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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Domácí násilí a jeho prevence / Domestic violence and its prevention

Krepsová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
(Aj) Domestic violence and its prevention This diploma thesis handles comprehensivly topic of domestic violence and its prevention. It is a very serious social problem. Home of victims of domestic violence turns into a place full of abuse and fear. Violence against close persons is committed since time immemorial but in the interest of the professional public was given only a few decades ago. The aim of this thesis is to describe crimiological aspects of domestic violence and to introduce legal regulation system related to this phenomen. Unfortunately domestic violence occurs often with high latency and everyone could be a victim. To eliminate this type of violence it is especially important to know this phenomenon well and to put these findings into awareness of society because in the society number of myths regarding domestic violence still remains, which makes preventing such violence more difficult and causes secondary victimization. The first part of this thesis shows how dangerous phenomen domestic violence is. It defines domestic violence, describes its characters, categories, forms of used violence and causes of this kind of violence. It also deals with offenders and also victims, including devastating impacts to their menatl and physical health. The second part is devoted to legal...

Trestněprávní aspekty tzv. domácího násilí / Criminal aspects of domestic violence

Svatoňová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
Domestic violence is a serious social problem that has not received enough attention for a long time. Domestic violence differs from other forms of agression by the fact that it occures in private, behind closed door between people who is close to each other. Violent and threatened peroson are emotionally and materially connected so it is more difficult for the victim to leave the offender. In addition, victims often do not confess with their situation, so it makes domestic violence very latent phenomenon. The aim of this thesis is to clarify domestic violence through its features, forms, causes and profile of the violent and threatend person and to interpret the current effective legal regulation focusing on criminal aspects of substantive and procedural law. This thesis consists of four parts. The introductory chapter defines some basic terms that are related to domestic violence. In particular, the term of domestic violence, key features, the cycle of domestic violence, its forms and causes. In addition, there is defined the profile of violent and threatened person. There are also summarized specific characters in context with women, men, children, seniors and LGBT people. This chapter also describes devastating implications of domestic violence on victims. The second chapter deals with the...

La economía del Perú desde los aňos 90 del siglo XX hasta la actualidad

Konířová, Monika January 2007 (has links)
Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je snaha detailně zmapovat a analyzovat jednotlivé etapy vývoje peruánské ekonomiky a naznačit její možné budoucí směřování s ohledem na politický vývoj, který se do ekonomiky tohoto státu výrazně promítá. Doplňujícím tématem je též rozbor vztahů země s okolními státy, regionálními uskupeními na území Latinské Ameriky a v neposlední řadě také s Evropskou unií. První část poskytuje zejména obecné informace o dané zemi a přibližuje etapy politického vývoje v ní, které vždy představovaly mezník ve vývoji ekonomiky. Třetí část se soustředí na obchodní vztahy mezi Peru a Českou republikou a možnostmi uplatnění českých firem a jejich zboží na peruánském trhu.

Cestovní ruch České republiky po vstupu do Evropské unie

Kabátová, Gabriela January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá vymezením přínosů, které odvětví cestovního ruchu přinesl vstup České republiky do Evropské unie. V práci jsou stručně charakterizovány politiky EU zabývající se odvětvím cestovního ruchu, stejně jako instituce a strukturální fondy společně s českými operačními programy pro minulé programovací období let 2004 ? 2006, ale i budoucí 2007 ? 2013. Dále jsou zde analyzovány makroekonomické ukazatele, příjezdový, výjezdový i domácí cestovní ruch, ukazatele týkající se vyjádření podílu cestovního ruchu na národní ekonomiku, to vše za období 2000 ? 2006.

Domácí druhy bylin a jejich uplatnění v zahradní a krajinářské architektuře

Krejčí, Filip January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation is focused on the issue of the native herbs, their application and the technology of planting which are used in the landscape architecture. The scope of this thesis looks into the history of fruition and in detail looks into current trends, which support their broader assertion. The writer picked variety of natural communities based on the phytocoenological literature which could be inspiration for others architecture's outputs.The 5 examples of contemporary executions have been used for documentation of the application of selected range of plants, their kind of planting and the source of author's inspiration. The general proposition is verified on the particular exemplary area in monastery garden in Vrchlabí. The 5 beds have been designed for educational purposes with the fruition of variety of fontal kinds of herbs. The design part is focusing on similar documentation of designed assortment, the way of planting and budget.

Analýza ekonomického rozvoje Jihomoravského kraje

Hrubý, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis "South Moravian Region's Economic Development Analysis" is focused on structure and economic development analysis of South Moravian Region. It compares available data with other regions of the Czech Republic and other selected European regions. Following part is focused on a statistical prediction of future development of the South Moravian Region's GDP and complex evaluation and future recommendations.

Početnost vrabce domácího (&-lt;i&-gt;Passer domesticus&-lt;/i&-gt;) a dalších druhů synantropních ptáků ve vesnické zástavbě / Abundance of house sparrow (Passer domesticus) and other synantropic species in rural settlements

Havel, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The thesis analyses the quantity of eleven species of synanthropic birds. These species include House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus), Eurasian Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto), European Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris), European Serin (Serinus serinus), Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros), European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis), Common Linnet (Cardielis cannabinal), White Wagtail (Motacilla alba), Common Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), and Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris). The thesis focuses especially on House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), whose quantity has been decreasing in Czech Republic. The collection of data took place in 2012, 2014 and 2015, from April to June. The census was taken by ten people by means of a modified quick mapping method. The census took place in 180 villages located in eight regions of the Czech Republic. Only villages with population bellow 2000 were included. Two types of counting areas were set in these villages. The counting areas were squares of 100 x 100 metres. There were 229 areas of the first type, placed in ordinary built-up areas. Areas of the second type were set on grounds of factory farms, there were 151 of them. The main aim of the thesis was to find out whether the presence of a factory farm affects quantity of the studied bird species, and to determine which additional environmental factors affect the quantity. The analysed factors included the type of the biotope (a built-up area or a farm factory), location of the census, distance from the village edge, distance from the farm factory, proportion of built-up areas, and proportion of green vegetation. It was further investigated whether the quantity in built-up areas is affected by the presence of poultry, and whether the quantity in farm factories is affected by the functionality (or non-functionality) of the farm factory. It was proved that the overall quantity of all species was significantly affected by the type of biotope, proportion of built-up area and of green vegetation, and the location of the census. The quantity of House Sparrow was affected by the same factors, though the influence of the type of biotope was not proved. The average quantities from built-up areas and from the grounds of the farm factories did not differ significantly in the case of House Sparrow. The quantity of European Tree Sparrow, however, was significantly higher on the grounds of factory farms than in built-up areas. The influence of the presence of poultry in built-up areas on the overall quantity of all species also proved to be significant. The functionality of farm factories significantly influenced the quantity of all species on the grounds of the factory farms. This influence proved to be the most significant in case of House Sparrow and White Wagtail. In both cases, much higher quantity was detected on the grounds of functional farm factories than non-functional ones.

Prase (Sus scrofa domestica) jako laboratorní zvíře a jeho využití v experimentech / Pig (Sus scrofa domestica) as a laboratory animal and its use in experiments

Šlajerová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The thesis on the topic of the use of laboratory swine in biomedical research is focused on the detailed description of phylogeny and domestication of the species Sus scrofa and the origin of its domesticated form Sus scrofa domestica, a laboratory breeding, nutrition, requirements for space and the animal health conditions. Physiological and anatomical similarities pig with the human organism offers a wide range of the applications in various sectors of the medical research. Pigs, or rather the mini pig breeds are part of the preclinical testing of drugs in toxicology. In dermatology tend to be an experimental model in the healing wounds and burns, or the study of melanoma. Cardiovascular system of pigs is used in connection with the formation of atherosclerosis and congenital heart defects. The omnivorousness of pigs to test of dietary supplements; is also monitored in experimental diabetes, gastric ulcer or cirrhosis of the liver. Just the liver and their ability to regenerate them is in the laboratory pigs the focus of many research groups around the world. The central nervous system offers the opportunity to study stroke, or spinal cord injury. In transgenic animals is studied Huntington's disease and its treatment in humans. Titanium implants and various types of biomaterials are injected into the skeletal system of a pig, then reactions and bone healing are examined. In the area of experimental xenotransplantation could in the future be strains of genetically modified pigs become a source of organs for humans. While unresolved problem is the HAR-Hyperacute Rejection so rejection of the implant, and the risk of transmission of certain diseases from pigs to humans. Payoff experimental pigs is of undoubted importance and need this potential wisely and purposefully use, without wasting experimental animals and unnecessary pain. Emphasis should be placed on adherence to regulatory compliance and the concept of 3R. Actual laboratory pigs breeding is at a high standard. Unfortunately, his major weakness on global scale is incomplete reported data related to exact values used pigs in experiments. In the Czech Republic was the most laboratory pigs used in 1994 exactly 6882 pieces, in 1998 has been used 7122 pieces, higher number of laboratory swine was also reported for the year 2009, namely 4445 pieces. In recent years, the numbers of used laboratory pigs in the Czech Republic have settled around an average value of 2,400 pieces. Using the Mann-Whitney U test were compared to the values used in the laboratory pigs Czech Republic and the European Union, on a per capita basis. From the resulting value of p = 0.486, bigger than alpha = 0.05 it follows, that was not proved a difference in the use of experimental pigs between the Czech Republic and the other member states of the European Union. On the basis of the carried out statistical survey, it can be concluded that the fluctuations and trends in the use of laboratory pigs in the Czech Republic do not replicate those european. The established hypothesis was confirmed.

Zimní společenstva ptáků v různých typech vesnické zástavby v česko-polském pohraničí / Winter Bird Assemblages in Different types of Rural Settlements along the Czech-Polish Border

Moravec, David January 2016 (has links)
In the last few years there has been a significant decrease in the of number of wild birds across the Europe. It is mostly concerns synantropic species and species related to agricultural landscapes. The main cause of this decrease could be the changes in agriculture and also changes in the character of village surroundings and therefore the connection to a decrease of livestock. In this thesis a comparison of the differences in the bird community in winter months has been made, focusing on a sparrow in the Czech-Polish borderlands. There have been found differences between the agriculture development and development of rural settlements in each of these countries especially in the second part of the 20th.century. At the end of my thesis there are the comparison results of my thesis and the research, that was carried out in the summer months of 2014. The main research was done between December 2015 and January 2016 along the CzechPolish border. 16 villages were chosen and in each village there were 2 research areas the the dimensions of 100 x 100 meters. The total study consists of 64 research areas in different types of environments. The data collection was done twice in each area. The results show that in the Czech republic there occurred more birds and also birds species. It has been demonstrated, that poultry farming has a major impact on sparrow numbers. Out of the six surveyed habitats the one with the most birds was found to be found in the middle of a village with a factory farm and the most bird species were found on the outskirts.

Perspektivní kultivary v sortimentu domácích dřevin

Miksová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
This thesis titled Perspective cultivars in the range of native species deal with the native species of deciduous trees. Based on the literature review and the original field research of the model area general advantages and disadvantages of utilization of native species were summarized and the possibilities of their usage were discussed. Selected cultivars were described and categorized by growth and aesthetic values. General requirements for the utilization of the trees in cities were defined and the typology of urban habitats was created. In the practical part were assessed 1058 trees in the streets of Brno. The aim was to evaluate, how species respond to the environment of the city and to determine whether they are suitable for the usage in the streets. Following attributes were assessed: height, crown diameter, age phase, general vitality, general health, type of the surface, occurrence of a specific damage, perspective and amount of fruits. The results were confronted with the literature.

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