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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zákon o ochraně zdraví před škodlivými účinky návykových látek: vývoj narativu soupeřících rámců v mediálním diskurzu / Act on protection of health against harmful effects of addictive substances: Development of narative of competing frames in media discourse

Lipková, Simona January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the development of tobacco control legislation with the main focus on the Act on protection of health against harmful effects of addictive substances with accent on smoking regulation in restaurants. The main line of this thesis is to determine the competing rhetorical frameworks and the main actors representing the individual frameworks which they present on the level of arguments and then to compare the development of narrative over time. At this level, the thesis focuses on the analysis of the presented rhetorical frameworks with the aim of discussing possible specific attributes that facilitated the process of reframing opposition actors, namely using the rhetorical strategy of narrative attributes of storytelling, technical terms, imagery or comparison. These goals were achieved by using a qualitative analysis of media outcomes and by using public policy documents, legal standards and other relevant documents. Theoretical support for answering the set forth questions was a frame analysis, which was conceptualized on the field of public policy by Rein and Schön along with the theory of social construction of target population conceptualized by Schneider and Ingram. In this thesis, written under the auspices of the case study, four main competing frames were...

Vývoj diskurzu pravicového populismu v České republice / The development of the discourse of right-wing populism in the Czech Republic

Němcová, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
The thesis examines the development of right-wing populist discourse in the Czech Republic and aims to define the forms and possible changes in populist discourse with a special emphasis on argumentation, then to interpret the changes in a broader social and political context. The research focuses on three organizational incarnations of right-wing populism: Public Affairs, Dawn of Direct Democracy - Tomio Okamura and Freedom and Direct Democracy - Tomio Okamura. The research method is a discursive-historical approach, which draws on the analysis of topoi. An analysis of the programs of the two movements and the party showed that the right-wing populist discourse has shifted from the original themes that the Public Affairs party has raised. These are included in the other two movements, but each adds something extra. From the initial anti-elite attitudes, social chauvinism and emphasis on direct democracy in the case of Public Affairs to nationalism and the promotion of national pride in the case of the Dawn, to the harsh euroscepticism, Islamophobia and anti-immigration appeals in the case of the SPD. The topoi used in the VV program is primarily topos of abuse, but the Dawn, with its specific appeal to national awareness, also introduces topos of people or topos of advantage, and the SPD clearly...

Současná česká sexuologie a homosexualita / Contemporary Czech Sexology and Homosexuality

Mašková, Johana January 2012 (has links)
7 ABSTRACT This thesis focuses on a textual analysis of articles in the field of sexology, which were published in the Czech Republic after 1989. It will examine through both quantitative and qualitative methods, how authors of sexological articles defined the term homosexuality and worked with it, as well as explore their varying approaches to the topic depending on context. The thesis will ask whether the sexological discourse about homosexuality has changed after the fall of the communist regime, and if it has, in what ways. Keywords: AIDS/HIV, biologization, coming out, discourse, essentialization, gay, gender, heteronormativity, homosexuality, lesbian, medicalization, registered partnership, sexualization, sexology, stereotype, stigmatization, taboo, victimization

Nemoc si nevybírá - život s "depresí" / Disease is neutral - Life with "depression"

Vojtková, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is inspired by the theory of social construction of mental illness. The work is a case study that uses the metaphor of the story and narrative analysis of interviews examining the individual human experience with mental illness. My goal was to find out what makes us understand the disease and how this understanding can be used in a daily struggle with the disease. In the theoretical part, I drew from documented knowledge about mental illness, particularly for depressive disorder and schizophrenia simplex. Then I presented the narrative approach as a legitimate way of exploring understanding of lived experience. The practical part is implemented as a case study and through narrative analysis provides interesting insight into the way of understanding and coping with mental illness a person who has the expertise and also suffer from mental illness. Key words: mental illness, social construction, narrative, narrative approach, the dominant medical discourse, depression, schizophrenia simplex, stigma, coping strategies.

Management bilingvismu v situaci jazykového posunu: Diskurzy, problémy a krajina Běloruska / Bilingualism management in the situation of language shift: Discourses, problems and the landscape of Belarus

Sloboda, Marián January 2011 (has links)
Práce se věnuje managementu bilingvismu v situaci jazykového posunu, tj. tomu, jak se jednotlivci a organizace chovají vůči dvojjazyčnosti, jak s ní zacházejí, a to v situaci, kdy společnost přechází od užívání jednoho jazyka k jazyku jinému. Práce se konkrétně zaměřuje na vybrané, dosud méně zkoumané aspekty současné jazykové situace v Bělorusku. Analyzované aspekty zahrnují: 1) geosémiotiku a management jazykového posunu na nápisech ve veřejném prostoru, 2) management jazykových problémů se zaměřením na školství a 3) snahy o obrácený jazykový posun k běloruštině. Pozornost se přitom věnuje korespondencím mezi jazykovým managementem občanů a státních nebo jiných veřejných organizací. Cílem práce je přispět jak k lepšímu poznání jazykové situace v Bělorusku, tak k rozpracování některých sociolingvistických konceptů, jako je zejména jazykový posun a jazykový problém. Práce aplikuje teorii jazykového managementu jako obecný model jazykového posunu a jako instrument k diagnostikaci jazykových problémů. Při aplikaci teorie v uvedených kontextech se ukázalo jako užitečné rozšířit ji o koncept diskurzu a kolektivního jednání, které pomůžou konceptualizovat propojení mezi jednoduchým a organizovaným jazykovým managementem, respektive mezi mikrosociální a makrosociální rovinou. Klíčová slova bilingvismus,...

Podoby autorské funkce v kyberprostoru / The forms of author function in cyberspace

Jonáš, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
Task of this thesis is to analyse forms of autors functions in cyberspace. The term autor function commes from Michel Foucaults thesis based on historical and cultural determination of wiew on autorship. The theory is based on point of wiew that society see autor through his function in discours, in case this regularity function is in a discours present. It provides specific way of existence, circulation and effect of discours within society. The issue of cyberspace is that it established originaly new possibillities of spreading of data. This possibilities broke down a former fear felt by mass medias, which finaly decided to move to cyberpace, which was allowed by their digitalization. There are two ways how to use the cyberspace. First is mass medial way, second way is cybercultural. Those ways are contradictory. Each of those ways has its own cultural practises, on which is based form of author funcion. Biggiest difference between those forms is that the mass media takes this form as some kind of private property, on which is based their working. On the opposite is form of author funcion typical for cyberculture, which is property free. The difference of those forms of autor function is the main reason, why are these two ways of using cyberspace in constant conflict.

Politický diskurz neplodnosti v období 1989 - 2012 v České republice / Political discourse of infertility in the years 1989 - 2012 in the Czech Republic

Kostelecká, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes and analyses discourses that preceded the legislation changes regarding assisted reproduction in connection with setting an upper age limit for women who are undergoing assisted reproduction treatments in socialist system as well as in democratic system. This work defined discourses of both political systems compares with the accent on governmentality as a tool for population control. This analysis is valuable primarily because of describing principles of working the whole "system of assisted reproduction" and provides insight into the political discourse of infertility, respective on its part concerning the Czech legislation taking into account the phenomenon of reproductive tourism. No one from the topics - both the political discourse of infertility then the reproductive tourism have not had been in the Czech literature written up yet. The work shows the establishment of proper parenting standards in the political discourse through the topic of artificial insemination. Key words Infertility, assisted reproduction, reproductive tourism, discourse, frames, normality of motherhood, prekarization of infertility, governmentality, biopower, Michel Foucault

Žena a móda a ideologie: pronikání diskurzu komunistické moci skrze módní časopis / Zena a moda and ideology: The penetration of communistic power discourse through fashion magizines

Skočíková, Nikol January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the penetration of discourse of Communist power into the society through content of (women's) magazine Žena a móda within 50s and 60s. The aim of this thesis is to point out that the elements of communist ideology appeared also in media such as fashion magazine. First chapters of this thesis deal with socialism and its ideological propaganda and represent the importance of ideological symbols, propaganda and manipulation through the media. In connection with this the thesis represents also the political-economic situation in the textile and clothing industry and also uses the facts about the media control by the communist regime. On this basis the thesis presents an analysis of 240 issues of the Žena a móda magazine and focuses on selected ideological symbols such as socialist fashion, working clothes, relationship between the East and the West, ideological leaders and personalities, the Soviet Union as ideal, conceptualization of the "Great History" and the image of socialistic woman. The method of discourse analysis thus allowed to introduce the symbols in different historical and social contexts and also to point to their changes in time, specifically in the context of comparing their likeness in the 50s and 60s of 20th century. The content of Žena a móda magazine...

Nuda jako sociologický problém / Boredom as a sociological problem

Hochmuthová, Terézia January 2014 (has links)
Contemporary society perceives boredom largely as a normal part of everyday life. Nevertheless, academic discourse has not come to an agreement on its interpretation. The researchers differ on two main points: first, whether boredom is universal or historically developed phenomenon, and second, whether it is an individual or the external conditions, who is more responsible for the emergence of boredom. This paper reflects on these conceptual difficulties and attempts to elude them by suggesting an alternative, sociologically relevant approach. A new sociological concept of the phenomenon is introduced, based on Martin Heidegger's conceptualization of boredom. Boredom is thereby understood as a specific way, in which individual relates to his/her social environment and its objects. In order to avoid epistemological dilemmas resulting from an imbalanced account, which puts too much emphasis either on subject or its environment, the concept situates boredom's origin and actuation onto the level where subject and its environment meet. The theoretical part of the text is followed by an empirical one, which uses the concept to interpret a specific segment of tourism: organized holidays. This particular model, constructed and offered by travel agencies as a complex product, is understood here as an...

Lingvokulturní a pragmatická specifika cestovních blogů / Linguocultural and pragmatic features of travel blogs

Korshunova, Daria January 2021 (has links)
LINGUOCULTURALAND PRAGMATIC FEATURES OF TRAVEL BLOGS Autor práce: Korshunova Daria Školitel: Mgr. Ekaterina Rycheva, Ph.D. Annotation: Everyday communication on the Internet has become an integral part of life of a modern person. A blog is one of the relevant genres of Internet communication. It has some specific features, such as the complexity of form and content, interactivity, interaction of verbal and non-verbal components and pragmatic orientation. The investigation is devoted to the definition of linguocultural and pragmatic features of travel blogs. An analysis of the use of expressive means and cultural stereotypes in travel blogs in the comparative aspect (based on Russian and Czech blogs) is carried out. Key words: Internet, Internet-discourse, Internet communication, genre, blog, blogger, travel blog, blogosphere, expressive means, cultural stereotype.

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