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Analýza legitimizačních strategií Vysokého představitele v Bosně a Hercegovině Paddyho Ashdowna / Analysis of Legitimation Strategies of Paddy Ashwdown, the High Representative of Bosnia and HerzegovinaKašparová, Zuzana January 2022 (has links)
Early in the 21st Century, the European Union began to grow in influence in the South-Eastern European region. Thus, a discourse of transition defined by the proclaimed shift of the country from the Dayton Peace Agreement, which ended the war in 1995, to Euro-Atlantic integration, began to intensify in BiH. The discourse of transition is therefore simplistically referred to as 'from Dayton to Brussels'. At the same time up until the middle of the decade, British politician Paddy Ashdown was serving as the High Representative of international community for Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is, therefore, unsurprising that he co-constructed the discourse himself. This diploma thesis examines mainly the process of legitimization of the discourse of transition by Paddy Ashdown. Specific legitimization strategies are examined by means of critical discursive analyses and decolonial approach. The main aim of the thesis is to investigate whether the legitimization strategy of Paddy Ashdown is embedded in colonial matrix of power. Based on analyses of Ashdown's speeches, an overarching legitimization strategy was detected - mythopoesis (referring to myths and stories) rooted in colonial matrix of power. The entire argumentation of the High Representative is built around a fairytalelike story about Bosnia and...
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Postavení rodilého mluvčího a jiné kvalifikační předpoklady na trhu překladatelských služeb: Marketingové strategie a strategie nastavování cen překladatelských agentur / Native-speaker status and other qualifications in the translation services market: Marketing and price-setting strategies of translation agenciesŠebesta, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This study combines linguistic and economic points of view to deliver insights into two national translation services markets. Translation services form a relatively large market and provide quite a high number of jobs globally. In this industry, which is largely unregulated by government bodies, translation agencies have the potential to act as quality warrantors by applying elaborate quality-assurance procedures and requiring their freelance translators to possess certain qualifications. A controversial yet widely mentioned qualification is being a native speaker of a specific language. Drawing on a critique of the conventional "native speaker" concept and on insights from economics, Language Management Theory, and critical discourse analysis, this study investigates how the native-speaker status, along with other translator qualifications, is used as an argument for higher quality and a higher price in marketing and price-setting strategies of translation agencies in the Czech Republic and Germany when it comes to a technical translation into a non-local language. The research makes use of the market-research technique called "mystery shopping" and is designed as a combination of experimental and observational qualitative research methods. The four distinct stages, which correspond with...
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Konstrukce češství v českých tištěných médiích: kvalitativní analýza deníků Mladá fronta DNES a Právo v letech 1999 a 2004 / Construction of Czech national identity in Czech print mediaŠenkýřová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Construction of Czech national identity in Czech print media: a qualitative analysis of Mladá fronta DNES and Právo daily newspapers in the years 1999 and 2004" is concerned with the media constructing of Czech national identity in the content of two significant Czech print dailies. The concrete period chosen for the analysis of the construction is from 1st until 31st March in 1999 and it involves the accession of the Czech Republic to NATO (12th March), in the year 2004 the period is from 19th April until 19th May and it contains the accession of the Czech Republic to the EU (1st May). The qualitative method is used for the study of the construction. It is dealt with as an interpretative analysis of the text. With the aid of the relevant literature the study analyzes and interprets the found constructions of Czech national identity. It examines what identity and character and which traditions and attributes are given to the Czech nation by selected newspapers. It notices potential differences and uniformities between both newspapers and between 1999 and 2004. The analytical part of the thesis is complemented by the theoretical part and the methodology. The methodology describes the chosen technique of the analytical work. The theoretical part includes description of the period...
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Pomník jako zhmotnění paměti ve vztahu k současné generaci a roli médií / Monument as the materialization of memory in relation to the current generation and the role of the mediaMrázková, Simona January 2016 (has links)
The thesis "Monument as the materialization of memory in relation to the current generation and the role of the media" is devoted to the analysis of media discourse of contemporary memorials. The discourse of contemporary memorials is represented in the thesis by media coverage in the Czech periodical printed media regarding to two memorials installed in the Czech Republic. The first is a monument of General Patton in Pilsen and the second is a monument of the Czechoslovak RAF aviators in Prague - Klárov. Examined media coverage related to memorial scandal in Deník VLP, Mladá fronta DNES, Lidové noviny, Blesk, Metro, Haló noviny and Právo belong to the years: 2005, 2009, 2010, 2014 and 2015. The form of contemporary memorial discourse was examined with the help of multiple methods including quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis represented by textual and argumentative analysis. Based on the combination of the mentioned methods basic form of the discourse of contemporary memorials was described with the main focus on media communication containing the topic of foreign affairs and the concept of memory. For this purpose, Marshall McLuhan's perspective was used, which describes the media exposure of artistic interpretation, or the concept of memory as described by Pierre Nora. The various...
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Vazba kultury na sociální prostor Prahy (na příkladu slovenské a maďarské menšiny) / Relation of culture to the social space of Prague (on the example of Slovak and Hungarian minorities)Mészárosová, Marianna January 2016 (has links)
The interrelation between space and culture represents the central question of this doctoral thesis. To interpret this relationship the author approaches the issue by virtue of actual identity attributes of the selected ethnic groups, namely Slovak and Hungarian minorities living in Prague. The aim of the work is to define the relevance and unique representation of the spatial and cultural phenomenon in the context of existing relations, including determining the extent of observability this mutual connection. The hypothesis of this doctoral is to present culture as a spatially unbounded, and the phenomenon of space as a medium, which can influence the intensity of interest in relation to the own ethno-identifying components. The verification of this assumption author carries out within social and virtual space, on the basis of registered discourses. Discourses, sorted into thematic categories, represent the most common attributes of ethnicity and ethnic identity of the given target groups. The empirical part of this thesis contains the analysis and interpretation of the discourses, which are supported with the theory of articulation. More comprehensive definitions of applied theoretical approaches, together with terminology, research methods and ethics or netiquette, are situated in the...
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Kritická analýza jazykových ideologií v českém veřejném diskurzu / Critical Analysis of Language Ideologies in Czech Public DiscourseDufek, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with language ideologies in Czech public discourse. After introducing its topic, motivation and structure in the opening chapter, it devotes the second chapter to a thorough analysis of the research field of language ideologies. It presents various ways of defining them, two different approaches to them and a few key features which characterize language ideologies. The relation of language ideologies and other related notions is outlined, possibilities and ways of investigation are surveyed. Some remarks focus on existing lists or glossaries of language ideologies. The core of this chapter is an original, complex definition of language ideologies grounded in a critical reflection of approaches up to now. The third chapter summarizes relevant existing findings and on that basis, it formulates the main aim of the thesis - to make a contribution to knowledge on the foundations and ways of conceptualizing language in Czech public discourse. The fourth chapter elaborates the methodological frame of the thesis. Critical discourse analysis is chosen as a basis - its basics are summarized, main critical comments are considered and a partial solutions are proposed in use of corpus linguistics' tools. Another part of this chapter concerns with keyness as one of the dominant principles used...
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Reflexe vylučovací krize (1678-1683) v soudobé literatuře / The Reflection of the Exclusion Crisis (1678-1683) in Contemporary LiteratureHoblová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The Reflection of the Exclusion Crisis (1678-1683) in Contemporary Literature Kristýna Hoblová abstract This work of literary history analyses the reflection of the Exclusion Crisis (1678-1683) in contemporary literature across genres. It is based on the theory of the rise of the public sphere by Jürgen Habermas and on the theory of Michael McKeon, understanding the ideology of the late Stuarts as a last remnant of aristocratic ideology. The Exclusion Crisis is presented here as a period of unsettling negotiations between the declining Stuart ethos and the Whig ideology of the rising mercantile classes. The interpretation of chosen texts serves to discover creative transformations of the political discourse of the newly emerging political parties of Whigs and Tories, stressing the negotiations between genres, individual authors and political ideologies. The first chapter offers a brief overview of the socio-historical context, Habermas's theory of the rise of the public sphere and Michael McKeon's conception of aristocratic ideology. It also introduces the Tory political theory defending the Stuart divine right of kings on the basis of Robert Filmer's patriarchal household-state analogy and the Whig defence against absolutist tendencies of the Stuarts through asserting the priority of Law over the Royal...
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K Bedřichu Brenskemu a "jazyku zla": řeč nacistické totality jako charakterizační prostředek v Lustigově novele Modlitba pro Kateřinu Horovitzovou / Bedřich Brenske and "the language of evil": Nazi totalitarian discourse as means of characterization in Arnošt Lustig's novella A Prayer for Kateřina HorovitzováGráfová, Sarah Jane January 2017 (has links)
The present master's thesis undertakes to provide a comparative study of authentic and literary nazi discourse. It takes up the thread of research already carried out into the concept of original nazi language, projects existing observations on that phenomenon onto a work of Czech fine literature and examines the possibility of the drawing of parallels between authentic nazi discourse and its recreation in fiction. The method selected for the purpose is one of study and collation of the features and devices of original nazi language as described in existing linguistic and philological commentaries in parallel with a detailed analysis of the discourse of Bedřich Brenske, the prime nazi protagonist in Arnošt Lustig's novella A Prayer for Katerina Horovitzova (1964). The main focus throughout is on lexical and semantic aspects and their roles in the process of psychological manipulation; the analysis of the fictional text also casts light upon certain extralinguistic and paralinguistic aspects of Brenske's communication that are revealed to the reader through the narrator discourse. Consideration of Brenske's direct speech in the light of the original discourse of the Third Reich reveals a high degree of correspondence between the two, both on the fundamental level of linguistic features and in terms...
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Jak se stávám učitelem? Hledání profesní identity / How I am becoming a teacher? Searching for professional identityKrálíková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
How I am becoming a teacher? Searching for professional identity Is the development of a professional identity in students in the teacher training program at the PedF UK based on similar foundation as the professional identity of the students at the Detroit Teacher Program? How much is this professional identity influenced by the city and social situation in which those students are living and studying? Is the discourse that is used by both sides similar or different? A comparison of related narratives, concepts and metaphors will be done. What is the role attributed to art disciplines in the teacher training curriculum in both countries? A case study will explore all of these issues, and will be based on an analysis and reflecting on of videos which were created as part of the project, "How I Am Becoming a Teacher", as well as curriculum documents and other related documents. Key words Art, photography, visusal story, professional identity, teacher training, reflective practice, city, school, university faculty, artography
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Gender a média v éře postmodernity: Odkrývání genderových stereotypů v současném českém reklamním diskurzu / Gender and Media in the Age of Post-Modernity: Revealing Gender Stereotypes in the Contemporary Czech Advertising DiscourseOlbertová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
ENGLISH SUMMARY The main objective of this thesis was to provide a complex perspective on the mutual relationship of gender and media in the age of post-modernity with a special attention to the stereotypical gender portrayal presented to us by the contemporary Czech advertising discourse. We chose to demonstrate this problematics through the methods of semiotic analysis on the analytical sample of 5 advertisements (consisting of selected TV commercials) representing various aspects of stereotypical gender images appearing in the today's Czech advertising contents. We then subjected these selected advertisements to the analytical methods in pursuit of finding the answers to the questions related to the media image of men, women and our society that the stereotypical gender depictions contained in these advertisements help to construct. Although many of these advertisements appear to be openly sexist or even misogynic on the first sight, using the mechanisms of semiotic analysis we came to a rather opposite conclusion proposing the analyzed contents are rather pro-feminine tending toward an extensive masculine critique. This result, however, is based mainly on the mechanisms of oppositional reading of the subjected texts. On the other hand, it is presumable that the "average media consumer" not having access...
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