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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fluid and deformation induced partial melting and melt escape in low-temperature granulite-facies metasediments, Damara Belt, Namibia.

Ward, Robert Alexander 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Earth Sciences))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Fluid-present partial melting has generally been regarded a poor candidate for effecting crustal differentiation. In this study I report on anatectic metasediments from the Pan-African Damara Belt in Namibia that have undergone fluid-present biotite melting at a relatively low temperature, yet appear to have lost a significant volume of melt. In situ anatectic features have been identified on the basis of the existence of new generations of cordierite and/or garnet produced as the solid products of incongruent anatexis within or adjacent to leucosomes, that most commonly occur as lens shaped pods at a high angle to the lineation and formed during extension in a direction parallel to the long axis of the orogeny. Within these sites biotite underwent incongruent melting via the reaction Bt + Qtz + Pl + H2O = Melt + Grt + Crd. Cordierite nucleated on preexisting crystals within the bounding gneiss; garnet nucleated within the fracture sites (leucosomes) and typically occurs as individual, large (50 to 120 mm in diameter) poikiloblastic crystals. Thermobarometry applied to the anatectic assemblage yields low-temperature, granulitefacies peak conditions of 750 °C, 0.5 GPa. This temperature is approximately 100 °C lower than the accepted conditions for the onset of fluid-absent biotite melting. This, coupled to the focussing of anatexis on extensional fractures, suggests that anatexis occurred through waterpresent biotite incongruent melting. In order to better understand this process, both fluid-absent and water present partial melting experiments were conducted within the temperature interval 700 to 900 °C at 0.7 GPa. In the fluid-absent experiments, biotite incongruent melting started between 800 and 850 °C to produce melt coexisting with peritectic garnet and cordierite. In contrast, in water-saturated experiments, biotite melted via the reaction Bt + Pl + Q + H2O = Grt + Crd + Melt, between 700 and 750 °C, to produce melt, cordierite and garnet in the proportions 73:24:3.

The geology and petrology of the Marble Delta

Otto, J. D. T. 02 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University, 1973. / The Marble Delta is an area of approximately 40 sq. km in Natal (30°22' Long., 30°40' Lat.), occupied by Precambrian marble and associated granites. The deeply dissected country was geologically mapped on a scale of I : 6 000. A new lithostratigraphic classification of the metasediments is proposed. The base of the lowermost Le Joncguet Formation (composed of dolomitic marble and siliceous beds) is not exposed. This is followed by the predominantly ca.lcitic Oribi Formation with interbedded dolomite and graphitic layers. The marble is unconformably overlain by the Cherrywillingham Formation which comprises mainly amphibolite and granulite. The .three formations together constitute the Marble Delta Group. The main petrological units are calc-silicate marble, metaquartzite, dolomite marble, cluster serpen~ine marble and ce,lcite marble. Graphite layers are considered to have originated in situ from organic remains; there is occasional evidence of ionic transfer of carbon from this graphite by magmatic fluids. The common mineral assemblages are diopside + calcite + dolomite, tremolite + calcite + diopside + quartz, calcite + quartz + dolomite, forsterite + calcite + dolomite, plagioclase + cordierite + garnet + quartz, amphibole + clinopyroxene + plagioclase, hornblende + clinopyroxene + calcite, wollastor~te + calcite + diopside. Other minerals are graphite, antigorite, chrysotile, sphene, spinel, clinohumite, chondrodite, zoisite, clinozoisite, hedenbergite, phlogopite, ilmenite, hercynite, dravite, cummingtonite, talc, apatite, microcline, saponite. The mineral assemblages resulted from regional metamorphism and polyphase contact metamorphism.

The petrogenesis of the older (> 3.0 Ga) potassic granitoids of eastern Mpumalanga (South Africa) and Swaziland : an investigation of crustal formation processes in the early Earth

Sanchez-Garrido, Cynthia J. M. G. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Earth’s oldest preserved granitoid crust dates back to the Paleoarchean and consists predominantly of sodic tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) granitoids that arose through the partial melting of hydrated metabasalts. In contrast, granites (sensu stricto) typically postdate the TTG and appear late in the plutonic record of the old cratons. However, the existence of Hadean zircons with mineral inclusion suites that are consistent with crystallization from peraluminous granitic magmas indicates that granitic rocks formed part of the earliest felsic crust; although we have direct evidence, this earliest felsic crust is not preserved. In this PhD I present an unusual variety of markedly CaO-poor, K2O-rich, rutile-bearing, peraluminous granite and rhyolite that are located in the basal conglomerate of the Moodies Group (South Africa). These rocks challenge the common view of the Archean craton evolution as they were produced concurrently with TTG magmas during three magmatic cycles in the Barberton Greenstone Belt (BGB) and were later emplaced, as clasts, in a younger conglomerate. The study of mineral inclusions located in the zircons present within the granites and rhyolites, shows that alkali feldspar inclusions are abundant relative to plagioclase inclusions and demonstrates that the main characteristics of these granites, i.e. they are K-rich and Ca-poor, are a magmatic signature. The oxygen isotope signature of these zircon grains reveals that the zircons have preserved the δ18O value of the magma from which the granites originated and that the source of the granites had a magmatic oxygen isotope value close to the one of the regional coeval TTG. Further study of the zircons shows that their Lu-Hf isotopic system reflects the crustal signature of the magma into which they grew. Sm-Nd study of the granites and rhyolites whole rock indicates that the minimum age of the source’s protolith of the granites and rhyolites is close to 3.9 billion years, which is in agreement with the zircons’ Lu-Hf signature. Additionally I show in this thesis that the peraluminous character of the granites and rhyolites, along with their high Sr and low Ca content associated to their Eu/ Eu* ~ 1 is a consequence of phengite melting in a metagreywacke source at pressures in excess of plagioclase stability. My work therefore illustrates that K-rich, Ca-poor peraluminous granites were generated in the Paleo and Meso Archean, alongside with the sodic TTG, through partial melting of sediments at high pressures. Not only has this process demonstrated the ability of the early Earth to recycle relatively young material since 3.9 billions years ago, but it has also contributed to each episode of continental crustal growth through the Paleoarchean to Mesoarchean in the BGB, despite leaving no plutonic record at the typical mid-crustal level of exposure that the TTG plutons around the belt represent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aarde se oudste bewaarde granitoïed kors dateer terug na die Paleo Argeïkum en bestaan hoofsaaklik uit natrium-ryke tonaliet-trondhjemiet-granodioriet (TTG) granitoïede wat ontstaan het deur die gedeeltelike smelting van gehidreerde metabasalte. In teenstelling hiermee is graniete (sensu stricto) tipies jonger as die TTG’s en verskyn laat in die plutoniese rekord van die ou kratons. Die bestaan van Hadeaanse zirkone met mineraal insluitsels wat ooreenstem met die kristallisasie van peralumineuse granietiese magma dui egter daarop dat granietiese gesteentes deel gevorm het van die vroegste felsiese kors. Alhoewel daar direkte getuienis is hiervoor het hierdie vroegste felsiese kors nie behoue gebly nie. In hierdie dissertasie toon ek ‘n ongewone verskeidenheid van merkbaar CaO-arm, K2O-ryk, rutiel-draende, peralumineuse graniet en rioliet wat in die basale konglomeraat van die Moodies Groep (Suid-Afrika) voorkom. Hierdie gesteentes daag die algemene siening van Argeïkum kraton evolusie uit omdat hulle gelyktydig met TTG magma geproduseer is tydens drie TTG magmatiese siklusse in die Baberton-groensteenstrook en later ingeplaas is as klaste in ‘n jonger konglomeraat. Die studie op minerale insluitsels in zirkone binne die graniete en rioliete toon dat alkaliveldspaat insluitsels volop is relatief tot plagioklaas insluitsels. Dit toon ook dat die hoof eienskap van hierdie graniete, hulle K-ryke en Ca-arme samestelling, ‘n onderskeidende magmatiese kenmerk is. Die suurstof-isotoop samestelling van hierdie zirkoon minerale onthul dat die zirkone die δ18O waarde van die magma waaruit die graniet gevorm is behou het en dat die bronnemateriaal van die graniete ‘n magmatiese suurstofisotoop waarde gehad het nader aan dié van die plaaslike sinchroniese TTG waardes. Verdere studie van die zirkone dui daarop dat hul Lu-HF isotoopstelsel die aardkorseienskappe weerspieël van die oorspronklike magma waarin hulle gegroei het. Sm-Nd studie van die graniete en rioliete heelgesteente dui daarop dat die minimum ouderdom van die protoliet van graniete en rioliete ongeveer 3,9 biljoen jaar is, wat ooreenstem met die zirkone se Lu-HF eienskappe. Daarbenewens het hierdie dissertasie bewys dat die peralumineuse karakter van die graniete en rioliete, tesame met hulle hoë Sr- en lae Ca-inhoud geassosieer tot hul Eu/Eu * ~ 1, ‘n gevolg is van “phengite” smelting in’ n metagrouwak bron by drukking hoër as plagioklaas stabiliteit. Hierdie studie illustreer dus dat K-ryke, Ca-arme peralumineuse graniete gegenereer is in die Paleo en Meso Argeïkum, saam met die natrium-ryke TTG’s, deur middel van parsiële smelting van sedimente teen ‘n hoë druk. Hierdie proses het nie slegs getoon dat die vroeë aarde sedert 3,9 biljoen jaar gelede die vermoë gehad het om relatief jong materiaal te herwin nie; dit het ook bygedra tot elke episode van kontinentale korsgroei deur die Paleo en Meso Argeïkum in die Barberton groensteenstrook, ten spyte daarvan dat geen plutoniese rekord gelaat is teen die tipiese mid-kors vlak van blootstelling wat die TTG plutone in die strook verteenwoordig nie. / RESUMÉ: La croûte de granitoïdes de la Terre Primitive la plus ancienne qui ait été préservée remonte au Paleoarchéen et se compose principalement de granitoïdes sodiques tonalite-trondhjémite-granodiorite (TTG) qui se sont formés par la fusion partielle de métabasaltes hydratés. En revanche, les granites (stricto sensu) sont en général postérieurs aux TTG et apparaissent tardivement dans les cratons anciens. Cependant, l’existence de zircons Hadéens préservant des suites d’inclusions minérales qui sont compatibles avec la cristallisation à partir d’un magma granitique peralumineu, indique que les roches granitiques faisaient aussi partie de la croûte felsique de la Terre Primitibe; même si nous n’avons pas de preuves directes et que cette dernière n’ait pas été conservée. Dans cette thèse, je présente une variété inhabituelle de granites et rhyolites peralumineux qui sont marquée par une forte teneur en K2O et une faible teneur en CaO et qui possèdent du rutile. Ces roches sont situées dans le conglomérat basal du Groupe du Moodies (Afrique du Sud). Elles défient la vision commune que l’on a de l’évolution des cratons Archéens puisqu’elles ont été produites en même temps que des magmas TTG, pendant trois cycles magmatiques qui ont affecté la ceinture de roches vertes de Barberton (CRVB). Ces roches ont été par la suite mises en place, comme galets, dans un conglomérat plus jeune. L’étude des inclusions minérales localisées dans des zircons présents dans les granites et les rhyolites qui font le sujet de cette étude, montre que les inclusions de feldspaths alcalins sont plus abondantes que les inclusions de plagioclases et démontre que les principales caractéristiques de ces granites, c’est à dire qu’ils sont riches en K et pauvres en Ca, sont une signature magmatique. La signature isotopique de l’oxygène de ces zircons révèle que ceux-ci ont conservé la valeurdu δ18O du magma à partir duquel les granites se sont formés. De plus ceci montre que la valeur du δ18O de la source des granites était proche de celle de TTG contemporains. La poursuite de l’étude des zircons montre que leur système isotopique Lu-Hf reflète la signature crustale du magma dans lequel ils ont cru. L’étude Sm-Nd des granites et rhyolites indique que l’âge minimum du protolithe de leur source est de près de 3,9 milliards d’années, ce qui est en accord avec la signature Lu-Hf des zircons. De plus, je montre dans cette thèse que le caractère peralumineux des granites et des rhyolites, avec leurs forte teneur an Sr et basse teneur en Ca associé à leur Eu / Eu * ~ 1, est une conséquence de la fusion partielle de phengite dans une source métagrauwacke à des pressions supérieures a celle de la stabilité du plagioclase. Mon travail montre donc que des granites peralumineux riche en K et pauvre en Ca ont été générés durant le Paléo et Méso-Archéen, aux côtés des TTG sodiques, par la fusion partielle de sédiments, à haute pression. Non seulement ce processus a démontré la capacité de la Terre Primitive à recycler du matériel relativement jeune et ce, dès 3,9 milliards d’années; mais il a également contribué à chaque épisode de croissance crustale à travers le Paleo- et Méso-Archéen dans la CRVB, malgré l’absence de pluton mis en place profondeur à des profondeurs identiques à celles des TTG.

The anatectic history of Archaean metasedimentary granulites from the Ancient Gneiss Complex, Swaziland

Taylor, Jeanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is an investigation of the anatectic history of high-grade paragneisses from the Ancient Gneiss Complex (AGC) in Swaziland. The work involved an integrated field, metamorphic, geochemical, geochronological and structural study of metasedimentary granulites from three separate, but spatially related areas of outcrop in south-central Swaziland, which were subjected to multiple high-grade partial melting events throughout the Meso- to Neoarchaean. The project has aimed to constrain the age(s) and conditions of metamorphism, so as to contribute to the understanding of geodynamic processes in the Barberton and AGC granite-greenstone terranes, as well as to investigate certain physical and chemical aspects of anatexis in the migmatites. The metamorphic record retained in these rocks, constrained by phase equilibria modelling as well as zircon and monazite SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS geochronology, informs on the state of the mid- to lower-crust of the southeastern Kaapvaal Craton during key events associated with early lithosphere assembly and crustal differentiation. It also suggests that the region is comprised of more than one high-grade terrane. Two of the areas investigated experienced high-temperature metamorphism at ca. 3.23-3.21 Ga, in addition to a major 830-875º C, 6.5-7.6 kbar anatectic event at ca. 3.11-3.07 Ga. Intermediate and younger high-temperature events are recorded at ca. 3.18 Ga, ca. 3.16 Ga and 2.99 Ga. The timing of these metamorphic events coincided with the amalgamation of the eastern domain of the proto-Craton via subduction and accretion of micro-continental fragments at ca. 3.23 Ga, including the Barberton Greenstone Belt (BGB) and AGC terranes, as well as discrete episodes of crustal differentiation and potassic granitic magmatism between ca. 3.23 and 3.10 Ga. The third area investigated holds no record of Mesoarchaean metamorphism, but instead experienced a 830- 855 ºC, 4.4-6.4 kbar partial melting episode at ca. 2.73 Ga. This broadly coincided with the formation of a large continental flood basalt province, the ca. 2.71 Ga Ventersdorp LIP, and widespread intracratonic granitic magmatism on the Craton towards the end of the Neoarchaean. An explanation for the contrast in metamorphic record in the two terranes may be that the 2.71 Ga granulites represent a much younger sedimentary succession, and that granulites from the older terrane were left too restitic, after substantial partial melting during the Mesoarchaean, to record subsequent high-grade events. Finally, this study documents the details of S-type granitic magma production and extraction from a typical metapelitic source. Using the 2.73 Ga granulites from the AGC as a natural field laboratory, a case is made for the selective entrainment of peritectic garnet to the magma as a mechanism for generating relatively mafic, peraluminous S-type granite compositions. The work demonstrates the evolution of entrained peritectic garnet in such magmas, and is in strong support of a ‘peritectic phase entrainment’ process by which relatively mafic granite magmas are produced from melts which, in theory, should be highly leucocratic. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die anatektiese geskiedenis van hoëgraadse metasedimentêre gneise uit die Ancient Gneiss Complex (AGC) in Swaziland. Die werk behels 'n geïntegreerde veld, metamorfiese, geochemiese, geochronologiese en strukturele studie van metasedimentêre granuliete van drie afsonderlike, maar ruimtelik verwante gebiede in suid-sentraal Swaziland, wat aan verskeie hoëgraadse anatektiese gebeure onderworpe was gedurende die Meso-tot Neoargeïese tydsperiode. Die studie is daarop gemik om die ouderdomme en die kondisies van metamorfose vas te stel, om sodoende by te dra tot die begrip van die geodinamiese prosesse in die Barberton en AGC granietgroensteen terrein, asook om sekere fisiese en chemiese aspekte van die anatektiese proses te ondersoek. Die metamorfe rekord, bepaal deur mineraal ewewigsmodellering sowel as sirkoon en monasiet SHRIMP en LA-ICP-MS geochronologie, belig die toestand van die middel-tot laer-kors van die suidoostelike Kaapvaal Kraton tydens vroeë litosfeer samesmelting en differensiasie. Dit stel ook voor dat die streek uit meer as een hoëgraadse terrein bestaan. Twee van die gebiede het hoë-temperatuur metamorfose by 3.23-3.21 Ga ervaar, asook 'n hoof 830-875 ° C, 6.5-7.6 kbar anatektiese gebeurtenis by 3.11-3.07 Ga. Intermediêre en jonger hoë-temperatuur gebeure was ook by 3.18 Ga, 3.16 Ga en 2.99 Ga geregistreer. Die metamorfose van die gebied stem ooreen met die samesmelting van die oos Kaapvaal Kraton domein deur subduksie en aanwas van mikro-kontinente by 3.23 Ga, insluitend die Barberton en AGC terreine, asook diskrete episodes van kors differensiasie en kalium-ryke graniet magmatisme tussen 3.23 en 3.10 Ga. Die derde gebied hou geen rekord van Mesoargeïkum metamorfose nie. In plaas daarvan het dit 'n 830-855 ° C, 4.4-6.4 kbar anatektiese episode by 2.73 Ga ervaar, wat ooreenstem met die vorming van 'n groot kontinentale vloedbasalt provinsie, die 2.71 Ga Ventersdorp Supergroep, en wydverspreide intrakratoniese graniet magmatisme teen die einde van die Neoargeïkum. 'n Moontlike verduideliking vir die kontras in metamorfe rekord in die twee terreine mag wees dat die 2.71 Ga granuliete 'n jonger sedimentêre afsetting verteenwoordig, en dat granuliete van die ouer terrein te restieties gelaat was na aansienlike anateksis in die Mesoargeïkum, om daaropvolgende hoëgraadse gebeure te registreer. Ten slotte, hierdie studie dokumenteer die besonderhede van S-tipe graniet magma produksie en ontginning van 'n tipiese metasedimentêre bron. Die 2.73 Ga granuliete word gebruik as 'n natuurlike veld laboratorium om die selektiewe optel-en-meevoering van peritektiese granaat tot die magma te ondersoek. Die werk toon die evolusie van peritektiese granate in sulke magmas aan, en ondersteun lewering van relatiewe mafiese graniet magmas deur 'n ‘peritektiese fase optel-en-meevoerings’ proses.

The formation of Earth’s early felsic continental crust by water-present eclogite melting

Laurie, Angelique 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The sodic and leucocratic Tonalite, Trondhjemite and Granodiorite (TTG) granitoid series of rocks characterise Paleo- to Meso- Archaean felsic continental crust, yet are uncommon in the post-Archaean rock record. Consequently, petrogenetic studies on these rocks provide valuable insight into the creation and evolution of Earth’s early continental crust. The highpressure (HP)-type of Archaean TTG magmas are particularly important in this regard as their geochemistry requires that they are formed by high-pressure melting of a garnet-rich eclogitic source. This has been interpreted as evidence for the formation of these magmas by anatexis of the upper portions of slabs within Archaean subduction zones. In general, TTG magmas have been assumed to arise through fluid-absent partial melting of metamafic source rocks. Therefore, very little experimental data on fluid-present eclogite melting to produce Archaean TTG exist, despite the fact that water drives magmatism in modern arcs. Consequently, this study experimentally investigates the role of fluid-present partial melting of eclogite-facies metabasaltic rock in the production of Paleo- to Meso-Archaean HP-type TTG melts. Experiments are conducted between 1.6 GPa and 3.0 GPa and 700 ºC and 900 ºC using natural and synthetic eclogite, and gel starting materials of low-K2O basaltic composition. Partial melting of the natural and synthetic eclogite occurred between 850 ºC and 870 ºC at pressures above 1.8 GPa, and the melting reaction is characterised by the breakdown of sodic clinopyroxene, quartz and water: Qtz + Cpx1 + H2O ± Grt1 = Melt + Cpx2 ± Grt2. The experimental melts have the compositions of sodic peraluminous trondhjemites and have compositions that are similar to the major, trace and rare earth element composition of HPtype Archaean TTG. This study suggests that fluid-present eclogite melting is a viable petrogenetic model for this component of Paleo- to Meso-Archaean TTG crust. The nature of the wet low-K2O eclogite-facies metamafic rock solidus has been experimentally defined and inflects towards higher temperatures at the position of the plagioclase-out reaction. Therefore, the results indicate that a crystalline starting material is necessary to define this solidus to avoid metastable melting beyond temperatures of the Pl + H2O + Qtz solidus at pressures above plagioclase stability. Furthermore, this study uses numerical and metamorphic models to demonstrate that for reasonable Archaean mantle wedge temperatures within a potential Archaean subduction zone, the bulk of the water produced by metamorphic reactions within the slabs is captured by an anatectic zone near the slab surface. Therefore, this geodynamic model may account for HP-type Archaean TTG production and additionally provides constraints for likely Archaean subduction. The shape of the relevant fluid-present solidus is similar to the shape of the pressure-temperature paths followed by upper levels of the proposed Archaean subducting slab, which makes water-fluxed slab anatexis is very dependant on the temperature in the mantle wedge. I propose that cooling of the upper mantle by only a small amount during the late Archaean ended fluid-present melting of the slab. This allowed slab water to migrate into the wedge and produce intermediate composition magmatism which has since been associated with subduction zones. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die reeks natruimhoudende en leukokraties Tonaliet, Trondhjemiet en Granodioriet (TTG) felsiese stollingsgesteentes is kenmerkend in die Paleo- tot Meso-Argeïkum felsiese kontinentale kors, maar is ongewoon in die post-Argeïese rots rekord. Gevolglik, petrogenetiese studies op hierdie rotse verskaf waardevolle insig in die skepping en evolusie van die aarde se vroeë kontinentale kors. Die hoë-druk (HD)-tipe van die Argeïkum TTG magmas is veral belangrik in hierdie verband as hulle geochemie vereis dat hulle gevorm word deur hoë druk smelting van 'n granaat-ryk eklogitiese bron. Dit word interpreteer as bewys vir die vorming van hierdie magmas deur smelting van die boonste gedeeltes van die blaaie in Argeïese subduksie sones. TTG magmas in die algemeen, is veronderstel om op te staan deur middel van water-afwesig gedeeltelike smelting van metamafiese bron rotse. Daarom bestaan baie min eksperimentele data op water-teenwoordig eklogiet smelting om Argeïkum TTG te produseer, ten spyte van die feit dat water magmatisme dryf in moderne boë. Gevolglik is hierdie studie ‘n eksperimentele ondersoek in die rol van water-teenwoordig gedeeltelike smelting van eklogiet-fasies metamafiese rots in die produksie van Paleo- tot Meso-Argeïkum HD-tipe TTG smelte. Eksperimente word uitgevoer tussen 1.6 GPa en 3.0 GPa en 700 ºC en 900 ºC met behulp van natuurlike en sintetiese eklogiet, en gel begin materiaal van lae-K2O basaltiese samestelling. Gedeeltelike smelting van die natuurlike en sintetiese eklogiet het plaasgevind tussen 850 ºC en 870 ºC te druk bo 1.8 GPa, en die smeltings reaksie is gekenmerk deur die afbreek van natruimhoudende klinopirokseen, kwarts en water: Qtz + Cpx1 + H2O ± Grt1 = Smelt + Cpx2 ± Grt2. Die eksperimentele smelte het die komposisies van natruimhoudende trondhjemites en is soortgelyk aan die hoof-, spoor- en seldsame aard element samestelling van HD-tipe Argeïkum TTG. Hierdie studie dui daarop dat water-teenwoordig eklogiet smelting 'n lewensvatbare petrogenetiese model is vir hierdie komponent van Paleo- tot Meso-Argeïkum TTG kors. Die aard van die nat lae-K2O eklogietfasies metamafiese rock solidus is eksperimenteel gedefinieër en beweeg na hoër temperature by die posisie van die plagioklaas-out reaksie. Daarom dui die resultate daarop dat 'n kristallyne materiaal nodig is om hierdie solidus te definieër en metastabiele smelting buite temperature van die Pl + H2O + Qtz solidus druk bo plagioklaas stabiliteit te vermy. Verder maak hierdie studie gebruik van numeriese en metamorfiese modelle om aan te dui dat die grootste deel van die water geproduseer deur metamorfiese reaksies binne die blaaie bestaan vir redelike Argeïkum mantel wig temperature binne 'n potensiële Argeïkum subduksie sone, en word opgevang deur 'n smelting sone naby die blad oppervlak. Daarom kan hierdie geodinamies model rekenskap gee vir HD-tipe Argeïkum TTG produksie en dit bied ook die beperkinge vir waarskynlik Argeïese subduksie. Die vorm van die betrokke waterteenwoordig solidus is soortgelyk aan die vorm van die druk-temperatuur paaie gevolg deur die boonste vlakke van die voorgestelde Argeïkum subderende blad, wat water-vloeiing blad smeltingbaie afhanklik maak van die temperatuur in die mantel wig. Ons stel voor dat afkoeling van die boonste mantel met slegs 'n klein hoeveelheid gedurende die laat Argeïese, die water-vloeiing smelting van die blad beëindig. Dit het toegelaat dat die blad water in die wig migreer en intermediêre samestelling magmatisme produseer wat sedert geassosieer word met subduksie sones.

The tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Theespruit Formation in the Tjakastad Schist Belt and surrounding areas of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa

Diener, Johann F. A. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The southern portions of the Early- to Mid-Archaean Barberton granitoid-greenstone terrain of South Africa consists of a high-grade metamorphic granitoid-gneiss terrain that is juxtaposed against the low-grade metamorphic supracrustal sequence of the Barberton Greenstone Belt. The boundary of the two different crustal domains corresponds to the Theespruit Formation, an amphibolite-facies, highly tectonized mélange of metabasites, felsic volcanics and rare, aluminous clastic sediments that occurs along the granitoidgreenstone margins. Amphibolite-facies lithologies in the Theespruit Formation are characterized by strongly prolate mylonitic fabrics that formed in a constrictional tectonic regime. Away from the granitoid-greenstone margin and towards the central parts of the greenstone belt, these rocks grade to, and are overprinted by, greenschist-facies S-L mylonites that formed during non-coaxial deformation. Both peak and retrograde minerals define, and are aligned parallel to, the fabrics in these rocks, indicating that shearing was initiated under peak metamorphic conditions and continued during retrogression. S-C’ fabric relationships indicate that shearing occurred in an extensional tectonic regime and that, during deformation, the gneiss terrain was uplifted relative to the greenstone belt. Peak metamorphic assemblages of grt-st-bt-chl-pl-qtz and ky-st-btms- pl-qtz in metasediments and grt-ep-hbl-pl-qtz in amphibolite constrain peak metamorphic conditions of 7.4 ± 1.0 kbar and 560 ± 20 ºC that were attained during the main accretionary episode in the Barberton terrain at 3229 ± 25 Ma. Peak assemblages in all rocks are pre-tectonic and were deformed and re-equilibrated during retrogression, resulting in these being minimum estimates of peak metamorphic conditions. Petrographic evidence and retrograde pressure-temperature estimates indicate that retrogression involved near-isothermal decompression of ca. 4 kbar prior to cooling into the greenschist-facies. The style and timing of metamorphism in the Theespruit Formation is similar to that of the granitoid-gneiss terrain, suggesting that the Theespruit Formation shares a geological history with the gneiss terrain and that it is allochtonous to the greenstone belt. The main deformational and fabric-forming event exhibited in the Theespruit Formation occurred during the exhumation of the granitoid-gneiss terrain subsequent to peak metamorphism. Consequently, the juxtaposition of this terrain againstthe greenstone belt was achieved by tectonic underplating and core complex formation at ca. 3.23 Ga. The occurrence of high-grade constrictional mylonites that are overprinted by low-grade non-coaxial mylonites as well as extension in an overall compressional tectonic regime is consistent with exhumation by extensional orogenic collapse. Burial of the high-grade terrain to depths of 25 – 30 km is only possible in a relatively cold and rigid crustal environment, while the extremely low apparent geothermal gradients of ca. 20 ºC/km preserved in this terrain suggest that burial and exhumation occurred rapidly, within a time-span of ca. 15 – 20 Ma. These parameters strongly suggest that metamorphism occurred in response to a lateral plate tectonic process that was operational in the Barberton terrain at 3230 Ma. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die suidelike dele van die Vroeg- tot Middel-Argaïese Barberton graniet-groensteen terrein van Suid-Afrika bestaan uit ‘n hoë-graad metamorfe graniet-gneiss terrein wat die lae-graad metamorfe groenstene van die Barberton Groensteen Gordel begrens. Die grens tussen die twee verskillende kors-domeine hang saam met die Theespruit Formasie, ‘n amfiboliet-fasies, getektoniseerde melange van metabasiete, felsiese vulkaniese gesteentes en skaars, alumineuse klastiese sedimente wat langs die graniet-groensteen kontakte voorkom. Amfiboliet-fasies gesteentes in die Theespruit Formasie word gekenmerk deur sterk prolaat milonitiese maaksels wat in ‘n vernouende tektoniese omgewing gevorm het. Hierdie rotse word weg van die graniet-groensteen kontak en na die sentrale dele van die groensteen gordel oordruk en vervang deur groenskis-fasies S-L miloniete wat tydens nie-koaksiale vervorming gevorm het. Beide piek en retrograad minerale definieer, en is georienteer parallel aan, die maaksel in die rotse, wat daarop dui dat skuifskeur onder piek metamorfe toestande begin het en volgehou het tydens retrogressie. S-C’ maaksels dui daarop dat skuifskeur in ‘n verlengende tektoniese omgewing plaasgevind het en dat die gneiss terrein opgehef is relatief tot die groensteengordel tydens vervorming. Piek metamorfe versamelings van grt-st-bt-chl-plqtz en ky-st-bt-ms-pl-qtz in metasedimente en grt-ep-hbl-pl-qtz in amfiboliet bepaal piek metamorfe toestande van 7.4 ± 1.0 kbar en 560 ± 20 ºC wat bereik is gedurende die hooffase van akkresie in die Barberton terrein teen 3229 ± 25 Ma. Die piek metamorfe versamelings in alle rotse is pre-tektonies en is vervorm en geherekwilibreer tydens retrogressie, wat maak dat die beramings minimum skattings van piek metamorfe toestande is. Petrografiese getuienis asook druk-temperatuur beramings dui daarop dat retrogressie gepaard gegaan het met byna-isotermiese drukverligting van naastenby 4 kbar voor afkoeling tot in die groenskis-fasies. Die styl en tydsberekening van metamorfose in die Theespruit Formasie is vergelykbaar met metamorfose in die granietgneiss terrein, wat daarop dui dat die Theespruit Formasie ‘n geologiese geskiedenis met die gneiss terrein deel en allochtoon is tot die groensteen gordel. Die hooffase van vervorming en maakselvorming in die Theespruit Formasie het plaasgevind gedurende die herontbloting van die graniet-gneiss terrein na piek metamorfose. Gevolglik is dieteenplasing van dié terrein teen die groensteen gordel vermag deur tektoniese onderplasing en kernkompleksvorming teen ongeveer 3.23 Ga. Die verskynsel van hoëgraadse vernoude miloniete wat oordruk word deur lae-graadse nie-koaksiale miloniete asook verlenging in ‘n algeheel saamdrukkende tektoniese omgewing dui daarop dat herontbloting plaasgevind het deur middel van verlengende orogenetiese ineenstorting. Die begrawing van die hoë-graadse terrein tot dieptes van 25 – 30 km is net moontlik in ‘n relatief koel en star kors-omgewing, terwyl die uitermate lae geotermiese gradiente van ongeveer 20 ºC/km wat in die terrein behoue gebly het daarop dui dat begrawing en herontbloting vinnig geskeid het, binne ‘n tydsverloop van ongeveer 15 – 20 Ma. Hierdie beperkings is ‘n sterk aanduiding dat metamorfose plaasgevind het as gevolg van ‘n laterale plaattektoniese proses wat werksaam was in die Barberton terrein teen 3230 Ma.

Geology and structural controls of lode-gold mineralisation around the Navachab Gold Mine in the Pan-African Damara Belt of Namibia

Creus, Pieter Koenraad 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Numerous quartz-vein hosted gold prospects in the Karibib district in central Namibia testify to the presence of a large hydrothermal system during Pan-African times in rocks of the Damara Belt and centred around the Navachab Gold Mine. This study presents the results of the regional and detailed mapping of the Navachab synform, a NE-SW trending, regional-scale structure hosting a number of these gold prospects, locally referred to as the “zoo prospects”, in the direct vicinity of the main Navachab Gold Mine. The zoo prospects are located in the marble-dominated, up to 800 m thick Karibib Formation, which forms the core of the Navachab synform. Regional mapping of the synform identified six main lithological units comprising massive and banded dolomitic and calcareous marbles, intraformational breccias and interlayered calc-silicate felses. Despite characteristic thickness variations, the six units can be correlated throughout the synform, allowing for a lithostratigraphic correlation of units in the otherwise monotonous marble sequence. All of the prospects are spatially closely associated with and adjacent to unit 5, an up to 100 m thick, competent dolomitic marble unit. This suggests a strong lithological control of the mineralisation. The first-order Navachab synform formed during the regional D2 phase of deformation. The strongly non-cylindrical, doubly-plunging fold shows open- to close interlimb angles and a pronounced NW vergence in the SW, but is tight- to isoclinal and upright in the NE. Higher fabric intensities and detachment folding are confined to the subvertical limbs of the synform in the north. Here, structures record a subhorizontal, NW-SE directed co-axial shortening strain interpreted to have developed in response to the geometric hardening and layer-normal shortening following the rotation of the fold limbs to subvertical attitudes during progressive D2 shortening. The mineralisation of the zoo prospects is located where D2 high-strain zones intersect unit 5. This suggests an additional structural control of the mineralisation. The detailed mapping of the zoo prospects identified five distinct quartz-vein sets. The geometry, orientation and progressive deformation of the vein sets indicate that veining occurred during the late stages of the D2 event and during NW-SE directed, subhorizontal shortening. Areas of increased veining and mineralisation occur preferentially in areas of strain incompatibilities, where the combined effects of D2 strains and prominent lithological contacts created zones of localized dilatancy. This includes most prominently dilational jog geometries developed between anastomosing D2 shear zones, where hydrothermal fluid flow has produced pervasive quartz-vein stockworks. This also includes areas of detachment folding, where deformation of the rheological stiffer dolomitic marbles and less competent calcareous marbles has led to detachment surfaces and, locally, dilatancy. Zones of increased permeability are also created where two or more vein sets intersect, which is particularly common within and adjacent to boudin interpartitions of competent dolomite units and along rheologically prominent contacts. The zoo prospects illustrate the interplay of (1) prominent rheological contrasts between adjacent lithologies, (2) the presence of high-strain zones, and (3) the geometry of host structures for the formation of auriferous quartz veins in the Karibib district. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Talle goud vooruitsigte, wat kwarts-aar geherberg is, in die Karibib-distrik in Sentraal-Namibië getuig van die teenwoordigheid van 'n groot hidrotermale stelsel tydens die Pan-Afrika-tye in die rotse van die Damara-Belt en is gesentreer rondom die Navachab goudmyn. Hierdie studie stel die resultate van die streeks- en gedetailleerde kartering van die Navachab sinform, 'n NW-SO neiging, streeks-skaal struktuur wat ʼn aantal van hierdie goud prospekteerplek herberg, plaaslik bekend as die "zoo prospects", in die direkte omgewing van die hoof Navachab goudmyn. Die “zoo prospects” is geleë in die marmer-gedomineerde, tot 800 m dik Karibib formasie, wat deel vorm van die kern van die Navachab sinform. Streeks kartering van die sinform het ses belangrike litologiese eenhede geidentifiseer wat uit massiewe en gestreepte dolomitiese kalk marmer, intraformasie breksie en tussengelaagdheid kalksilikaat felses bestaan. Ten spyte van die kenmerkende dikte variasies, kan die ses eenhede gekorreleer word oor die hele sinform, wat toelaat vir 'n litostratigrafiese korrelasie van eenhede in die andersins eentonige marmer opeenvolging. Al die vooruitsigte is ruimtelik verbind met en aangrensend aan Eenheid 5, 'n tot 100 m dik, bevoegde dolomitiese marmer-eenheid. Dit dui op 'n sterk litologiese beheer van die mineralisasie. Die eerste-orde Navachab sinform het gevorm tydens die plaaslike D2 fase van deformasie. Die sterk nie-silindriese, dubbelduikende plooi wys oop- tot noue tussenflankhoeke en 'n uitgespreek NW-vergensie in die SW, maar is styf- tot isoclinaal en regop in die NO. Hoër maaksel sterkte en losmaking plooie is beperk tot die subvertikale flank van die sinform in die noorde. Hierdie strukture is 'n aanduiding van 'n subhorisontale, NW-SO gerigte ko-aksiale verkorting wat geïnterpreteer is as vervorming wat ontwikkel het in reaksie op die geometriese verharding en die laag-normaal verkorting as gevolg van die rotasie van die plooi flanke tot subvertikale houdings tydens die progressiewe D2 verkorting. Die mineralisasie van die “zoo prospects” is geleë waar D2 hoë-spanning sones Eenheid 5 sny. Dit dui op 'n addisionele strukturele beheer van die mineralisasie. Die gedetailleerde kartering van die “zoo prospects” het vyf verskillende kwarts-aar stelle geïdentifiseer. Die geometrie, argitektuur en progressiewe vervorming van die aar-stelle dui daarop dat aar-vorming plaasgevind het gedurende die laat stadium van die D2 gebeurtenis en tydens die NW-SO gerugte, subhorisontale verkorting. Gebiede van verhoogde aar-vorming en mineralisasie kom verkieslik voor in die gebiede van vervorming verskille, waar die gekombineerde effek van die D2 vervorming en prominente litologiese kontakte sones van gelokaliseerde dilatansie. Dit sluit die mees prominente uitsettings uitwyking geometrie wat ontwikkel tussen anastomoserend D2 skuifskeursones, waar hidrotermale vloeistof stroming deurdringende kwarts-aar stokwerke geproduseer. Dit sluit ook die gebiede van losmaking plooie, waar die vervorming van die reologiese stywer dolomitiese marmer en minder bevoegde kalk marmer losmaking oppervlaktes gelei het, en plaaslik, dilatansie. Sones van 'n verhoogde deurlaatbaarheid is ook geskep waar twee of meer aar stelle sny, wat is veral algemeen binne en aangrensende boudin tussendeelpartisies van bevoegde dolomiet-eenhede en langs reologiese prominente kontakte. Die “zoo prospects” illustreer die wisselwerking tussen (1) prominente reologiese kontraste tussen aangrensende litologie, (2) die teenwoordigheid van hoë-spanning sones, en (3) die geometrie van die geherbergte strukture vir die vorming van goudhoudende kwarts are in die Karibib-distrik.

Sedimentary modelling and petrophysical characterisation of a Permian Deltaic Sequence (Kookfontein Formation), Tanqua Depocentre, SW Karoo Basin, South Africa

Sonibare, Wasiu Adedayo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study presents an outcrop characterisation and modelling of the excellently exposed Permian Kookfontein Formation of the Ecca Group in the Tanqua-Karoo sub-Basin. The sedimentary modelling (i.e. facies architecture and geometry) and petrophysical characterisation followed a hierarchical and deterministic approach. Quantitative outcrop data were based on the thirteen sedimentary cycles that characterise this stratigraphic succession at the Pienaarsfontein se Berg locality; and these data were analysed using a combination of detailed sedimentary log, gamma ray log and photopanel analysis, as well as petrographic thin-section and grain size-based petrophysical analysis. Based on texture and sedimentary structures, twelve depofacies are recognised which are broadly grouped into four lithofacies associations i.e. sandstone facies, heterolithic facies, mudstone facies and soft-sediment deformation facies; these depofacies and lithofacies form the basic building blocks for the flooding surface-bounded facies succession (i.e. cycle). Also, based on sediment stacking and cycle thickness patterns as well as relative position to the shelf break, the succession is sub-divided into: (1) the lower Kookfontein member (i.e. cycles 1 to 5) exhibiting overall upward thickening and coarsening succession with progradational stacking pattern; representing deposition of mid-slope to top-slope/shelf-margin succession, and (2) the upper Kookfontein member (i.e. cycles 6 to 13) exhibiting overall upward thickening and coarsening succession with aggradational stacking pattern; representing deposition of top-slope/shelf-margin to outer shelf succession. Lateral juxtaposition of observed vertical facies variations across each cycle in an inferably basinwards direction exhibits upward change in features, i.e. decrease in gravity effects, increase in waves and decrease in slope gradient of subsequent cycles. This systematic upward transition in features, grading vertically from distal to proximal, with an overall upward thickening and coarsening progradational to aggradational stacking pattern indicates a normal regressive prograding delta. However, in detail, cycles 1-3 show some anomalies from a purely thickening and coarsening upward succession. Deposition of each cycle is believed to result from: (1) primary deposition by periodic and probably sporadic mouthbar events governed by stream flow dynamics, and (2) secondary remobilisation of sediments under gravity. The facies distribution, architecture and geometry which governs the sedimentary heterogeneity within the deltaic succession is therefore mainly a consequence of the series of mouthbar flooding events governed by sediment supply and base-level changes. These series of flooding events resulted in the delineation of the studied stratigraphic interval into two main parasequence sets, i.e. transgressive sequence set and the overlying regressive sequence set. This delineation was aided through the identification of a maximum flooding surface (i.e. maximum landwards shift in facies) above Cycle 3 in the field. The architecture and geometry of the ensuing deposystem is interpreted to have been a river-dominated, gravitationally reworked and waveinfluenced shelf edge Gilbert-type delta. Widespread distribution of soft-sediment deformation structures, their growth-style and morphology within the studied succession are empirically related to progradation of Gilbert-type mouthbars over the shelf break as well as the slope gradients of the Kookfontein deltaic clinoformal geometry. Analysis of hypothetical facies stacking and geometrical models suggests that the Kookfontein sedimentary cyclicity might not be accommodation-driven but rather sediment supply-driven. The workflow employed for petrophysical evaluation reveals that the distribution of reservoir properties within the Kookfontein deltaic sandbody geometries is strongly influenced both by depositional processes and by diagenetic factors, the latter being more important with increased burial depth. The reservoir quality of the studied sandstones decreases from proximal mouthbar sands, intermediate delta front to distal delta front facies. The major diagenetic factors influencing the reservoir quality of the studied sandstones are mechanical compaction, chemical compaction (pressure solution) and authigenic pore-filling cements (quartz cement, feldspar alteration and replacement, calcite cement, chlorite and illite). Mechanical compaction was a significant porosity reducing agent while cementation by authigenic quartz and clay minerals (i.e. illite and chlorite) might play a major role in permeability distribution. The porosity-permeability relationship trends obtained for the studied sandstones show that there is a linear relationship between porosity and permeability. The relative timing of diagenetic events as well as the percentages of porosity reduction by compaction and cementation indicates that compaction is much more responsible for porosity reduction than cementation. The described internal heterogeneity in this work is below the resolution (i.e. mm-scale) of most conventional well-logs, and therefore could supplement well-log data especially where there is no borehole image and core data. The combination of ‗descriptive‘ facies model and schematic geological model for this specific delta, and petrophysical characterisation make the results of this study applicable to any other similar ancient deposystem and particularly subsurface reservoir analogue. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie bied ‘n dagsoomkarakterisering en -modellering van die duidelik blootgelegde Permiese Kookfontein-formasie van die Ecca-groep in die Tankwa-Karoo-subkom. Wat die sedimentêre modellering (d.w.s. fasiesargitektuur en -geometrie) en petrofisiese karakterisering betref is ‘n hiërargiese en deterministiese benadering gevolg. Kwantitatiewe dagsoomdata is gebaseer op dertien sedimentêre siklusse wat hierdie stratigrafiese opeenvolging in die Pienaarsfontein se Berg-lokaliteit kenmerk; en die data is geanaliseer met behulp van ‘n kombinasie van gedetailleerde sedimentêre seksie, gammastraal-profiel en fotopaneelanalises, asook petrografiese slypplaatjie- en korrelgrootte-gebaseerde petrofisiese analises. Op grond van tekstuur en sedimentêre strukture is twaalf afsettingsfasies onderskei wat rofweg in vier assosiasies van litofasies gegroepeer kan word: sandsteenfasies, heterolitiese fasies, moddersteenfasies en sagtesediment-deformasiefasies. Hierdie afsettingsfasies en litofasies vorm die basiese boustene vir die fasiesopeenvolging (d.w.s. siklus) wat oorstromingsoppervlakgebonde is. Verder word die opeenvolging aan die hand van sedimentstapeling en skilusdiktepatrone, asook relatiewe posisie tot die rakbreuk, in die volgende onderverdeel: (1) die benede-Kookfontein-deel (d.w.s. siklus 1 tot 5), wat in die geheel ‘n opwaartse verdikkings- en vergrowwingsopeenvolging met ‘n progradasiestapelpatroon vertoon en die afsetting van middelhelling-tot-boonstehelling- of rakrand-opeenvolging verteenwoordig, en (2) die benede-Kookfontein-deel (d.w.s. siklus 6 tot 13) wat in die geheel ‘n opwaartse verdikkings- en vergrowwingsopeenvolging met ‘n aggradasiestapelpatroon vertoon en die afsetting van boonste helling- of rakrand-tot-buiterakopeenvolging verteenwoordig. Die laterale jukstaposisie van waargenome vertikale fasiesvariasies oor elke siklus heen, in ‘n afleibare komwaartse rigting, vertoon opwaartse verandering wat kenmerke betref, naamlik afname in gravitasiegevolge, toename in golwe en afname in die hellinggradiënt van daaropvolgende siklusse. Hierdie stelselmatige opwaartse oorgang van kenmerke, wat vertikaal van distaal tot proksimaal gradiënteer en in die geheel opwaartse verdikking en vergrowwing in ‘n progradasie-tot-aggradasie-stapelpatroon vertoon, dui op ‘n normale regressiewe progradasiedelta. Van naby beskou, vertoon siklus 1-3 egter bepaalde afwykings van ‘n suiwer opwaartse verdikkings- en vergrowwingsopeenvolging. Die afsettings van elke siklus is vermoedelik die gevolg van: (1) primêre afsetting deur periodieke en waarskynlik sporadiese mondversperringsgebeure wat deur stroomvloeidinamika beheer word, en (2) sekondêre hermobilisering van sedimente deur gravitasie. Die fasiesverspreiding, -argitektuur en -geometrie wat die sedimentêre heterogeniteit in die deltaïese opeenvolging beheer, is dus hoofsaaklik ‘n gevolg van die reeks oorstromingsgebeure by die mondversperring, wat deur sedimentvoorsiening en basisvlakveranderings beheer word. Hierdie reeks oorstromingsgebeure het gelei tot die delineasie van die bestudeerde stratigrafiese interval volgens twee hoofparasekwensie stelle, naamlik die transgressiewe opeenvolgings- en die oordekkende, regressiewe opeenvolgingsgroep. Dié delineasie word ondersteun deur die feit dat ‘n maksimum oorstromingsoppervlak (d.w.s. maksimum landwaartse verskuiwing in fasies) bo siklus 3 in die veld uitgeken is. Die argitektuur en geometrie van die daaropvolgende afsettingstelsel word geïnterpreteer as behorende tot ‘n Gilbert-rakranddelta wat deur ‘n rivier gedomineer, deur gravitasie herbewerk en deur golfwerking beïnvloed is. Die wye verspreiding van sagtesediment-deformasiestrukture, en die groeiwyse en morfologie daarvan binne die bestudeerde opeenvolging, is empiries verwant aan die progradasie van Gilbertmondversperrings oor die rakbreuk heen, asook aan die hellinggradiënte van die Kookfontein-deltaïese, klinoformele geometrie. Die analise van hipotetiese fasiesstapeling en geometriese modelle dui daarop dat die Kookfontein-sedimentêre siklisiteit dalk nie deur akkommodasieruimte gedryf word nie, maar deur sedimentvoorsiening. Die werkvloei wat vir petrofisiese evaluering gebruik is dui daarop dat die verspreiding van reservoir-eienskappe in die Kookfontein- deltaïese sandliggaam geometries sterk beïnvloed word deur afsettingsprosesse en diagenetiese faktore. Die diagenetiese faktore word belangriker op groter begrawing diepte. Die reservoir-aard van die bestudeerde sandgesteentes neem algaande af van proksimale mondversperring-sandsoorte tot intermediêre deltafront tot distale deltafrontfasies. Die hoof-diagenetiese faktore wat die reservoir-kenmerke van die bestudeerde sandsteensoorte beïnvloed is meganiese verdigting, chemiese verdigting (oplossingsdruk) en outigeniese porievullingsement (kwartssement, veldspaatomsetting en -vervanging, kalsietsement, chloriet en illiet). Meganiese verdigting is ‘n beduidende poreusheidreduseermiddel, terwyl sementering deur outigeniese kwarts- en kleiminerale (d.w.s. illiet en chloriet) moontlik ‘n belangrike rol by permeabiliteitsverspreiding kan speel. Die poreusheid-permeabiliteit-verhoudingstendense wat bekom is vir die bestudeerde sandsteensoorte dui daarop dat daar ‘n lineêre verhouding tussen poreusheid en permeabiliteit bestaan. Die relatiewe tydberekening van diagenetiese gebeure, asook die persentasie poreusheidvermindering deur verdigting en sementering, dui daarop dat verdigting baie meer as sementering tot poreusheidvermindering bydra. Die interne heterogeniteit wat in hierdie werk beskryf word, is onder die resolusie (d.w.s. mm-skaal) van die meeste konvensionele boorgatopnames, en kan dus boorgatopnamedata aanvul, veral waar daar geen boorgatafbeelding en kerndata bestaan nie. Die kombinasie van die 'deskriptiewe‘ fasiesmodel en skematiese geologiese model vir hierdie spesifieke delta, asook petrofisiese karakterisering, beteken dat die resultate van hierdie studie op enige ander soortgelyke antieke afsettingstelsels toegepas kan word, maar veral op suboppervlakreservoir-analoogstelsels.

Phase relations and Pt solubility in sulphide melt in the FE-NI-CU-S system at 1 ATM : implications for evulution of sulphide magma in the Merensky reef, Bushveld Complex, South Africa

Theron, Luhann Marlon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is widely accepted that sulphide is the carrier and concentrator of PGEs during magmatic mineralization episodes in the Merensky Reef (MR). PGE concentration peaks and sulphide volume percent peaks are very closely correlated. Koegelenberg, (2011), showed in an experimental investigation that sulphide movement through a cumulate silicate and cumulate oxide pile behave in such a way that sulphide melt gets trapped in chromitite layers. When looking at the compositional distribution of sulphide within the MR it is noted that not only does the sulphide volume percent varies with MR stratigraphy but also the sulphide composition. Sulphide composition is more Cu-rich in the chromitite layers and more Fe and Ni dominated in the hanging wall to the chromitite layers. Until now the more Cu-rich assemblage of the chromitite layers are accepted to be of a sulphide melt composition compared to the Fe and Ni dominated Monosulphide Solid Solution or MSS composition in the hanging wall. In this study we used an experimental approach with a sulphide starting composition thought to exist as the parental sulphide composition of the MR to investigate the phase relations with changing temperature. It is found that the sulphide composition in the chromitite layers represent a sulphide melt composition at 1000 ± 50ºC. At 1000ºC, 50% of the sulphide system would exist as a melt. This Cu-rich melt would have segregated from the MSS and be trapped in the chromitite layer. Also at 1000ºC the partitioning of the Pt would have induced a secondary enrichment step of the Pt concentration in melt through the partitioning of Pt between a sulphide melt and a sulphide solid phase. The experimental evidence in this study points towards a possible source for the parental sulphide magma to the MR, which could have been a slightly Cu enriched mantle sulphide composition. Also, the secondary enrichment of Pt through sulphide melt fractionation at 1000ºC plays an important role in the shaping of the ore body. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit word wydliks aanvaar dat die sulfied fraksie van die Merensky Rif (MR) die draer en die konsentrasie agent is vir Platinum Groep Elemente (PGE`s) gedurende mineralisasie episodes. PGE konsentrasie en sulfied volume persentasie is op `n hoogtepunt by gelyke stratigrafiese posisies in the MR. Koegelenberg, (2011), het deur middel van eksperimente bewys dat `n sulfied smelt deur `n voorafbestaande kumulaat laag kan beweeg en dat veranderende fisiese eienskappe tussen sulfied smelt en silikaat kristal en sulfied smelt en chromiet kristal, die sulfied smelt sal opsuig en verhoud om verder deur te suipel. Dit is egter oplettend dat nie net die sulfied volume persentasie varieer as `n funksie van die MR stratigrafie nie, maar ook die sulfied samestelling. Die meer Cu-ryke sulfied samestelling in die chromiet lae word aanvaar as `n sulfied smelt fraksie en die meer Fe en Ni dominerende sulfied samestelling in die oorhangende wandgesteentes verteenwoordig die Monosulfied Vaste Oplossing (MVO) soliede fase. In hierdie studie maak ons gebruik van eksperimentele petrologie tesame met `n begin samestelling verteenwoordigend van die oorsprong sulfied samestelling van die MR, om die fase verwantskappe van hierdie spesifieke samestelling te ondersoek. Dit word gevind dat die fraksionering tydens die vorming van die MR plaasgevind het by ongeveer 1000 ±50 C. By hierdie temperatuur is 50% van die sisteem teenwoordig as `n smelt fase. Hierdie Cu-verykte smelt was daartoe instaat om deur die silikaat laag te suipel, geskei te raak van die Fe en Ni dominerende MVO en vasgevang te word in die chromiet lae. Hierdie fraksionering van die sulfied smelt het ook `n sekondêre effek gehad op die verspreiding van Pt tussen sulfied smelt en sulfied soliede fases. Hierdie eksperimentele bewyse dui eerstens op die moontlikheid van `n sulfied smelt in die MR wat sy oorsprong vanuit `n effense Cu-verykte mantel bron kan hê, en tweedens op die belangrikheid van `n sekondêre proses vir Pt re-distribusie tydens die vorming van die MR.

The petrogenesis of the Nelshoogte pluton: The youngest and most compositionally variable TTG pluton in the Barberton Granite-Greenstone Terrain

Matsumura, Risa 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The compositions of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG)-series rocks from the Barberton Granite-Greenstone Terrain (BGGT) of Southern Africa vary in terms of major element concentrations (leuco-trondhjemites to tonalites), trace elements (e.g. Sr, Rb, REE) and degree of HREE depletion [(La/Yb)N ~ 0.50 - 121]. These geochemical parameters have been interpreted to have significance for the geodynamic processes that produced TTG magmas, particularly the depth of the source. In the Nelshoogte pluton, trondhjemite emplacement occurred prior to and during (D2)-tectonism, and hornblende-bearing tonalites/granodiorites occur as intrusive plugs within the trondhjemite. The geochemical range portrayed by the ca. 3230 Ma Nelshoogte pluton covers almost the whole range portrayed by all the TTG rocks of the BGGT, formed in the time interval 3550 to 3230 Ma. U-Pb zircon dating reveals no significant differences in apparent ages between the trondhjemites and tonalites of the Nelshoogte pluton; all lie between ca. 3240 and 3220 Ma. A/CNK- and Ti-maficity correlations within the Nelshoogte pluton show behaviour typical of I-type granitic rocks, confirming the metamafic character of the source and the involvement of a peritectic garnet and clinopyroxene component in the magmas. The REE and traceelement patterns resemble those of both ca. 3450 Ma TTG plutons and other ~ 3230 Ma TTG plutons in the BGGT. This suggests that these different generations of TTG magmas were generated from similar sources and by similar processes. The geochemical details are consistent with a metamafic source which underwent melting at high pressure. This TTG source was fundamentally different from the more potassic source/s that produced the younger 3100 Ma granites. Additionally, high Zr/Sm and low Nb/Ta ratios in the Barberton TTG rocks suggest that the Nelshoogte pluton originated as a group of chemically distinct magmas, in a similar way to other ~ 3200 Ma TTGs. The protoliths of ~ 3450 Ma plutons and ~ 3200 Ma plutons might typically be rutile-bearing eclogite and/or 10 to 30 % garnet bearing amphibolite. The geochemical features of the Barberton TTGs suggest similar source compositions, but different pressures of partial melting. For the ca. 3230 Ma plutons, the rocks of the Badplaas pluton and the Nelshoogte trondhjemites/tonalites correspond to the high-pressure magmas, as reflected by high Sr content, as well as high Sr/Y and (La/Yb)N ratios. In contrast, the Kaap Valley TTGs and Nelshoogte granodiorites reflect the melting of a similar source at moderate pressure. Furthermore, the Hf isotope data; Hft (+ 0.1 to + 1.9) and TDM model ages (3330 - 3230 Ma), suggest that the source rocks are ~ 20 to 100 Myr older than the pluton. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die samestellings van tonaliet-trondhjemiet-granodioriet (TTG)-reeks gesteentes vanaf die Baberton Graniet-Groensteen terrien (BGGT) van Suiderlike Afrika verskil in terme van hoofelement konsentrasies (leuko-trondhjemiete tot tonaliete), spoorelemente (bv. Sr, Rb en seldsameaarde-elemente(SAE)) en ook van swaar seldsameaarde-element (SSAE) uitputting [(La/Yb)N ~ 0.50 - 121]. Deur interpritasie is daar vasgestel dat hierdie geochemiese beperkings betekenis dra vir die geodinamiese prosesse wat TTG magmas produseer het, en veral vir die diepte van die bron. In die Nelshoogte pluton het trondhjemiet inplasing voor en gedurende (D2)-tektonisme voorgekom en horingblende-draende tonaliet/granodioriet kom voor as intrusiewe proppe binne-in die trondhjemiet. Die geochemiese reeks wat uitgebeeld is deur die ~ 3230 Ma Nelshoogte pluton ondersteun byna die hele reeks wat uitgebeeld is deur al die TTG gesteentes van die BBGT wat gevorm het gedurende die tydsinterval 3550 tot 3230 Ma. U-Pb sirkoon datering openbaar geen merkwaardige verskille in ouderdomme tussen die trondhjemiete en tonaliete van die Nelshoogte pluton nie. Al die ouderdomme lê tussen 3240 en 3220 Ma. A/CNK- en Ti-mafisiteit korrelasies binne die Nelshoogte pluton toon die tipiese gedrag van I-tipe granitiese gesteentes, en bevestig sodoende die metamafiese karakter van die bron, asook die betrokkenheid van ‘n peritektiese granaat en klinopirokseen component in die magmas. Die seldsameaarde-element en spoorelement patroone lyk soos dié van albei ~ 3450 Ma plutons en ander ~ 3230 Ma TTG plutons in die BGGT. Dit stel voor dat hierdie verskillende generasies van TTG magmas genereer was vanaf soortgelyke bronne en ook deur soortgelyke prosesse. Die geochemiese besonderhede stem ooreen met ‘n metamafiese bron wat smelting teen hoë druk ondergaan het. Hierdie TTG bron het fondamenteel verskil van die meer kalium-ryke bron/ne wat die jonger 3100 Ma graniete prodiseer het. In ‘n eenderse manier as ander ~ 3200 Ma TTG gesteentes, stel hoë Zr/Sm en lae Nb/Ta verhoudings in die Baberton TTG gesteentes verder voor dat die Nelshoogte pluton ontstaan het as ‘n groep chemies verskillende magmas. Die protoliete van ~ 3450 Ma plutons en ~ 3200 Ma plutons mag dalk tipies rutiel-draende eklogiet en/of 10 tot 30% granaat draende amfiboliet wees. Die geochemiese aspekte van die Baberton TTGs stel eenderse bron komposisies, maar verskillende drukke van gedeeltelike smelting voor. Vir die ~ 3230 Ma plutons stem die gesteentes van die Badplaas pluton en die Nelshoogte trondhjemiete/tonaliete ooreen met die hoë druk magmas, soos weerspieël deur hoe Sr inhoud, sowel as hoe Sr/Y en (La/Yb)N verhoudinge. In kontras weerspiel die Kaap Valley TTGs en Nelshoogte granodioriet die smelting van ‘n eenderse bron teen matige druk. Verder stel die Hf isotoop data; Hft (+ 0.1 to + 1.9) en TDM model ouderdomme (3330 - 3230 Ma) voor dat die bron gesteentes ~ 20 to 100 Mjr ouer is as die pluton.

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