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Ekokritická analýza korporátního diskurzu o životním prostředí / Ecocritical discourse analysis of corporate environmental reportsNovák, Vladimír January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates corporate environmental discourse by focusing on the language of corporate environmental reports. It seeks to find out more about how corporations talk about environmental problems and how they position themselves in relation to these. The theoretical underpinning draws from ecolinguistics, specifically ecocritical discourse analysis, which critically evaluates discourses on the environment. Environmental reports published by the company Toyota are analysed through corpus linguistic techniques which help to identify the salient concepts and then further scrutinize their textual environment to uncover the dominant discourse patterns. The analysis reveals that the aim of the reports is portray Toyota as a company which actively protects the environment, which confirms the PR nature of the reports. As a result, negative information or data are downplayed and the company distances itself from these by obliterating its role (through devices such as nominalisation, passive voice or intransitive verbs). Ecological problems as such are addressed rarely and serve more as a background for the company to improve its public image. If they occur in the reports, the link between the problems and human activity is not explicitly stated. The ecological problems are also discussed as...
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Pragmalingvistická analýza českého a francouzského komentáře / The Pragmalinguistic analysis of Czech and French commentaryKlabíková Rábová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
In the center of interest of this dissertation called The Pragmalinguistic analysis of Czech and French commentary lies in the qualitative methodological approach to a specific media communication form - a printed commentary. The dissertation has several objectives: firstly, it describes the methodological tools used in the francophone analysis of discourse which are consequently used to construct the author's own system as a basis for the analysis. The author has chosen the tools which create language subjectivity and manifestation of the author in the text which are in francophone areas traditionally called as a complex of "énonciation": discourse/history (É. Benveniste), "théorie des blocs sémantiques", polyphony and intertextuality, metaphors, modalisators, deictics, connectors. In the second part of the dissertation, the author uses the theoretical basis built in the first part and applies it to create her own analysis, comparison and final evaluation of two journalistic texts - one from Le Monde and the other one from Hospodářské noviny. The detailed analysis of the texts brings very interesting findings about the different character and construction of the Czech and French commentaries and at the same time, about the different coverage of Czech and French presidency of the Council of the European...
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Filmové festivaly ve vztahu k okrajovým částem kinematografie. / Film festivals in relation to the margins of cinemaSlováková, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
Disertační práce Filmové festivaly ve vztahu k okrajovým částem kinematografie 2016 PhDr. Andrea Slováková Abstrakt Disertační práce Filmové festivaly ve vztahu k okrajovým částem kinematografie se soustředí na prezentaci především experimentálních filmů na filmových festivalech. Práce analyzuje především specializované přehlídky experimentálního filmu, uvádí historický exkurz do prezentace filmové avantgardy ve vztahu k fenoménu filmových festivalů. Metodologicky však vychází z přístupu interdisciplinárně propůjčeného z politických věd, diskurzivního nového institucionalismu, který adaptuje do pole festivalových studií. Zkoumá, jak se diskurzivní moc uvnitř festivalové organizace utváří a posiluje, a také k čemu slouží. Zavádí koncepty zastřené a průzračné diskurzivní vrstvy, mezi nimiž je argumentační vrstva, která mnohdy obsahuje i argumentační fikce. Část diskurzivního působení, resp. moci festivalové organizace slouží k jejímu ovlivňování kulturního pole, značná část však slouží zachování samotné organizace. Zkoumá, které části organizace jsou klíčovými uzly ve smyslu produkce diskurzivní moci. Na diskurzivní moc festivalů prezentujících experimentální film se dívá z hlediska procesů a struktury uvnitř organizace.
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Dynamika jazykových prostředků v současných masových médiích / Dynamics of Language Expression in Contemporary Mass MediaHunalová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis called "Language Innovations in Mass Media" is to identify and compare language innovations in articles produced by major printed mass medium with language innovations in news programme broadcasted by public TV channel. Thesis aims to describe actual trends of language innovations, specifically lexical and word-building process. Overall, author analysed language of 17,723 reports and 1,174 articles from TV programme Události (produced by Česká televize and broadcasted daily at 7pm) and front pages of daily newspaper (MF DNES) from one-year period. Author detects similar patterns in terms of language innovations in both sources, however, the realization of the innovations is different.
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Humor v písňových textech českých folkových písničkářů / Humor in the songs of Czech folk songwritersSimota, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the study of the specific position of the discourses of humor in song lyrics of Czech folk music. In the introductory part, conceptual and methodological frameworks are defined for individual phenomena, which in the following part, through comprehensive perception provide their basis for narrative and literary research. In the final part of the diploma thesis this research is focused on selected practical examples of humorous narrative in the folk song, which will provide a contribution to the issue of ideal-typical concept of Czech national character.
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Vyjadřování interpersonální funkce v anglických univerzitních přednáškách z oblasti humanitních a společenských věd / Interpersonal metadiscourse in English university lectures from Arts and Humanities and Social SciencesKlapalová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
(in English): The diploma thesis explores the means of expressing interpersonal function (metadiscourse) in English academic lectures. This function includes means mitigating the proposition of authors (hedges), expressions boosting its credibility (booster), instances reflecting attitude of the author (attitude markers) and means referring to both, the author himself (self-mentions) and the audience (engagement markers). For the purpose of the analysis, the integrative approach of Ken Hyland was chosen. It explores interpersonal resources as well as interactive resources in written academic discourse. Means organizing text into an intelligible and comprehensible unit will be also studied. The excerpted instances of metadiscourse were examined with respect to their function and realization form. In a case of realization forms, we expected to find means expressing modality (modal verbs, adverbs, adjectives), evaluative adjectives and adverbs, conjunctions and an array of personal pronouns referring to the participants of lectures. The findings showed surprising deviations in the categories of boosters, extended frame markers and attitude markers. Remaining categories, despite the different mode of the data (spoken academic language) corresponded with Hyland's findings from written academic discourse.
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Aspekty genderu v románu Eva Carry van Bruggenové / Gender Aspects in the Novel Eva by Carry van BruggenJankovská, Marie January 2016 (has links)
in English This thesis focuses on the construct of gender in the modernist novel Eva by the Dutch authoress Carry van Bruggen in relation to the individual human subject. The goal of this thesis is to analyse how is gender constructed in the book and how this construct influences the psychic development and decision making of the main character, a woman named Eva. The answer to the main research question What role does the construct of gender play in the life of the main character of the novel Eva? was reached with the help of the discourse analysis, namely the post-structuralist discourse analysis using the deconstructive reading. The thesis is at the same time theoretically anchored in the post-structuralist feminist literary criticism. The theoretical part therefore draws on the ideas of Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Judith Baxter and Judith Butler. As an inspiration for the discourse analysis itself served the discourse analysis dealing with the gender identity that was carried out by Kateřina Zábrodská in 2009. The first step in the analysis stage was to identify the relevant passages of the novel that inform what does it mean to be a man or a woman. The comments on these passages focus on the individual claims about gender, they formulate what kind of duties and limits these discourses...
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Veřejná prostranství: Případová studie Staroměstského náměstí v Praze / Public space: Case study Old Town Square in PragueMlčochová, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to examine how local citizens and the expert community perceive the current status of the Old Town Square in Prague. At present, the attention is very often turned to the possible completion of the Old Town Hall and the overall physical arrangement of the area. Thesis will be based both on the study of historical and present documents. Initially, the focus will be on determining the current situation and use of the square, later on we will discuss the completion of the Old Town Hall and comprehensively the use of area as such. Based on interviews with residents I will evaluate the satisfaction of local citizens with the current purpose of this place, what is their use of the square and what local people think about the completion of the Old Town Hall and other objects situated on the square.
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Feminismus v českém mediálním diskurzu: případová studie / Feminism in Czech media discourse: a case studyKindlová, Šárka January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the critical discourse analysis (CDA) of the media texts concerning the abolition of the Women's Scenes Photographic Exhibition: Scenes in the Library within the framework of the Week of Science and Technology Week of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to map out linguistic and narrative strategies aimed at achieving communication success and dominance within the discourse of the event. During the elaboration of the theme, a corpus was created, containing 61 texts published in printed media, Internet media, radio and television news coverage during October 2015 to January 2016. The analysis criticizes Ruth Wodak's qualitative discourse- historical method (DHA) for central themes, concepts, social Actors and stereotypes, and these findings are confronted with the relevant socio-historical context of the development of the women's movement in the world and Czech context, the education of women and their position in society.
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Vybrané aspekty referování o migrační vlně ve zpravodajských relacích České televize a TV Prima / Aspects of reporting on migration crisis in news programmes of Czech Television and TV PrimaBartošová, Linda January 2017 (has links)
The object of this diploma thesis is to cover and describe main selected aspects of reporting on refugee crisis in two key czech news programmes - in Zprávy FTV Prima and in Události ČT. Within the confines of one randomly chosen week in six months at the turn of the year 2016 and 2017 the author uses the quantitative method of analysis (with some elements of qualitative research) to describe in detail the discours chosen by these two powerful media institutions to inform the recipients. This work concentrates on most frequent topics, on their framing, on the linguistic and semantics codes etc. The initial part of the thesis offers insight into theoretical knowledge about this topic - history of migration in Czech territory, selected theoretical concepts and last but not least - the context, facts about the number og migrants living in CZ and EU also. The conclusions may serve as a basis for other analysis concerning this highly topical and very complex issue. The author perceives this subject as one of the most important event of late, which in addition strongly resonates with social and public life. It was in this very recent exodus that exposed how significant may the attitude of media be for shaping the public opinion and the strongest ones seem to be those who can connect both persuasive...
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