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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A process to assist technology investment decisions in construction - a case study on labour productivity

Kriel, Jean-Jacques 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Worldwide the civil construction industry is one of the biggest and most influential industries but has proven to be lacking in the development of technology-aided construction. In contrast, the automotive manufacturing industry is very reliant on the use of highly advanced technology. Literature showed that specific focus is being put on increased technology investments and development of infrastructure in South Africa in order to solve various problems in the country. In light of these realisations, the objective of this research study was to establish a process that can be used to assist technological investments that solve areas of concern in the construction industry. The research was conducted by following a procedure of identifying problematic areas in construction, scrutinising the biggest problem to identify its key elements and finally selecting a decision support model to select technological solutions. The research sequence therefore established the steps of a process that can assist technological investment decisions that solve areas of concern in the construction industry. The first step of this process necessitated the identification of the most influential area of concern in South African construction. A series of interviews and surveys with experienced senior managers in different divisions of the South African civil construction industry showed that the low productivity of labourers is the most influential area of concern in terms of impact on construction projects. Consequently, labour productivity was scrutinised as part of the second step of the process. It was found that there are different methods to measure productivity and that factors influencing labour productivity can be grouped into managerial practices, labour effectiveness and material timeliness. The scrutiny, together with the productivity improvement system and lessons learned from other industries, gave input to the third step of the process, viz. to identify technological solution alternatives for the area of concern. Wireless technology and visual analysis were identified as two groups of technology that could improve labour productivity. The final step of the process evaluated the effects the different solution alternatives could have on a company and a tailored set of criteria together with a fuzzy multi-criteria decision model was proposed for use in this step. The research study identified that there are generic areas of concern in construction and that technology can be used to improve problem solving processes in companies. Furthermore, a generic and flexible four step process was formulated that can incorporate multiple criteria, stakeholders’ opinions, business strategy and the necessary benefits the problem requires in one evaluation model. This process was found to be able to assist technological investment decisions in the construction industry specifically to eliminate or improve on existing areas of concern. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die siviele konstruksiebedryf is een van die grootste en mees invloedryke industrieë wêreldwyd, maar is bewys om agter te wees in terme van ontwikkeling in tegnologie-gesteunde konstruksie. In teenstelling hiermee is die motor-industrie afhanklik van die gebruik van hoogs-gevorderde tegnologieë. Literatuur het getoon dat daar spesifiek gefokus word op die investering in tegnologie- en infrastruktuurontwikkeling in Suid Afrika sodat bestaande probleme in die land opgelos kan word. In die lig van hierdie bevindinge, is die doel van hierdie studie om ‘n proses te vestig wat kan help om besluite rakende tegnologiebeleggings te vergemaklik sodat probleem areas in die konstruksie industrie met dié beleggings opgelos kan word. Die eerste stap van die navorsingsprosedure was om probleem areas in die konstruksie industrie te identifiseer en daarna is die probleem met die grootste impak op konstruksie projekte in diepte ontleed om die eienskappe daarvan te bepaal. Laastens is ‘n besluitnemings model gekies sodat tegnologiese beleggings geëvalueer en gekies kan word. Die navorsingsprosedure het daarom die struktuur gegee om ‘n proses te vestig wat gebruik kan word om besluite oor tegnologiese beleggings te vergemaklik om sodoende probleme in die konstruksie industrie op te los. Die eerste stap in hierdie proses het vereis dat die probleem met die grootste impak op konstruksie projekte in die Suid-Afrikaanse konstruksie industrie geïdentifiseer moes word. Na afloop van ‘n reeks onderhoude en opnames met ervare senior bestuurders in verskeie afdelings van siviele konstruksie, is gevind dat lae arbeidsproduktiwiteit die mees invloedryke probleem area is. Lae produktiwiteit van arbeid is om hierdie rede in diepte ontleed as deel van die tweede stap in die proses. Daar is gevind dat daar verskillende maniere is waarop produktiwiteit gemeet kan word en dat faktore wat produktiwiteit beïnvloed gekategoriseer kan word in bestuur praktyke, arbeid effektiwiteit en stiptelikheid van materiaal. Die ontleding, tesame met die produktiwiteitsverbeteringstelsel en lesse wat geleer is in ander bedrywe, het gelei tot die derde stap van die proses, naamlik die identifisering van tegnologiese oplossings-alternatiewe. Draadloostegnologie (“wireless technology”) en visuele analise is geïdentifiseer as twee groepe van tegnologie wat die produktiwiteit van arbeid kan aanspreek. Die finale stap van die proses het gebruik gemaak van ‘n stel kriteria en ‘n ‘fuzzy multi-criteria’ besluitnemingsmodel om die verskillende tegnologie alternatiewe te evalueer. Hierdie navorsingstudie het daarin geslaag om te identifiseer dat daar generiese probleem areas in die konstruksiebedryf is en dat tegnologie gebruik kan word om probleme op te los en om dienooreenkomstig siklusse in maatskappye te verbeter. Verder is 'n generiese en buigsame vier-stap proses geformuleer wat verskeie kriteria, opinies van belanghebbendes, korporatiewe strategieë en die nodige voordele om die probleem op te los, alles in een evalueringsmodel inkorporeer. Hierdie proses is bewys om te kan help om tegnologiese beleggings in die konstruksiebedryf te vergemaklik om sodoende reeds-bestaande probleme op te los.

An approach to multi-objective life cycle cost optimization of wind turbine tower structures

Horsthemke, Hagen Wolfgang 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Support tower structures of Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) are major cost items and by means of integrated design and optimization, the Life-Cycle Cost (LCC) can be reduced substantially. In this thesis, Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWTs) tower structures are investigated by means of a technique or tool that can bene t in decision making related situations to reduce the LCC of such WECS support towers from inception to disposal. Often, during the conceptual design phase a certain level of uncertainty or fuzziness exists and plays a role. The central focus in this project is on lattice type towers; however an account on tapered, tubular monopole towers is given as well. The problem is identi ed to be of a multi-objective nature, where a variety of criteria or objectives that are identi ed play a role in the possible reduction of the total LCC of the structure. The study also entails the delineation and discussion of the factors and components that a ect the LCC of a steel structure. The decision maker has control over only a few of these factors and components as identi ed, and these can be formulated by means of an objective to be minimized (or maximized in several other cases). Some of the objectives are incommensurable and others are commensurable with each other. In other words, several of these objectives either `compete' or don't `compete' against each other, respectively. The investigation resulted in the development of a multi-objective LCC optimization using the λ-formulation (or min-max formulation) as the objective aggregating approach for the four objectives identi ed (varied during analysis for sensitivity checks). The objectives are user-de ned in terms of membership functions that grade the degree of membership from total acceptance to total rejection by means of boundary values. This formulation is Non-Pareto based and the decision maker obtains the best trade-o or best compromise solution. The detailed discussion around these objectives is included in the literature study. The objectives in the multi-objective study are weight, cost, perimeter and nodal deflections, and a weighting of the objectives is possible but this is excluded from this study. A Genetic Algorithm (GA), coded in MATLAB, is implemented as the optimization tool or technique. The algorithm uses a quadratic penalty function approach and a natively written Finite Element Analysis (FEA) tool is used for the response model in the tness evaluation process, where the performance for stability, capacity and overall deflections of an individual in the population is quanti ed. A GA has the advantage that it operates on an entire population of individuals using basic principles such as genetics, crossover, mutation, selection and survival of the ttest from biology and Darwinian principles. GAs are very robust and e ective global search methods that can be applied to most elds of study. GAs have previously been e ectively applied in structural, single objective optimization (structural weight) problems. The GA is adopted and modi ed and veri ed with results on academic problems obtained from literature. Satisfactory performance was observed, although room for improvement is identi ed. A case study on a full scale model is performed, using circular hollow sections and equal leg angle sections. These are commonly used steel profi les for lattice type towers. The results obtained are as expected. The structural mass was used as a measure to compare the results. A heavier structure is obtained using the equal leg angle sections compared to the CHS structure with a di fference of up to 20% in weight. The best compromise solutions are feasible and near optimal, given the conditions of the equally weighted objectives in this study. The membership function defi nition and boundary value determination still remains a key issue when using fuzzy logic to incorporate the preference information of the decision maker. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Toringstrukture van windturbines is belangrike kostekomponente van `n windkragopwekking stelsel. Deur middel van geï ntegreerde ontwerp en optimalisering kan die lewensikluskoste aansienlik verminder word. In hierdie tesis word horisontale-as windturbinetoringstrukture ondersoek. Deur middel van `n tegniek of hulpmiddel wat kan baat vind by besluitneming situasies, word die lewensiklus-koste van sodanige windturbine ondersteuning torings vanaf voorgebruik-fase tot lewenseinde-fase verminder. Dikwels, tydens die konseptuele ontwerp-fase, speel `n sekere vlak van onsekerheid of verwarring ook `n rol. Die sentrale fokus in hierdie projek is op staal vakwerk tipe torings gelê. `n Vereenvoudigde ontleeding van buisvormige torings is ook benader. Die probleem is van multikriteria aard, waar `n verskeidenheid van kriterie of doelwitte ge denti seer was. Hulle speel `n rol in die moontlike vermindering van die totale lewensiklus-koste van die struktuur. Die studie behels ook die bespreking en afbakening van die faktore en komponente wat die lewensiklus-koste van 'n staal struktuur bepaal. Die besluitnemer het slegs beheer oor sekere van hierdie faktore en komponente, en hierdie word deur middel van `n saamgevoegde doel-funksie gede neer wat dan geminimeer word. Sommige van die doelfunksies kompeteer met mekaar en sommige kompeteer nie met mekaar nie. Die ondersoek het gelei tot die ontwikkeling van `n multikriteria lewensiklus-koste optimalisering met behulp van die λ-formulering (of min-max formulering). Hierdie is `n tegniek wat die kriterie in vorm van `n verteenwoordigende doel-funksie saamvoeg. Daar is vier doelwitte wat geï denti seer was. Die gebruiker de nieer spesiale, lineêre doel-funksies wat van totale aanvaarding tot totale verwerping streek. Dit word deur middel van randwaardes gedoen. Hierdie formulering is nie Pareto gebaseer nie, en die besluitnemer verkry die `best trade-off ' of die beste kompromis oplossing. Die detailleerde bespreking rondom hierdie doelwitte is in die literatuurstudie ingesluit. Die doelwitte wat in die multikriteria studie gebruik word is gewig, koste, omtrek van die snitpro el en strukturêle defleksie. `n Gewig kan aan elke kriterium toegeken word, maar dit word van hierdie studie uitgesluit. `n Genetiese algoritme (GA), geï mplementeer in MATLAB, word as die optimalisering instrument en tegniek gebruik. Die algoritme gebruik `n kwadratiese `straf-funksie' en `n MATLAB Eindige Element Analise (EEA) word gebruik vir die gedragsmodel in die `fi ksheid' evalueringsproses. Die prestasie vir stabiliteit, kapasiteit en algehele verlegging van `n individu in die GA bevolking word daardeur gekwanti seer. `n GA het die voordeel, dat dit met `n hele bevolking van individue werk. Dit is gebaseer op beginsels van genetika en Darwin se beginsels. GAs is baie stabiel en ook e ektiewe globale soek metodes wat van toepassing in verskillende studierigtings is. GAs is al e ektief toegepas in strukturêle optimalisering (veral strukturêle gewig optimalisiering). Die GA in hierdie studie was aangepas en die gedrag en prestasie is bevestig met resultate van akademiese probleme uit die literatuur. Bevredigende prestasie is waargeneem, maar ruimte vir verbetering is ook geï denti seer. `n Gevallestudie oor `n grootskaal model is uitgevoer, en die gebruik van ronde holpro ele en gelykbenige hoekpro ele is uitgevoer. Dit is algemeen gebruikte staalpro ele vir vakwerk tipe torings. Die resultate wat verkry is, is soos verwag. Die strukturêle massa is gebruik as `n maatstaf om die resultate te vergelyk. `n Swaarder struktuur is die resultaat wanneer gelykbenige hoekpro ele gebruik word in vergelyking met die ronde holpro el struktuur. `n Verskil tot 20% in gewig is waargeneem. Die beste kompromis oplossing is haalbaar en naby-optimaal, gegewe die omstandighede van die gelyk geweegde doelfunksies in hierdie studie. Die doel-funksie de nisie, die voorkeur van die besluitnemer en die bepaling van die randwaardes bly steeds `n belangrike kwessie by die gebruik van hierdie benadering.

Trends in back-calculated stiffness of in-situ recycled and stabilised road pavement materials

Lynch, Alan Gerald 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Two common methods of road pavement, granular material stabilisation used in road construction throughout South Africa today include Cold in Place Recycling (CIPR) and stabilisation with cement or bitumen and an active filler to create Bitumen Stabilised Materials (BSM). As part of the updating of the South African Pavement Design Method (SAPDM) an experimental section, investigating the structural capacity of cement and lime stabilised and BSM pavement layers, was constructed and will be monitored over a two year period. As part of this study Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) measurements were taken on the various experimental stabilised pavement layers constructed. The FWD deflection data, measured at various time intervals over a 360 day period, forms the basis of the study presented here. The objective of this thesis was to identify typical back-calculated layer stiffnesses and their variability over time for the various in-situ recycled and stabilised base layers constructed within the experimental section. Stabiliser type, content and layer thicknesses were varied across experimental sub-sections. Trends in back-calculated stiffness of cement stabilised base layers consistently showed significant reductions in layer stiffness subsequent to construction traffic loading. Subsequent to the initial reduction in stiffness little change in stiffness was noted under normal traffic loads. Observations on the trends in back-calculated stabilised layer stiffness per material type over time indicated that seasonal moisture and temperature fluctuations have an effect on the stiffness of the pavement structure as a whole. BSM materials showed significant variability over time in-line with seasonal variability in the supporting subgrade stiffness in the southbound lane. BSM materials with 1% cement added in the northbound lane show initial stiffness reductions due to direct rainfall application however a significant increase in layer stiffness occurs up to 360 days after construction. BSMs with 2% cement in the northbound lane show significant increases in layer stiffness over the 360 day observation period. No significant difference in stiffness trend was observed between BSM emulsion a BSM foam materials. The BSM emulsion with 0.9% residual bitumen and 1% cement was observed to show rapid reduction in stiffness upon opening to traffic and reverting to stiffness values similar to an unbound material of approximately 350 MPa. Cement and lime stabilised materials showed typical post 28 –day average stiffnesses per sub-section ranging between 600 MPa and 1800 MPa. BSM foam with 1% cement added were observed to have average stiffnesses per sub-section in the range of 400MPa to 2200 MPa and BSM emulsion with 1% cement with stiffnesses between 400 MPa to 1700 MPa over the 360 day period. BSMs with 2% cement added showed stiffness ranges between 900 MPa to 4300 MPa for BSM foam and 900 MPa to 3900 MPa for BSM emulsions over the 360 day period. The spatial variability of back-calculated stiffness per sub-section of a particular stabilisation design was significant and was observed, through the Co-efficient of Variation (COV), to increase over time. The effect of the observed variability when incorporated into a pavement design scenario, requiring a design reliability of 90%, showed 50% of the pavement structure would be overdesigned by a factor of 4. With respect to the current philosophies on the development of stiffness over time of cement and lime stabilised and BSM pavement layers some useful observations were made. Cement stabilised materials correlate well with stiffness development theories predicted by previous studies. Theories relating to the stiffness development of BSMs however did not predict the levels of variability in base layer stiffness observed on the experimental section. The continued observation of the experimental section for another year will give greater insight to the stiffness trends of the stabilised materials discussed above.

Material characterisation and response modelling of recycled concrete and masonry in pavements

Barisanga, Fabrice 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The global quest for sustainability has intensified the requirement for waste recycling in a number of countries. Waste recycle includes Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW), which emanates from the demolition of buildings and other civil engineering structures. In Europe, the United States, China, and Australia, waste recycling has proven to be successful, both structurally and functionally. In particular, the consideration and /or use of CDW in pavement layers remain on the increase. However, in Southern Africa the use and/or application of CDW and its allied practice is limited; the abundant natural aggregates, the lack of knowledge and technical expertise besides the availability of suitable CDW remain the prominent reasons for its limited consideration. In this research, recycled material infers to Construction and Demolition Waste pertaining to Recycled Concrete and Masonry (RCM). The quality and the type of RCM vary from region to region and as a result, quality control measures aimed at limiting the inconsistency are usually required. Results revealed that secondary crushing influences the physical and mechanical behaviour of RCM aggregates; this information remains insightful in terms of material gradation, performance and viability. The compaction protocol followed and its findings revealed that the initial material grading lightly changed after compaction. However, the 10% FACT results showed that the RCM aggregates exhibit less degradation due to crushing when dry than when they are wet. It is eminent that compaction and/or densification are a cheaper method to improve the pavement layer structural capacity. However, this is reliant on material characteristics, quality, and type. With this cognisance, an experimental program in line with RCM aimed at assessing the mechanical behaviour was developed. The experimental variables include mix composition, mixing and compaction moisture as well as degree of compaction and/or compactive effort. In general, the laboratory evaluation and analysis of the results showed that the mix composition in addition to compaction moisture and the degree of compaction were influential to the obtained shear strength, resilient modulus and Poisson Ratio. Particularly, mix composition exhibited relatively higher influence on the resilient modulus while the compaction moisture effect on the Poisson Ratio dominated other investigated variables such as mix composition and the degree of compaction. Shear strength and resilient response results show that RCM exhibits significant shear strength due to its cohesion, and satisfactory resilient modulus. Pavement analysis and design using multi-layer linear-elastic model and transfer functions in pavement layers where RCM is used also revealed that this material could perform satisfactorily. It was deduced that RCM is a viable material type to consider in the construction of pavement layers that carry low to moderate levels of traffic. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die globale beweging na meer onderhoubare aktiwiteite het gelei tot die ʼn toename in vereistes met betrekking tot herwinning van rommel. Rommelherwinning sluit materiaal van bouwerke en ander siviele strukture in. In Europa, Amerika, China en Australië het die herwinning van afval materiaal tot groot sukses gelei. Spesifiek die gebruik van geselekteerde bourommel in padlae bleik om toe te neem. In Suid -Afrika word die materiaal net in enkele geïsoleerde gevalle gebruik as gevolg van die onderbreking van tegniese kennis met betrekking tot die toeganklikheid en bruikbaarheid van die materiaal. Ook, tans geniet die gebruik van gebreekte klip voorrang omdat die verbruiker glo dat daar nog baie van hierdie materiaal beskikbaar is. In hierdie navorsing verwys bourommel spesifiek na herwinde beton en boustene. Die “kwaliteit” van boustene in verskillende gebiede varieer en as ‘n gevolg moet kwaliteitskontroles toegepas word om hierdie te beperk. Resultate in diè navorsing het gewys dat sekondêre klipbreking/vergruising die fisiese en meganiese gedrag van “bourommel aggregaat” beïnvloed. Die 10% FACT (Fynstof Aggregaat Breekwaarde) resultate het ook gewys dat geselekteerde bourommel minder degradasie ondervind as dit droog is in vergelyking met nat materiaal. Goeie kompaksie van die tipe materiale word erken as een van die goedkoopste maniere om die gedrag daarvan in plaveisellae te verbeter. Dit is wel afhanklik van materiaal karakteristieke, kwaliteit en tipe materiaal. Hierdie faktore is ingesluit in die eksperimentele plan wat eienskappe soos mengsel komposisie, meng en kompaksie voginhoud sowel as graad van kompaksie insluit. Die resultate van die laboratorium analise het gewys dat die mengkomposisie, vog tydens kompaksie en graad van kompaksie ʼn invloed op die skuifsterkte, veerkragsmodulus en die Poisson verhouding het. Veral die mengkomposisie het ʼn merkwaardige invloed op die veerkragmodulus gehad, terwyl die voginhoud tydens kompaksie die grootste invloed op die Poissonverhouding gehad het. Die skuifsterkte (agv hoë kohesie) en veerkragsmodulus van geselekteerde bourommel dui aanvaarbare resultate vir die gebruik in paaie, spesifiek in padlae waar lae spanningsvlakke ondervind word,soos deur liniere elastiese berekeninge gewys is.

Labyrinth weir hydraulics : validation of CFD modelling

Robertson, Guy Kinloch 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) as a design tool is becoming increasingly popular in the water resources field. This thesis aims to extend the knowledge of CFD and determine the usefulness of current CFD programs as a modelling tool. This thesis also seeks to determine the accuracy of CFD modelling when compared to physical modelling, the more established form of model testing. It is important that research is conducted on the validation of CFD because with an increase in computer power, processing speed and continual development in the programs used to generate the models, CFD could become an essential tool for the hydraulic engineer. A current key difficulty faced by CFD programs is the mapping of the free surface level of a body of fluid in a two-phase (water and air) flow condition. This is further complicated by the existence of three-dimensional flow over a labyrinth weir and a fluctuating nappe, which at times requires a free surface level to be mapped both above and below the nappe. This thesis begins by detailing the design methods and actual design of a typical labyrinth weir. It then describes the construction of a 1:20 scale physical model, testing procedures, goals, and the results of the physical model tests. Following the physical model study, the thesis discusses the development of a three-dimensional CFD model, designed in a way that matched the physical model. Simulation results obtained from the CFD model are then compared to those from the physical model study and the accuracy and suitability of CFD modelling as a design tool are evaluated. This evaluation considers the surcharge upstream of the weir and transient pressures on the weir. The thesis concludes with recommendations for further research in this field. The results achieved show that the CFD model was able to accurately map the movement of particles within the domain, to fully develop a flow profile, and to accurately predict the water surface level. The pressure readings obtained during CFD modelling were in the same order as those obtained during physical modelling. However, the CFD modelling pressure readings did not often accurately correspond with the physical modelling data, with the average error being 92%. These results indicate that there is still further development required in CFD before it can be relied upon as a design tool independent of other experimental methods. The difficulty and the length of time taken to generate the results also indicate that, at this stage and in this particular scenario, the engineer would be better served through the use of a physical model. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van gerekenariseerde vloeidinamika (CFD) as ’n ontwerpinstrument het toenemend gewild begin raak op die gebied van waterhulpbronne. Die doel van hierdie verslag is om kennis van CFD uit te brei en die nut van huidige CFD-programme as ’n modelleringsinstrument te bepaal. Daar word voorts ook gepoog om die akkuraatheid van CFD-modellering te bepaal in vergelyking met fisiese modellering – die meer gevestigde vorm van modeltoetsing. Dit is noodsaaklik dat navorsing gedoen word oor die bekragtiging van CFD, want met ’n toename in rekenaarkrag, verwerkingsnelheid en deurlopende ontwikkeling in die programme wat gebruik word om die modelle te genereer, sal CFD ’n noodsaaklike instrument vir die hidroulika-ingenieur word. ’n Belangrike probleem wat CFD-programme tans inhou, is die kartering van die vry oppervlak van ’n liggaam vloeistof in ’n tweefasse vloeitoestand (water en lug). Dit word verder bemoeilik deur die bestaan van driedimensionele vloei oor ’n labirint-stuwal en ’n skommelende “nappe”, wat by tye vereis dat ’n vry oppervlak sowel bo as onder die “nappe” gekarteer met word. Die verslag begin met ’n uiteensetting van die ontwerpmetodes en fisiese ontwerp van ’n tipiese labirintstuwal. Die bou van ’n 1:20-skaal- fisiese model, toetsprosedures, doelwitte en die resultate van die toetse op die fisiese model word dan beskryf. Ná die studie van die fisiese model, word die ontwikkeling van ’n driedimensionele CFD-model bespreek, wat ontwerp is om by die fisiese model te pas. Die simulasie-resultate van die CFD-model word dan vergelyk met dié van die studie van die fisiese model en die akkuraatheid en geskiktheid van CFD-modellering as ’n ontwerpinstrument word geëvalueer. In hierdie evaluering word die opdamming stroomop van die stuwal en druk op die stuwal ondersoek. Die verslag word afgesluit met aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing op hierdie gebied. Die resultate toon dat die CFD-model die beweging van partikels in die domein akkuraat kon karteer ten einde ’n volledige vloeiprofiel te ontwikkel en die watervlak akkuraat te voorspel. Die drukke wat tydens CFD-modellering verkry is, stem egter nie ooreen met die lesings wat tydens fisiese modellering verkry is nie. Die gemiddelde fout is 92%. Hierdie resultate toon dat verdere ontwikkeling in CFD nodig is voordat daarop staat gemaak kan word as ’n ontwerpinstrument wat onafhanklik van ander eksperimentele metodes gebruik kan word. Die moeilikheidsgraad en die lang tydsduur betrokke by die generering van resultate is ook ’n aanduiding dat die gebruik van ’n fisiese model die ingenieur op hierdie stadium en in hierdie spesifieke scenario beter tot diens sal wees.

The role of a design engineer in safety of building projects

Vermeulen, Bernard 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / One of the causes for money to be wasted on construction sites is accidents. The reason is that an accident on site is an unplanned event typically relating to the loss of production or the loss of life. Many industry stakeholders and role players have focused on construction health and safety and to improve this area of concern; however, construction health and safety are not significantly improving. Construction still continues to contribute a large number of fatalities and injuries relative to other industry sectors. During the construction phase, poor construction health and safety performance is attributable to a lack of management commitment, inadequate supervision, and a lack of health and safety training and - systems. Health and safety systems do not only include excellent health and safety management on site, but rather an integrated approach on health and safety issues from the conceptual design phase by all stakeholders participating. This integrated approach includes the design done by the engineer. The inspiration behind this research is the question of whether South African Engineers design buildings safe for construction. The lack of knowledge by engineers with regard to construction processes, the lack of health and safety enforcement in the engineering offices and construction sites, and whether engineers adhere to safe design principles is the subject of investigation in this research. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the role of the design engineer in the safety of building projects. Specifically, it investigates to what extent the design engineer can contribute to site safety, and to what extent this is actually taking place. The Construction Regulations states the engineer can be appointed to act on behalf of a client and should share any information that might affect the health and safety of construction employees with the contractor. By means of a literature study, the investigation of case studies and the investigation of questionnaires to which a percentage of South African engineers responded, this research identified the information that should be shared by the design engineer with the contractor. The information can be shared by indicating hazardous activities or - locations on the actual drawings. Information can also be shared by specifying and reminding the contractor of certain health and safety hazards in the health and safety specifications of the building project. Although the Construction Regulations state that the safety hazards associated with most construction processes are the responsibility of the contractor, it will be beneficial for the safety of the employees if the engineer also consults the contractor on the hazards identified by him or her during the early design stages. Early collaboration between the engineer and contractor is also beneficial for the safety of construction employees. The result is an integrated approach towards safety hazard identification and mitigation. Having adequate knowledge with regard to construction processes allows the engineer to be aware of possible safety hazards. This will result in the correct information to be shared with the contractor and incorporated into the early design phases of the project to ensure a healthy and safe working environment. The study shows that a percentage of South African engineers have a lack of site experience, a lack of safety training, a lack of knowledge with regard to the content of the Construction Regulations, and a lack of knowledge with regard to construction processes. These shortcomings can be detrimental to site safety.

Warm mix asphalt vs. hot mix asphalt : flexural stiffness and fatigue life evaluation

Van den Heever, Johann 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), enabled by the Kyoto Protocol, set enforced responsibilities on industrialised countries to reduce the amount of emissions (greenhouse gases) produced. This global call for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions ensured that the manufacturing sector commit to emission reduction. The asphalt industry has embarked on a quest to find alternative methods of producing and constructing asphalt mixes which will release less greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. These new methods include the reduction in production and construction temperatures which in turn will reduce the amount of greenhouse emissions produced. These new methods introduced the concept of warm mix asphalt (WMA) to the alternative hot mix asphalt (HMA). To produce a WMA mix at lower temperatures the binder needs to be in a workable state so to effectively coat the aggregate and produce a good quality mix. WMA technologies have been developed to enable production of mixes at lower temperatures (effectively reducing emissions) whilst retaining the required binder viscosity and properties needed to produce a quality mix. The question which needs to be answered is whether the performance of these WMA mixes can compare with that of HMA mixes. In this study several WMA mixes (with different WMA technologies) are evaluated against their equivalent HMA mixes in terms of fatigue life and flexural stiffness. Phase angle results were also considered. Flexural stiffness is a mix property which is dependent on loading time and temperature. It is used to measure the load spread ability of a mix and also influences fatigue behaviour. Fatigue cracking occurs in the material as a result of repeated cyclic loading. The evaluation and analysis conducted in this study show that WMA mixes can compare favourably and even exceed that of HMA mixes in certain cases, although some WMA mixes resulted in lower fatigue life or flexural stiffness than its corresponding HMA mixes, which could be attributed to differences in mix components and variables. In this study a literature study, methodology, laboratory test results, a comparison of mix results and conclusions and recommendations are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) was in staat gestel deur die Kyoto Protocol om verantwoordelikhede op geïndustrialiseerde lande te forseer om die hoeveelheid van nadelige kweekhuisgasse wat geproduseer word te verminder. Hierdie globale oproep tot die vermindering van kweekhuisgasse verseker dat die vervaardigingsektor hulself verbind tot emissie vermindering. Die asfalt industrie het begin met 'n soektog na alternatiewe metodes van vervaardiging en die bou van asfaltmengsels wat minder kweekhuisgasse sal vrystel in die atmosfeer. Hierdie nuwe metodes sluit die vermindering in produksie en konstruksie temperature in wat op sy beurt die hoeveelheid kweekhuisgasse geproduseer verminder. Hierdie nuwe metodes het die konsep van warm mengsel asfalt (WMA) bekendgestel teenoor die alternatiewe ‘hot’ mengsel asfalt (HMA). Om ‘n WMA mengsel te produseer by laer temperature, moet die bindmiddel in 'n werkbare toestand wees om die aggregaat heeltemal te bedek en 'n goeie gehalte mengsel te produseer. WMA tegnologie is ontwikkel om die produksie van mengsels teen laer temperature te realiseer (vermindering die uitlaatgasse), terwyl die vereiste bindmiddel viskositeit en eienskappe wat nodig is om 'n kwaliteit mengsel te produseer behou word. Die vraag wat beantwoord moet word, is of die prestasie van hierdie WMA mengsel kan vergelyk word met dié van HMA mengsel. In hierdie studie is 'n paar WMA mengsels (met verskillende WMA tegnologie) geëvalueer teen hul ekwivalent HMA mengsels in terme van vermoeiing en buig styfheid. Fase hoek resultate is ook in ag geneem. Buig styfheid is 'n mengsel eienskap wat afhanklik is van die laai tyd en temperatuur. Dit word gebruik om die las verspreiding vermoë van 'n mengsel te meet en beïnvloed ook vermoeiing gedrag. Vermoeidheid krake kom voor in die materiaal as gevolg van herhaalde sikliese laai. Die evaluering en ontleding in hierdie studie toon dat WMA mengsels goed vergelyk en selfs in sekere gevalle meer as dié van HMA mengsels, hoewel sommige WMA mengsels laer vermoeidheid lewe of buig styfheid as die ooreenstemmende HMA mengsels gewys het, wat toegeskryf kan word tot verskille in mengsel komponente en veranderlikes. In hierdie studie word 'n literatuurstudie, metodiek, laboratorium toets resultate, 'n vergelyking van die mengsel resultate en gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings gemaak.

Evaluation of alternatives for hydraulic analysis of sanitary sewer systems

Van Heerden, George Adrian 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research project focuses on sanitary sewer systems. When performing an analysis of a sewer drainage system with known constraints, an appropriate model needs to be chosen depending on the objectives of the analysis. Uncertainties are also present in the analysis of sewer drainage systems. The uncertainties and the errors in hydraulic models need to be understood and considered. The required level of accuracy and the type of hydraulic problem that needs to be solved may alter the complexity of the hydraulic model used to solve a drainage system. The wide variety of available simulation models further complicates model selection. With various models available, selecting the most appropriate model for a particular drainage system simulation is important. The various models for sewer drainage system analysis can be categorised in different ways. For example, it is possible to categorise models according to their purpose, which could be evaluation, design or planning. Evaluation models are mainly used to test whether existing systems or planned systems are adequate and require the highest hydraulic detail. Design models are used to determine the size of conduits within a drainage system and require moderate levels of hydraulic detail. Planning models are primarily used for strategic planning and decision making for urban or regional drainage systems and require the least amount of hydraulic detail. An understanding of the available models is required in order to choose the most suitable simulation model for the desired purpose. Some models are derived from the Saint-Venant equations of flow. The most detailed models are typically referred to as fully dynamic wave models and utilise all the components of the Saint-Venant flow equations. By removing terms from the Saint-Venant equations a kinematic wave model can be created. Some less complex models ignore basic principles of hydraulics in order to make assumptions that simplify the process of simulating flows. In this thesis three different models were compared: a detailed model using fully dynamic flow equations, a simplified model using kinematic wave equations and a basic model using contributor hydrograph routing equations. For the drainage system analysis SWMM-EXTRAN was used as the fully dynamic wave model, SWMM-TRANSPORT was used as the kinematic wave model and SEWSAN was used as the contributor hydrograph model. Two drainage systems situated in South Africa were used as case studies and are referred to as Drainage System A and Drainage System B in this thesis. The actual flow rate was recorded at two points with flow loggers, one in each of the two systems. The flow rate was continually recorded at 1 hour intervals for the period 1 July 2010 to 9 July 2010 in Drainage System A as well as in Drainage System B. The same input parameters were used for each model allowing the modelled flow rates to be compared to the measured flow rates. The models provided peak flow results that were within 2% of the measured peak flow rates and the modelled mean flows were within 8.5% of the measured mean flows in most situations. However, when rapidly varied flows occurred the kinematic wave and contributor hydrograph models returned conservative results as they were unable to account for hydraulic effects such as acceleration. The effect of acceleration became most pronounced up and downstream of drop structures and sections where the slope changed considerably. The kinematic wave and contributor hydrograph models were therefore unable to accurately simulate surcharge conditions. The results suggest that the fully dynamic wave model can be used in all scenarios. The kinematic wave model can be used for a design analysis if no hydraulic structures occur in the system. The contributor hydrograph model should not be used for an evaluation analysis, but can be used for a design analysis if a relatively high level of confidence in the parameter set exists and no areas of rapidly varying flow or hydraulic structures exist within the system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing projek is gefokus op riool dreineringsisteme. Wanneer ʼn analise van ʼn riool dreineringsisteem met bekende beperkinge onderneem word, moet ʼn geskikte model gekies word afhangende van die doelwitte van die analise. Onbekendes is ook teenwoordig in die analise van riool dreineringsisteme. Dit word belangrik dat die onsekerhede en die foute in hidroliese modelle moet verstaan en oorweeg word. Die verwagte vlak van akkuraatheid en die tipe hidroliese probleem wat opgelos moet word mag die ingewikkeldheid van die hidroliese probleem, wat gebruik word om ʼn rioolsisteem op te los, verander. Die wye verskeidenheid van beskikbare simulasie modelle bemoeilik verder die keuse van ʼn model. Met etlike modelle beskikbaar vir seleksie, is die mees geskikte model vir ʼn spesifieke dreineringsisteem simulasie belangrik. Die verskeie modelle vir riool dreineringsisteem analise kan op verskillende wyses gekategoriseer word. Byvoorbeeld, dit is moontlik om modelle te kategoriseer volgens hulle doel, wat evaluasie, ontwerp en beplanning kan wees. Evaluasiemodelle word hoofsaaklik gebruik om te toets of huidige of beplande sisteme voldoende is en of hulle die hoogs moontlike hidroliese besonderhede benodig. Ontwerpmodelle word gebruik om die grootte van ʼn leipyp binne ʼn rioolsisteem te bepaal en benodig matige vlakke van hidroliese besonderhede. Beplanningsmodelle word hoofsaaklik gebruik vir strategiese beplanning en besluitneming vir stedelike en landelike rioolsisteme en benodig die laagste vlak van hidroliese data. ʼn Begrip van die beskikbare modelle is nodig om ʼn keuse te maak rakende die mees geskikte simulasie model vir die verlangde doelwit. Sommige modelle is afkomstig van die Saint-Venant vergelykings van vloei. Die mees gedetailleerde modelle word tipies na verwys as die volledige dinamiese golf modelle en benut alle komponente van die Saint-Venant vloei vergelykings. Deur die verwydering van terme van die Saint-Venant vergelykings kan ʼn kinematiese golf model daargestel word. Sommige minder gekompliseerde modelle ignoreer die basiese beginsels van hidrologie om aannames te maak wat die proses van golf simulering vereenvoudig. In hierdie tesis is drie verskillende modelle vergelyk; ʼn gedetailleerde model wat volledige dinamiese vloeivergelykings gebruik; ʼn vereenvoudigde model wat kinematiese golfvergelykings gebruik en ʼn basiese model wat bydraende hidroliese versending vergelykings. Vir die dreineringsisteem analise was SWMM-EXTRAN gebruik as die volledige dinamiese golfmodel, SWMM-TRANSPORT was gebruik as die kinetiese golfmodel en SEWSAN was gebruik as die bydraende hidroliese model. Twee dreineringsisteme in Suid-Afrika was gebruik as gevallestudies en word na verwys as Dreineringsisteem A en Dreineringsisteem B. Die werklike vloeikoers was aangeteken by twee punte met vloeimeters, een in elk van die sisteme. Die vloeikoers was deurlopend opgeteken met 1 uur tussenposes vir die periode 1 Julie 2010 tot 9 Julie 2010 in Dreinering Sisteem A sowel as Dreinering Sisteem B. Dieselfde inset parameters was gebruik vir elke model wat dit moontlik gemaak het dat die gemoduleerde vloeikoerse met die gemete vloeikoerse vergelyk kon word. Die modelle het spits vloeiresultate voorsien wat binne 2% van die gemete spits vloeikoerse was en, in die meeste situasies, dat die gemoduleerde gemiddelde vloei binne 8.5% van die gemete gemiddelde vloei was. Wanneer vinnig varierende vloei voorgekom het, die kinetiese golf and bydraende hidrograaf modelle konserwatiewe resultate gelewer het, aangesien hulle nie in staat was om hidroliese effekte soos versnelling te verklaar nie. Die effek van versnelling was op sy duidelikste stroomopwaarts en stroomafwaarts onder valstrukture en by gedeeltes waar die helling aansienlik verander het. Die kinetiese golf en bydraer hidrograaf modelle was gevolglik nie in staat om oorladingsomstandighede akkuraat te simuleer nie. Die resultate wys dat die volledige dinamiese vloeimiddel gebruik kan word in alle omstandighede. Die kinematiese vloeimiddel kan gebruik word vir ʼn ontwerp analise indien geen hidroliese struktuur in die sisteem voorkom nie. Die bydraer hidrograaf model behoort nie gebruik te word vir ʼn evaluerings analise nie, maar kan gebruik word vir ʼn ontwerp analise indien ʼn relatiewe hoë vlak van vertroue in die parameter stel bestaan en geen area van vinnig veranderende vloei of hidroliese strukture binne die sisteem bestaan nie.

The effect of seismic activity on reinforced concrete frame structures with infill masonry panels

Jarvis, Wesley James 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Certain regions within the Western Cape Province are at risk of a moderate intensity earthquake. It is therefore crucial that infrastructure in these areas be designed to resist its devastating effect. Numerous types of structural buildings exist in these seismic prone areas. The most common types are either reinforced concrete framed buildings with masonry infill or unreinforced masonry buildings. Many of these buildings predate the existence of the first loading code of 1989 which provided regulations for seismic design. The previous code was superseded in 2010 with a code dedicated to providing guidelines for seismic design of infrastructure. A concern was raised whether these buildings meet the requirements of the new code. A numerical investigation was performed on a representative reinforced concrete framed building with masonry infill to determine whether the building meets the new code’s requirements. The results from the investigation show that the stresses at critical points in the columns exceed the codified requirements, thus leading to local failure. After careful review it was discovered that these local failures in the columns will most likely lead to global failure of the building. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In sekere streke in die Wes-Kaap bestaan daar risiko van matige intensiteit aardbewings. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat die infrastruktuur in hierdie gebiede ontwerp word om die vernietigende uitwerking te weerstaan. Gebous met verskillende tipes strukturele uitlegte kom in hierdie gebied voor. Die mees algemene struktuur tipe is gewapende beton-raam geboue met baksteen invol panele sowel as ongewapende baksteen geboue. Baie van hierdie geboue is gebou voor die eerste las-kode van 1989 wat regulasies vir seismiese ontwerp voorsien in gebruik geneem is. Die vorige kode is vervang in 2010 met ’n kode toegewy tot die verskaffing van riglyne vir seismiese ontwerp van infrastruktuur. Kommer het ontstaan of hierdie geboue voldoen aan die vereistes van die nuwe kode. ’n Numeriese ondersoek is uitgevoer op ’n verteenwoordigende gewapende beton geraamde gebou met baksteen panele om te bepaal of die gebou voldoen aan die nuwe kode vereistes rakende sismiese ontwerp. Die resultate van die ondersoek toon dat die spanning op kritieke punte in die kolomme die gekodifiseerde vereistes oorskry, wat tot plaaslike faling lei. Na verdere onderssoek is dit bepaal dat die plaaslike faling in die kolomme waarskynlik tot globale faling van die gebou sal lei.

An exploratory study into South African novice driver behaviour

Venter, Karien 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Driving is a complex task that requires both the physical ability to drive a vehicle and the cognitive ability to do so safely. The ability to correctly integrate and apply information from the driving environment is essential for safe driving. In South Africa approximately 33 people per 100 000 population are killed annually in road accidents. Recent mortality data from South Africa has indicated that the age group 15 to 19 years old are the age group most likely to be involved in fatal vehicle crashes. Novice driver behaviour has been confirmed as problematic across the globe and extensive research into novice driver behaviour has been conducted to understand and ultimately to curb novice driver deaths. Very little is known about South African novice drivers. This lack of knowledge makes it difficult to plan for training, education or preparing young South African novice drivers for the challenges they are likely to face on the road. This study is a first stepping stone to understand this problem. This study utilises naturalistic driving studies as a method to explore differences between novice and experienced driver behaviour at a few preselected location types. Since 2005 naturalistic driving studies (NDS) have been employed extensively in the rest of the world and this study is South Africa’s first small attempt to employ this methodology and apply it to specifically novice driver behaviour. This thesis therefore not only explores novice driver behaviour in the context of South Africa, but also provides an overview of how the ND methodology can be developed for use in South Africa. The document provides an overview of both novice driver behaviour and naturalistic driving study methodologies from abroad. Where available, reference to South African research and reports are made. The literature review considers demographic, developmental and personality factors that could potentially (and have internationally been proven to) influence novice driver behaviour in the context of society, family and physical environments. Popular theories that have been applied to novice driver behaviour are reviewed. These theories include the Theory of Planned Behaviour, Social Learning Theory and the Theory of Intent. On the methodology side, the technology, its application as well as challenges and successes of the ND methodology are reviewed. The research process is described in terms of the participants and their risk attitudes to road traffic safety prior and after the study. The research process also details the specifications of the technology used, the data collected and the associated processes to make the data manageable. The research process took a number of unexpected turns which included the development of a coding scheme for the image material. Initially it was thought that this coding scheme should be predefined. However once the coding process commenced it was clear that in-vivo coding was necessary for inclusion of all elements of the environment and the behaviour. These elements differed from video to video and participant to participant. Grounded theory was introduced in an attempt to explain the novice behaviour. Although the data analysed was not extensive enough to substantiate the use of grounded theory it is considered useful in operationalizing this coding scheme in future. In addition to learning how to work with the data collection systems and how to integrate different types of quantitative and qualitative data in different formats, it also became clear that a strategy for managing large databases should be considered. This was an unexpected spin-off and is currently being investigated. The findings of the study showed that certain behaviours (such as the left scanning of a driving environment) were neglected not only by novice drivers but also by experienced drivers. Further investigations could include research into understanding this phenomenon. The preselected site types included stop streets, traffic lights, traffic circles and intersections. Traffic lights and intersections in particular have in recent years been highlighted as hazardous locations in Pretoria, where the study took place. Differences in behaviours were highlighted for intersections but not for traffic lights, stop streets or traffic circles. However the difference in the proportion of time that novice and experienced drivers took to scan their environments around these preselected hazardous locations differed significantly. Experienced drivers were much more thorough than their novice counterparts. This study was aimed at investigating the differences between novice and experienced drivers and aimed to develop recommendations that could potentially have implications for changing the driver training and education milieu in SA. However, the sample size (both participants and material selected for analysis) was too small to make meaningful recommendations towards change in this industry. It did however show clear differences between novice and experienced drivers, even in South Africa, and that this research needs to be expanded. The potential of this research for South Africa is enormous and could quite possibly, in future, change the way in which South Africans drive.

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