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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza změny zahraniční politiky skrze politický diskurz. Případ postoje Francie k reformě Rady bezpečnosti OSN / Analysing Foreign Policy Change through Political Discourse. The Case of the Attitude of France towards the Reform of the United Nations Security Council

Kabáčová, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
The reform of the United Nations Security Council belongs among the most discussed topics in the field of international relations. The criticism calling for adjustments to the Council's structure arose with the transformation of the international scene during the years of the Cold War. The process of decolonisation and the subsequent growth of the UN membership along with the decline of Great Britain and France fuelled the international pressure calling for the UNSC to reflect this new situation in its composition. However, in spite of the great number of proposals, since 1963 there has not been any major change. France, a permanent member of the Security Council, continued maintaining its negative attitude towards the reform until the end of the Cold War. Nevertheless, shortly after the end of the Cold War, the position of France changed. This change was articulated through the speech of Alain Juppé at the plenary meeting of the General Assembly in 1993, where France openly supported the UNSC reform. It can therefore be said that in 1993 there was a great change in French foreign policy. This thesis analyses how this change is projected in political discourse. Its aim is examining the nature of argumentation in the abovementioned discourse along with the way it corresponds to the...

Politizace jazykové otázky v Ukrajině: diskurzivní konstrukce jazyka, nacionalismu a identity v ukrajinských médiích. / The politicization of the language issue in Ukraine: the discursive construction of the language, nationalism, and identity in Ukrainian media.

Hu, Qianrui January 2021 (has links)
Despite already thirty years after gaining independence, Ukraine is still having difficulties forming an integral and united national identity. The language issue in Ukraine is a vivid example of the problem Ukraine is confronting. Numerous efforts have been made with the aim to strengthen the role of the Ukrainian language, but the presence of the Russian language in Ukraine is still strong. Furthermore, the battle between these two languages often provokes huge public debates, and the debates do not revolve around the language use itself, but usually associate it with the wider debate of the Ukrainian common memory. Although much research has been devoted to analysing the narratives of relevant language laws, the discourses of Ukrainian politicians, or public opinions of the language issue and their links with people's political orientation, this thesis will focus on the discourses of media, an equally important site which represents and reproduces everyday nationalism. By adopting the methodology of critical discourse analysis, this work aims to uncover what are the common themes behind the everyday debate on the language issue in Ukrainian media and what are the typical mechanisms and strategies in the language use of media discourses to facilitate propagating their language ideologies. After a...

Exploring Contextual Information in Neural Machine Translation / Exploring Contextual Information in Neural Machine Translation

Jon, Josef January 2019 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá zapojením mezivětného kontextu v neuronovém strojovém překladu (NMT). Dnešní běžné NMT systémy překládají jednu zdrojovou větu na jednu cílovou větu, bez jakéhokoliv ohledu na okolní text. Tento přístup je nedostačující a neodpovídá způsobu práce lidských překladatelů. Pro mnoho jazykových párů je dnes za splnění určitých (přísných) podmínek výstup NMT nerozeznatelný od lidského překladu. Jedna z těchto podmínek je, že hodnotitelé skórují přeložené věty nezávisle, bez znalosti kontextu. Při hodnocení celých dokumentů je výstup NMT stále hodnocen hůře, než lidský překlad, i v případech, kdy byl na úrovni jednotlivých vět preferován. Tato zjištění jsou motivací pro výzkum zapojení kontextu na úrovni dokumentu v NMT, je totiž možné, že na úrovni vět již není mnoho prostoru ke zlepšení, alespoň pro jazykové páry a domény bohaté na trénovací data. Tato práce shrnuje současné přístupy zapojení kontextu do překladu, několik z nich je implementováno a vyhodnoceno v rámci obecné překladové kvality i na překladu specifických fenoménů souvisejících s kontextem. Pro zhodnocení kvality jednotlivých systému byla ručně vytvořena testovací sada pro překlad z anglického do českého jazyka.

Divný svět. Možnosti uplatnění tématu v pedagogické praxi / Courious World. Possibilities of application of the theme in pedagogic practise

Forman, Dominik January 2015 (has links)
Forman, D .: Curious World. Possibilities of applicatiom of the theme in pedagogic practise. [Diploma thesis] Prague 2015 - Charles University, Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts, 79 p. (Attachments 7 artistic realizations - oil paintings small and medium size) The thesis is based on a comprehensive comparsion of major interpretation avant-garde art and the modernist thinking, which determined crucially interpretation of the most important events in the art history of 20th century. This work brings together three major confrontations looks at the intentions of selected representatives of avant-garde art and focuses on problematic moment of "interruption" the progression of the avant-garde by socialist realism. Three positions are views of art theorists Clement Greenberg, Theodor Adorno and Boris Groys. Didactic part of this thesis is realized by art education series, which is inspidated by this topic. It focuses on understanding the most basic principles of geometric abstraction, constructivism and abstract expressionism by students. The artwork is also inspired by this topic, it contains the collection of oil paintings. Keywords: avant-garde, kitsch, socialist realism, interpretation of art, art discourse, comparsion, Greenberg, Groys, Adorno

Diskurzivní analýza mediální debaty "Sarrazin-Debatte": Analýza diskurzu o migraci v přesregionálních německých denících v roce 2010 / Discourse analysis of the "Sarrazin-Debatte": Analysis of the migration discourse in transregional daily newspaper in 2010

Schäffer, Adriana January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Discourse analysis of the "Sarrazin-Debatte": Analysis of the migration discourse in transregional daily newspaper in 2010"deals with the controversial "Sarrazin debate" and its impact on the migration discourse in 2010. After describing the process of the debate follows discourse analysis of four German transregional daily newspapers, which can be considered as representatives of a simple political spectrum from right to left wing. The goal of the analysis is to determine the thematic structure of the discourse and to define patterns of interpretation and statement of integration an immigrants.

Rétorika dobra: Vybrané problémy symbolické komunikace / The rhetoric of goodness: Selected problems of symbolic communication

Abrahamyan, Marianna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the rhetoric of Ku Klux Klan social movement. One of the goals of the work is to analyze through content analysis the codes that construct the categories of good and evil in the Ku Klux Klan movement. The second goal is to use the technique of critical discourse analysis to reveal the hidden power relations and ideologies that are found in the discourse of the movement. The theoretical part deals with the concept of social movement and the role of symbolic communication in it. It also deals with the concept of code and discourse. The chapter about discourse deals primarily with racism and the denial of racism in discourse. The thesis also concentrates on the theme of rhetoric, its development, rhetorical means and a view of rhetoric by Kenneth Burke. Further, the text deals with the context of Ku Klux Klan's birth and development. The last chapter of the theoretical part is describing the methodology that is afterwards applied to the examined documents.

"Odívání socialistického těla: Expertní výzkum konfekce a státní somatometrické politiky v ČSR v letech 1948-1953" / Sizing issues and anthropometric studies in mass-production of clothing in Czechoslovakia (1948-1953)

Foglová, Alena January 2019 (has links)
The construction of the Czechoslovakian socialist state was accompanied by numerous social projects, through which the communist dictatorship strived to influence even the most ordinary aspects of everyday lives of its citizens. The mass production of the off-the-peg clothes, which was subject to the state scientific research, was characteristic of the clothing industry after the year 1948. As a result, extensive somatometric projects were run on the Czechoslovakian territory (ADAGO, GOLIÁŠ, DEKOLT I-III). Their purpose was to map the population sizes, create a unified clothes size scale and develop a new methodology for cut structure. Simultaneously with this research, discussions about the ideal fashion canon, which would reflect the socialist ideology, also took place. The thesis analyses the clothing expert discourse of the period in a broader context and takes into account its informative value with regard to the period's conceptions of clothing, corporality, and fashion. Key words socialist dictatorship, socialist ideology, clothing industry, off-the-peg clothes, somatometry, clothing research, anthropometry, expert discourse

Kontroverze obrazu ve veřejném prostoru na příkladu Lennonovy zdi v Praze (V perspektivě distribuce moci, destrukce a komunikace) / Controversy of visual image in public space on an example of Lennon's Wall in Prague (From the perspective of power distribution, destruction and communication)

Kotrlá, Jitka January 2019 (has links)
The following diploma thesis deals with image destruction in the public space, specifically focuses on its selected fragments, which can be considered as communication messages. The work provides a synchronous and diachronic analysis of the subject of the research as well as the transformation of its statuses, thus concentrating on the acquisition, transformation and extinction of the symbolic meanings of the object within the cultural- historical complex. The pattern of destruction of the image in the public space is chosen as Lennon's Wall in Prague, whose constant visual and meaningful transformation is taking place today - against the backdrop of the historical, power and cultural context. The theoretical basis is based on the analysis of change based on the concept of "discourse" and "discourse formation" by Michel Foucault, as well as on the anchoring of methodology in CDA Norman Fairclough and DHA Ruth Wodak. Keywords Visual Image in Public Space, Lennon's Wall, Linking, Discourse, Destruction, Communication, Power.

Domácí terorismus v Evropské unii: Politický diskurz ve Francii, Spojeném království a na Slovensku / Homegrown Terrorism in the European Union: Political Discourses of France, the United Kingdom and Slovakia

Hruboňová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of homegrown Islamist terrorism in the European Union. The target of this research is to provide an interpretation of the homegrown terrorism in the political discourse of the EU as an entity and selected member states - France, the United Kingdom and Slovakia. Building on assumptions of social constructivism and securitisation theory, the thesis explores the patterns in the discourses during the years 2015 - 2018 and seeks to identify potential similarities and differences in the political discourses of respective countries. While studying the changes in the discourse, the thesis analyses how the issue of homegrown terrorism has been securitised, thus how the narratives of political authorities shape perception of the homegrown terrorism as a major threat for Europe. In order to organise the arguments in a more objective manner, the research uses a qualitative method of thematic analysis. Our findings suggest that themes which are of general concern in all the discourses are, among others, prevention of terrorism and radicalisation, the significant role of the internet in spreading Islamist propaganda and the problem of returning foreign fighters However, some themes were identified as state-specific, such as highlighting the homegrown nature of current terrorism...

Národní zájem? Analýza sekuritizační strategie české bezpečnostní politiky v rámci boje proti terorismu / National interest? Analysis of the securitization strategy of the Czech security policy in counterterrorism

Hvězda, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The analysis of security policy, in its variations, regularly deals with the question of what each actor wants to promote in domestic or international politics, in other words, what is his interest. The term "national interest" is not an abstract category and a rhetorical turn legitimizing government action in front of the public audience or in dispute with political opposition. One of the aims of the presented thesis is to present the concept of national interest as a useful tool enabling closer research of domestic policy within the security context. Our main thematic focus, in which we examine the constitution of national interest, is the Czech counterterrorism policy in the context of the reaction of the Czech government and security forces to the terrorist attacks in Paris in autumn 2015 and in Brussels in March of the following year. An extraordinary measure after the attacks in Brussels in the form of the deployment of the Czech Army performing police tasks in mixed patrols in three Czech cities is for us a key manifestation of counterterrorism policy. This constitution of the security policy, we are further investigating. The main motivation is to explain the reasons why the mentioned security measure took place, which has no analogs in the history of the Czech Republic. We conclude that...

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