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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvecklingsmöjligheter för fjärrvärmens affärsmodell : Genom användning av byggnader som värmelager / Development opportunities for the district heating business model : Through the use of buildings as heat storage

Sirén, Tim January 2014 (has links)
Ett vanligt problem för fjärrvärmeföretag är svängningar i den dagliga efterfrågan på fjärrvärme. När efterfrågetoppar sker i fjärrvärmenätet behöver fjärrvärmeföretagen oftast använda sina topplastpannor, vilka vanligtvis drivs på både dyra och miljöovänliga bränslen. Ett sätt att åtgärda detta problem har traditionellt varit att använda en ackumulatortank som värmelager. Men med ny och billigare mät- och styrsystemteknik har kommersiella lösningar börjat växa fram där istället byggnader kan användas som värmelager. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka de tekniska och ekonomiska möjligheterna för att använda byggnader som värmelager i ett fjärrvärmesystem och jämföra det med att använda en ackumulatortank som värmelager. Det förs en diskussion om hur ett samarbete skulle kunna se ut mellan fjärrvärmeföretag och fastighetsägare för att möjliggöra användningen av byggnader som värmelager. I examensarbetet genomförs en litteraturstudie och intervjuer för att både beskriva hur byggnader kan användas som värmelager och att beskriva intressenterna och deras relation. Det utförs även en fallstudie på Hudiksvalls fjärrvärmenät. I fallstudien används produktionsdata från Hudiksvalls fjärrvärmeproduktion och en analys utförs med hjälp av MATLAB och Microsoft Excel. I analysen besvaras frågan om hur stora kostnadsbesparingar och intäktsökningar som skulle kunna uppnås ifall Hudiksvalls fjärrvärmenät fick tillgång till värmelager i olika storlekar. Utifrån dessa kostnadsbesparingar och intäktsökningar görs en investeringsanalys. I investeringsanalysen jämförs de två alternativen för värmelager, det vill säga att använda byggnader som värmelager eller en ackumulatortank som värmelager. Utifrån de teoretiska studierna och fallstudien på Hudiksvalls fjärrvärmenät kan följande slutsatser dras: En investering i att använda byggnader som värmelager har en högre avkastning per investerad krona och kortare återbetalningstid än en investering i att använda en ackumulatortank. Skillnaderna är som störst vid små värmelager och minskar vid större storlek på värmelager. Detta beror på att den initiala investeringskostnaden för att använda byggnader som värmelager är lägre än den initiala investeringskostnaden för att använda en ackumulatortank som värmelager. En investering i att använda byggnader som värmelager har ett högre nettonuvärde vid små värmelagerstorlekar än en investering i att använda en ackumulatortank som värmelager. Men vid större storlekar på värmelagret ger en investeringen i en ackumulatortank ett högre nettonuvärde. Byggnader kan användas som värmelager utan att varken inomhuskomforten försämras nämnvärt eller att energiförbrukningen höjs beaktansvärt. Energiförbrukningen kan till och med sänkas ifall ett nytt värmestyrsystem installeras i en byggnad som ersätter ett äldre mindre effektivt värme-styrsystem. Både pengar och tid kan sparas ifall det redan finns en god relation mellan fjärrvärmeföretag och fastighetsägare, när byggnader ska användas som värmelager. Det mest fördelaktiga valet mellan att investera i byggnader som värmelager eller en ackumulatortank som värmelager skiftar alltså från fall till fall och inget av alternativen är alltid det bästa. För att ta ställning till vilken teknik som ska användas som värmelager behöver en analys göras för varje enskild situation. / A common problem for district heating companies is fluctuations in the daily demand for district heating. When peak demand occurs in the district heating network the district heating companies usually needs to use their peak load boilers, which are operated on both expensive and not sustainable fuels. One way to overcome this problem has traditionally been to use a storage tank as heat storage. But with new and cheaper measurements and control system technology has commercial solutions begun to emerge in which buildings can be used instead as heat storage. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the technical and economic feasibility of buildings as heat storage in a district heating system and compares it with the use of a storage tank as heat storage. There has also been a discussion of how collaboration might look like between the district heating company and the property owners to permit the use of buildings as heat storage. A literature review and interviews are conducted in the thesis in order to both describe how buildings can be used as heat storage and describe the stakeholders and their relationship. A case study is also carried out at Hudiksvall’s district heating network. The case study use production data from Hudiksvall’s district heating production and an analysis is carried out using MATLAB and Microsoft Excel. The analysis answers the question of how large cost savings and revenue increases that could be achieved if the district heating network had access to heat storage on various scales. Based on the cost savings and revenue increases, an investment analysis is carried out. In the investment analysis the two options, buildings as heat storage and storage tank as heat storage, are compared. Based on the theoretical studies and the case study at Hudiksvall’s district heating network it can be concluded that: An investment to use buildings as heat storage has a higher return per dollar invested and a shorter payback time than an investment to use a storage tank as a heat store. The differences are greatest for small size heat storages and approaching each other for large size heat storages. This is due to the lower initial investment cost when using buildings as heat storage compared to when using storage tanks as heat storage. An investment to use buildings as heat storage has a higher net present value for small heat storages compared to an investment to use a storage tank as heat storage. But for larger heat storage sizes an investment in storage tanks has a higher net present value. Buildings can be used as heat storage without a significant decrease in indoor comfort or a noteworthy increase in energy consumption. The energy consumption can even be reduced if a new heating control system is installed in a building to replace an older less efficient heat control system. Both money and time can be saved if there is already a good relationship between the district heating companies and the property owners, when the buildings should be used as heat storage. The best option for choosing between using buildings or a storage tank as heat storage depends on the situation and none of the options are always best. In order to decide which technology should be used as heat storage an analysis is required for each individual case.

Geology of the Upper Triassic Nicola group in south central British Columbia

Schau, Mikkel Paul January 1968 (has links)
The rocks of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group represent the altered broken remnants of a volcanic island archipelago. About 23,000 feet of Upper Triassic sediments and volcanic rock are present in the thesis area. The group is the product of two cycles of deposition distinguishable on the basis of relative abundance of phenocrysts in the volcanic members. Rocks of the lower cycle (P), characterized by abundant feldspar phenocrysts, are separated into a lower, 6,000 foot thick assemblage of flows, breccias, and tuffs composed mainly of basaltic andesite; and an upper, heterogeneous, 8,000 foot thick assemblage composed of andesitic and rarer basaltic or dacitic agglomerates, breccias, tuffs, flows, and associated sediments as well as coral reef bodies. Rocks of the upper cycle (A), characterized by abundant augite phenocrysts, are separated into a lower assemblage about 7,500 feet thick composed of flows, breccias, tuff, and greywacke with rare limestone; and an upper assemblage about 1,600 feet thick composed of tuff, argillites, and cherts. During the Lower Jurassic, the group was gently folded, variably fractured, and intruded by a sequence of plutons culminating in the near-surface emplacement of huge batholiths. Metamorphism and metasomatism associated with batholiths altered the rocks so that they are now composed of low-grade metamorphic mineral assemblages. By mid-Mesozoic time, the plutons were exposed and a conglomerate laid down. Faulting along previous zones of weakness affected area during late Mesozoic time. Eocene deposits formed in an environment of hills and swamps. By late Miocene, after some jostling of faults blocks, the main topographic features of the Interior Plateau were fixed. Subsequent outpouring of Plateau and Valley basalts as well as glacial erosion and deposits have only mildly affected the main topographic features. The Nicola Group provides a chapter on the evolution of the Cordillera. The relationships provide certain limits to events that occurred outside the thesis area. Equally, relationships within the thesis area cannot all be answered without reference to larger areas. / Science, Faculty of / Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of / Graduate

Análise do índice de instalação de empresas no município de Osasco utilizando sistemas de informação geográfica e análise envoltória de dados - DEA. / Instalation index analysis of companies in Osasco\'s municipal district using geographical information system and Data Envelopment Analysis -DEA.

Almeida, George Eduardo Serra 28 August 2006 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta uma análise sobre a aplicação do geoprocessamento integrado à técnica de Análise Envoltória de Dados (Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA), relacionada a distribuição espacial de empresas em unidades produtivas representadas por áreas de zoneamento do solo urbano, utilizando dados socioeconômicos multitemporais. O trabalho tem como área de estudo o Município de Osasco, localizado na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, que faz parte do trecho Oeste do Sistema Viário Rodoanel Mário Covas. Desta forma, a análise de instalação de empresas nos períodos anterior e posterior a implantação do sistema viário Rodoanel, poderá servir de apoio na avaliação de mudanças ou transformações empresariais (indústria, comércio e serviços) no uso e ocupação do solo no Município de Osasco. De uma forma mais específica, o estudo buscou avaliar a influência dos fatores espaciais no processo de localização e migração de empresas, focando em alterações no uso do solo com ênfase no zoneamento do município e em função da melhoria de infra-estrutura relacionada à construção de uma grande obra viária e tomando como base períodos de tempo e situações urbanas distintas. Para traçar este panorama foram utilizadas informações sócioeconômicas, dados cadastrais de empresas e o zoneamento municipal associadas a dados geográficos, os quais permitiram compor cenários multitemporais de cada momento urbano. Estes cenários foram representados e analisados no capítulo de resultados utilizando o índice de instalação de empresas em conjunto com as analises espaciais do SIG, que proporcionou uma análise temporal quantitativa da distribuição de empresas no Município de Osasco. / This study presents an analysis on GIS application integrated to Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA, related to spatial distribution of companies in productive units represented by zoning areas of the urban land and using socioeconomic data of different time periods. The work has Osasco\'s Municipal district as the area of study, located in São Paulo\'s Metropolitan Region, it makes part of the west section of the Mário Covas Rodoanel road system. Thus, the analysis will support in the changes evaluation or managerial transformations (industries, commerce and services) in the Osasco\'s Municipal district land use, current of the Rodoanel road system implantation. In a more specific way, the study sought to evaluate the influence of the space factors in the companies location and migration process, focusing on alterations in the land use with emphasis in the municipal district zoning and in infrastructure improvement function related to construction of a big road and taking as time\'s base periods and distinct urban situations. To trace this panorama were used socioeconomic information, cadastral data of companies and the municipal zoning associated to geographical data, to compose urban scenarios in different time periods. These scenarios were represented and analyzed in the results chapter using the companies installation index together with Spatial GIS Analysis, who provided a quantitative temporal analysis of distribution of companies in Osasco\'s Municipal distritct.

Análise do índice de instalação de empresas no município de Osasco utilizando sistemas de informação geográfica e análise envoltória de dados - DEA. / Instalation index analysis of companies in Osasco\'s municipal district using geographical information system and Data Envelopment Analysis -DEA.

George Eduardo Serra Almeida 28 August 2006 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta uma análise sobre a aplicação do geoprocessamento integrado à técnica de Análise Envoltória de Dados (Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA), relacionada a distribuição espacial de empresas em unidades produtivas representadas por áreas de zoneamento do solo urbano, utilizando dados socioeconômicos multitemporais. O trabalho tem como área de estudo o Município de Osasco, localizado na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, que faz parte do trecho Oeste do Sistema Viário Rodoanel Mário Covas. Desta forma, a análise de instalação de empresas nos períodos anterior e posterior a implantação do sistema viário Rodoanel, poderá servir de apoio na avaliação de mudanças ou transformações empresariais (indústria, comércio e serviços) no uso e ocupação do solo no Município de Osasco. De uma forma mais específica, o estudo buscou avaliar a influência dos fatores espaciais no processo de localização e migração de empresas, focando em alterações no uso do solo com ênfase no zoneamento do município e em função da melhoria de infra-estrutura relacionada à construção de uma grande obra viária e tomando como base períodos de tempo e situações urbanas distintas. Para traçar este panorama foram utilizadas informações sócioeconômicas, dados cadastrais de empresas e o zoneamento municipal associadas a dados geográficos, os quais permitiram compor cenários multitemporais de cada momento urbano. Estes cenários foram representados e analisados no capítulo de resultados utilizando o índice de instalação de empresas em conjunto com as analises espaciais do SIG, que proporcionou uma análise temporal quantitativa da distribuição de empresas no Município de Osasco. / This study presents an analysis on GIS application integrated to Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA, related to spatial distribution of companies in productive units represented by zoning areas of the urban land and using socioeconomic data of different time periods. The work has Osasco\'s Municipal district as the area of study, located in São Paulo\'s Metropolitan Region, it makes part of the west section of the Mário Covas Rodoanel road system. Thus, the analysis will support in the changes evaluation or managerial transformations (industries, commerce and services) in the Osasco\'s Municipal district land use, current of the Rodoanel road system implantation. In a more specific way, the study sought to evaluate the influence of the space factors in the companies location and migration process, focusing on alterations in the land use with emphasis in the municipal district zoning and in infrastructure improvement function related to construction of a big road and taking as time\'s base periods and distinct urban situations. To trace this panorama were used socioeconomic information, cadastral data of companies and the municipal zoning associated to geographical data, to compose urban scenarios in different time periods. These scenarios were represented and analyzed in the results chapter using the companies installation index together with Spatial GIS Analysis, who provided a quantitative temporal analysis of distribution of companies in Osasco\'s Municipal distritct.

Mineralization of the driftwood property, McConnell creek district, British Columbia

Panteleyev, Andrejs January 1969 (has links)
The Driftwood Property is located in the southwest corner of the McConnell Creek map-area, about 87 miles north of Smithers, B. C. The property lies in a northwesterly trending belt of volcanic-sedimentary rocks that were mapped as Takla Group - Upper Division (Lord, 1948). The rocks are more correctly correlated with the Hazelton Group. They are bounded on the west and east by younger sedimentary formations. To the west is the Bowser Group and to the east, the Sustut Group. A Kastberg porphyry of Tertiary age has intruded the Takla Group rocks. Intrusion was into the epizonal environment and produced an irregular dyke-like body having a roof zone with anastamosing dykes and small roof pendants. The composition of the stock varies from granodiorite to quartz monzonite and alaskite. Differences in the stock are observed in textural, mineralogical, and chemical variations. Automorphism of the stock has resulted in propylitic alteration and contact metamorphism has resulted in an enveloping zone of hornfels. Temperatures at the intrusive contact as derived from heat flow calculations were probably a maximum of about 495 to 550°C and varied with respect to the type of rocks intruded.. A biotite hornfels of the albite-epidote hornfels facies has formed an aureole over 100 feet wide. A hornfels of the hornblende hornfels facies has been developed in narrow zones adjacent to parts of the intrusive contact. The porphyry is a metal-enriched intrusion in which some metallic grains formed in an accessory manner but most of the mineralization is epigenetic. The deposit has characteristics of both porphyry copper and quartz stockwork deposits with disseminated, fracture filling, vein, and replacement mineralization in the intrusive rock, hornfels, and skarn. The primary metallic minerals identified were: molybdenite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite, marcasite, aikinite, bournonite, and magnetite. Secondary or alteration minerals are rare and only minor goethite, maghemite, malachite, and ferrimolybdite were found. A five stage paragenesis is shown with at least three successive stages of veining. Sulphide deposition is believed to have started at temperatures in the order of 700°C and continued along with re-equilibriation of sulphides down to temperatures below 400°C and possibly 300°C for the sulphosalts. / Science, Faculty of / Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of / Graduate

The Electoral Marketing of Political Partys, Candidates in Multimember Distric and SNTV System in Taiwan: A Case Study of the Tsu Party and its Candidate in the North District in Kaohsiung City for the 2004 Legislator Election

Huang, Yi-Jay 06 December 2005 (has links)
This paper is aimed at exploring the theory and process about electoral marketing of political partys, candidates in multimember distric and SNTV system in Taiwan. First, we discuss the features under multimember distric and SNTV system in Taiwan and also try to analyze the theory for electoral marketing which consists of theories about marketing, political commmunication and electoral strategies to offer a basic theory for electoral marketing of political partys and candidates in this paper. In addition, we also construct a research framework for electoral marketing of political partys, candidates in multimember distric and SNTV system in Taiwan by exploring the features under multimember distric and SNTV system in Taiwan and the theory for electoral marketing in this paper. .Second, we also use the observational method, the interview method and the research framework for electoral marketing of political partys, candidates in multimember distric and SNTV system in Taiwan to analyze the electoral marketing of the TSU party and its candidate in the north district in Kaohsiung city for the 2004 legislator election in this paper. Finally, the candidate in this case successes to get the seat for the 2004 legislator election, and the winning key is his electoral marketing. The strategies for his electoral marketing in the first period and the second period are emphasized his personality, profession and the TSU party. The strategies for his electoral marketing in the third period and the final period are emphasized the coordination with the DPP and allocation of votes. By analyzing the theory and the case, we can find a basic framework for electoral marketing of political partys, candidates in multimember distric and SNTV system in Taiwan and it could be possible to win a seat by working with political partys and making a theme for electoral marketing to emphasize the personality and profession of candidates, or to operate ¡§allocation of votes¡¨, including the coordination among political partys and candidates. To sum up, the electoral marketing of political partys, candidates in multimember distric and SNTV system is a process, including political partys, candidates, professinal work-teams, strategies and campaigns for electoral marketing, and voters. It also can show a process for political communication in which political partys, candidates and work-teams may use strategies and campaigns for electoral marketing to address political information to voters and correct strategies and campaigns for electoral marketing from voter¡¦s feedback. In this way, political partys, candidates can give voters what they want and success to win a seat. At the same time, we also can offer new ideas for researching the behavior of political partys and candidates, the campaigns of political elite in Kaohsiung city and developing the research for elections in Taiwan in this paper.

文化園區創新、地區行銷與文化政策-三個韓國首爾文化園區的比較研究 / Cultural district innovation, place marketing and cultural policy-comparative studies of three cultural districts in Seoul, Korea

朴鍾恩 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,透過地區行銷以及文化政策的地區創新已經超越了保護主義,並且帶來了地區發展,也影響了行政特區以及地方政府。 本研究主要的目的是探討什麼是影響地區行銷成功的因素?並且探討這些因素是如何被應用在文化特區?本研究透過這些成功的因素建立了一個基本的架構並且分析地區行銷策略。本論文的研究主軸主要是地區行銷的行銷創新。 本研究會從學術角度開始探討文化特區並且為韓國的文化特區下一個定義,並且根據研究的主軸做修正。研究的重心主要是韓國文化特區的比較研究。根據觀察,文化特區的形成有很多的因素及策略。不同的因素與策略會形成不同文化特區獨有的特色。本研究主要的目的是探討造成這種現象的成功因素與策略。 本研究關於地區行銷以及韓國文化政策的主要理論來自於創新理論、地區發展以及非營利機構。本研究使用理論建構、個案比較研究。本論文根據理論架構研究韓國文化特區的成功經驗,研究個案包括仁寺洞、大學路以及三清洞。研究時間自2011年10月到2012年六月。 關鍵字:文化特區、地區行銷、文化政策、仁寺洞、大學路、三清洞、首爾、韓國、地方認同、地方形象 / These days, district innovation through place marketing and cultural policy exceeds limitations stemming from the preservation of regional unique features and helps foster regional development, exerting great influence in special districts and local governments. The aim of the present study is to determine which are the most critical success factors in place marketing, and how these factors could be utilized in cultural districts. The study builds a framework and analyzes place marketing strategy from the perspective of the process and success factors. The main research focus is on marketing innovation aspects in place marketing. I will examine the academic definition of a cultural district and set a definition for Korean cultural districts, adjusting to the course and purpose of the intended study. Moreover, I have tried to comprehend the comparative research of Korean cultural districts. It was observed that there are many factors and strategies that lead the cultural district. Each guideline invents identities suited for each environment and provides help to strategies on forming cultural districts. And realistically, this study was done to know what successful factors and strategies actually lead that phenomenon. The primary theoretical background and concepts in place marketing and Korean cultural policy for this study consist of innovation theory, place development, and non-profit organizations (NGO). This study uses a theory building, comparative case research agenda with embedded, longitudinal and multiple case researches. The study applies the theoretical framework of successful cultural districts based on empirical research with the case studies of Insadong, Daehakro and Samcheongdong regions. The field research was carried out between October 2011 and June 2012. Key words: cultural district, managerial innovation, place marketing, cultural policy, Insadong, Daehakro, Samcheongdong, Seoul, Korea, place identity, place image.

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