these personalities. Key words: Human rights; Helsinki movement; dissent; opposition; Soviet Union; Normalization; Czechoslovakia
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Obraz Castrovy Kuby v díle disidentských spisovatelů / Image of Castro's Cuba in the work of dissident writersSchumannová, Klára January 2017 (has links)
(in English): The topic of the present thesis is the image of Castro's Cuba in the work of dissident writers. The theoretical part is dedicated to the historical and political circumstances of Cuba in the second half of the 20th century, it briefly outlines the origins and evolution of the Cuban dissent and, most importantly, it pays attention to the literary dissent. The main part of the present thesis concentrates on to the dissident Generation Mariel and its main characterics, and especially on life and literary work of his most important member, Reinaldo Arenas. The theoretical background serves as the basis for the practical part of the thesis, in which the image of Castro's government in the work of Reinaldo Arenas, Before night falls and The color of summer: or The New Garden of Earthly Delights, is examined.
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Občanská angažovanost žen v období disentu s přesahem na další generaci / Cvic Engagement of Women in Disent with an Overlap to the Next GenerationDohnalová, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
A subject of this diploma thesis is civic enegaement in a period of dissent, specifically in the period of 70's - 90's of twentieth century. The emhasis is on the female role in dissent and subseqent cross-over in next generation. Subjects of research are offsprings of dissidents and fighters with regime. The goal of this work is to find out an influance of subject's growth in activist family and to specify their attitude to civic engagement. In theoretical part, different view on civic engagement, the period of dissent and the role of women in dissent are presented. I also familiarise theoretical concept of values and attitudes and how they are transferred from genetarion to generation. The empirical part presents the results of the research and the findings, which were obtained by an interwies with respondents as a one of qualitative research methods. In resume of the thess the results are summarized achieved goals.
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Vztah polské katolické církve k hnutí Solidarita do roku 1989 a jeho reflexe v českém samizdatu / The relationship of the Polish Catholic Church to the Solidarity movement and its image in Czech samizdatSmolka, Radek January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the relationship of the Solidarity movement with the Catholic Church in Poland until 1989 and the manifestations of this relationship in Czech samizdat periodicals. The researched periodicals are Lidové noviny, Informace o Charte 77 and Informace o církvi. The thesis presents the situation of the Polish civil opposition, especially in the 1980s. Much of the work is devoted to the Solidarity movement. Not only important milestones of this movement are presented here, but to some extent also its sociological profile. In addition to the civic opposition, the situation of the Catholic Church in Poland is described with emphasis on the circumstances and events that built the relationship between the Church and the stateas well as between the Church and the Solidarity movement. Due to the profile of the work, one of the chapters also deals with dissent in the then Czechoslovakia, both civic and Catholic. The researched periodicals have a samizdat character, so one of the chapters is dedicated to this form of written text and the author explains the reasons for choosing the three mentioned samizdat titles. Quantitative and qualitative analysis was used to find answers to research questions. Both analyzes and conditions created by the author for the inclusion of certain...
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Evangelické sítě a disent / Evangelical network and dissentBoháčková, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The thesis "Evangelické sítě a disent" ("Evangelical social networks and dissent") is about interconnection between evangelical people and other people from dissent. There is over represented number of evangelical signatories in Charta 77. I want to show some factors, that could cause this fact. I want to explain the way of involving Protestants in the czech dissent by historical facts from published documents, theory of weak and strong ties ba M. Granovetter, theory of new social movements and testimonies. This testimonies were acquired for the purpose of this thesis. This testimonies would help to show some special phenomenas in the ties between evangelical people and people from dissent and underground. There is part in the thesis, which is dedicated to the degree of civic engagement of evangelical people and the causes of the high degree of civic engagement of evangelical people. And there is part about situation of evangelical parsons and evangelical church itself in the seventies and eighties of the twentieth century.
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Diskreditační texty na osobnosti československého disentu v letech 1977-1979 a 1985-1988 / Attack Texts on Personalities of Czechoslovak Disent an 1977-1979 and 1985-1988Vaculíková, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on discrediting texts on the personalities of Czechoslovak dissidents in years 1977-1979 and 1985-1988. It studies the historical background of these years and describes this problem in the way of critical discourse analysis. Therefore, there is used description of the historical period with analysis of texts in three newspapers, called Rude Právo, Mladá Fronta and Lidová Demokracie. The objective of the work is collection of texts of the newspapers in mentioned period and demonstration of typical discrediting text. First of all, there is pointed what it means "dissent". There are described groups and people, who were connected with these activities. Secondly, there is shown special cause about lawsuit with Václav Havel and Tomáš Řezáč. The perspective is focused on exceptional and special action which was linked with discrediting texts and official law. After that are summarized aspects and significance of discrediting texts. There is hope that this thesis dispels the complex problem of discrediting texts, and that the case for ideology developed through media is clear.
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