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Soldagem a arco elétrico com proteção gasosa em juntas de chapas finas de aço / Gas metal arc welding of thin sheet steelsDaltro, Adnauer Tarquínio 01 June 2000 (has links)
O uso de chapas finas de aço, revestidas ou não, tem sido crescente nos últimos anos, principalmente aquelas que tem revestimento à base de zinco. Isto ocorre tanto na indústria automobilística e mecânica como na construção civil, que geralmente fabricam suas peças e estruturas utilizando um procedimento de soldagem. O objetivo deste trabalho é estabelecer procedimentos de soldagem à arco elétrico com proteção gasosa - GMAW - com transferência por curto circuito, para elementos de chapa fina de aço carbono não revestido e aço zincado, de modo a se obter junções de qualidade aceitável e diminuição das distorções decorrentes dos ciclos térmicos presentes durante a soldagem e, consequentemente a redução das tensões residuais. Em termos de qualidade da solda, propões-se uma combinação de consumíveis disponíveis no mercado, de modo a reduzir os defeitos como: porosidade, respingos, trincas e perda de revestimento. No caso das chapas finas de aço zincado, a melhor combinação de consumíveis encontrada foi: arame com baixo teor de desoxidantes, ER70S-3, e como gás de proteção a mistura 8% CO2 + 92% Ar. Quanto à redução e controle das distorções, três técnicas são utilizadas. A técnica que utiliza em escoadouro dinâmico de calor, formado por um jato de gás refrigerador aplicado logo após o arco de solda durante a soldagem, apresentou maior eficiência na redução das distorções, provenientes do ciclo térmico. / The thin sheet steels, coated or not, has been widely used nowadays, mainly the hot dip galvanized steel sheets. It\'s observed as in the mechanic and automobilist industry as in the civil construction that in manufacturing of pieces and structures employ welding procedures. The aim of this work is to establish procedures to gas metal are welding with short circuit transfer of thin sheet steel elements, not coated and zinc-coated steel, in order to get junctions of acceptance quality and reduction of welding stress and distortion. This distortion arise of the thermal cycles that occur during the welding. In terms of the weld quality is defined the best consumables combination available in the market, in such a way to reduce the weld defects like porosities, spatters, cracks and loss of covering. To galvanized steel sheets, the combination: wire ER70S-3 and mixture 8%CO2 + 92% Ar showed the best performance. Three techniques were employed for control and reduce the welding distortion. One that using a spot heat sink following the arc, in this case the cooling jet, was more efficient that others techniques.
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Effects of distortion on modern turbofan tonal noise / Effets de la distorsion sur le bruit tonal d’un turboréacteur moderneDaroukh, Majd 06 July 2017 (has links)
Et une quantification de la distorsion due à l’effet potentiel des OGVs et de celle due à l’asymétrie de l’entrée d’air sont proposées. Les effets de la distorsion sur l’aérodynamique sont mis en évidence avec notamment une modification importante des sillages des pales de la soufflante, des chocs et de la charge instationnaire exercée sur les différentes pales et aubes. Des prévisions Les objectifs en termes de réduction de la consommation et du bruit émis par les moteurs d’avions ont progressivement mené aux architectures à très grand taux de dilution (UHBR). Leur géométrie est caractérisée par une entrée d’air courte et par une réduction de l’espace entre la soufflante et les aubes du redresseur du flux secondaire (OGVs), entraînant alors une augmentation de l’inhomogénéité azimutale de l’écoulement au niveau de la soufflante. Cette inhomogénéité, appelée distorsion, pourrait impacter le bruit tonal généré par le module de la soufflante. Ce bruit est généralement supposé être dominé par le mécanisme d’interaction des sillages des pales de la soufflante avec les OGVs. En régime transsonique, le bruit de choc et le bruit de charge stationnaire deviennent également prépondérants. L’augmentation de la distorsion pourrait être à l’origine de nouvelles sources de bruit en interagissant avec les pales de la soufflante et l’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer leur contribution. Les effets de la distorsion sur les mécanismes de bruit déjà existants sont également analysés. Cette étude est réalisée à l’aide de simulations numériques des équations instationnaires de Navier-Stokes moyennées (URANS). Un module complet de fan est considéré sur 360 degrés et se compose d’un conduit d’entrée d’air, de la soufflante et des redresseurs des flux primaire et secondaire (IGVs/OGVs). Le redresseur du flux secondaire est typique des moteurs actuels avec un pylône intégré et deux entrées d’air différentes sont étudiées de manière à isoler les effets de la distorsion d’entrée d’air. La première est axisymétrique et ne produit donc pas de distorsion alors que la deuxième ne l’est pas et produit un niveau de distorsion typique de ceux attendus dans les moteurs UHBR. Une description acoustiques basées sur les approches directe et hybride sont réalisées et soulignent la contribution importante des sources localisées sur les pales de la soufflante sur le bruit amont. Le bruit aval reste dominé par les sources sur les OGVs mais est tout de même impacté par la distorsion d’entrée d’air via la modification des sillages. / Fuel consumption and noise reduction trigger the evolution of aircraft engines towards Ultra High Bypass Ratio (UHBR) architectures. Their short air inlet design and the reduction of their interstage length lead to an increased circumferential inhomogeneity of the flow close to the fan. This inhomogeneity, called distortion, may have an impact on the tonal noise radiated from the fan module. Usually, such a noise source is supposed to be dominated by the interaction of fan-blade wakes with Outlet Guide Vanes (OGVs). At transonic tip speeds, the noise generated by the shocks and the steady loading on the blades also appears to be significant. The increased distortion may be responsible for new acoustic sources while interacting with the fan blades and the present work aims at evaluating their contribution. The effects of distortion on the other noise mechanisms are also investigated. The work is based on full-annulus simulations of the Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) equations. A whole fan module including the inlet duct, the fan and the Inlet and Outlet Guide Vanes (IGVs/OGVs) is studied. The OGV row is typical of current engine architecture with an integrated pylon and two different air inlet ducts are compared in order to isolate the effects of inlet distortion. The first one is axisymmetric and does not produce any distortion while the other one is asymmetric and produces a level of distortion typical of the ones expected in UHBR engines. A description and a quantification of the distortion that is caused by both the potential effect of the OGVs and the inlet asymmetry are proposed. The effects of the distortion on aerodynamics are highlighted with significant modifications of the fanblade wakes, the shocks and the unsteady loading on the blades and on the vanes. Both direct and hybrid acoustic predictions are provided and highlight the contribution of the fan-blade sources to the upstream noise. The downstream noise is still dominated by the OGV sources but it is shown to be significantly impacted by the inlet distortion via the modification of the impinging wakes.
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"Avaliação dimensional da região palatina em modelos de revestimento, após duplicação dos modelos de gesso para a confecção da estrutura metálica da prótese parcial removível, em função dos materiais duplicadores, revestimentos e da profundidade da abóbada palatina" / Dimensional evaluation of the palatal area in investment casts after the duplication of stone casts for removable partial denture framework construction in relation to the duplicating materials, investments and depth of the palatal vault.Calamita, Marcelo Alexandre 03 February 2005 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a região palatina em modelos de revestimento, após duplicação do modelo de gesso para a confecção da estrutura metálica da prótese parcial removível, em função dos materiais duplicadores, revestimentos e da profundidade da abóbada palatina. Foram utilizados 12 modelos mestres de gesso com duas diferentes profundidades da abóbada palatina, sendo seis de palato raso e seis de palato profundo. Os métodos de uplicação utilizados foram: A) Hidrocolóide reversível com revestimento aglutinado por sílica (GEL_SIL); B) Hidrocolóide reversível com revestimento aglutinado por fosfato (GEL_FOS) e C) Silicone de adição com revestimento aglutinado por fosfato (ADI_FOS). Assim, a partir de cada modelo mestre foi obtido um modelo de revestimento para cada um dos métodos descritos acima, sendo os 48 modelos resultantes aferidos com o aparelho de medição tridimensional de coordenadas e os dados analisados estatisticamente pelo método split-plot. Avaliando-se os resultados obtidos concluiu-se que: 1) Todos os métodos de duplicação produziram algum grau de imprecisão nos locais avaliados; 2) O método GEL_FOS apresentou mínimas diferenças médias em relação ao modelo mestre; 3) O método GEL_SIL apresentou diferenças médias positivas em relação ao modelo mestre, não estatisticamente significativas em relação ao método GEL_FOS; 4) O método ADI_FOS apresentou diferenças médias negativas em relação ao modelo mestre, estatisticamente significativas em relação aos métodos GEL_FOS e GEL_SIL e 5) A profundidade da abóbada palatina não influenciou significativamente os resultados obtidos. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the palatal area in investment casts after the duplication of stone casts in relation to the duplicating materials, investments and the depth of the palatal vault. Twelve master stone casts were used with two different palatal vault depths, six with a shallow palatal vault and six with a deep palatal vault. The duplicating methods used were: A) Reversible hydrocolloid with silica bonded investment (GEL_SIL); B) Reversible hydrocolloid with phosphate bonded investment (GEL_FOS), and C) Addition silicone with phosphate bonded investment (ADI_FOS). Thus, one investment cast was obtained from each master cast for each of the methods described above. The 48 resulting models were measured with a three-dimensional coordinate measurement machine, and the data were analyzed by the split-plot method. After evaluating the results we concluded that: 1) All investment casts showed some degree of distortion in the areas measured; 2) The GEL_FOS method showed the smallest average differences in relation to the master cast; 3)The GEL_SIL method showed positive, not statistically significant average differences in relation to the GEL_FOS method; 4) The ADI_FOS method showed negative, and statistically significant differences in relation to the GEL_FOS and GEL_SIL methods, and 5) The depth of the palatal vault did not influence the results significantly.
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Proposta de indicador de qualidade de tensão a partir do impacto de distorções harmônicas e desequilíbrios sobre motores de indução. / Proposal of voltage quality index taking into account the impact of harmonic distortion and voltage unbalances on induction motors.Duarte, Silvio Xavier 05 September 2006 (has links)
Esta tese discute a necessidade de monitorar, além das tensões eficazes, os desequilíbrios de freqüência fundamental e as distorções harmônicas de tensão. Apresenta uma forma alternativa para obter os parâmetros de desequilíbrios de freqüência fundamental e de distorções harmônicas a partir da representação dos valores instantâneos no sistema de eixos (DQ) e norma Euclidiana instantânea (NEI). Como contribuição principal, o trabalho propõe obter um parâmetro de qualidade que combina os parâmetros de desequilíbrio e de distorção harmônica. A representatividade dos parâmetros de qualidade é analisada a partir de resultados de elevações de temperatura dos enrolamentos de um motor de indução obtidas de 60 horas de testes. Discute-se que uma das vantagens de obter um parâmetro de qualidade de tensão que combine os efeitos de desequilíbrios de freqüência fundamental e distorções harmônicas é reduzir o número de parâmetros que devem ser monitorados, simplificando o processo de fiscalização que os órgãos reguladores procuram implantar. Além disso, o trabalho mostra análises sobre como os distúrbios na tensão afetam um motor de indução e prejudicam sua vida útil e mostra que há outras formas para se obter parâmetros de qualidade de tensão em relação aos métodos convencionais. Finalmente, apresenta a necessidade de estudos futuros para consolidar a proposta de um parâmetro de qualidade que combine os efeitos de distúrbios na tensão relacionados a outros equipamentos. / This thesis outlines the need for monitoring voltage quality, namely fundamental frequency unbalance and harmonic distortions in addition to voltage regulation. It presents an alternative way to obtain voltage fundamental frequency unbalance and harmonic distortion parameters by using the DQ axes system representation applied to instantaneous values and the instantaneous Euclidean norm (IEN). As a main contribution, the work presents a quality parameter that combines the unbalance and harmonic distortion parameters. The representativeness of the quality parameters is analysed based on results of temperature rises in induction motor windings tested during 60 hours. An advantage of obtaining a voltage quality parameter that considers simultaneous effects of both fundamental frequency unbalance and harmonic distortion is the reduction in the number of monitored parameters, thus simplifying the controlling process that regulatory agencies seek to implement. Furthermore, this work shows some analyses on how the voltage disturbances affect an induction motor and reduce its lifetime and shows that there are other forms to compute voltage quality, which are alternatives to conventional methods. Finally, the need for further studies to consolidate the proposal of a quality parameter that combines voltage disturbances effects related to other pieces of equipment is discussed.
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Percepção de dimensões corporais de adolescentes do sexo feminino : aspectos psicofísicos e comportamentais /Paula, Adriana Inês de. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Eliane Mauerberg-de-Castro / Banca: José Aparecido da Silva / Banca: Afonso Antonio Machado / Banca: Catia Mary Volp / Banca: Edison Duarte / Resumo: A imagem corporal refere-se a experiências humanas incorporadas ao longo da vida sobre seu próprio corpo. É um construto multifacetado que une a percepção e as atitudes das pessoas, especialmente as preocupações e atitudes relacionadas à aparência física (Cash, Maikkula & Yamamiya, 2004). Quando distorcida, a representação da imagem corporal pode levar o indivíduo a riscos, tais como transtornos alimentares e depressão (Smolak, 2002), que estão entre os principais e mais sérios problemas clínicos encontrados em meninas adolescentes e mulheres jovens na atualidade (Shroff & Thompson, 2006). O objetivo geral deste estudo foi avaliar aspectos comportamentais e perceptivos da imagem corporal de meninas adolescentes com distúrbio de imagem corporal (GCD) e sem distúrbio de imagem corporal (GSD). Especificamente identificar se parâmetros comportamentais (i.e., nível de satisfação com o próprio corpo) são distintos entre os grupos; verificar em tarefa com silhuetas e em tarefa com imagens do próprio corpo a consistência dos sub-componentes afetivo, cognitivo e perceptivo de ambos os grupos; avaliar se parâmetros perceptivos (i.e., expoente da função psicofísica de potência e magnitude do erro no julgamento de dimensões do próprio corpo) diferem entre os grupos; verificar se parâmetros perceptivos são diferentes entre tarefas que incluem imagens da própria pessoa, de pessoa desconhecida e de estímulo neutro (i.e., projeção frontal de um cubo) e se estas possíveis diferenças ocorrem para ambos os grupos; se fatores como distúrbio de imagem, transtorno alimentar e IMC predizem o nível de insatisfação do próprio corpo e se predizem a magnitude do erro no julgamento de dimensões do próprio corpo. Para tanto, 43 participantes do GSD e 10 participantes do GCD responderam a testes e inventários (BSQ, EAT, escala de silhuetas e escala da imagem própria)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Body image is a multi-dimensional construct that combines perceptions and attitudes about the body, particularly those that relate to physical appearance (Cash, Maikkula & Yamamiya, 2004). When body image perception is disturbed-most common amongst teenage girls (Shroff & Thompson, 2006), serious health risks may result, which include eating disorders and depression (Smolak, 2002). The purpose of this study was to assess the behavioral and perceptual aspects of body image in adolescent females with and without body image distortion, (BID) and (NBI). Specifically, it was to identify whether or not behavioral parameters are distinct between groups. The study attempted to verify, in both groups, levels of consistency in sub-components: affective, cognitive and perceptual, using tasks that portrayed the individual's own body as well as a stranger's body. Also assessed was whether or not perceptual parameters could it be determined, and whether or not perceptual parameters are different for tasks that include an individual's own body image versus those tasks that include a stranger's body image and a task with a neutral image. If differences existed between groups, the study attempted to assess whether or not body image disturbance, presence of eating disorder and BMI-body mass index (IMC) predicted levels of individual body dissatisfaction and magnitude of error when the individuals judged the dimensions of their own bodies. Forty-three participants comprised the NBI group, and ten participants comprised the BID group. In order to establish the behavioral components of body image, individuals in both groups were asked to complete questionnaires and inventories (BSQ, EAT, silhouette scale, SIL, and own body image scale, OBI). Also, psychophysical tasks were used to assess the perceptual components of body image. Results of the behavioral aspects related to body image showed that... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Adaptive feedforward linearized microwave amplifiers for digital communication systems.January 2001 (has links)
Lin Pui-Yu. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 103-105). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Acknowledgement / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Nonlinear Phenomenon of Power Amplifier --- p.5 / Chapter 2.1. --- AM-AM and AM-PM Distortion --- p.5 / Chapter 2.2. --- Intermodulation Distortion --- p.7 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Linearization Techniques --- p.10 / Chapter 3.1. --- Power Backoff --- p.11 / Chapter 3.2. --- Feedback --- p.12 / Chapter 3.3. --- Predistortion --- p.12 / Chapter 3.4. --- Feedforward --- p.14 / Chapter 3.5. --- Other Linearization Techniques --- p.15 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Analysis of Feedforward Power Amplifier --- p.17 / Chapter 4.1. --- Feedforward Efficiency --- p.18 / Chapter 4.2. --- Design Criteria of the Auxiliary Amplifier --- p.20 / Chapter 4.3. --- Sensitivity Analysis --- p.21 / Chapter 4.3.1. --- Phase and Amplitude Mismatch --- p.22 / Chapter 4.3.2. --- Delay Mismatch --- p.23 / Chapter 4.3.3. --- Combined Effect --- p.25 / Chapter 4.3.4. --- Practical Consideration --- p.27 / Chapter 4.4. --- Other Design Criteria --- p.28 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Adaptive Control Networks for FFPA --- p.29 / Chapter 5.1. --- Basic Principles of the Adaptive Control Network --- p.30 / Chapter 5.1.1. --- Lookup Table --- p.30 / Chapter 5.1.2. --- Power Minimization Vs. Correlation --- p.31 / Chapter 5.2. --- Analog Vs Digital Implementation of the Adaptive Control Network --- p.34 / Chapter 5.3. --- Techniques for Improving the Convergence Behaviour at the Distortion Cancellation Loop --- p.35 / Chapter 5.4. --- Important Notes on the Control Networks --- p.38 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Novel Analysis of Adaptive FFPA --- p.40 / Chapter 6.1. --- Gradient algorithm --- p.40 / Chapter 6.2. --- Dual Loop Adaptive FFPA --- p.41 / Chapter 6.2.1. --- System Modeling --- p.42 / Chapter 6.2.2. --- Adaptation Behavior of the Distortion Extraction Loop --- p.44 / Chapter 6.2.3. --- Adaptation Behavior of the Distortion Cancellation Loop --- p.48 / Chapter 6.2.4. --- Accuracy Requirement of the Control Signals --- p.50 / Chapter 6.2.5. --- Effect of Delay Mismatch on the Convergence Accuracy --- p.51 / Chapter 6.2.6. --- Convergence Behaviors for Two Tone Input Signal --- p.52 / Chapter --- Distortion Extraction Loop --- p.53 / Chapter --- Distortion Cancellation Loop --- p.55 / Chapter --- Simulation Results --- p.57 / Chapter 6.2.7. --- Convergence Behaviors for Digital Modulated Test signal --- p.60 / Chapter --- Distortion Extraction Loop --- p.61 / Chapter --- Distortion Cancellation Loop --- p.66 / Chapter --- Simulation Results --- p.68 / Chapter 6.2.8. --- Comparison for the Adaptation Performance with Two Tone and Digital Modulated Test Signal --- p.70 / Chapter 6.3. --- Triple Loop Adaptive FFPA --- p.71 / Chapter 6.3.1. --- Adaptation Performance of the Additional Loop --- p.73 / Chapter 6.3.2. --- Adaptation Performance of the Distortion Cancellation Loop --- p.75 / Chapter 6.3.3. --- Improvement in Bias Error at the Distortion Cancellation Loop --- p.76 / Chapter 6.3.4. --- Effect of Delay Mismatch --- p.77 / Chapter 6.3.5. --- Simulation Results --- p.79 / Chapter Chapter 7 --- Implementation and Measured Performance of Triple Loop Adaptive FFPA --- p.85 / Chapter 7.1. --- Hardware Design --- p.85 / Chapter 7.1.1. --- Vector Modulator --- p.87 / Chapter 7.1.2 --- Complex Correlator --- p.88 / Chapter 7.2. --- Experimental Setup and Measured Results --- p.90 / Chapter Chapter 8 --- Conclusion --- p.95 / Appendix I Matlab Program for Simulation of Dual Loop Adaptive FFPA --- p.97 / Appendix II Matlab Program for Simulation of Triple Loop Adaptive FFPA --- p.100 / Reference --- p.103 / Author's Publication --- p.106
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Modeling of Heat Treating Processes for Transmission GearsJanzen, Isaiah 18 December 2009 (has links)
"The effects of heat treating process parameters on the microstructure, residual stress, and distortion of a vacuum carburized, quenched and cold treated ring gear made of Pyrowear 53 has been determined using Abaqus and DANTE software. The data from these finite element method simulations was compared to measured values from physical testing. It was found that the heat treating process of the ring gear could be simulated and provide similar results to the measured and specified values for hardness, carbon content, and distortion. The simulations and distortion in this paper provide a detailed view of the mass transfer, heat transfer, and stress that occur during heat treating. These simulations suggest nonuniform cooling of a ring gear leads to greater distortion than uniform cooling. Simulations compared the retained austenite and hardness in ring gears that were oil quenched and high pressure gas quenched."
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The effects of part orientation and fluid flow on heat transfer around a cylinder.Rondeau, Darrell K 12 May 2004 (has links)
The effects of quenchant flow around a 4140 steel cylinder have been experimentally investigated. An apparatus was developed to repeatably immerse a two inch diameter by eight inch long probe into an agitated quench tank. The probes were normalized prior to quench to relieve any residual stresses. Distortion, residual stress and hardness were experimentally measured. The results verified that there was a variation of cooling rate in respect to quenchant flow around the cylinder. The data showed that there was a higher cooling rate nearest to the quenchant flow versus a much lower cooling rate away from the flow. Computational fluid dynamics are also presented to give insight into the behavior of the quenchant flow in the tank and around the cylinder.
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Inlet Vortex Formation Under Crosswind ConditionsHorvath, Nathan Rosendo 25 April 2013 (has links)
A jet engine operating near the ground at low aircraft speeds, high thrust, and subject to a crosswind, can experience a flow separation region on the windward inlet lip and the formation of a vortex that extends from the ground to the engine fan face, known as the inlet vortex. This structure forms from a single point on the ground and is ingested by the engine. Inlet vortices are often observed during engine power-up at the start of the take-off run. They create considerable stagnation pressure losses and flow distortions at the engine fan face, compromising fan efficiency, thrust, and increasing the potential for compressor surge. Inlet vortices have enough suction power to kick up sand and rocks that are then sucked into the engine when an aircraft is operating near the ground and especially over poorly-maintained tarmac. Thus foreign object damage (FOD) becomes a serious threat for an engine under these conditions, and may lead to compressor blade erosion, deteriorating engine performance and reducing service life. The work presented here used ANSYS FLUENT to model a jet engine under crosswind. The 3-D Navier-Stokes equations were solved for compressible, unsteady flow. The mesh generated contained 5.6 million tetrahedral and wedge elements. The goal of this research was to better understand the inlet vortex formation mechanisms by studying its transient formation process, and to provide new information for future development of vortex prevention techniques. This work has shown multiple smaller inlet vortices coexisting on the ground plane during the first 0.9s of the formation process. After about 1s, these vortices are shown to coalesce and form one single inlet vortex, containing the circulation of all the smaller vortices combined. The smaller vortices were weak enough to not present danger of FOD, but once coalesced could lift up a 16cm diameter chunk of tarmac asphalt. The conclusion of this work is a recommendation for the development of a solution to the inlet vortex problem focused on preventing the coalescing of the vortex during its formation, thus eliminating the threat of FOD.
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The RMS phase error of a phase-locked loop FM demodulator for standard NTSC videoDubbert, Dale F January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries / Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering.
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